
What is Love?
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Sehun felt some tapping on his shoulder disturbing his wonderful sleep. He ignores it and sleeps on hoping it will stop however a moment later, a sigh is heard and Sehun became a little confused.

"Ummm..." Whatever it was, it was starting to speak and it sounded puzzled. "What on earth should I address you as? Just plain Sehun sounds... cold. I can't possibly call you sir... Ugh! Mister Oh Sehun? I guess... Mister Oh Sehun."

Why on earth was happening? His head was throbbing and there was someone next to him talking. Cracking his eyes a little in annoyance at the noise, he sees her and his brained searched where he had seen this pretty but familiar looking girl. Besides it was so weird because she was only about a foot away from him. Was he dreaming?

"Oh! Good. You're awake. Can you please let go of my hand?”

Her face seemed a little pink as she pointed at him, particularly his chest.

Huh? Who…? A sudden realisation dawns upon him and before he knew it he blurts out. "My wife?" His voice was groggy and cracked so uncharacteristically thanks to his dry throat.

Her face pinked even more at his abrupt calling as she blinked rapidly in surprise.

"Ar-are you... um... are you still drunk?"

! I got drunk? Sehun was suddenly wide awake.

Sitting up, he hissed. Gosh! His head hurts like .

I got drunk? Sehun screamed internally. Only Jongin had seen him drunk and even he knows it was not pretty. He becomes so rude and angry that one time he even punched Jongin. He really hoped she wasn't hurt in anyway.

Without another word she walks out of the still open door and closes it from behind.

He sighs aloud and taking a pillow screamed into it.

* * *

She picks up a bottle and screams silently thinking about how she had actually fallen asleep and woken up in his bedroom. She had promised to wait till he was asleep and he had fallen asleep pretty quickly but his grip on her hand was not a joke and no matter how hard she tried to pry it away, he would only tighten it. It was crazy.

Standing back up, she puts on a brave front, nods her head and tells herself that all is in the past.

She cleaned the balcony and cleared away all the items they used last night. She cleaned the empty bottles of alcohol, finding out that he had drunk a lot and grumbled aloud. He wasn't drinking any moment soon. That was enough nonsense for 3 years.

Oddly enough, she saw herself take out ingredients for a good hangover soup. She was never someone to care for other people even if she loves them... and yet here she was worried over some 28 year old baby.

What was she turning into? And it's been like an hour already, what was he still doing inside his room?

"Breakfast is served." She announced feeling annoyed hoping he'll come out without her having to go back in.

Thankfully he does.

He comes out properly dressed but his hair gives away. It was still sticking out in every direction and being blessed outwardly he looked cute.

He seats down looking dazed. The bright sunlight seems to hurt his eyes as he rubs his eyes miserably.

"You can just call me Sehun, you know." He suddenly says making her a little taken aback. He heard her?

Placing the spoon into his soup, she pushes it in his direction.

"Alright. Seee... Sehun. Sehun." It sort of felt foreign, a new name rolling out of her tongue. "Sehun. Sehun... Sehun."

He laughs lightly at the way she was repeatedly saying his name to get used to it, while still pressing on his temples. He must be really hungover.

"Thank you for the food." He says before starting to drink. He probably liked it because after tasting it he heaves a huge sigh of relief.

Kina gave a worried glance at Sehun who was more or less inhaling the soup. Some seconds later it's finished making her stare at that with an open mouth. Was he that hungry?

"I-... Ahem... Did I... Did I in anyway harm you last night?" He asked her, his flaming face showing what he was feeling. "My drunken state is not very pretty." He mumbles gives a very awkward laugh before turning extremely serious expecting her answer though still looking at his empty bowl. Does he want more?

She smiles, she just couldn't help it when she recalled what happened last night. He literally turned into a cinnamon roll last night... the only thing that probably hurt was his manly pride.

Sehun's face and ears, as red as they were seemed to go a shade deeper when he peeked up and saw her smiling.

"You don't remember anything?"

"I'm not a good drinker." Sehun mumbles, shaking his head.

“Figures,” She agrees, making him even redder than before. "You did not hurt me in any way. In fact, you were adorable." She took a bite of her sandwich and turned to look at him.

"Huh?" Sehun seemed puzzled.

"You literally turned into a 5 year old kid."

He groans hard, a moment later when the message sank in. "I'm never drinking again."

"That'd be better, I reckon." She laughs as he hides behind his hands.




Flashes of what occurred last night like poking her cheeks or hanging on to her hand like a Koala kept popping up the whole day like an unwanted notification making him extremely embarrassed.

She seems to have a smirk every time he sees her and it immediately flames him up. God! Embarrassed was an understatement.

Focusing on his work felt like a chore considering he enjoys his work. Strangely though, he felt an odd sense of closeness with her. She seems more comfortable now... somehow. Maybe now that he had been silly around her, she had lowered her defenses.

A smile crept up his face without him even noticing. Twirling his pen, he wondered what she would be like if she ever got drunk. Would she be cute? But she was cute enough without it. Would she be the type to sing and initiate skin-ship? Perhaps she might cry or... Well, better not let drink outside of home if she ever decides to drink.

His wondering eyes landed on the file he was checking before he sighs and pulled himself back to reality. The summer break was a good opportunity to clear up all the works that he had clogged up. He needed to finish checking the assign

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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961 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
961 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.