The Glass Mirror

Collection of shorts

I sat in this room, small with four walls. No windows, no door. The walls were a deep grey, the ceiling a pale blue and the floor a dark wood floor with a deep purple carpet. There was a small dresser, a bookshelf, a night table and a bed. Nothing fancy. The comforters were grey and purple with hints of silver, the bookshelf had different colored books with no names. The night table had a lamp and a tissue box. And that was it. A clock was on the floor across from the bed, the time was 4am. What looked like a standing mirror was to the left of the bed. I sat quietly waiting for any indication that I was wrong about this room. Time passed slowly but by 6am a light started to come from the thing I thought was a mirror. 'Maybe there is a window.' But I couldn't tell. So I sat waiting. Then the clock started to ring, an alarm was going off but I didn't remember setting one. Finally getting annoyed with the sound I got up and turned it off. As I did so the mirror lit up. Rushing to look at it, I saw that it was a window on a stand. Not attached to the wall. Curious I looked through. On the other side was a room similar to mine just the walls were beige, the ceiling white and the floor a pale wood. It had a teal carpet and the comforters were dark grey with teal and silver. Then someone walked by. Catching a fast glance I could see they were a girl. Keeping my eyes on the room she walked by again. This time I could see I knew her, no more than knew her. She was my sister. Feeling excited I tried to call her but she didn't turn. Thinking she was just being funny I knocked on the glass. Finally she turned around. I started to laugh and get annoyed that she didn't hear me. But then I saw she was just fixing her outfit, she still didn't notice me. Then I began to wonder where I was even more. I began to bang on the mirror, trying to get her attention, but nothing was working. Suddenly I felt tears roll down my face. I could see her getting ready for work. Then I remembered where she was. She had just moved out and I was for the first time alone. Still crying I leaned my head on the mirror, whispering her name, telling her I missed her and loved her. Keeping my head there I gently balled my fist and pressed it against this thing. Slowly I slid down to the floor head still pressed against the glass, she was there I could see her but she remained  just barely out of reach. Continuing crying and watching her. Then the light went out. I covered my face in fear and slowly I heard an alarm. Getting up I turned it off to start my day. I chose my outfit and checked it in the mirror. While looking at it I saw it tilt a bit. Paying it no mind I continued getting ready. Then I turned to it again. I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Then the night before flashed in my mind and I smiled. I stopped in my doorway looked back to the mirror and mouthed "I love you too." Smiling I hoped she got to see. I looked forward to being able to see her through the glass mirror.

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