
Collection of shorts


So much pain comes with loving somebody. The fear of losing them, the jealousy of those who are close to them. The hardest part about loving someone is opening up to them, choosing the right time to tell them things about you that they should know. These are the reasons I hate what I do, people think my job will bring happiness and love, and then blame me for sending them to the “wrong person”. Yet that’s not the case, you are never sent to the “wrong person”, I send you to those who you might have a future with. It will last if you can handle the pain and at times the loneliness that comes with it. My job is not to make you fall in love, my job is to bring you to the people who can teach you to love. I bring you to the people who will show you all the parts of being in love, the pain, the loneliness, the happiness, the jealousy, the fear and of course the joy of love. I don’t make you love someone either. When you get stuck in one way love, or anything like that, it’s because you didn’t listen to me.


If by now you haven’t guessed it, I'm the so-called cupid. I am not a flying baby in diapers who shoots arrows. I don’t even shoot arrows, let alone have a form, and I am not a ghost. I take the form of thoughts and feelings, of dreams and of lyrics in songs. I can take the form of anything that will get your attention and bring you closer to love. This is why if you hear certain songs you think of them, someone you loved, currently love or might come to love. Now when it comes to love at first sight, I can’t control it. That comes from the people who fell in love, and for those who do fall in love like that, I try to help them. They are equal to anyone who fell in love over time. Yet a lot of times they need to learn many things and will be tested faster.


I’ll stop my blabbering now, since I can go on forever. Also if I talk forever I won’t be doing my job and, well, we don’t want that now do we? Just remember what I’ve told you, and don’t forget I can hear your thoughts and see your dreams. You are a part of my world now. Don’t be scared though, I won’t hurt you. Bye for now, until your next thought. I hope you find love and can handle the pain that follows. Good luck my friend, I’m here for you.

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