The Red Ribbon

Collection of shorts


Sitting in the room of her apartment, looking out the window down at the moving city below her, she watched the busy people as they zipped past each other ignoring the others existence. She just sat and watched hoping to find something that would not be noticed from down there. Hours passed as she sat waiting patiently. Sitting wondering what the lives of the people walking the streets was like. Who had a family? Who was married? Who was dating and who was just friends? How many are strangers to each other? Who are work partners? Which are rich and which are poor? Where do they live? How long do they take to get to work? She just sat there silently from her apartment. From up there the city was just small noises. It was just enough of a nice day where it wasn't to hot and not to sunny to see the people. These were her favorite days, not hot, not sunny, but enough light to see. Birds seemed to busy on the ground looking for food, to be up in the air flying past the window. Up here in this apartment she felt so lonely, she had nobody living with her and no one to come visit her. She had no friends and lost touch with her family. But she liked it that way, she worried nobody, hurt no one, and got to think about things alone. Yes, that was her life and she said to herself she was happy with it. But staring out the window on this day wondering who was friends and so on, made her more lonely than ever before.

Looking out her window she decided to open it and lean on the ledge. It wasn't a far ledge and it was just to get a better view of the people below. She opened it wide trying to get as much room as possible. Leaning on the edge surprisingly didn't scare her, she was usually terrified of heights and would avoid them at all costs. Today was different, though she could not find the reason she was comfortable looking down at the street right below her building. She felt in control of her fear, in control of something that used to control her. The sensation she would get of being so high up was not there, almost as if it never existed. Just as she was getting braver to look farther down something flashed above her. The fast movement caught her attention and she looked up to see a bright red ribbon heading down just out of her reach from her window. It was falling at what looked like four or five feet from her window maybe more or less. In the time that she saw it and processed all of it she had already leaped for the ribbon. An impulsive reaction to just go and grab this ribbon before she lost it forever. She grabbed for the ribbon and had it in her hand when she realized she'd leaped to far. She looked at the ribbon in her hand and at the window she just left, then began to fall to the very same streets she was watching that day. She was falling with her back to the streets hugging the ribbon close to her heart. It felt so peaceful falling from that height, no fear or thought of discomfort. She closed her eyes and a tear left her face, was it from sadness or happiness? She didn't know and before long all turned black and she was free of everything.


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