Chapter 1

Do I wanna know ?

“Tiffany is coming home today!” Yuri cheered like a child while running around in Taeyeon’s pent house.

“Be quiet, will you? It’s not like she’s staying for long. She probably has to go back touring after a few days.” Taeyeon said grumpily.

She has always been upset about Tiffany’s crazy schedule. They used to be attach by hip but as they grow up, they barely spend time together. Taeyeon was upset at first but when she became the CEO of Kim corporations, she became more understanding of Tiffany’s crazy schedule.

I guess that’s the price to pay for being a worldwide star’s best friend’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

“You’re just bitter you don’t get to see her much.” Yuri uttered back.

“I’m going. Don’t forget to lock the doors after you go out.” Taeyeon said to Yuri before coolly walking out the door with her hands in her pocket.

“Yah aren’t you going to bring me along? I have no shooting today.” Yuri shouted down the hallway.

Taeyeon just waved her hand in the air to dismiss Yuri’s intention. She rather has Tiffany all to herself rather than share her princess with Yuri.

Taeyeon was driving her Mercedes Benz down the highway. It was about to be dark soon. She took a day off from work just to spend time with her favorite mushroom. The neighbourhood’s single titled Daddy Issues was playing on the radio. In no time, she reached the airport.

The airport was filled with paparazzi as the biggest Korean- American star was arriving her hometown. Cameras were flashing as Tiffany Hwang was walking out the departure gate. She was used to it by now, living in the spotlight for 6 years has taught her a thing or two on being famous.

Tiffany Hwang kept her shades on as she searched through the crowd to find her favorite midget. At that moment her phone flashed with a message from KTY as if on cue.

‘She always has the best timing’ Tiffany thought to herself.

I’m outside- KTY

Tiffany professionally avoided the crowd as she walked outside of the airport only to be welcomed by the sight of Kim Taeyeon leaning her back on her new car with her shades on. Cameras were flashing once again as they shared a look.

“Welcome home Princess” Taeyeon said with her arms crossed alongside a cheeky smile.

“Want a ride on my new car?” She added while opening the door for Tiffany.

“That’s very generous of you Mrs. Charming, don’t mind if I do.” Tiffany played along as she entered the car. Cameras were still flashing as Taeyeon loaded Tiffany’s luggage into the car.

Taeyeon was also used to the fame as she was Tiffany’s one and only best friend. Added with the fact that she is the future president of her father’s company. Both Tiffany and Taeyeon was the definition of success. They had beauty, brain and money. Therefore, they are the hottest duo out there. Known for their ship name ‘Taeny’ they became a submarine instead of ship due to their close bond.

“Where are you taking me?” Tiffany asked Taeyeon while she was busy scrolling on her IPad to see how their pictures at the airport looked like.

“The usual.” Taeyeon answered.

“Your pictures turned out nice.” Tiffany added.

“Don’t they always. What’s the headline this time?”

“MRS Charming and MRS Worldwide star back at it again by making us die from jealousy.” Tiffany read the headline of the news.

“It’s not bad.” Taeyeon said.

“True, I have seen the worst.”

It was a 50 minutes' drive between the airport and their secret hiding place. They were both public figures, it was hard to find privacy. In the end they both decided to buy a yacht to overcome the problem. It was their secret safe place. They never told about the yacht to anyone. It was their secret.

Taeyeon set up the table with food before bringing out the champagne. Tiffany was in the bedroom resting as she was told to do by Taeyeon. It was always like this. Taeyeon would pamper Tiffany with not just attention but alongside amazing surprises. When she saw the table was set, she called out Tiffany.

“Miyoung ah, dinner’s ready.”

“Yah I told you not to call me that right!” Tiffany shouted from the bedroom.

“Okay Princess Tiffany. Come out before the food gets cold.”


Tiffany was surprised to see the amount of food on the table. By the end of the table was Taeyeon with a bid around her neck with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

“Wow, did you cook all this?”

“Yup, I think you might miss Korean food from all that touring so I learned how to cook them from halmoni.”

Tiffany sat on the seat opposite of Taeyeon still amazed by the amount of food served on the table.

“Here, I think you might like this.” Taeyeon put some kimbab and kimchi on Tiffany’s plate.

“Taeyeon Jang” Tiffany said her thumbs up.

“Saranghae. Thank you for this” Tiffany added as she ate like there is no tomorrow.

“Nado saranghae.” Taeyeon said as she looked like a proud mom watching Tiffany eat.


After the meal, Tiffany cleaned up the mess while Taeyeon prepared their next event. She laid a big blanket over the floor alongside 2 pillows on the open space of the yacht.

“What are you doing?” TIffany asked clueless of Taeyeon’s idea.

“Come and lay down here.” She pointed on the open space.

“What are we doing?”

“Just trust me.” Taeyeon pulled Tiffany by the arm while Tiffany complied.

After Tiffany settled in, Taeyeon settled herself next to Tiffany.

“Fany ah do you remember how much we used to love watching the stars when we were younger?”

“Of course, I do. We would sneak out late at night from the dorm just to see the stars.”

“Those were the good times.” Taeyeon said with a sigh. Taeyeon’s sad tone took Tiffany’s attention. She looked at Taeyeon.

“You miss the old times?” Tiffany asked looking at Taeyeon’s face.

Taeyeon just hummed in response. The background music was making both of them sleepy. It was somehow relaxing just being there just the two of them. Taeyeon has always needed TIffany to forget the rest of the world.

“Are you having a hard time at the company?” Tiffany asked again. She was the only one looking at Taeyeon. Taeyeon has always been like that. She would avoid eye contact every time she feels like crying.

Taeyeon just hummed again in response. She never needed words when it comes to Tiffany. She just gets it. The special bond between them is the reason why Taeyeon loves Tiffany beyond the world.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No” Taeyeon replied shortly.

“Then, let’s hug it out” Tiffany took Taeyeon in her embrace. Taeyeon was crying in no time.

“Sometimes it feels so suffocating and there is no one to understand me. No matter how much I try to explain myself, people just don’t seem to get it. They misunderstand me and, in the end, I am the bad guy.” Tiffany cooed Taeyeon like a baby.

“I’m sorry that I can’t be there for you.”

“It’s okay. I know how crazy your schedule is.”

“You know I love you right?”

“I do.”

“Fany ah, thank you.”

“What for?”

“For existing, for breathing and for not giving up on me.”

“Nado, thank you for tolerating my annoying and for always supporting me.”

“Let’s not take our friendship for granted.” Taeyeon said with her teary face.

“Best friends forever” Tiffany shouted which Taeyeon followed.

They talked until the middle of the night until one of them fell asleep. Tiffany was the first to fall asleep between the two of them. The background music was still playing at the background.

Taeyeon lie awake next to the sleeping figure. The music was oddly fitting. The song 3am by Finding Hope was playing at the background.

“baby it's 3:00 am
had you on my mind
and it's not the first time we've gone through this
wanting you more and more
I can't help but think of what we could be”

Sleep tight my mushroom.” Taeyeon kissed Tiffany’s forehead before drifting off to sleep.


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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1130 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad