Chapter 5

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 5

Tiffany is left with one more state to tour before she is finally taking time off from work. Her company representative have already inform her that they will halt her schedule for the mean time upon her request. However, the news of her leave from the entertainment world is yet to be made. Hence, Taeyeon still has no idea what Tiffany’s decision is. With a nervous heart, Taeyeon was spacing around the room waiting for Tiffany to text her back.

It’s been 5 days since she left and hasn’t replied to her text. Their last text was before Tiffany boarded the plane to Berlin, leaving a confused and angry Taeyeon behind.

“I think it is safe to assume she is not serious about marrying me.” Taeyeon said to Yuri who was chilling on her couch.

“Relax, she’s probably too busy to reply to your text. Let’s not assume things. You know how she is.”

“I can’t believe she didn’t even say goodbye.”

“She’s Tiffany, are we still surprised? I think not.”

“Even if she does agree to my conditions I don’t think marrying her would be ideal for us. We both are too busy. We would barely see each other. How would we work on us?”

“Have some faith. I think you both would be great for each other.”

“Why does it always seem like you are on her side instead of mine?! I’m your cousin not hers for god sake!”

“I stand by the truth you know that.” Yuri said in a lawyer’s tone.

“Yep your new role is really getting into your head.” Taeyeon said in referance of Yuri’s new upcoming legal drama.

As Taeyeon was busy glaring at Yuri, her phone suddenly rang.

“Who is it?” Yuri asked.

“Tiffany. She’s facetiming me” Taeyeon answered.

“The universe is telling you something I tell ya.” Yuri said as she slightly pat Taeyeon’s back.

Taeyeon was just staring at the screen as she hesitate on picking up.

“What else are you waiting for? Just pick it up.” Yuri added.

“I’m not that desperate.” Taeyeon answered.

“Says the girl that was mopping around the room.”

“Oh shut up Kwon!”

“Give me that. If you don’t want to pick up, I will.” Yuri said as she snatched the phone from Taeyeon’s hand and answered the phone.

“Hai boo!” Tiffany said on the line.

“Hey bae!” Yuri said.

“I missed you Yuri ah” Tiffany said as she pouted. Taeyeon just watched their conversation in jealousy.

“I missed you too. However, there is this that has been mopping around the house because you did not answer her text messages.”

“Oh really? Could it be the owner of this phone?” Tiffany said as she pretended to think.

“She also said that she’s not desperate but she’s also glaring at us at the moment.”

“Aww... too bad I can’t talk to miss I’m-not-desperate.”

“What a shame really.” Yuri played along as she eyed at Taeyeon with a mischievous look. Taeyeon just ignored the latter and when to the kitchen to grab herself some water to cool down.

Taeyeon tried her best not to eavesdrop Yuri and Tiffany’s conversation because it was getting on her nerves how much they were teasing her.

“Stop teasing me!” Taeyeon shouted from the kitchen.

“Yah Taegoo, your future wife wants to talk to you.” Yuri said as she came to the kitchen to pass her the phone. Taeyeon took the phone and saw Tiffany’s smile plastered on the screen of the phone right away.

“Missed me?” Tiffany asked right away.

“It was oddly pleasing and calm without you around to bother me.”

“Should I not come home then?”

“Don’t you dare!” Taeyeon warned her.

“Where are you?” Taeyeon asked.

“Airport in Berlin. My flight got delayed so technically I’m stranded here for the next two hours.”

“ know you could have at least answered my text once between these 5 days. You shouldn’t go M.I.A every time you go on the tour and also don’t you dare use your ‘I was too busy’ excuse on me because a text only takes a few seconds.” Taeyeon said while sulking.

“I’m sorry and I’m out of excuses since you blocked that one out.”

“Have you even been sleeping?” Taeyeon asked as she notice the thick layer of eye-bags under Tiffany’s eyes.

“Not much. I was busy with rehearsals and shows.” Tiffany explained as she yawned.

“Let’s hang up now and I will let you sleep.” Taeyeon said and Tiffany only smiled at her without saying anything.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Taeyeon said again noticing Tiffany’s silence.

“I just want to look at your face for a little longer.” Tiffany finally answered. Taeyeon just stayed silent as she waited for Tiffany to say something else.

“I missed you.” Tiffany added.

“Me too.” Taeyeon finally said in defeat. They both just looked at each other in silence after that. No words were needed for them to understand each other and Tiffany liked that. She likes how she can be her ty self with Taeyeon without being judged.

“You should go to sleep. I know how tired you are. We can talk again after you reach Korea.” Taeyeon tried to persuade Tiffany to hang up.

“Fine. Bye Boo! See you later.” Tiffany said as she waved goodbye.

“Bye!” Taeyeon waved back before she hangs up the call.

“Why didn’t I see this from before?” Yuri asked as she leaned on the fridge sideways.

“See what?” Taeyeon asked.

“That you both have always been in love with each other.”

“What do you mean in love? I don’t think we are at least for now. Plus, we don’t even know what her decision is for now.”

“You are nervous.” Yuri said again.

“Just don’t want to get my hopes up too much. It is only natural to feel nervous.”

“I just know it will work out. Don’t worry too much about it. She would never purposely hurt you.” Yuri said as Taeyeon just hummed in response.

‘Purposely or not, it still hurts the same’ Taeyeon thought silently.

“I’ll get going. Call me when Tiffany reaches here.” Yuri informed Taeyeon before heading home.

Taeyeon was alone again in her big penthouse. Taeyeon had always hated the silence and for some reason she felt extra lonely. She tried her best to fill her days with work just so she won’t feel half as bad. Taeyeon never really had friends so she is used to being alone. She would eat and walk alone even during her university years. Ever since Tiffany left to focus on her career, Taeyeon had to learn how to be okay with being lonely even when it hurts.

Maybe it was these past few days where Tiffany was somehow stuck to her by the hip that she was getting used to not being alone. That was before she went for a tour and went M.I.A on her again. She hated how much her days are affected by Tiffany’s presence. She hates being seen as clingy but she also hates the loneliness that keeps creeping in her heart whenever Tiffany was gone.

“Maybe I should just sleep it off.” Taeyeon said to herself as she realised it would take Tiffany at least 14 hours to reach Korea before she falls into a deep slumber.


The flight from Berlin was tiring even for Tiffany who was used to traveling all over the world between short period of time, it was still hectic for Tiffany.

“Oppa, I’m so tired. It must be because of my old age.” Tiffany said as they were driving.

“I’m older than you and yet I feel good after all that tiring schedule.” He remarked.

“It must be all the herbal drinks you have been taking.”

“Relax, you are taking a break soon. I’m sure you will gain back that stamina of yours. I'm sure Taeyeon would be a lot of help too.” He said with a erted smirk on his face.

“Get that smirk off your face. Plus, me and Taeyeon are planning to take it slow.”

“Yeah sure, slow” He teased once again.

“I miss her already.” Tiffany said she pouted.

“You are so clingy that I am starting to get scared.” he said dramatically.

“I’m planning on getting clingier to make taeyeon fall for me.”

“I’m sure she fell for you ages ago.”

“Yeah right. Hence why she rejected me at first.” She just rolled her eyes at Yunho.

“I’m sure she had her reasons.”

“She better has a good one.”


Taeyeon was on her way to go to Tiffany’s house. She was planning on surprising her. She has yet to receive any messages from Tiffany which she assumes must be because she was still on the plane. As she made her way to Tiffany’s apartment, she saw a man leaving Tiffany’s house. It took her a while to realise that the man was Tiffany’s recent ex, Nickhun.

“What is he doing here?” Taeyeon asked herself. She was starting to get curious because Tiffany was smiling and so was, he.

‘Why are you smiling like that to that bastard?’

Soon after she saw them hugging before Nickhun head towards the lift. Taeyeon quickly dug her head to avoid Nickhun from seeing her.

‘What if they got back together?’ A sudden scary thought landed on her mind. Taeyeon was puzzled by both of their actions. It was bothering her how Tiffany does not seem mad at him. Half of her wants to run towards Tiffany’s door and ask for an explanation but the other half wants to just walk off and assume the worst just to keep the little pride she has left in case her worst fears were true.

As she was busy trying to figure out which side of her to trust, she heard a loud voice calling out to her.

“Taetae!” Tiffany shouted from a far as she waved towards Taeyeon.

‘, now I don’t have a choice but to meet her.’

“What are you doing just standing there? Come in my house.” Tiffany said as she pulled Taeyeon inside. Taeyeon just gave her an awkward smile as she let herself be pulled by Tiffany into her home.

“You should rest. I know how tired you are after the flight.” Taeyeon said trying to finding a way to avoid her inner jealousy from sweeping out because she knows how much of a desperate she is when it comes to Tiffany.

“It’s okay. I just want to take a bath first.” Tiffany informed her before she disappeared into her bedroom.

Taeyeon lets out a big breath after Tiffany left her sight. She knows that she has no right to dictate who Tiffany can or cannot meet but still it was baffling how meeting Nickhun was not worth a mention from Tiffany. Taeyeon was stuck in her own thoughts as she spaced around the living room trying her best to cool down from all her anger.

“She could have mention about him to me right away. Why is she not saying anything? Is this even making sense? Am I too easy for her? This is so frustrating.” Taeyeon was mumbling alone.

“What is frustrating?” Tiffany who was still in her towel, hair still dripping wet asked.

“Ah! Nothing. It’s just about work. Why are you still not dressed?” Taeyeon asked nervously not knowing where to put her eyes.

“Ah, I was just going to get this.” Tiffany picked up her tooth brush from her bag at the dining table nearby.

“I’ll be quick. Don’t miss me too much.” Tiffany landed a small peck on Taeyeon’s cheeks before locking her bedroom.

“You wish” Taeyeon scoffed. She was still mad over Tiffany’s actions.

“First she didn’t text me that she has arrived. Then she also forgets to mention that her ex was coming to see her. Heck, I'm not even sure if he is still her ex.” Taeyeon complained to herself once again.

As Taeyeon was busy cursing to herself, the door flung open revealing a smiley Tiffany who was perfectly dressed. Taeyeon almost died from a heart attack but she still managed to keep a calm and collected expression on her face.

“Now come and give me a long hug. I missed you too much.” Tiffany circled her arms around Taeyeon’s petite body. Taeyeon relaxed upon feeling Tiffany’s warmth against her body like it was her second nature. Taeyeon just stood there quiet and unmoved.

“Why are you so quiet?” Tiffany asked curiously. She felt Taeyeon urge to pull back from the hug but Tiffany refuse to let the woman she have been missing for so many days slip away like that.

“Stay still. I don’t want to let you go yet.” Tiffany said as she dug her head onto Taeyeon’s neck as she inhaled Taeyeon’s scent. Unable to protest, Taeyeon stood there unmoved as she let Tiffany do whatever she wants because she knew she can never say no to the latter.

After a few minutes of emotional hugging, Tiffany finally let go.

“Ah that felt so good!” Tiffany exclaimed in excitement.

“What would you like to drink? I’m out of beer. Would tea suffice?” Tiffany offered.

“Don’t bother. I’ll help myself. You should go and get some rest. You seem tired.” Taeyeon dismissed her as she need a moment to gather her thoughts. She was still unsure on how to ask Tiffany about the encounter earlier.

“Why does it seem like you are avoiding me?” Tiffany said as she tried to make Taeyeon face her properly.

“I’m not.” Taeyeon denied but from the tone of her voice, it was obvious that it was a lie.

“You wouldn’t even look me in the eyes when you are talking to me. Is this because I didn’t text you during my tour?” Tiffany confronted her.

“Tiffany just go to your room and rest okay. I’m not in the mood to argue with you right now.” Taeyeon said as she proceeds to make tea for herself as she lets out a sigh.

“Only if you promise me that you would join me and we are going to talk about it.” Tiffany said as she back hugged Taeyeon. Taeyeon went stiff over the sudden act of affection but soon relaxed as she hears the tone of Tiffany’s voice. She was worried for Taeyeon and it shows. Taeyeon suddenly felt guilty.

“I promise. Now go!”Taeyeon looked at her shortly before she chased the latter away. Tiffany dragged her feet to her room unwillingly.

‘Finally, some peace’ Taeyeon thought in relieve.

“How am I supposed to bring this up to her? Which part should we talk about first?” Taeyeon said to no one.

After a good 5 minutes, Taeyeon finally gathered her courage to bring herself to Tiffany’s room. She was still reluctant but she had no choice. She just has to face it regardless.

“Time to face the music Kim Taeyeon” She cheered on herself before she walked into Tiffany’s room.

Tiffany was lying down on the bed and it was obvious how tired she was.

“Finally! What took you so long? Come and lay down here” She patted the empty space next to her on the bed. Taeyeon unwillingly dragged her body to lay down next to Tiffany.

The moment Taeyeon settled down, Tiffany swiftly cuddled herself with Taeyeon’s body.

“This feels so good.” Tiffany commented.

“So back to the program. Is there anything you want to talk about?” Tiffany confronted bravely and Taeyeon secretly liked the fact Tiffany could confront her bravely.Taeyeon cleared .

“Why was he here just now?”

“Who? Nickhun?”

“Yeah” Taeyeon avoided looking at Tiffany’s face incase the latter would break her.

“He was here to talk and take his things..”

“Are you guys back together now?” Taeyeon dared herself to ask. She needed to know despite knowing how stupid that question was.

“Are you serious?” Tiffany asked in disbelieve as she look Taeyeon straight in the eyes. Tiffany sit herself up looking like she is about to fight.

“Kim Taeyeon, would I be here cuddling with you if I was back together with him?”

“Well we could be cuddling as friends. There is always a possibility.”

“Are you even hearing yourself right now? Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?”

“Look I know that..” Taeyeon was about to explain when Tiffany cut her off.

“No, you are the one that should look. Look at us Taeyeon. You are on my bed and we are cuddling. It is impossible for you to even think I don’t have feelings for you. Can you stop putting yourself in the friend zone when you are the one who rejected me?” Tiffany said angrily.

“Then what are we? Technically we are still friends. You haven’t ask me and I haven’t ask you.” Taeyeon debated.

Tiffany pinned Taeyeon on the bed as she went for a kiss right away. Everything that was coming out of Taeyeon’s month was baffling her and she had to find a way to shut her up. It took Tayeon a while to respond to the kiss but she did eventually. They were engage in a tongue battle for dominance and Taeyeon was shocked how aggressive Tiffany was being on that day. Taeyeon knew she had to give in and let Tiffany lead. The make out session was getting hot before Tiffany pulled away panting and so did Taeyeon.

“From today onwards, we are girlfriends. You belong to me and only me. Understand that Kim Taeyeon. If you call me a friend one more time I swear to god I will ravish you anywhere and anytime to remind you of our new status.” Tiffany said strictly.

“I understand.” Taeyeon said in fear of the dominance Tiffany was currently showing.

“Now let me sleep.” Tiffany said as she slipped herself under the covers comfortably.

“Yah how can you sleep after that?” Taeyeon said in annoyance.

“It was your idea to take it slow. Deal with it Kim Taeyeon. Goodnight” Tiffany said before shutting her eyes.

“Fine.” Taeyeon said as she was about to leave the room.

“Where are you going? Accompany me while I sleep.” Tiffany said without opening her eyes. It was a very eerie moment for Taeyeon but she knew she had to deal with this everyday of her life from now on.

Taeyeon slip back into the covers because she knew she don’t have a choice. Tired Tiffany was both dramatic and demanding. Taeyeon stood no chance against such power and she knows that. Tiffany naturally slid her arms around Taeyeon’s body and soon drifted to dreamland and Taeyeon felt like a weight that she never knew existed lifted. Soon, she too drifted to dreamland.

It was just a day of them being official and it was still giving Taeyeon anxiety. The moment she woke up from her slumber, reality hit her like a truck. She was finally official with Tiffany which meant, she needs to be committed to the latter. You see Taeyeon was not the type of person to truly commit to someone. She had always on relationships. Hence why she barely has them. She had limited time and her job was constantly demanding too much of her time and attention. Obviously, she knows that Tiffany would understand. Anyhow, she doesn’t want Tiffany to feel left out if she is too focused on her work. Their relationship was still new and she knew how fragile it was. Fear slowly starts creeping into her heart.

‘What if I this up?’ Taeyeon thought to herself as she frowned.

“Why are you frowning? Are you already regretting dating me?”Tiffany asked curiously as she yawned.

“I’m just thinking about some things regarding work.”

“You know you can talk to me about anything right. I’ll listen to whatever concern you have.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you fany. You are the best.” Taeyeon said with her thumbs up.

“I prefer being called baby from now on.”

“Noted baby.” The word flowed naturally for Taeyeon and she liked it.

“What should I call you ?”

“Taetae is fine.”

“I’m gonna call you Taebaby”

“Works for me. What time is it?” Taeyeon searched for her phone and the time flashed upon her screen.

“Oh ! It is already 8pm. We really slept for so many hours.”

“The best sleep ever, I must say because I have my Taebaby next to me.” Tiffany winked at the end if her statement. Taeyeon ignored Tiffany’s statement as she blushed.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Taeyeon asked and in that moment, Tiffany’s stomach growled.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Taeyeon added.

“Should I cook or do we want to eat out ?”

“Let’s eat out. I have nothing in my fridge.”

“Okay let’s do that Fany-ah.”

“Taebaby, I’m coming up with a new rule for us.”

“What is the rule?”

“Every-time you call me fany instead of baby, I’m going to kiss you.”

“Uhh…okay baby. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. Let’s get ready.”

“What should we eat?” Taeyeon asked as she was driving.

“I’m out of ideas to be honest.”

“Is wendy’s okay with you?”

“I don’t feel like eating fast food.”

“How about grilled beef?”

“When it’s this late?”

“Yeah you are right. How about some western food?” Taeyeon continued to suggest.

“Got tired of that in Berlin.”

“Then what do you want to eat?”

“Anything is fine.”

“But you just rejected my ideas.”

“Other than that, I’m okay with anything.”

“Arabic food?”

“Not in the mood.”

“Now i’m annoyed. What do you want woman?!” Taeyeon scowled.

“I can’t believe you got annoyed with me so quickly.” Tiffany said slightly angered.

“I can’t believe our first couple argument is about food.”

“Yeah that’s kind of funny. I’m sorry Taetae. Just bring me anywhere without telling me.” Tiffany quickly apologised.

“Okay. Let’s do that.” Taeyeon said as she continued to drive the car.

Just as the car stopped at a traffic light. Tiffany suddenly said.

“Taetae, hand.”

“Huh?” Taeyeon look at her confusingly.

“Give me your hand.” Taeyeon reach out her hand curiously. Tiffany took her hand and interlocked their their hands. Taeyeon still looked at her curiously. Soon the traffic light turned green and it was time to go.

“Uhh.. fany, can I have my hand back?”

“No, just drive with one hand.”

“What do you want to do with my hand?” Taeyeon asked as she drove the car with one hand.

“Obviously to hold your hand.”

“Why would you want to hold my hand in the car?”

“Have you always been this dense and unromantic Kim Taeyeon?”

“I’m just taking time to get use to all of this. Sorry fany.”

“I just want to feel close to you that’s all.”

“Oh. Okay then. I’ll get used to it soon.”

“You owe me 2 kisses.”

“Uhh…okay baby.”

“That’s more like it.”


After a 10 minute drive, they finally arrived.

“God I’m starving.” Taeyeon said as she parked the car.

“Where are we eating?”

“Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul”

“When I’m in my jumpsuit?”

“So am I.”

“Are you seriously going to bring me to the most expensive restaurant in Seoul when I am in my jumpsuit?”

“Yes baby now let’s go.” Taeyeon said as she exited the car.

“You are ridiculous. You know that right.”

“Why should I bother when my girlfriend looks good in anything she wears?” Taeyeon said with a cute wink before she held Tiffany’s hand and guide them in the restaurant.

“Oh yeah I forgot.”

“What?” They were standing in the middle of the restaurant.

“I owe you two kisses.” Taeyeon said before she pecked Tiffany’s lips 2 times. Tiffany could only blush over the attention she was getting from the customers.

“Miss Kim, what a pleasant surprise to have you visit us.” Tiffany just looked at him confused.

“Just wanted to make sure everything is running smoothly.”

“Let me bring you to the VIP room.”

“Let’s go.” Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hands and went straight to the VIP section.

“Please be seated Miss Kim. I will be back with the menu.”

“You may go now.” Taeyeon excused the man. Tiffany was still looking at her dumbfounded.

“What?” Taeyeon said with a cheeky smile.

“Since when did you invest in this restaurant?” Tiffany questioned

“I think it was around last year.”

“Why this restaurant out of many?”

“Because you kept mentioning it. Plus, it doesn’t seem like a bad investment.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” Taeyeon said as the waiter came to show them the menu.

“Can you call your manager?” She said to the waiter.

“Dae Miss Kim.” The man said before he went to call his manager.

“Is there something wrong Miss Kim?”

“Take a good look of her.” Taeyeon pointed to Tiffany.

“Dae Miss Kim.”

“From now on, every time she steps into this restaurant I want you to treat her as you would treat me. Understand?”

“I understand Miss Kim.”

“Good. Get me the usual and as for her all the signature dishes.”

“Dae Miss Kim.”

“You may go now. Thank you.” He bowed before he went off.

“ Is this how you make an impression on your dates?” Tiffany questioned.

“I wouldn’t say so because that would make you feel less special about our date.”

“Good choice of words. Very safe answer indeed.”

“Welcome to the life of The great Kim taeyeon.”

“I have been in your life for ages now Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany argued.

“Then welcome to my life as my girlfriend Tiffany Hwang.” Taeyeon said with a shy smile.

“Took us long enough. "Tiffany added.

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1131 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad