Chapter 3

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 3

Taeyeon did not slept a wink that night. How could she when her bff just asked her to marry her? Other than the haunting possibility of being married to her best friend comes the terrifying kiss that she kept on replaying on her mind like a broken record.

‘Why am I acting this way? It’s not like that kiss even meant something. She was probably drunk and heartbroken.

But still why does she want to marry me?

20 years of friendship and I still don’t know what she is thinking’

Taeyeon sigh in defeat. She had a long day from the encounter with Nickhun to her encounter with Tiffany. With a heavy heart and head, she fell asleep on her bed.

The next morning came despite Taeyeon wishing to god that it wouldn’t. She was woken up by the sound of Tiffany’s vomit.

‘What a disturbing sight.’ Taeyeon thought to herself as she groggily went to the bathroom to check on Tiffany.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked.

“Do I look okay?”

“Yeah you look like ” Taeyeon said as she pulled back Tiffany’s hair as she slowly pats her on the back.

“Let it all out dear child.” Taeyeon sounded like a grandma when she said that.

“Yah stop making a laugh!”

Tiffany proceeded to take a bath in the guest-room as Taeyeon went to the kitchen to make them breakfast and some hangover soup. Taeyeon was done cooking the moment Tiffany step out of the shower only in a towel, hair still dripping wet.

“What are you doing wifey?” Tiffany said with a flirtatious tone as she back-hugged Taeyeon while Taeyeon was doing the dishes.

“Ah!” Taeyeon shrieked. She turned to the source of the horror only to be welcomed by the y sight of her best friend.

“What’s wrong with you? I’m not your wifey and go put something on!” Taeyeon scolded Tiffany.

“You didn’t give me your clothes” Tiffany said while pouting.

“Just go take something from my closet. It’s not your first time in my house so stop being such a brat.”

“Fine!” Tiffany said before she shut the door of Taeyeon’s room with a loud bang.


“Come and sit down.” Taeyeon said as she pointed the seat in front of her. Tiffany was still sulking at that point.

“Eat this soup, you will feel better.” Taeyeon pushed the seaweed soul towards Tiffany. Tiffany ate the soup in silence as she was still mad at Taeyeon.

“How much did you remember from yesterday?”

“I was drinking at the bar and you came. We kissed and I asked you to marry me.” Tiffany answered nonchalantly.

“So, you remembered it all? The kiss was just a mistake, right? You were drunk so I won’t take it to heart if it was a mistake.” Tiffany stopped eating and stared at Taeyeon with an unreadable expression.

‘What’s with the look? It can’t be that she’s serious right?’ Taeyeon thought in fear.

“What if it wasn’t a mistake?”

“Are you out of you mind?! I’m your best friend. Friends aren’t supposed to kiss each other.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? I said that we should marry each other!”

“That’s even more insane. Are you even hearing yourself?!”

“What’s so bad about marrying me?”

“Go find someone else.”

“My ex cheated on me and now my best friend hates me, such a good life I'm living don’t you think.”

“Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said I hate you.”

“Whatever Kim Taeyeon I’m leaving.” Tiffany took her things and left.

Taeyeon just let her leave because she need time to think about their situation. As Taeyeon was caught up in her thoughts, her phone rang.

“Hello!” Taeyeon said with an annoyed tone.

“Director Kim we have an issue. You are caught up in a scandal once again.”

“With whom?”

“Tiffany Hwang”

“What?! Send me the links now.”

“I will Miss Kim.”

Taeyeon panicked as she turns on her iPad to watch the news of her new scandal.



There were pictures of them together from the night. The pictures were clear and it was no doubt that it was the two of them. Taeyeon then scroll through to look at the comments.

‘Hottest couple ever!!!’

‘I knew it. Taeny is Real’

‘This ain’t a ship, it’s a submarine.’

‘I thought she was dating that Thai actor. What happened?’

‘We should have saw this coming. A friend would never buy an overpriced necklace for just a friend.’

Her phone rang again soon after. This time it was her father. She picked up his call.

“Hello father.”

“What is this commotion about you and Tiffany? Is it true?”

“I’m still working to solve that father. Please don’t worry about it.”

“The board of directors wants to see you. The meeting is at 5pm today.”

“I understand father. I will be there.”

With a heavy heart Taeyeon prepared herself to go for the emergency meeting.


“Good morning Mr. President” Taeyeon greeted her father. She had to use a professional tone towards him now that they were at the office.

“Sit down.” He pointed to the chair next to him. Taeyeon scanned through the hall to see all 12 directors to be present.

“Today’s meeting shall be about Miss Kim. As you all know, there were news about my daughter and her best friend this morning.”

“Before that I would like to apologise about my scandal with Tiffany Hwang. I promise this won’t happen again. I’ll take full responsibility over my actions.” Taeyeon said before her father can go further.

“Don’t be silly child. Your scandal is a good thing.” Another director Mr Jung said.

“Our stocks have risen up due to the scandal. Based on the reports it was because your shippers had brought the stocks to show their support of your relationship.”

“Excuse me what?!”

‘What the is going on?’

“I guess my daughter was too busy with her girlfriend this morning to notice what has been going on.” He said as he chuckled.

“So, what is today’s meeting about?”

“It is about making you the new president. As you know, I’m getting older. I would like to spend my time resting at home. Since I have seen your progress over the years, I finally think you are ready to be the new president of Kim Corporations.” He said calmly.

‘My dream is finally come true. I can’t believe this.’

“Thank you, father I will do my best to serve this company well.” Taeyeon said as she bowed.

“However, I do have one wish before I give you my position.”

“What is it president?”

“You must marry Tiffany Hwang. I cannot let an unmarried woman be in my position. It’s too dangerous.”

“But father isn’t it too soon?”

“You are turning 30 soon and so is Tiffany. You must tie the knot soon. I don’t want you playing around anymore. I want you to settle down.” He argued.

It was awkward having this conversation with her dad in front of so many middle-aged men but she knew she had no choice.

“I will think about it first, father. I will return with an answer soon.”

“Good. I think we can dismiss this meeting.” He said as everybody got up leaving Taeyeon behind.



‘What’s up with everyone wanting me to marry Tiffany so badly?’

She called up her secretary to cancel her meeting for the next two days. She was adamant on finding a solution to her problem. Taeyeon think that by her taking time off from work is going to help her come to the solution.

Meanwhile Tiffany had a meeting with her CEO at her company. Usually she would meet the staff below him but somehow she is forced to have a meeting with him and that could only mean one thing, she’s in grave trouble.

“Mr Seo, Tiffany is here.” Her manager informed the CEO of Transparent works.

“Have a sit.” He showed the seat in front of him which Tiffany complied.

“Miss Tiffany, I’ll go straight to the point to not waste time. What is your relationship status with Kim Taeyeon?”

“We are close-friends.” She tried to answer calmly despite not knowing the answer.

“You were in a public relationship with Mr.Buck, are you still seeing each other?”

“We broke up recently.”

“You could have made an official statement or waited a little longer. Even if you do have a relationship with Miss Taeyeon it would do you no good now because it would seem like you are a cheater. This would create a big scandal.” He scolded her.

“I’m sorry for acting carelessly. However, I would appreciate it more if the company does not meddle with my love life. I will make an official statement about Nickhun soon. If you don’t mind, I would like to leave. I have something important to do.” She bowed before taking her leave, leaving her boss baffled.

Tiffany tried to call Taeyeon right away but her calls were unanswered. She was frustrated at this point.

“We have your next schedule in an hour, I think it is best to leave now.” Tiffany’s manager informed her. Despite having a heavy heart and cloudy mind she tried her best to be a professional and do her job.

Taeyeon was officially free for the next two days. However, she was still clueless on what to do. She invited Yuri, her favourite cousin to her house to help her sort things out which Yuri gladly complied. They had been best friends since they were in Drypers despite Yuri being a few months younger.

“What’s up?” Yuri said as she entered the living room where Taeyeon is seated at with a beer in hand.

“Were you living under a rock or are you trying to act dumb?”

“Probably the first choice. I was busy the whole day with my drama shooting so I don’t really know what is going on. Tell me what’s wrong.” She said sat next to Taeyeon.

“Look at this.” Taeyeon placed the IPad on Yuri’s lap.

“Holy ! What the is going on?!” She exclaimed.

“And that is what’s up.” Taeyeon got up to take beer from the refrigerator.

“Was she a good kisser?”

“Yah! Don’t ask such things. It’s weird kissing a close friend. Imagine us kissing. I’m getting goose bumps even from thinking about it.”

“What kind of bull are you taking about? We are cousins so that is . Plus, it’s different between you two. Don’t tell me you never liked her even in the slightest till this day. Dude, you literally bought a yacht for her, that’s some questionable right there.” Yuri argued.

“Actually, I did like her before back in high school but I’m over it. Plus, what’s wrong with buying her a yacht? We need a secret hideout place anyway because of our fame.”

“What?! Why didn’t I know about this? How old were we? Why did you stop?” Yuri bombed Taeyeon with questions.

“When we were 16. I didn’t tell you because it was embarrassing plus it’s not that deep. It’s merely a crush. I stopped liking her because she was dating so many people. I didn’t want my heart to go through that plus I don’t want to ever lose her or ruin our friendship in any way. I like us the way we are now.” Taeyeon explained.

“But then the kiss happened.” Yuri added.

“And now both of us are ed.”

“Did she say anything after that?” Yuri questioned.

“She asked me to marry her.”

“Excuse me what?!” Yuri spit her beer in shock.

“She kissed me at the bar and asked me to marry her in the same night. I don’t even know what is going through her mind.”

“Did you agree?”

“I told her she was insane so she got angry and left.”

“Then what happen after that?”

“My dad urged me to marry her in order to be the next president of the company. It sounds so crazy, don’t think?”

“It seems like the universe is telling you to be with her.” Yuri said when suddenly Taeyeon’s phone rang, Tiffany’s name flashed on the screen as it rang.

“It is confirmed. You guys are made for each other.” Yuri added.

“Aren’t you going to pick that up?”

“I’m not ready to talk to her. I need my time and space to think.”

“What is there to think about? You liked her before, she asked you to marry her, she kissed you and your dad supports the idea of you and her. You should obviously marry her.”

“But still I need to be in love to be married to her.”

“Love is not the only thing in marriage. There is trust and loyalty. You have both of that already, don't you?” Taeyeon stayed quit because she knew Yuri was right.

“Just get me some alcohol. I want to drink all my problems away for now.”

“Fine” Yuri said in defeat as she passed Taeyeon several cans of beer.

They talked all the way through the night until Taeyeon was fully drunk. Yuri had a higher tolerance of alcohol so she was only slightly tipsy.

“Yah! Call Tiffany, my future wifey right this moment.” The drunk Taeyeon said.

“Faster!” She added.

“Hey Tiffany, your cute Taetae wants to see you. Come and meet her at her house now.” Yuri said on the line.

After a few minutes, Tiffany arrived. She pressed on the doorbell and was welcomed by a drunk Taeyeon and Yuri.

“My future wifey is here!” The drunk Taeyeon said excitedly as Yuri tried to keep balanced.

“How much did you guys drink? It reeks alcohol in here.” Tiffany said.

“Taeyeon drank way too much for her tolerance. Come and help me with her. I need to leave soon. I have an early shoot tomorrow.” Yuri said as she passed the drunk Taeyeon to Tiffany.

“Take care!” Tiffany shouted to Yuri before she left.

“Now let’s get you to bed.” Tiffany said as she supported Taeyeon all the way to her bed. Taeyeon was on the verge of passing out at that point. Tiffany manage to put Taeyeon on the bed and slip her into the covers.

“Wifey” Taeyeon whined.

“Waeyo?” Tiffany said in an annoyed tone. She was used to the clingy and whiney drunk Taeyeon but she still dislikes that version of Taeyeon.

“Sleep with me.” Taeyeon said as she pouted.

“You’re such a baby sometimes and you dare to call me a pain in the .” Tiffany grumbled as she slid herself next to Taeyeon.

“Now sleep! Why do you have to drink so much anyway?” Tiffany commanded. Without her knowing Taeyeon was staring at her the whole time as she tried to sleep.

“What is it this time?” She asked Taeyeon after she noticed that Taeyeon was staring at her.She was really annoyed with Taeyeon’s attitude by now.

Suddenly, Taeyeon sat up and straddled on top of Tiffany.

“Yah! What are you doing? Get off me!” Tiffany scolded Taeyeon.

“Stay still.” Taeyeon commanded as she pinned Tiffany’s arms on top of her head as she slowly got closer to Tiffany’s face.

“What are you doing?” Tiffany asked nervously, her heart was beating out of her chest.

“Making sure of something.” She said as she closed their distance and captured Tiffany’s sweet lips.

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
Chapter 16: Drama is coming
Chapter 14: Update please
NekoLS #4
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #5
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #6
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #7
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1120 streak #8
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #9
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad