
enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Stop fussing with your dress, Yiyeon." Haeyoon mildly scolded her friend.

"It looks like there's something wrong."

"There is." Kierra huffed.

Haeyoon also noticed Serena doing the same thing as Kierra.

"You, too, Chaejin."

The group arrived in the lobby of the hotel for Chaeyoung's birthday celebration dressed in similar dresses, but both Kierra and Serena couldn't help to feel slightly uncomfortable in theirs as it was a little more revealing than what they were used to. It didn't help as these were one of the few dresses that were in their 'least likely to pick' pile. Then again, the pair did give up their rights and allowed the others to pick their dresses.

"I'm trying, but I'm not used to dresses or dressing up for that matter." Serena huffed as Kierra joined her.

"For reals. Besides, the fabric is a bit sheer than I'm used to."

Both eyed Haeyoon a bit annoyed.

"And these killer heels don't help much either."

"They're not killer heels." Melanie remarked with Linna agreeing.

"They're barely three inches."

Serena and Kierra rolled their eyes.

"Same difference, but y'all like these stuff compared to us."

"And we have to perform in this whole get-up, too."

"But y'all look so great though." Jangmi complimented.

She glanced at herself and the others.

"We all look stunning!" She corrected with a grin.

Kana nodded in agreement.

"Very true since Haeyoon likes dressing up the most and persuaded for us to wear the same print."

"For reals." Both Linna and Melanie concluded with a smile.

On behalf of Haeyoon since she was the one that insisted for them to all go dress shoping, each wore either a figure hugging fully lined navy or pink floral maxi dress with an open lace back and skirt slit along with a minimalist stiletto heels. Jangmi, Melanie, Kana, and Linna wore navy while Haeyoon, Kierra, and Serena wore pink. The other guests' outfits varied in designs as did the colors from light shades to dark hues. The only difference between the cousins and the other guests were the four adorning white with floral designs face masks to conceal their identities. They figured it was the best route considering past events and that this one was bigger than the others.

"Y'all told them to choose the dresses for y'al, so the two of you can't complain." Linna reminded them.

Kierra and Serena looked at one, displeased, knowing what she said was the truth.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Anyways, everyone is so dashing though." Melanie commented upon seeing the other guests stylish clothing when the group of friends entered the main hall where the birthday celebration was taking place.

"Anyways, what should we be doing or be looking out for?" Serena asked, giving up on messing with her dress.

The group moved throughout the area once they entered the building.

"After y'all's performances, you should mingle, stick with each other or with us, enjoy the food, or explore." Haeyoon informed with a smile.

"Or all of the above." Kana interjected with a laugh.

"It's fun doing a bit of everything as y'all are honroable guests, but can join in on the event, too."

Jangmi nodded before giving the quartet a reassuring gaze.

"Either way, the most important thing is to let us know if y'all had enough as we don't want a repeat of last time."

The quartet nodded in understanding as Haeyoon spoke again.

"But first, we need to greet the birthday girl before we start your stages. She's gonna be so thrill to see y'all."

"Good evening, everyone!" Haeyoon greeted the guests as she played hostess for Chaeyoung's birthday celebration.

Jangmi and Kana hung out to the side with the quartet and Chaeyoung, excitedly and anxiously watching the whole thing.

"Today, we're celebrating a beautiful young woman's birthday, Lee Chaeyoung!"

Haeyoon led the cheers as she motioned for her said friend to join her.

"Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Haeyoon." Chaeyoung thanked her friend and her guests.

"I really appreciate Haeyoon for hosting tonight for me."

Chaeyoung clapped first followed by the rest before speaking again.

"Tonight, we have a special performance by four lovely ladies."

Haeyoon at this time had signal for the quartet to make their way on over to them. Kana and Jangmi cheered them on quietly, but excitedly.

"You got this!"

"Have fun out there!"

The quartet acknowledged their words with a nod and smile before walking over to the other pair.

"This year is different and I'm happy to watch them in person!"

"Yes! So please be respectful, mindful, and do enjoy their stages tonight!"

"Thank you, everyone!"

"Now, Roseate Bloom!"

Chaeyoung quietly cheered them on as she walked past the four with Haeyoon doing the same.

"Hello, everyone!"

The quartet greeted the crowd as the guests watched them intently, especially a particular table.

"Oh!" Jungwon exclaimed, surprised yet excitedly.

"It's them."

"Them who?" The others questioned.

Riki opened his mouth to reply, but closed it a second later. He just nodded with a knowing smile, remembering he gave his word to Serena and Kieera. Luckiliy he remembered the two would have scolded him. He chuckled as he recalled the conversation with Kierra the next day after Serena talked to him and how much she'll beat him up if he mentioned anything to anyone. Jungwon looked at Riki suspiciously and curiously wondering why he was laughing to himself before it dawned on him. Riki probably knew the four's true identities, too. Jungwon smiled as he enjoyed the fact that only him and Riki knew while the others were left clueless.

"Never mind." Jungwon told the others as he focused on the quartet.

The cousins lined up side by side as they introduced themselves, starting with Linna, then Melanie, next with Kierra, and Serena being last with their new stage names of different types of flowers before speaking as a group.

"I'm Min Deulle."


"I'm Jin Dallae."


"I'm Geum Janhwa."


"I'm Yang Gwibi."


"And we're, Roseate Bloom."

Just like last time, the four based their names and group name upon a flowery theme as the day of Chaeyoung's birthday was declared as Rose Day or Yellow Day, but the quartet took on the theme of flowers instead. Also, Chaeyoung liked all shades of red and pink, too.

"So, our first stage will be with Loving You." Kierra announced with a polite smile.

When the song began, Melanie sang first followed by Linna. Serena announced the second song they would be performing.

"The next song will be Talk Talk Talk."

The four got into formation this time around as they would be dancing the full choreography of the song, re-arranged to fit the four of them. Kierra sang first this time around. Their third song was I Got You with Serena starting it out and when the song ended did Chaeyoung and Haeyoon join the quartet. The pair spoke, allowing the quartet to catch their breath and drink water.

"Thank you, Roseate Bloom."

Haeyoon and Chaeyoung clapped excitedly before Haeyoon spoke afterwards.

"Anyways, for Roseate Bloom's next performance of First Kiss, each member will each be passing out colorful roses to y'all!"

Just then a hotel staff member provided the quartet each with an open basket filled with a bundle of twenty-one thornless multi-colored roses to pass out to the guests. Chaeyoung spoke this time.

"This is all due to it being my birthday falling on Rose Day today! Please don't be upset if you don't receive a flower as this is at the discretion of Roseate Bloom."

Both Jangmi and Haeyoon had suggested for them to take their time to pass it out before the song ended. This was mainly due to Serena and Kierra jokingly saying that they'll give it away quickly as to avoid the moments of interactions when they were first discussing how to go about the event. Kana agreed with the duo as she would have done the same as it didn't need to last that long for the duration of the song. However, Haeyoon convinced them to at least stretch it out to build up the suspense. Meanwhile, Jangmi did suggest for the four to give flowers to Chaeyoung as it was her birthday though and to create that 'aww' moment.

"If you do receive one, then congratulations on catching the interests of these four lovely ladies. If you didn't, then please don't feel bad as there are just so many of you here to celebrate with me. Thank you and enjoy their performance!"

When the quartet heard the said song play did they sing as they began moving about the room in different directions, but not before handing a different rose each to the birthday girl. Chaeyoung thanked them with a grateful smile while smelling the flowers. Soon enough, Kana, Jangmi, and Haeyoon also received a rose oftheir own as the quartet distributed the rest away to the lucky ones, with one of them going to Sunoo given by Linna upon seeing his bright smile. She felt it was fitting at that moment. This left the others feeling slightly envious. Once the group gave away their last flower did they languidly make their way back to the front just as the song ended. Haeyoon spoke a moment later.

"To those that received a rose, much love to you, and to those that didn't, still a lot of love your way. Now, our apologies, but that was Roseate Bloom's last stage and a live band will take over for them. Thank you!"

Afterwards, the quartet bid their goodbyes while Haeyoon and Chaeyoung announced other matters. The four grabbed their belongings and went to relieve themselves before wanting to get to the buffet tables. They realized they hadn't eaten all day leading up to this event.

"Alright, let's go get some food!" Linna and Melanie cheered happily once they were all done using the restroom.

"I hope they have a variety though." Serena commented as Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Don't be picky."

"I rather be a picky eater than a fussy eater."

"I agree." Kierra chimed in as Linna shot her sister with a pointed look.

"What are you? Three?"

"Yeah. If they don't have something I can eat, then of course I'm not gonna force myself to eat something I don't like."

Melanie glanced from one to other.

"Anyways, I'm sure they have something y'all can eat a lot of though."

"Hope so." Serena commented with a hopeful expression.

"I'm just glad that Chaeyoung isn't friends with those other girls." Kierra mentioned.

"Because if they had shown up, then there would be some problems if they tried something on her birthday."

The other three agreed just as neared the grand room, they were suddenly approached by two older men coming from the opposite direction of them. The men blocked their paths as the quartet just stared at them, puzzled.

"Good evening, ladies." Two older men greeted the pair.

"Don't y'all look lovely this evening."

"How about the four of you join the both of us at the bar over there." One of the men suggested with an eager smile.

"No, thank you." The four rejected his offer as they made to go around him and his friend.

"Aww, don't be that way, ladies."

The other friend blocked their path with a too sweet of a smile.

"We can fly off to Australia, France, or even Switzerland if you like to travel."

"Yeah, no thank you."

"Oh, c'mon. We're flying off to Canada in a few hours before. Then Greenland a few days later and then Iceland after that."

"We're not interested.

"Oh, please. All expenses are paid for. Y'all don't have to worry about paying."

"Yes. You'll be our lovely guests. So, why not join us?"

"No thanks. We're good." The quartet declined his offer as they once again try to move around the men to go back to the party.

"Hey, co-"

Both men had tried to grab the arm of the younger two women, but their older sisters stepped in right away as both Kierra and Serena slapped the hand of the man to loosen their grip on their sisters' forearm with a dark look.

"You touch them again like that or of others in a similar situation," Serena began as Kierra finished the sentence, "And you won't have a hand to touch anything ever again."

"What's going on here?"

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

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