winter holidays.

enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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After work and returning home to rest and make calls back home to wish their families a happy holiday, the quartet eventually found themselves at Lotte World alongside Riki, Jungwon, Sunoo, and several others they went to school with. The whole group consisted of the other four males that came to Simplistic last night as well as Jungwon's older sister, Jangmi, Sunoo's older sister, Haeyoon, and Riki's older sister, Kana. The quartet knew Kana quite well, too. There were supposed to be others, but had cancelled at the last minute. Riki invited the four, thinking that the other his sister and the other two could have company since their friends couldn't make it for tonight. This bit, he forgot to mention to the four.

"Let's turn back." Kierra suggested, whispering for only her cousins and sister to hear.

"Riki did not say that he would be here and so I don't want to be here."

By 'he', she meant Jay. Kierra wasn't really in the mood to see Jay or hang out with him for whatever time they would be doing this.

"Riki doesn't say a lot of thing."

Serena chuckled at her words while Kierra softly nudged her.

"Still, let's turn back."

"I'm with Kierra on this though. I thought it would just be the seven of us." Linna agreed with a slight nervous tone.

"I didn't think he would be joining us, too."

For Linna, 'he' was Sunghoon. Despite how she found him quite cute and insanely attractive, that didn't mean she wanted to be friends of any sorts with him. Well, at least for now that is.

"Maybe it won't be that bad." Melanie reasoned with a calm demeanor as Serena shot her a weird look.

"Didn't you like run away last time he and the others came to Simplistic?"

"I didn't run away from Jake. Linna needed help with the many dishes."


"Anyways, Melanie actually gets along with Jake." Kierra commented as Linna nodded.

"Yeah. They're a lot closer compare to us two."

Melanie rolled her eyes.

"We're not that close. He's just a classmate and my math tutor."

"Again, my question is why did you run away when he came in that night with the others? You wouldn't have run off like that unless something was up or whatever." Serena inquired with a quirk brow, not dropping the matter.

Melanie nonchalantly gave her sister a vague answer.

"Because I can."


Melanie dimissed the issue.

"Besides, I mean, if you actually think about it, we all don't have to do the same thing as them. We can hang out in different areas and even do different things, too."

She cast the others with a knowing look.

"Anyways, we haven't hung out with Kana in a while, too. So it's good to see her after some time instead of Riki."

"Yeah, she's grown so much. But besides that, if we can do anything since it's super crowded tonight." Serena commented with a sigh.

"I forget that a lot of couples and families come to these places during special days and what not."

"Besides, it'll be good to get to know Kim Haeyoon and Yang Jangmi better, too, outside of school." Kierra reasoned as the other three agreed.

Riki loudly called out their names upon spotting the quartet first, breaking them from their little huddle and conversation while Kana excitedly jumped and cheerfully waved at them before running over to give them all a hug.

"Merry Christmas!" She wished them as the quartet returned the same greeting, accepting her hugs.

"It's so good to see you! Riki didn't mention that it would be the four of you joining us." Kana said after hugging them.

"He didn't either." The quartet replied with a laugh as Kana nodded, before hooking arms with the other pair.

"C'mon. Let me introduce you to the others if you haven't properly met each other."

The quintet casually walked on over to the large group just outside the major recreation complex with Kana leading the way.

"Hi." The cousins politely greeted the party once Kana reached the party.

Both Kana and Riki introduced everybody just in case neither of them have met or have forgotten who was who. They knew of one another, but just have never hung out outside of school or well on campus either. Haeyoon and Jangmi were happy to have more females in their group and hoped they would be able to grow closer despite knowing one another for like three to five years now.

"Thank you for coming along!" Jangmi said with a welcoming smile.

"It would be great to have more girls on this outing."

"Yeah, let's have a lot of fun and make memories!" Haeyoon agreed with a bright attitude.

"Most definitely." The four responded with small smiles.

"Okay, cool. Let's go on the Atlantis Adventure!"

Riki hooked arms with Melanie and Linna while pulling them along inside.

"Hey, wait!"

Linna and Melanie hooked arms with their older cousins to dragged them along, too, not wanting to go just the three of them. Kana ended being dragged alongside them as well, just as excited as her brother.

"Can't we do a different ride first?" Serena complained with Kierra agreeing.

"Yeah. Something like the World Monorail or the Fantasy Dream at least?"

"Ooh, if so, then I vote for the Gyro Drop or Gyro Swing!" Kana suggested with a laugh.

Serena continued to complain.

"Nah, let's do a simplier ride before doing the big ones."

The rest of the party stared after them either amused or confused before following after them.

"Alright, who allowed Riki to take us on the Jungle Adventure for a third time?" Both Kierra and Serena asked their sisters as the quartet were in the restroom drying themselves off after going on the ride through the rapids inside a dark cave a few minutes ago.

After going around Magic Island and being the ones to partake in a majority of the rides with Riki, the party headed back towards Adventure to check out the other attractions inside that were less exciting. Of course, none of the others wanted to partake in the water ride with Riki so the quartet entertained the youngest whereas the rest went somewhere else to play. Riki enjoyed the ride so much the first time, he persuaded the cousins to go on it two more times despite getting splashed in the process all over again and again.

"The both of you did." Both Melanie and Linna confirmed, annoyed.

"Oh, yeah."

The four continued to pat themselves dry as best as possible, knowing how cold it was inside the theme park itself as well as the cold weather outside of it, too. The cousins hoped they wouldn't get sick because of it just to give their friend some fun memories. For now, they would just have to check themselves once they get home and from here on out. Once they exited the restroom, Riki patiently waited for them while playing on his phone. He looked up when they neared as he smiled, playfully.

"The others are at the skating rink and they're waiting for us to join them."

The quartet looked at one another, tiredly, but mustered up the energy to nod and appear fine.





Neither of them knew how to ice skate or have ever bothered with the sport.

"Can't yall just stop hugging the side?"

Riki carefully skated alongside both Serena and Kierra as the two older women were using the rink's ledge to keep their balance.

"At least move away from the ledge like Chaewon and Yiseul."

"You're not that good yourself." Serena countered with a laugh.

"And I like this helpful and stable ledge, thank you very much."

"Yeah, so just leave us alone and go bother your other friends instead. Actually, why not pester Kana instead of us. She's your sister."

Kierra motioned with her hand for him to go away, not looking at him. She was too focused to keep her balance to not fall.

"She's not that fun like you two, but okay. Fine. I'll leave the two of you alone. If you fall, then it's not my fault."

"Yes, it is." Serena and Kierra chimed in unison with a laugh following afterwards.


"It just is."

Riki just rolled his eyes before slowly, but clumsily skating away himself. Kierra glanced behind her to look at her cousin.

"How about we just ditch our sisters and go home once we circle back to the entrance."

"Sounds good, but we can't ditch them like that. Besides, it would look bad on Riki if we just left, too."

Serena cast her cousin with a pointed look as Kierra sighed.

"Well, it was worth a try."

Just then, Kierra wobbled as she tried to look ahead of her again, but out of reflex her hand went out to grab a hold of Serena. Serena noticed and tried to move out of the way, but couldn't in time.

"Wait. No. Kierra. No. Don't gr-"

Both of them went crashing to the icy ground. Serena slightly smacked Kierra while groaning and just resting on the cold floor as other skaters passed by them.

"This is why we're not supposed to reached out to one another when learning how to skate and that we might fall."

"My bad."

"Did you not pay attention to what Sunghoon said earlier?"

"Not really."

Kierra sheepishly laughed as Serena barely smacked her cousin, feeling tired. Serena sighed a second later.

"I seriously did not want to spend my Christmas this way or my winter vacation."

"You and me both."

The pair chuckled more at their current feelings and predicament than anything else.

"Do you need help?"

Kierra and Serena slowly looked up to suddenly see Jay and Heeseung hovering above them with concerned looks while holding out their hands for them to grab on to. Heeseung to Serena and Jay to Kierra.

"No thanks. You're just as bad as I am."

Kierra pushed Jay's hands away, but Jay insisted.

"No, I'm not."

"No, not really."

"I'm a little better than you."

"Yeah, right. I've watched you skate earlier.""

"Oh, yeah?"

"Shut up."

"C'mon, Yiyeon. Just take my hand."


The two argued for a while longer while Serena was hesitant herself, but she's seen Heeseung skating earlier and he was one of the better ones at this and keeping his balance than a majority of his friends, saved Sunghoon. He was exceptionally more skilled than all of them combined.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Serena accepted Heeseung's assistance as he slowly pulled her to her feet carefully whereas Kierra reluctantly accepted Jay's help. Yet in the process, both Jay and Kierra ended up struggling themselves that they went crashing to the ground, helplessly. This caused a domino effect as Jay knocked into the back of Serena's legs and she ungracioiusly fell against Heeseung, causing them to fall against the rink. The four groaned with Serena quickly rolling off of Heeseung, apologizing, and Kierra smacking Jay on his upper body, annoyed.

"I told you that you were just as bad as me."

"I didn't think it was that bad."

"Well, it was."

Kierra smack him once again as Jay flinched upon being hit.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, you better be."

Kierra gave Jay one more smack before rolling away from him with a huff. Jay groaned once more, but stayed quiet not wanting to be hit by the female a fourth time. The group of four slowly got up on their own accord while their friends watched from a distance. Melanie chuckled at the scene while standing still, wondering if it wasn't so bad not to go home for the holidays.

"What are you laughing about?"

Melanie turned her attention to Jake as he stood beside her. He, too, watched the other four.

"Did something happen?"

"Yeah something like that."

Jake's gaze focused onto her a moment later as his lips qu

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