Last Resort

The Fugitives
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38 | Last Resort




4 hours earlier...


"While the children frolic outside, Taeyeon's attention is drawn to Da-On, quietly seated on the sofa, engrossed in a cartoon on the television upon entering the orphanage's dormitory. Without hesitation, Taeyeon joins him, settling in beside him, eliciting an automatic smile from the young boy."


"Where's Omma?" Taeyeon inquired gently, directing his question to the young boy.


"She's in the kitchen, getting dinner ready, Taeyeon Appa," Da-On replied, scooting closer before slowly lying down, using Taeyeon's lap as a comfortable pillow.


"You must be tired from all that playtime, aren't you?" Taeyeon murmured softly, gently rubbing his son's arm. Da-On nodded in agreement.


"I'm hungry, Taeyeon Appa," the young boy shared, flashing a cute pout. "Is there anything I can eat?"


"We'll have dinner later, let's wait for it to be done."


"Okay." sighs Da-On as his gaze returns to the TV screen. 


"Da-On, can I ask you something?" Taeyeon inquired softly.


"Hmm?" The young boy slowly looked back at him.


Taeyeon gently his son's silky hair as he continues, "What would you do if you ever met your biological father?"


"Hmm, I'd ask him if he loves birds, fish, football, and dumplings," Da-On replied with a cheerful smile. "And if he's a fan of Spiderman cartoons too."


"Really?" Taeyeon couldn't help but pinch his son's cheek gently at the cute response. "You're such an adorable little human being."


Da-On let out a giggle. "And I want to tell him how much I miss him, and how much Omma misses him," he added softly.


"Really? Did your Omma tell you she misses him?" Taeyeon's heart fluttered at the revelation.


"Yes, I think I saw her crying in her sleep once. I believe she was dreaming about my Appa. But I'm not sure if she misses him now because she's been so happy lately, Taeyeon Appa. I think it's because of you," Da-On confessed thoughtfully.


"It's because of me? Why do you think that? What did you observe?" Taeyeon was caught off guard, his curiosity piqued.


"When we sleep together like a family, she seems so happy. You make her happy too, just like I do," Da-On said, smiling and giggling.


"I bet they haven't taught him about couples," Taeyeon thought, smiling warmly at his son's innocence, cherishing the moment and hoping it would last. He had missed the last five years, but he hoped it wasn't too late to experience more of his childhood. "Your mother makes me happy too, Da-On, just like you make me happy," he remarked affectionately.


"Me too, Appa," Da-On replied with a beaming smile. "I'm happy because of you."


"That's exactly what I've always wanted to see." A small, proud smile graced Taeyeon's face. Unable to contain his joy, he wrapped his arms around his son and gave him a tight squeeze, eliciting joyful laughter from Da-On.


"Oh, someone's cheating on me, eh?" Tiffany quipped as she approached them. The two looked up at her, sharing a smile.


"Is dinner ready, Omma?" Da-On asked, his eyes twinkling with a smile that mirrored his mother's.


"Not yet, but it'll be served in a while. Let's freshen up first, shall we?" Tiffany suggested, extending her hand to her son.


"Yes, Omma. See you later, Taeyeon Appa," Da-On said excitedly as he grabbed his mother's hand.


"See you later, Da-On," Taeyeon waved back, a smile gracing his lips as they headed upstairs. Contentment and a hint of nostalgia washed over him, prompting a smile and a sigh simultaneously.



As Taeyeon enjoyed his stroll around the orphanage grounds, he noticed a villager hastily exiting the kitchen. Intrigued, as he hadn't seen the person around before, he decided to investigate. Entering the kitchen, he found it empty except for scattered salt on the floor. His curiosity piqued, he approached the large pot of chicken soup intended for the children's dinner. Taking a cautious taste, he recoiled as the overwhelming saltiness assaulted his taste buds, realizing something was amiss.


"What the heck?" Taeyeon exclaimed, quickly inspecting the other pots of food to ensure they hadn't been tampered with. Relieved to find them untouched, except for the soup, he glanced at the time and realized there was only an hour left before the kids came down for dinner. "," he cursed under his breath, his mind racing for a solution. Rushing to the fridge, he found only a few ingredients left. "This won't do. The kids can't eat this soup."


"What's going on here?" One of the cooks returned to the kitchen and asked, noticing Taeyeon's perplexed expression.


"Someone came in and poured a ton of salt into the chicken soup. I don't think it's salvageable for dinner later," Taeyeon admitted without hesitation, his expression serious.


"What? B-But the kids love this. How aren't we going to recook this at a little time?"


Taeyeon paused, pondering for a moment before an idea struck him. "Can you run an errand for me? I'll whip up a soup without the kids suspecting it's any different from the usual one," he declared confidently.


"S-sure. Please write it down," the cook said hastily, handing over his phone and opening a note app.


Without hesitation, Taeyeon typed out the ingredients in his mind and handed the device back to its owner. "That can only be bought at a local store," he said, and the cook didn't waste a second before rushing out of the kitchen. Taking a deep breath and slowly relaxing, Taeyeon closed his eyes and recalled the cooking class he had attended in the past. He considered making a vegetable broth infused with chicken flavor using seasoning.


After a while, the cook returned, and he promptly began making the soup with the assistance of a kitchen helper. They worked swiftly, completing the task within the next 30 minutes.



"Where were you?" Tiffany inquired the moment Taeyeon walked into the room, catching him as he slipped her son's comfortable pajama shirt over his shoulders.


Taeyeon smiled sweetly, but instead of giving an answer, he dove into the bed with a bounce and let out a yawn. "I'm tired," he declared with a sigh.


"Did you play without me, Taeyeon Appa?" Da-On asked, gently tapping Taeyeon's cheek.


"Nope. I just did something I never knew I could do," Taeyeon answered with a smile directed at his son and Tiffany.


"What is it?" Tiffany curiously asked.


"Just something. Anyway, let's send our friends a text message to have dinner at the orphanage; we're joining the kids," he declared as he sat up.


"Really? Yipee!" Da-On exclaimed excitedly. As soon as his mother finished brushing his hair, he sprinted outside.


Tiffany scoffed lightly. "He asked earlier if we could stay for dinner. Looks like you heard his plea," she shared, a hint of amusement in her tone. "Want to bet? He's going to tell everyone about it."


Taeyeon scooted closer, wrapping his arm around Tiffany's shoulders.


"Did you go to the kitchen? You smell like soup," Tiffany immediately noticed as she had contact with the skin on his neck.


Pulling back slightly but keeping his arms around her, Taeyeon playfully pecked at his fiancée's lips a few times and smiled, nodding in confirmation, causing her to blush.


"Chincha? You helped?"


"Nope, it was more of I have to recook." He confessed.


"What? Why? What happened?" Tiffany immediately got concerned. 


"Hmm, let's just say it was unfortunate that the bottle of salt decided to take a dive into the soup," Taeyeon chuckled, opting to keep the details of what he saw to himself. He then unwrapped his arms so he could sit properly. "So, I decided to recook it with my own touch," he added shyly.


"That's just... so thoughtful of you."


"Oh, it was nothing."


Tiffany leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Of course it is," she affirmed with a soft smile before getting up. However, before she could extend a hand to him, Taeyeon pulled her back onto the bed and hugged her for a couple of seconds.


Taeyeon slowly pulled back and whispered, "I haven't told you how much I appreciate everything you've done for our son. I'm so proud of you. I promise I will make it up to you. Everything you've sacrificed to raise our child, I will make it up to you." he declared seriously and sincerely. 


"You're already making it up now, by staying by our side and being Da-On's father right now," Tiffany softly replied, her heart fluttering with the sweet and kind words she received. It also brings assurance to her heart. 


"I love you." 


"I love you too, Tae," she replied softly as she planted a gentle kiss on his lips, causing Taeyeon to giggle. 


Just then, Da-On returned, hugging a stuffed toy tightly. "Come out now, Omma. We're going to watch football," he announced eagerly.


"Wait, I should text Jessica and the rest," Tiffany exclaimed, hastily grabbing her phone from the nightstand and typing out a message which she sent to everyone in a group chat. Taeyeon and Da-On left the room without a word, but she followed suit shortly after.




As Yoona jogs back to the truck, he nonchalantly passes a bag of muffins and iced coffee to Seohyun in the driver's seat, her attention elsewhere. With a gentle touch, he redirects her gaze towards the tempting treats, admonishing her with a playful tone, "Seohyun, eyes on the prize – we can't linger here waiting for that man while our stomachs growl in protest."


"I just don't want to miss him," Seohyun reasoned, her lips forming an adorable pout.


Selecting one of the muffins, Yoona popped it into . "I feel the same way, but I highly doubt we'll miss him with the racket his truck makes when he hops in," he remarked a note of warning in his voice, prompting Seohyun to obey. He chuckled softly as he indulged in his own muffin, the shared moment of indulgence bringing a sense of camaraderie between them.


"I can't believe they keep stressing me out," Seohyun remarked between bites of her muffin. "Dealing with these villagers is no walk in the park, that's for sure."


"As long as we're still here, the stress won't disappear overnight. Plus, with so many different nationalities among them, their personalities are unpredictable," Yoona remarked, taking a sip of his iced coffee. He reached for a napkin and gently wiped a crumb from Seohyun's cheek as he spoke, a small gesture of care amidst their conversation.


A faint blush tinted Seohyun's cheeks as she gazed at Yoona's doe-like eyes. "Don't fuss over me too much," she warned softly, a hint of playfulness in her tone.


"Nope, I'll make it a habit," Yoona countered, playfully sticking out his tongue. Memories of how she had cared for him in the past flooded Yoona's mind, motivating him to reciprocate and take care of her even more this time.


"Yeah, whatever," Seohyun replied, momentarily at a loss for words. She simply helped herself to another muffin and turned her attention towards the window, a quiet smile playing on her lips, a hint of giddiness evident in her expression.


"By the way, I've received a message from Ms. Han about our appointment tomorrow in the Embassy, let's wear the same color." 


"Hmm? Why would that be necessary? It's not like it's a date," she responded, her head automatically turning towards him as she spoke.


"I know, but I remember back then we didn't wear matching outfits. Let's do it tomorrow," Yoona suggested with a grin, the playful anticipation evident in his expression. 


Seohyun scoffed. "Fine. What do you have in mind?" Despite her initial resistance, she agreed nonetheless, her curiosity piqued.


Setting the muffin back in the paper bag, Yoona reached for his phone in the holder and navigated to the gallery. "How about this one?" he suggested, selecting a photo and sharing it with his girlfriend.



"You did a research?"


"Yup, and it's already going to be delivered tonight."


"What?" Seohyun exclaimed, her disbelief evident in her tone. "Since when did you become so decisive?"


"Since I learned you have to make every day a memorable one," Yoona replied with a proud smile, his confidence shining through.


"But it's a date outfit, Yoong."


"Let's go on a date after the appointment. I mean, I suddenly want to go on a date with you before you go on a mission. Who knows it'll take weeks for you to return to me."


Seohyun marveled at how quickly Yoona was thinking, noting the change from before, yet understanding his reasons. "What time did Ms. Han send you a message?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.


"Around 4."


"It was when we just got here. Seriously you could've shared it with me."


"It'll only take a short while to discuss, and we might miss the opportunity," Yoona explained, earning a soft chuckle from his girlfriend. "I'm sorry, I just like to think ahead," he added with a smile, acknowledging his tendency to plan ahead.


"You're seriously more unpredictable than the villagers," she remarked with a playful smile, unable to resist pinching his cheeks, only to be surprised by a sweet peck on her lips in return.


"I love you, my baby Seohyun," Yoona said sweetly, his affection evident in his tone.


"I'll tell you tomorrow," she playfully replied, sticking her tongue out in jest, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 


Yoona rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Omo, he's coming out," he remarked but quickly noticed their target in motion. Abandoning his muffin, he swiftly fastened his seat belt as Seohyun started the engine and began to drive off, following the truck from behind.


So engrossed in watching the car, they failed to notice Tiffany's message and the pickup truck trailing behind them.




(Present time) 


"Yuri Appa and Jessica Noona!" Da-On's excitement burst forth as he spotted the two figures from afar through the window. Without hesitation, he bolted outside, propelled by joy and anticipation."


Taeyeon and Tiffany glanced outside, their smiles blossoming instantly at the sight of their friends joined by Yihyun. Da-On rushed to meet them halfway, exchanging fist bumps with each of them in cheerful camaraderie.


"I suppose it's time to summon the kids to the dining area," Tiffany declared, rising from her seat and making her way upstairs where the children were immersed in their games within the dormitory. "Everyone, time to gather in the dining room!" Taking charge of the responsibility assigned to her, she made the announcement herself, ensuring it was done before the clock struck seven.


The kids started to ready themselves, emerging from their rooms in groups or individually, each moving at their own pace.


Tiffany exchanged sweet smiles with each child who greeted her, returning their greetings warmly. Once the last child had descended the stairs, she followed suit, joining Taeyeon by the door in a casual manner.


"The building may not seem large, but it accommodates a considerable number of kids," Taeyeon remarked as they trailed behind the children en route to the dining room.


"I know, right? It's heartwarming to see some of them finding loving families, especially the little ones. They're the most vulnerable, and it's always emotional when they have to say goodbye to their friends and the staff." Tiffany's smile carried a hint of nostalgia as she recounted witnessing these moments of adoption. "They cry with the staff, especially with Mr. and Mrs. Park, who've been like parents to them since they were rescued. Fortunately, none of the children who've been adopted have faced mistreatment; their new families are always loving and caring."


"That's a testament to how well everyone gets along," Taeyeon remarked softly, flashing a brief smile at Tiffany.


At that moment, Yuri, Jessica, Yihyun, and Da-On joined them in the hallway, and together they made their way to the dining room.


"Hey, have any of you heard from Seohyun? She hasn't read the message," Jessica inquired her friends.


"Agreed, I haven't seen any response either. Let's give it about an hour, then we can reach out to Seohyun and Yoona again," Tiffany suggested, echoing the observation made in their group chat. It was unusual for her not to see Seohyun's profile picture immediately after sending a message, which caught her attention.


"Yoona hasn't messaged me either," Taeyeon added, sharing his observation. He then courteously accepted two plates from the staff at the buffet, handing them to Tiffany and Da-On before retrieving his own.


"They've been together since this morning, maybe still on a date," Yuri remarked with a soft chuckle, following his friend's lead. He handed a plate to Jessica as well before selecting his own and beginning to peruse the food options.


"Exactly, they're younger than us. They're entitled to do whatever they please," Tiffany remarked, as she started to receive food from the staff. Meanwhile, Da-On stood in line, holding his plate, patiently waiting for Tiffany to share her food. However, Taeyeon had already begun placing food on Da-On's plate, eliciting a smile from Tiffany as she joined in with them.


Seating herself in the dining area after being the first to grab her meal, Yihyun pulled out her phone and noticed a message from Seohyun that had been sent a few hours earlier. She quickly opened it and gasped in surprise at what she discovered.


Seohyun Unnie: Yoona and I are going on a stakeout to retrieve the rest of my artworks, Yihyun. It might take us a while to return to the hotel. Please inform the others.


"U-Unnie... Seohyun actually sent me a message!" Yihyun exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern. Jessica quickly hurried to her table to see the message for herself.


"What on earth is she thinking?" Jessica exclaimed in disbelief. She swiftly retrieved her phone from her pocket and strode out of the dining room, heading to the hallway to call Seohyun.


Yuri stepped forward to Yihyun as he noticed her distress. "What's happening, Yihyun?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.


"Jessica Unnie is calling Seohyun right now after reading this message," Yihyun informed, displaying the screen of her phone to Yuri.


"This is insane. Where could they be right now?" Yuri expressed immediate concern, joining Jessica outside. "Were you able to contact her?" he asked urgently.


"No, her phone is off. Call Yoona," Jessica requested after ending her call to Seohyun.


Complying, Yuri hastily dialed Yoona's phone number, but to his surprise, the call was directed to voicemail. "Damn, something must have happened. I can't contact him as well," he exclaimed, growing increasingly concerned.


"Aish, where should we look for them? The town is small, I doubt we could find them here. They must be somewhere near the town," Jessica said, her brow furrowed in concentration as she pondered possible locations where their two friends could be.


Taeyeon and Tiffany approached them after learning about the message from Yihyun.

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1127 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1127 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #3
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #4
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #5
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1127 streak #8
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #10
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉