Double Date

The Fugitives
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05 | Double Date




"Yah, Ms. Jung, give them drinks!"


"Yes? Uh, yes, yes." Jessica hastily approached a group of the guests and offered them the drinks on her tray. She bowed and smiled before leaving them. She found Tiffany and Seohyun giving drinks to nearby guests as well but she couldn't help and giggle to realize Tiffany is avoiding Taeyeon and Yoona's table. 'As if Taeyeon will recognize her with her black hair. But if he will, then he doesn't have bad eyesight.' She thought and took another tray of champagne glasses that staff handed him from their counter. She approaches the new guests that just entered the ballroom and welcome them with a bow. 


She headed back to the counter only to find Yuri nearby, checking the buffet. She hastily turn to her left and took a deep breath, then exhales slowly. "Let's not mind him, Jessica." She told herself.


"Give this to Mr. Kwon, Ms. Jung." 


"What?" She instantly looks at her fellow waitress.


"He just signals to give him one. I can't leave my post." The latter explained, handing a special glass to the chairman himself.


'Here goes nothing.' Jessica thought as she smiled and took the glass from her. She then fixes her hair and put on a big smile before she turns and approaches Yuri. The latter isn't paying attention, which is good for her. She just handed him the glass without saying a word. 


Yuri took it without looking at the waitress however his father called him which made him tilt his head to his right where the female waitress is standing. The latter leaves him that instant and he doesn't mind as he smiles at his father and approaches him.


Letting out a huge exhale, Jessica feels like he just save herself by the bell. 


"Unnie, have you talk to him?" Seohyun ask when she approach the counter and handed the try to their fellow waitresses.


"Nope. Why would I? Otherwise, I won't be fully paid. You did not talk to Yoona too, right?" Jessica glanced at the doe-eyed who is talking with three women. 


"How will he recognize me when he's busy with other women... but tiffany Unnie almost talked to Taeyeon Oppa." Seohyun shared as she chuckled.


"Where is she though?" Jessica scanned the ballroom. The place is crowded already and it's hard to find their other friend.


"3'oclock. She's handing drinks to those young men." Seohyun replied simply.


"And how did she almost talk to Taeyeon?"


"Taeyeon Oppa already recognizes her. She pass through him and he called her."


Jessica nodded as she set her eyes on the lonely boy sitting at his table while enjoying the music playing in the background. 


"By the way Unnie, I actually know some of these guests." Seohyun shares with a wide proud smile.


"Hmm? Who?" Jessica raised her eyebrows.


"That guy with blonde hair, he's a New York based businessman, owner of luxurious perfumes," Seohyun said and pointed to the blonde old man who was conversing with Yuri and his father. "And that woman there." She proceeds to another woman sitting on her chair while doing some retouch with her makeup. "She's a french ambassador. She owns real estate in South Korea. Also that young bachelor guy there is a model and actor." She giggles as her cheeks blush.


"Heol, you really love celebrities." Jessica almost doesn't want to believe it. But with Seohyun's love for the entertainment and business industry, it's not a surprise at all.


"Aigoo..." Tiffany let out a huge sigh as she returns to them. "Those men keep asking for drinks. They don't seem like classy rich men." she shakes her head in disbelief.


"Good job, fany." Jessica praises, patting the latter's back.


"They're young, it's no surprise anymore, Unnie." Seohyun commented.


"Did Yuri already see you?" asked Tiffany as she took a bite of her small plate of grapes.


"Nope, but almost. And I really won't like it."


"How about you, Seo?"


Seohyun chuckled as she shakes her head. "He won't when he's busy with other women." She can't help and send a glare to the doe-eyed.


"Mine. He's watching me right now." Tiffany glanced and quickly hide behind Jessica.


Jessica and Seohyun immediately realized it and they bowed and wave awkwardly at Taeyeon.


'Sheesh, she's obviously guilty.' Taeyeon thought and looked away. He still can't forgive her for not giving him replies to all of his texts. He was like a fool until he fall asleep.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." Suddenly the emcee announced through the microphone. "Take a seat and let's enjoy the evening as we start this beautiful event."


Everyone casually took their seats including Yoona and Yuri who returned to the table they share with Taeyeon.


"Bro, I think one of the waitresses is Ms. Lee. You know that applicant of mine that ignores me?" Yoona didn't waste a second and he whisper to Taeyeon.


"Chincha? Where?" 


"That black-haired girl with fringe next to another. Her hair changed but it looks like."


Taeyeon tilts his head to his left and realize Donna is with the fringe girl. "Hmm? Are they friends?"


"Wae?" Yoona raised his eyebrows.


"What are you guys talking?" Yuri noticed and he moved his seat closer to his friends.


"I mean, don't you notice Donna?" 


"She's here?" Yoona and Yuri both replied in unison.


Taeyeon chuckled softly. And as he turns to the three ladies again, they're there anymore. "They just left."


Yuri and Yoona turned their heads as well and both are confused.


"I think they're three of friends." Taeyeon couldn't miss noticing that person Donna is hiding behind looked close to her. 


"So Ms. Lee and your Donna are friends. What a small world." Yoona chuckled in disbelief. "But to think of it, that lady is looking for a job as well. They're friends of jobless, eh?"


Yuri scoffed. "I don't know what you guys are talking about." He decided to put his attention back to his father, speaking in front of them.


"Well, they may be too close that they're both looking for it." Taeyeon shrugs his shoulders. "But that Donna is so bad, she's obviously avoiding me. Aish."


"She's not worth your time, Hyung." Yoona shakes his head. 


"I know right? I hope I won't run into her again." Taeyeon exhaled so loud as he pout in the process.




After having their dinner in their kitchen, Jessica, Tiffany, and Seohyun returned to the ballroom just to see Yuri has started speaking in front of everyone. They were immediately called to serve more guests as everyone is now having their dinner as well. 


While they're focused on their jobs, Yoona and Taeyeon keep glancing at them, hoping they would at least say hi or smile but they're invisible to them.


Seohyun had been noticing but pretends she was not seeing them. She has to get her full payment for the part-time no matter what. But as her focus was on the job, she didn't notice it was not only them who had been eyeing her. 


"Yah, what the heck?" Not until a man cried out when Jessica grabs his phone.


"Unnie, what's going on?" Seohyun quickly turns and approaches them in concern. 


"You're filming her, aren't you?" Jessica sternly asked and tried to open the man's phone but the latter snatched it.


"I am not. Who are you to accuse me?" The man scoffed. "You're just a server." And he pushes her arrogantly on her shoulder. 


Jessica instinctively grabs his arm and turn as he flipped him off his feet. The man groaned and some guests gasped when they saw it.


"Unnie, stop it." Seohyun quickly held the older on her shoulders, stopping her from going further. "People are staring," she whispers as she smiles awkwardly at the guests, including Yoona and Taeyeon. Tiffany from the corner shakes her head. The latter decided not to meddle. 


"That man filmed your , Hyun." Jessica muttered as she tried to advance.


"Aish." Seohyun hissed. "That's not important-"


"I didn't do anything!" The man gets up while holding his waist. "Everyone, this person is accusing me that I'm filming her friend." He laughs sarcastically. "He doesn't really know me, isn't she?" and approaches Jessica. "Yah, I'm the boss of an IT company. You have no right to accuse someone like me." and arrogantly remarks.


The entire ballroom finally put their attention on them, especially Yuri that stopped his speech after hearing Mr. Choi's laughter. 


Jessica grits her teeth while sending glares. She wanted to say something but when she realized their employer is watching, she decided to let it slide. She yanks Seohyun's hold on her as she walks away.


'R-Rose? Is that her?' Yuri finally recognized the woman when she walks across the place.


"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry." Seohyun bowed a couple of times to Mr. Choi before she follows the older girl. Tiffany immediately meet up with them and they left the place quietly.


"Aish, this bastard." Yoona couldn't stand it and he finally walk up to Mr. Choi, grabbing his phone to check if he really recorded something. 


"Yah, you can't find anything there." Mr. Choi tried to snatch it from the doe-eyed but a hand grabs his left wrist.


"Let's find out." Taeyeon sternly said. 


"What?! Let go of me." Mr. Choi struggles but another one holds his right wrist. "Mr. Kwon. You too?" He couldn't believe it.


"Go for it, Yoong." Yuri signals the doe-eyed to open his phone.


Yoona complied and quickly unlocks the phone through Mr. Choi's face recognition. "What the, it's here." He showed the screen of his phone, playing it in front of his friends.


"How dare you." Taeyeon didn't think twice and he throw a punch at the old man's face, earning gasps from everyone. Mr. Choi tried to advance but Yuri hastily kick his legs and he dropped to the floor, groaning.


"Take this man to the station!" Yoona ordered when he saw guards approaching.


"Yes." The guards hastily pulled the man up, dragging him outside.


"I can't believe he did that to one of the employees." Yoona muttered under his breath. He's mad as hell. "He's ing a trash man!"


"Relax." Yuri massaged the doe-eyed's shoulder. "Everyone's staring." And he whispers to remind him. "Especially my father. That was enough and... good job you both for not letting it slide."


Taeyeon and Yoona both exhaled so loudly. And then they hug each other, to calm their selves.


"You good?" ask Taeyeon.


"Yeah, I am." And the younger chuckles.




Meanwhile, Jessica, Tiffany, and Seohyun are just outside the building, enjoying some ice cream to cool their frustrations down when they saw the same man is being dragged by the guards to the car.


"What happened?" Jessica automatically got up.


"Did they kick him out?" Tiffany also gets up as she on her ice cream.


"Heol, I think they did." Seohyun followed them, agape of what just happened. 


Suddenly, Tiffany heard her phone ring which startle her. She hastily took it out from her pocket and gasped when Taeyeon's contact ID flashes on the screen. "Sh-should I answer?"


"Go ahead." Jessica and Seohyun both said in unison.


Taking a deep breath in and out, Tiffany slides to answer the phone. "T-Taeyeon-ssi..." 


[Tell your friend we work on it and that she should be worried anymore. And with this, you owe me a date with my friend.]


The call ended and she received a message right away from him.


"What the ?" 


"Wae?" Jessica and Seohyun immediately check the message. "Heol." And they exclaimed at the same time.


Taeyeon the cafe: Tomorrow at 7 in the evening. At Seondong Han River Restaurant. Don't be late, Donna and Ms. Lee.


"Who's Ms. Lee?" Jessica looks at both of her friends.


Seohyun awkwardly raises her hand. "I name myself after our boss' wife." and smile awkwardly.


"What?" Tiffany chuckled in disbelief. "Are you insane?"


"What if Interpol is really after us? I mean, they know Ms. Lee, right?" Jessica isn't sure of it.


"How would they know when she already passed?" Seohyun stated as a matter of fact.


"Right, she's right." muttered Tiffany. "Let's not talk about that, let's talk about this double date he suddenly set. Aish." she huffed as she re-reads the message again.


"What did he say earlier?" ask Jessica, curiously.


"He said they work on it."


"Chincha? So they really kick him out." Seohyun got brightened upon hearing it.


"Wait, that doesn't make sense. I mean-"


"Also he said you should be concerned anymore." Tiffany added as she shrugs her shoulders.


"That means... they did not just kick him out, but they also resolve the problem?" Jessica couldn't quite get it.


"That's exactly what he tried to say to her, Unnie." Seohyun positively replied. "And he wants us to repay it by doing that... double date." Her cheeks automatically blushed when she remembers she was going instead of Jessica.


"Now you guys should go for it. I'm glad I'm not part of it." Jessica chuckled. "Let's get back inside while the event is going." She then jogs back inside which made the two follow her.




[The next day...]


The loud ringing of his alarm clock woke Yuri up from his slumber. He slowly pushes himself up and lets out a dry cough. He rubs his neck, feeling a little pain in it. 'This isn't like this last night.' He thought and as he rose, he suddenly loses his balance and dropped back to his bed. He felt dizzy for a moment there. 


"Achoo!" And then he sneezes. 'My body feels ripped apart.' He thought, feeling like he had a couple of drinks last night. His body is burning as well. He doesn't feel like leaving his bed anymore, so he grabs his extra pillow and cuddles with it as he tries to return to sleep.


Suddenly a knock was heard followed by a voice. "Mr. Chairman, breakfast is ready." 


He didn't answer. He coughs some more instead. "No work please." And mumbles tirelessly.


"Mr. Chairman? Are you alright? Um, I'll walk in." The door opens and his head butler walks in. 


Yuri doesn't mind turning to face him. He needed to return to his dreamland no matter what. But a gentle shake behind him disturbed him. He opened his eyes forcefully and turn. "Can't you see? I don't feel well, Mr. Cha!" He couldn't control it and yelled at him. But it leads to a series of coughs and sneezes.


But instead of pushing him away, Mr. Cha places his hand on his forehead inactively. "You're burning. I'll call Dr. Choi." And he hastily leaves his bedroom.


Yuri let out a huge sigh of relief as he returned to his extra pillow and hopefully, no one was going to disturb him now with his sleep. "It's freaking Saturday, leave me alone." mumbles him.




Sipping on her coffee peacefully, Jessica however cough and place her cup immediately on the table when she heard noises from Seohyun and Tiffany's rooms. "What's up with them?" She wonders but continues with her coffee nonetheless. 


Tiffany came out running from her room and headed to Seohyun's.


"What the, did they receive something together?" Jessica got even more curious. She got up and walk to Seohyun's room just to see the two girls searching for something in the closet. "Yah, what's going on?" ask her as she approaches them.


"Taeyeon The Cafe ing change the time. He wants us to have a double date starting at 10 am." informed Tiffany then returned to Seohyun's closet, hoping she could find a good casual dress in the younger girl's closet.


"Unnie, I told you, my dresses aren't your style. Aish." Seohyun whined. She already decided to wear her recently bought blue sky dress. 


Jessica giggles as she takes her seat on the bed. "Seohyunnie, why don't you give this dress to her?" She took the one next to her.


"No, that's expensive!" Seohyun exclaimed, taking it from the older right away. "And it's dewl. My style." she reasoned.


"Tsk, it's just the same as the others." Tiffany muttered and finally took the pastel dress rather. "This one is good. Thanks, Joohyunnie." She excitedly says before leaving the bedroom.


Sighing, Seohyun took her seat next to Jessica. "Unnie, I'm an IT, not a lover. Why should I do this too?" She frowns.


Jessica let out a soft chuckle in the process. "It's part of our new beginning, Joohyun. So just go with the flow. And besides, Yoona seemed a gentleman."


"He's not my type!"


"What?! You have an ideal type, eh?"


"Of course! I mean, you know I love k-entertainment too. I'd like to date who's like BTS' Taehyung." Seohyun dreamily looked up to the ceiling while clasping her hands and smiling.


Jessica literally flicks her forehead.


"Ouch!" She yelped and rubs the sore part while sending glares at her.


"I don't know who is that person but whoever is that he's just someone you can't even get friends with. Let's focus on our goal, shall we?" Jessica wiggles her eyebrows.


Seohyun groaned and rolled her eyes. "Fine." She gets up and walks to the bathroom. "A doe eye without a wallet will do." She mumbles on her way. "Aigoo, I'm an IT... not a lover."


Getting up, Jessica headed out and returns to her coffee. She suddenly heard a chime from her phone on the side and casually pick it up.


Part-Time App: You have 1 new offer. 


She heavily sighs as she reads the message but opens the link nonetheless. "Oh, this is good." The job is a cleaner for the day and it pays well that she didn't hesitate to tap 'accept offer' on the app. 


Just then, an unknown number flashes on the screen which she answers immediately. 


[Ms. Rose Jung?]


"Yes. Is this from clean-up service?" She asked reading the company's name on the app.


[Yes. I would like to ask if you're fine doing the job later after lunch and until 9 pm.


She pause and turn her head to her right when she saw Tiffany just walking into the living room. "Fany-ah, are you guys out for the entire day?"


"Looks like." replied Tiffany as she walks into their kitchen. "Wae?" She casually picked up one of the egg rolls and eat it in the process.


"I actually accepted a part-time job, I will be out for the day as well." Shares Jessica, flashing a bright smile.


"Whoa, Chincha? What is it?"


"Clean service."


"Not bad. And it pays well too, right?" Tiffany wanted to make sure her friend earns enough.


"Of course." 


"Good. See you later then." She then walked out of the room and headed to Seohyun's room.


Jessica took a deep breath and slowly relaxed before she answers the phone call back. "Yes, I'm fine with it. Just text me the location of the house or apartment?"


[Before that, you have to meet us later at 10 AM, so we could give you details and instructions.]


"Sure, please the location."


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1127 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #2
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #4
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1127 streak #7
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #9
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀