The Mission

The Fugitives
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39 | The Mission




"Kyaaaa! What on earth is going on?" 


Seohyun's startled cry pierces the early morning calm, jolting Jessica and Yihyun from their peaceful slumber. With groggy curiosity, the two girls reluctantly extricate themselves from the warmth of their beds and shuffle towards the source of the commotion, where Seohyun stands, wide-eyed and alarmed.


"Unnie, look what someone left for me," Seohyun exclaimed, gesturing towards a mysterious box placed just outside their hotel room door.


"Ugh, it's probably just Yoona," Jessica muttered, resigning herself to the idea as she made her way to the sofa, intending to recline and try to catch a bit more sleep.


Yihyun, on the other hand, eagerly assisted Seohyun in tearing open the sealed box, revealing a delightful surprise: a stash of honey butter chips eagerly awaiting them inside.


"So, Yoona sent this? He's just a couple of rooms away," Seohyun remarked, picking up the card along with the bags of chips, her curiosity piqued. With a sense of anticipation, she began to read the letter enclosed within.


Hi, Ms. Seo,

You probably don't know me, but I'm one of the villagers' sons. Remember the salon? It was my mother's business. I just wanted to express my appreciation for the kind gesture you showed. I know how hurt you were by my mother's treatment, so I want to apologize on her behalf.

I also want you to know that not everyone in the village harbors ill feelings towards you and your friends. I'm among the few villagers who still believe that you guys didn't do anything wrong. I have faith that you'll overcome this. Fighting!

Someone told me that you love these Korean potato chips. I hope you enjoy them.



Yihyun and Seohyun shared a meaningful glance after reading the heartfelt letter, both of them breaking into smiles. They felt deeply touched and grateful that a young man had extended his support to them.


"Who could have told him about this?" Yihyun mused aloud, her curiosity piqued. She grabbed two bags of potato chips, intending to share them with Jessica on the sofa.


"I've never mentioned this to anyone... unless Da-On knows this young man and happened to share it with him," Seohyun speculated, her heart warmed by the unexpected gesture. With a mixture of emotions, she hurriedly tore open one bag of chips, unable to hold back tears as she read the card again.


Jessica rose from the sofa and approached her friend by the door, her curiosity piqued. "Patrick... If I recall correctly, he's the boy from the orange farm," she remarked thoughtfully. "He's always been such a kind soul, Hyun. Despite the hardships, he works tirelessly every day to support his parents and fund his college education. I had no idea his father was connected to Mrs. Collins's business," Jessica confirmed, smiling warmly at Seohyun. "Looks like you've got yourself a supporter, haven't you?" she added with a hint of pride in her tone.


"I'm not sure how many of them there are, but... it's a relief to know that not everyone in the village holds ill feelings towards us," Seohyun expressed, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions. She delicately took the card in her hands, wiping away her tears. "I really wish I could meet him," she added softly, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.


"One day, you'll have the chance to thank him in person. But for now, it's too risky to go back to the village," Jessica sympathized, feeling the weight of their predicament. "Let's focus on preparing for the appointment," she suggested, mustering a sense of determination. With that, she picked up the box and brought it inside their hotel room, ready to tackle the challenges ahead.


Seohyun followed suit, joining Jessica as they all began to ready themselves for the crucial meeting awaiting them.




The ambiance in the embassy meeting room is unexpectedly cozy. Tiffany, Seohyun, and Jessica occupy seats beside each other, with Tiffany positioned in the center, their anticipation palpable as they await the arrival of any Embassy personnel. Meanwhile, in the adjacent room, the gentlemen are vigilant, quietly and patiently monitoring, their anticipation mirroring that of their female counterparts, all eagerly awaiting the esteemed Ambassador from the US Embassy.


Resting on Seohyun's lap is the velvet box, its presence causing a flutter of nerves within her, yet she remains composed, ready to field any inquiries regarding its contents.


Thirty minutes elapsed before the door yielded to reveal the entrance of three personnel, escorted by none other than the Ambassador himself.


"Hello, ladies. I'm Mr. Williams," the Ambassador introduced himself with a warm smile, extending his hand to greet the reserved group before him. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in this city."


Before delving into further discussion, he swiftly orchestrated the next steps. "But before we proceed, let's reach out to Lawyer Han in New York, the FBI directors, and ensure the presence of our Chief Justice," he announced, motioning to his IT personnel to initiate a video call via the widescreen position before them.


The mention of names sent a ripple of anxiety through the group of girls, prompting them to instinctively clasp hands under the long table, their nerves palpable as they waited patiently. Soon, faces from various corners of the U.S. illuminated the screen, marking the commencement of the meeting. Ms. Han took the lead, initiating discussion on the dismissed fugitive case and delving into the intricacies of the deal signed years ago.


Every individual in the room remained attentive, their silence speaking volumes as they absorbed the details being discussed. However, as the questioning began, the atmosphere shifted, signaling the start of a more intense phase of the meeting.


"As your adoptive parents selected you to bring to the U.S., did you ever sense any unease about their decision, or were you purely excited at the prospect of traveling abroad?" inquired the Chief Justice.


"I was just a child when Seohyun and I were adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Lee," Tiffany replied with unwavering certainty. "My initial reaction was one of excitement - finally, we had a family, and the prospect of attending college and chasing our dreams seemed within reach."

However, her tone shifted slightly, a hint of gravity creeping in. "But things took an unexpected turn. We found ourselves undergoing training and tasks we hadn't anticipated. Despite feeling unsettled, the fear of the unknown and our dependence on them made it difficult to contemplate escape. Survival instinct kicked in, compelling us to endure and adapt to what seemed like a harsh reality."


"It was said that Ms. Jung has been recruited by who among you?" The questioning continued.


"It was Mrs. Lee who recruited Ms. Jung," Seohyun admitted candidly. "She had her sights set on her since the funeral of Ms. Jung's parents. When the opportunity arose, Mrs. Lee urged us to befriend her and bring her into our group. We understood it was morally wrong, but we felt compelled to comply. Refusal meant enduring their torment and coercion."


"Ms. Jung, what were you thinking that time when they offered you to the group?"


"I knew it was wrong," Jessica reflected, her voice tinged with regret. "But at that time, I was burdened with my parents' debts and struggling to find employment. Joining the group seemed like the only solution. Despite the initial turmoil, I eventually found solace in the companionship of my friends. They became my pillars of strength, my guiding lights through the darkest of times."

With a heartfelt smile directed at her friends, Jessica concluded, "I'm grateful that we've moved past that ordeal. Together, we've emerged stronger, and I couldn't have asked for a better support system." Her friends responded with comforting pats on her shoulder, their bond evident in their shared journey to overcome adversity.


"During that final mission in New York, when you conducted the bank robbery, did the possibility of returning to the hideout without attracting police attention ever cross your minds?"


"We did consider splitting up and not returning, believing we had amassed enough funds to start anew on our own," Tiffany responded. "But when the police arrived, instinct kicked in, compelling us to protect each other. Strangely enough, we coincidentally encountered each other at the same airport and collectively decided to pursue a fresh start."


"Do you know who called the police that night?"


"Was it Yihyun's sister, or we heard it was Mr. Lee?" she replied with a hint of uncertainty.


"No, it was actually Ms. Choi Sooyoung," The Chief Justice clarified. "She was on duty, scheduled to visit the bank, but encountered the thieves instead. Immediately, she called for backup. It turns out she was a friend of Mr. Lee's, who informed him about your escape from New York. Consequently, he tasked Ms. Choi with locating you girls in exchange for a million dollars. Fortunately, her mission was thwarted when Mr. Kim Taeyeon, Mr. Kwon Yuri, and Mr. Im intervened, escorting her back to the U.S. with the assistance of Interpol."


The revelation left the girls visibly startled, prompting them to exchange glances, their eyes instinctively drawn to the mirror behind them. They were acutely aware that the trio had been present all along, silently observing their every reaction.


"Moving forward with our meeting agenda, may we kindly request Ms. Seo, the owner of the velvet box, to step forward and present the item for examination?" the Chief Justice requested. Seohyun graciously complied with the request, rising from her seat to approach the Chief Justice.


"How do you open this?" inquired the IT personnel, directing the question to Seohyun.


"Just push this button," Seohyun replied, demonstrating by pressing the small button located underneath the box. As she did, the front of the box revealed a transparent glass panel with text that read 'Seo's thumbprint'. "So, I need to place my thumb here, and it will reveal the ring," she explained.


"Have you done it?" inquired Ms. Han from the video call.


"Not yet. I'm hesitant as I fear it might lead them to our location," she responded calmly.


"Ms. Han has requested your presence in New York to carry out this task, thus the mission will begin there. However, due to the mysterious nature of this box, we propose conducting the mission in a remote location, specifically in South Dakota," the FBI director proposed. "Furthermore, we intend to involve Ms. Jung and Ms. Young in this mission so that everyone can witness firsthand how this ring will track the enemy."


"Mr. Braun, I propose bringing Mr. Kwon, Mr. Im, and Mr. Kim along on this mission," Ms. Han suggested promptly.


"Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate that request. Our focus will solely be on the girls since they were the primary individuals involved in this group," the FBI director firmly declined. "Moreover, considering the prominence of these gentlemen in Korea, we've been advised by the President of South Korea to minimize their involvement as much as possible, a decision we've concurred with."


The boys from the adjacent room showed no surprise, though they were relieved that the meeting was proceeding smoothly. 




3 days later... 


A broad grin illuminated Taeyeon's countenance as he received confirmation from Seoul Daily Media that their employees had vacated the city for good. Furthermore, his secretary assured him that all the incriminating photos and videos had been thoroughly purged from both their DSLRs and cloud storage, much to Taeyeon's profound relief.


"Hey, buddy, we're running behind schedule!" Yoona's urgent tone grabbed his focus.


"Coming," he hastily responded, tucking his phone back into his pocket. "Thanks." But before joining his friend, he grabbed the iced coffee he'd ordered from the nearby coffee shop and happily dashed over. "Have they arrived?"


"The girls?"




Yoona took his share of coffee as he replied, "They just arrived. Seohyun sent me a message," taking a sip in between. "That government's private jet is pretty impressive, bro. They were treated like royalty," he added, feeling a twinge of envy towards his girlfriend.


"Aigoo, I'm feeling quite nervous," Taeyeon sighed as he walked with his friend towards the departure area of the airport, taking intermittent sips of his coffee.


"And why is that?" 


"Tiffany told me to tell Da-On about me once we landed in Seoul. I'm planning to do it later in the evening." He shared with a sheepish smile.


Yoona playfully nudged his older friend. "Whoa, good luck, bro!" He exuded excitement. "I'm sure Da-On won't be too surprised," he added confidently.


"I hope so but I'm excited to tell him too." 


"That's why you're anxious, it was because you're excited."


Taeyeon chuckled in amusement. "You're silly," he remarked before darting towards Yuri and Da-On, who were patiently waiting in the departure area. "Here you go, Mister," he playfully quipped as he handed the young boy an orange juice. 


Da-On quietly accepted it and wasted no time in starting to slurp it, settling comfortably on the bench.


"What's the matter?" Yoona mouthed at Yuri, noticing the young boy's nervous demeanor.


"He's nervous. It's his first time flying, so he's not sure what to expect once we're onboard," Yuri whispered, taking her coffee as well. "He also wishes his mother could be with us."


Taeyeon smiled warmly and settled into his seat next to Da-On. "Do you want to listen to some music, Da-On?" he offered, extending his AirPods. Da-On simply nodded in response. Taeyeon gently placed the AirPods into his ears and started playing the Spiderman soundtrack from his phone.


Da-On glanced up at him and flashed a brief smile when he returned with his orange. Taeyeon gently rubbed his back, offering comfort.


Yoona and Yuri watched quietly, admiring the father and son duo from the side, already envisioning the moments they would share once they landed in Korea. For Taeyeon, it would be his first time caring for his son without Tiffany's presence. It promised to be an exciting journey for him, filled with new experiences and challenges.




Seohyun, having returned to her sea

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1127 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1127 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #3
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #4
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #5
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1127 streak #8
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #10
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉