Chapter 19

When Thirteen Become One

Hyungbin stood inside Lady Hana’s office scowling down at the lady. 


“This is YOUR fault! You couldn’t do one simple task!” She screamed at the head guard. 


“You don’t think I tried!” Hyungbin stuck his bandaged hand in her face. “The little bastards are stronger than they seem! Especially since SOMEONE had to give them powers!”


“Like I knew they would get these stupid powers! I thought if anything they would end up dead! And you know what? At this point I’m starting to wish it had killed them! I’ve never had such pain with stupid lab rats before!”


“Well maybe someone isn’t cut out for being a scientist after all-” The guard was cut off by a slap.


“Don’t you DARE say that! You don’t think I moved to Korea from Russia to get yelled at by some moronic guard just because some stupid idols aren’t as incompotent as we thought they were? I’ve spent my whole life to get this level of sponsorship from a lab. I have jumped hurdles to get to where I am today and I don’t need someone else trying to put me down!” She turned her back to Hyungbin trying to catch her breath.


Hyungbin let out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry that I upset you. It’s my fault for speaking without thinking.”


“Good!” Lady Hana huffed. “Now go back to your patroles before I fire you!”


As Hyungbin exited the room he let out a soft growl. As much as he believed in Lady Hana’s cause, and as much as he hated k-pop idols, this was all starting to become too much. 


He walked down the hallway towards the lab when the lights suddenly cut off. He then heard a loud sound in the distance and everything around him began to shake. He heard what sounded like something breaking. Something didn’t feel right. He needed to get to the lab and guard the rat. He also knew that’s where a majority of his men had been told to go if something were to happen.


It was slow going in the dark, but he eventually managed to make his way into the lab. The skylight that was in there providing light amidst the dark. Hyungbin knew that this wasn’t a natural power outage. The backup generators would have by now, but it seemed even they had been cut.


When he entered the lab about ten guards were in the room. That meant about ten others had gone to check out what was causing this, even though he already had an idea of what this was. 


“Alright men! Be prepared for anything! Also at this point, don’t be scared to shoot anything and anyone who comes in this room!”


The men saluted and went into defense mode. However, everyone was a bit shocked when suddenly rain filled the room, and then the rain slowly turned into frozen rain pelting their skin and then it turned into hail. Everyone looked up to see that the glass in the sky light was gone. They went to shoot their guns but were even more shocked to see the ends thickly frozen over with ice or even some were bent at the ends.


The guards were shocked when at the next minute the door burst open at the same moment two people appeared from nowhere




The plan had been a little complicated, but they all knew they could pull it off.


The ones who had been kidnapped told the others about the skylight in the lab. So they decided to make two teams one to go in the front, the others to go through the sky light. However, they all knew it had to be perfect to work.


It started with Seokmin turning off all the lights, including the generators. Then Seungkwan got in through the front door by literally screaming and breaking the door, and the wall the door was in. Whatever guards were there were fended off by Seungkwan, Chan, Seokmin, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Jisoo.


The second group went up to the skylight. Jihoon made a sound proof bubble around them and the glass of the skylight. Hansol then broke and held the glass in place so it didn’t fall on the people. Hansol then slowly moved the glass out of the way. Then Jun slowly started freezing the ends of guns and Hansol came back and helped bend them as well. Then when the guns were sealed off. Soonyoung then made it start raining, then turned it into frozen rain, and then slowly hail. (All the while also making sure not a single raindrop or hail piece hit Myungho.) 


As soon as the group from the front entered the room, Wonwoo entered from a book that he saw open on the counter. (He had brought another book with him for this very purpose.) Before Wonwoo could go into the book someone grabbed his arm. He turned to see Jun looking at him.


“Wonwoo, take me down there with you! I need to make sure Myungho is okay.”


Wonwoo had never tried taking someone with him into a book. However, he saw the desperation in the other 96-liners eyes. He nodded. “I’ll try.” He then focused and in a moment the two were through one book and in the lab.


Mingyu was also on the skylight team. The plan was to try and keep him safe since he was their healer. Although, Mingyu fought that he could do more than everyone thought since he seemed unable to be physically hurt. (Everyone was still being cautious.) 


The skylight group was then managing to help fight from above so to give them an advantage for having people above and in the actual fight.


While the guards started fighting as well as they could with the others without weapons. Hansol started trying to open Myungho’s hand restraints with his telekinesis. He slowly started moving everything little by little. And eventually Myungho was free from the restraints.




When everything started happening Myungho instantly knew what was happening. Even in his half conscious state he still knew his brothers were coming. With the lights cutting off and then it was followed by a loud screech and shaking. He knew it was Seokmin and Seungkwan. Never before had he felt such gratitude towards the two main singers.


He had seen the others when they first got to the skylight. He didn’t dare show any emotions though as not to give away the others. He then saw as they wrecked the guards guns and started making it rain. He was also very happy that Soonyoung tried to make sure nothing touched him.


He was even more grateful when he felt his handcuffs start to move, and he spotted Hansol concentrating on him. When the handcuffs were released though, he knew he wasn’t strong enough to hold himself up. He felt himself starting to fall, only to be caught in someone’s arms. He looked and saw Jun holding him, but the older was concentrating on fighting against two guards who had come to try and take Myungho back. He was also slightly shocked to see bright blue eyes in place of the others regular brown eyes.


The half-conscious Myungho couldn’t help but be amused as he watched his Hyung shoot warning ice shots at the men. Jun didn’t want to kill the men, but he needed to get the message out that he would hurt them if they came too close. Even in the midst of all the chaos around them, Myungho was happy and felt safe with the older.


The guards were quickly outmatched by the thirteen superhumans. In about fifteen minutes not a single guard had fight left in them. Or so everyone thought.


Just when they thought the fight was winding down, everyone heard a laugh. They looked to see Lady Hana standing beside a control panel. No one had even noticed the woman.


“It’s over you witch.” Seungcheol hissed out. “We’re through playing!”


Laughter continued to make its way from her lips. “The fact that you thought you could get through this so easily is hilarious!” She flipped a switch on the control panel and Myungho screamed out in pain.


“Seokmin!” Jun called out as held Myungho who seemed now in immense pain. “I thought you took away all electricity!”


“I did! This seems to be coming from something different though. I can’t get it to stop producing power!”


“This machine harvests power from body heat as opposed to regular electricity.” Lady Hana looked proud down at the machine. “While Myungho was unconscious I implanted a little chip inside the back of his neck. I have it synced up with this machine, so if I decide he’s acting up. I flip a switch and he’s in pain. I can also…” She messed with a dial and Myungho’s screaming got louder. “Decide how much pain I want him in.”


Myungho had never felt such pain before. It felt like his head was going to come right off his body. He just wanted it to stop.


“Please!” Jun called out frantically, “What can we do to make it stop! Please don’t hurt him anymore!” The older’s hold tightened around the boy.


The woman flipped the switch again and the pain stopped. Myungho went limp as the pain subsided. “I’m glad you all are open for talks. Now, here’s the deal. You have a few choices to avoid killing your friend.”


Everyone glared at the woman. She stopped and looked up. “First, get the others down here and then I’ll continue.”




Once everyone was down in the lab and was listening to what this lady had to say, she continued. “So you boys have put me through great pain these last few days.”


“We’ve put YOU through pain?” Jisoo scoffed.


That earned him a glare from the woman. “I’m willing to work with you, but you must be willing to work with me.”


“What do you want, besides trying to study us and kill us?” Soonyoung harshly asked.


“Well, you boys could stay here and allow me to study you, which I know would cause arguing. You could also allow me to travel with you for the next little bit on your tours and I could study you that way. However, the main thing here is you cooperate and allow me to perform tests on you, I need my data. Or you can take turns being here and I could study you that way as well?”


Myungho wanted to protest to the others. They could leave him there, but he didn’t want any of them to stay just because of him. However, he didn’t say anything. He picked up on something that the others were doing. He met Jun’s eyes and knew not to say anything.


Seungcheol gave a small scoff. “You know, the last option actually sounds good. You know, this way we could get a break from each other. Sometimes I do get tired being around twelve other people at once.”


“Hyung?” Seungkwan breathed out in fear, “What are you doing?”


“What? I sometimes need a break and if we take turns doing this then we could get away.”


“You know, he’s right,” Jihoon agreed with Seungcheol. “It is pretty hard being around that many people.”


“Hyung?” Mingyu looked in horror at the producer.


Lady Hana seemed pleased at the decision. “I’m happy to hear that I will be having guests. Choose about half to stay here and my guards will help them feel right at home.”


“First would have to be Seokmin.” Seungcheol smirked. “He’s always so loud. I’ll be happy to have him out of my hair. Mingyu is also so annoying always telling us to help clean up.”


“Also I could do without Chan’s annoying prideful behavior.” Soonyoung spat. “Also Jun now has too many problems with his powers.


Jihoon joined in. “Jisoo-hyung is always acting like he knows better than everyone.”


“Well fine!” Jisoo broke out in anger, “then Jihoon should also stay here! He’s always so cold to everyone!”


Myungho was so confused about the level of hatred that had suddenly flooded the room. Were these the same people who had just fought for each other? He also didn’t want any of them to stay, especially not Jun. As the guards came up and yanked Jun away Myungho tried to protest. “No! Hyungs! What are you doing???” He was still too weak to stand by himself and he fell to the ground without Jun’s support.


“Jun-hyung!” He also watched as the others who had been mentioned were dragged out of the room. “No! Please! Seungcheol-hyung? Why are you doing this?”


He wanted to fight as Soonyoung and Seungkwan came to help him up. He didn’t want to be in the arms of betrayers. He started crying. “No!”


“One more thing.” Lady Hana said coldly. “Myungho has to stay here for now. Right now he’s my bargaining chip.”


“That wasn’t part of the deal.” Seungcheol stated without emotions.


“Well, now it is. Take it or leave it.”


“Fine.” The leader gave in without much fight. “He’s not much use to us anyway.”


Myungho felt his whole world collapsing around him as the people he considered family handed him back to the guards. “What was this fight even about if you purposefully left with less people than you came with? Why did you even come?” Myungho yelled back as he was dragged away.




Myungho was thrown into a cell. He looked around and saw his other members. He was instantly filled with anger. “How could you???” He screamed at Jihoon and Jisoo. “You willingly gave up some of us! You didn’t even try to fight!”


“Minghao-” Jun tried to start.


“No! None of you even fought! What was the plan when you came here?” Myungho started crying.


“Minghao, just listen for a moment.” Jun said in Mandarin. “This is apart of our plan. They are going to get us out, but we have to be patient.”


Myungho couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This was their plan? How could they get out if even more were captured? “W...What?”


“Hyung,” Chan spoke up. “We’re going to get out. Just be calm. We had planned for something like this to happen.”


“My acting was great, wasn’t it?” Jisoo smiled at Myungho.


“We couldn’t tell you earlier as others would have heard us.” Jihoon stated as he sat on the ground leaning against Mingyu. “Also we thought you would end up going back with the others, we didn’t actually expect for Ms. Crazy to implant some chip in your neck. That’s so much more insane than what we were actually expecting.”


Jun looked towards Seokmin. “Speaking of which, Seokmin, is there anything you can do about that?”


Seokmin sighed, “I can try, but it’s not normal electricity so I can’t guarantee anything.” He seemed to concentrate on nothing in particular. The lights flickered for a moment, but then Seokmin sadly looked at the others. “Sorry, I can’t do a whole lot. I should be able to weaken the flow when it turns on, but I can’t fully depower it.


Jun nodded, “That’s okay. Thanks for trying.” He then wrapped his arms around Myungho and guided him to lean back against him. “The least we can do is get comfortable while we wait for the others to act.”


“So what is the plan?” Myungho inquired.


“The others can now effectively call the cops and we can act like she’s gone insane if she claims that we have powers.” Mingyu chuckled.


“But, how do you know it’s going to work? Especially with Jun’s bright white hair and blue eyes. Also, how the heck do you have blue eyes now?”


Jun just shrugged with a slight smirk. “We can claim she really did perform insane experiments on us and one thing she did to me caused me to lose almost all pigment in my eyes and hair and also slightly in my skin. Basically, it looks like one experiment bleached me from head to toe. Also in answer to your other question, apparently when I lose control of my powers I seem to gain new side effects.”


“You lost control again?” Myungho looked worriedly at Jun. 


“It’s fine. Soonyoung helped me through it. I just seem to get paler and paler everytime I lose control and go all Jack Frost.”


Myungho rolled his eyes as he settled back down against Jun. “Well, if it happens again, hopefully I’ll be there to help.”




The others were outside the facility. They were hiding several miles away in a convenience store. They had called the cops and Seungcheol had called their manager who said that he would bring other people from their company to the location they had been given.


“Alright guys, we have to be cautious about this.” Soonyoung stated as they walked out of the store. 


They knew that they were not to tell anyone about their powers and they were to state that they had been on the run from Lady Hana for a while and that she had finally caught up with them and captured the others. They had disappeared for a few days because of Lady Hana and she had originally captured Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and Hansol, but they had escaped and had found the others to bring them to the other seven who were kidnapped.


When the company and the cops had shown up, the boys were instantly questioned and they told them the story they had come up with. They also explained how the others had been taken. The company was quick to usher the boys into the cars they had brought along as the cops raced towards the lab.

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^