Chapter 7

When Thirteen Become One

When they got back to the dorm they were shocked at what they saw. Someone had broken in and scattered their stuff everywhere. The people looked like they had gone through everything. They were all nervous to go in, and before they did Seungcheol called the police while Jeonghan called their manager. This was getting too serious to not do anything.


While they waited Jun, Myungho, and Jihoon got restless easily, and wanted to see what had happened to their dorm. Jihoon wanted to make sure his hard drive with some songs he had been working on were still there and Myungho and Jun wanted to make sure their items from China were still there as well. They made a plan that Jihoon would allow them to enter silently while Jun would be prepared to strike anyone with his ice. Myungho would be trying to help keep watch, but if anything would happen, Myungho needed to get out of there first since he hadn’t shown any signs of having powers.


They managed to silently slip past the other members while they were waiting to hear from their managers and the police. The three entered the dorm, how was it possible the place they had called home for the past few years now felt like a dangerous and uncomfortable place seeing everything strewn about. 


They were just getting to the stairs and preparing to go up when they heard creaking from somewhere up there. Jun and Myungho looked to Jihoon for confirmation. He nodded his head. Even though they knew no one could hear them Jihoon still whispered almost silently, “I saw a small line. There’s someone up there. It wasn’t just our imaginations.”


Myungho and Jihoon suddenly got chills as Jun suddenly began releasing more cold air and was preparing to strike anyone he didn’t recognize. 


They slowly made their way upstairs. Jun going up first then followed by Jihoon. Myungho went up last. He didn’t have much of a defense so he prepared to run out if necessary like he had promised the other two. As they got halfway up the stairs Jihoon gasped and turned around quickly, but not quickly enough to warn Myungho.


Myungho was hit by something from behind very hard. He prepared to catch himself as he felt himself falling. He was amazed as he somehow landed gracefully at the bottom, but he didn’t have time to focus on that as suddenly there was a man standing above him. The man looked ready to hit him again, Myungho prompted himself to run. Right as the man went to strike the ground, Myungho was suddenly gone from the spot and was standing next to Jihoon and Jun.


“Teleportation.” Jun just briefly said before quickly throwing ice at the man who had gotten up behind Myungho. Myungho turned to see the man get struck in the shoulder with an icicle. 


“Guys we have to get out of here before someone sees this and confirms we did anything.” Jihoon motioned, he ran towards the front door, Jun and Myungho behind him. Another man that had been upstairs suddenly came down and began shooting at them. They ran as fast as they could. Myungho quickly grabbed Jihoon and Jun and before they knew it Myungho had transported them across the street, quickly having gained control of the power due to the stressful situation. They were standing in the alley across from their dorm building, they could see people running out at the sound of gunshots. As they saw the others running out too they went to meet up with them.


“Guys!” Jihoon called out. 


The guys visibly relaxed at the sight of them. The three were embraced in hugs. “We didn’t know where you were.” Seungcheol sighed as he hugged all three of them. “We heard the gunshots and didn’t see you guys anywhere around. Where were you?”


None of the three wanted to admit that they had been inside the dorm as they knew they would get scolded, but their silence answered the question for them.


“You three went inside knowing that there could still be people in there?!?” Jisoo freaked out. “You three could’ve been terribly injured, or even killed. What were you thinking? Jihoon, you’re a leader, you should know better than to lead others into dangerous situations. You need to be more responsible.”


Jun, Jihoon, and Myungho didn’t know how to respond. Jihoon felt ashamed for taking the other two in there. Jisoo was right, he needed to be more responsible.


“If you were inside when the shooting started…” Jeonghan seemed to be working something out, “How did you three get over to that alley?”


Myungho let out a sly smile. “I found my power, hyung.”


Seungcheol, Jisoo, and Jeonghan looked at each other. They would definitely be talking more about this later, but for now, as they were in public, they would get through the current situation and figure a plan out. The heard someone calling Seungcheol’s name and turned around to see their manager rushing towards them, concern on his face.


“Guys! Thank goodness you’re all alright. I had a heart attack when I heard that the shooting had happened. The police though were thankfully able to get the situation under control fairly quickly.”


“We’re all right, hyung.” Seungcheol responded, “we’re just a bit shaken up at someone breaking into our dorm. Do they know why the guys even started shooting?”


Their manager shook his head, a weird expression coming across it. “No, it’s strange though, the police said the guys seemed to be fighting someone. However, there was no one else in there other than the two guys, and the strangest part is, one of the guys had an icicle through his shoulder blade. Like a full on icicle. They have no idea where it came from. Their goal is to find the people they were fighting and figure out how the icicle was made.”


All of the members tried not to tense up at the sound of that. They all knew that if the police figured out Jun made the icicle there would be lots of trouble. It seemed though that by thinking about Jun the manager’s attention was drawn to him. A shocked expression appeared on the man’s face. “Jun, you bleached your hair! The hair stylists are going to have fit. You’ve been told to always consult them before doing anything.”


Jun looked down not knowing what to say. He couldn’t exactly tell their manager his hair was due to his ice powers, and also that he was the one to stab the man with the icicle, but don’t worry, they got out safely because Myungho can teleport. “I’m sorry hyung. I wasn’t thinking.”


The manager huffed out in frustration. “Well, what’s done is done. Anyway, guys the police have a feeling that these men are a part of the people who kidnapped Jihoon. We’re lucky they returned him, but the police have so many questions as to why all of this happened in the first place. The people didn’t even demand anything and yet Jihoon is here, unharmed too! This is going to be a hard case, their hoping the two men will be able to give some insight. For now though, Pledis has requested that all thirteen of you stay at the studio until the police get somewhere in this case. They’re going to hire a lot of extra security and as for your schedules, to be on the safe side, all of them have either been postponed or cancelled. It’s too hard to ensure safety when there are crowds, as we learned with Jihoon getting kidnapped.” 


As hard as it was to agree to those terms, all of the members knew it was probably for the best. So they were allowed to go back in their dorm to get whatever they would need for the next little while as they stayed at the studio.




Seventeen had been set up in one of the dance rooms to keep their stuff in. As promised security was everywhere in the studio. A guard was even right outside the door of the studio they were staying in. So, it was after they were left alone by the managers for the evening that they finally got to talk about the events of that day.


“Okay, first things first,” Seungcheol started, “Jun?”


The younger hesitantly nodded his head sensing what was coming. 


“Why on earth would you stab a man with an icicle! That’s a sure fire way to get yourself caught! What if the police find out you were the one to stab him with it!”


“Hyung, are you sure that they’ll even find out it was me? Besides it was self defense! The man was about to hurt Myungho!”


“Well, you possibly wouldn’t have had to defend yourselves if you hadn’t gone in the dorm in the first place.” Jisoo pointed out. “You three should’ve just waited for the police.”


Jun sighed in defeat knowing that Jisoo was right. “I’m sorry. I guess we weren’t thinking too clearly, we just wanted to make sure our stuff was okay. On the bright side though, Myungho found his power!” Jun made an attempt to turn the conversation around.


Jisoo rolled his eyes, “Luckily, otherwise things could’ve been much worse. I’m sure he would’ve found it at some point without being shot at.”


Jun muttered something under his breath.


“There’s no need to get huffy with me, Jun. It doesn’t matter that you made it out okay.”


“Why are you always looking at the negative side of things we ended up being okay!”


“I don’t always look at the negative side, I just look at the realistic side. It’s a trait that you learn from living through certain life experiences. Also, I’m sorry if I care about what happens to you. If caring makes me a bad person then so be it.”


Jun was about to respond when he took a brief glance around the room. Everyone, except for Myungho, was looking at them with confusion. It then started to dawn on him about what had happened. It seemed to also hit Myungho when they made eye contact about what had just happened.


Jisoo looked around as well noticing the strange looks. “What? What’s wrong?”


“Hyung,” Seungkwan started, “you were just arguing with Jun-hyung in fluent Mandarin.”


Jisoo was confused. “What? No, I was hearing him clearly though. I can’t speak fluent Mandarin. Surely I would’ve noticed if I spoke in another language.”


“Well, I didn’t know I was persuading people.” Jeonghan brought up. “It’s possible that you just didn’t know you switched languages.”


“How is this possible though?” Jisoo asked.


“Really, you’re asking how that’s possible, after everything we’ve witnessed over the past few days?” Hansol chuckled softly.


“Jisoo-hyung?” Jun spoke up again.


“Yes, Jun?” Jisoo asked trying to be patient.


“Are you able to understand me now?”


“Of course I can, why wouldn’t I understand you?”


“Well, because I’m currently speaking Cantonese.”


Jisoo froze not knowing what to think. “Myungho, was that really Cantonese? I wasn’t just speaking Mandarin again?”


Minghao nodded. “Yeah hyung, it was. I couldn’t understand you two.”


“Wait so is this with any language? Or just a few?” Chan asked.


“Like I know, this is still so weird. I didn’t even realize I was speaking another language.”


“Well I guess that’s another power down.” Soonyoung gave a slight smile. “Now we just need to figure out Chan’s power.”


The members looked at the maknae who looked a bit nervous to suddenly have all the attention on him. “I don’t know, hyung I haven’t really shown any side effects have I?”


They all shook their heads, none of them had noted anything different about the youngest member. They all just figured they now had to keep their eyes open for signs of anything unnatural. 

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^