Chapter 9

When Thirteen Become One

Soonyoung and Hansol ran hard, getting as far as they could from the building before ducking into an alley to catch their breaths. 


They hadn’t been standing there for too long when Soonyoung glanced at Hansol who was clutching his arm. The younger was looking very pale, his breath not coming back as easily as it normally would have. 


“H...hyung…” Hansol wheezed out.


Soonyoung was looking around realizing how much blood Hansol had been losing. “Okay, Hansol-ie, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. Just sit down, I’m going to see about what I can do for your wound.”


Soonyoung helped him sit down, trying not to let the amount of blood get to him. During the whole thing Hansol was silent. Soonyoung could practically feel guilt radiating off of him, he thought talking would distract himself and Hansol as the wound was being worked on. “Hansol, this wasn’t your fault. Seungcheol-hyung wanted us safe.”


“But if I had just stayed quiet, maybe we could’ve bought ourselves more time. If I hadn’t brought attention to myself the guy may not have started shooting.”


“That guy would have probably ended up shooting at us anyway. You did good by protecting us. You at least made sure we weren’t immediately killed.”


“We don’t know if Seungcheol-hyung is going to make it though. He should’ve gone with the first group when Myungho-hyung took them, then maybe he’d still be with us.”


Soonyoung sighed, his leader mode taking over. “Okay, Hansol, we can sit here asking the “what if” questions, and we talk about the things that should’ve and could’ve been, but that’s pointless. We don’t know what would’ve happened if Seungcheol had gone out with the first group. There are a million things that could’ve happened. Right now, we need to focus on the present. We need to focus on patching up your arm before you bleed out, and we also need to find the others. From there we can try and devise a plan to save Seungcheol.”


Hansol nodded becoming quiet again, discreetly writing something in the dirt.


Soonyoung took no notice of what Hansol was doing as he took off his jacket and tied it around Hansol’s arm like a bandage, the older added one more thing, this time saying it as an older brother. “Also, you know you’re not scum right? That man was just a stupid racist.”


“It’s okay, hyung, I’m used to comments like that and also much worse. Being a mixed idol in a country that doesn’t like people to be too different isn’t exactly easy.”


“You shouldn’t have to get used to comments like that though, it’s unfair.”


“Well, I guess life is unfair. It wasn’t exactly fair for that lady to use us as her lab rats, but here we are.”


Soonyoung was about to respond again, but voices were heard at the end of the alley. Both boys instantly went on edge. Soonyoung stood in front of Hansol, ready to protect him if anything happened. The older created a small whirlwind, ready to push it forward if they were attacked. However, the people that entered the alley had both relaxing immediately. 


Seungkwan and Wonwoo came into the alley. When they saw the two, they ran towards them. They attacked Soonyoung in a hug, as they saw him first. They then turned to Hansol hugging him too, but quickly noticing the bullet wound as they heard him cry out in pain.


“Hansol-ie!” Seungkwan cried out looking at the wound. “What happened? You’re bleeding out. Oh my gosh! You’re so pale! How much blood have you lost already?”


“I’ve bandaged it, so he won’t lose quite as much blood, but we need to get the bullet out and then see if Mingyu can help him.” Soonyoung pointed out. 


“Well let’s go!” Seungkwan pushed, “Are you waiting for him to die of blood loss? It’s okay, Hansol-ie, we’ll get Mingyu to make you like new.”


Hansol smiled a little bit at his friend’s extraness as he got up. He had to hold onto Seungkwan though as the blood loss was also making him very dizzy.


“How did you guys find us?” Soonyoung asked, not even trying to hide the surprise in his voice that they had been found.


“Hansol wrote in the dirt where you guys were.” Wonwoo smiled. “As soon as I sensed the message, we came to get you guys. Not everyone could come though as Myungho is still exhausted from over exerting his power. Mingyu has tried to help a little bit, but he can only do so much when it’s not exactly a natural tiredness.”


“He felt really bad that he couldn’t come back to get you three.” Seungkwan chimed in. “At least you guys made it out alive.”


Wonwoo suddenly stopped walking and looked around, “Wait, where is Seungcheol-hyung?”


Soonyoung sighed and Hansol refused to make eye contact with the others. “Hyung was shot in the leg.” Soonyoung stated, emotions suddenly gone. “We tried to get him, but he told us to run. I still tried to go and get him, but then Hansol was shot in the arm. Seungcheol-hyung demanded we run, so I did.” 


Soonyoung stopped walking and looked up, tears filling his eyes. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what to do in that situation, I saw my friend get hurt, but I heard my leader telling me to get out.”


“Hey,” Wonwoo hugged Soonyoung, “It’s okay, you did good. You got Hansol out when you needed to. It’ll be alright. Seungcheol-hyung is strong, he’ll make it through.”


Seungkwan comforted Soonyoung to the best of his ability with his words as he couldn’t leave Hansol without support. “Hyung, it’s fine. We’ll get through this.”


They continued walking in silence until they came to a run down building that seemed to have once been a high class office building. It now had a few construction projects going on, but no one seemed to go in it too regularly. When they walked in the building, the other members greeted them. All of them becoming aware very quickly that Hansol was injured, and Seungcheol was not there.


While Soonyoung explained to the others what had happened to Seungcheol, Mingyu came over to see how he could help. Instantly becoming aware he couldn’t just heal Hansol, as the bullet was still in the younger’s arm.


“How are we going to get the bullet out?” Mingyu looked around at the others. None of them had ever had to do something like this before. 


They could all see the pain Hansol was in though, and he was still getting paler, the blood now completely soaking through Soonyoung’s jacket. Jeonghan couldn’t bare seeing his dongsaeng in so much pain so he stepped up to help out a little bit. “Hansol-ie, sleep.” He pushed.


The young rapper instantly fell asleep in Seungkwan’s hold. The singer lowering him to the ground. 


“Okay, so does anyone have tweezers? Or at least a good idea?” Chan spoke up. “None of us have any powers that could help here.”


“What if a few of us run to a drug store and get some tweezers?” Jihoon offered.


“Should we really be leaving the building right now?” Jun asked. “What if those men see us leaving and find out this is where we’re hidden. Knowing those people they probably have eyes all over right now.”


“I could…” Myungho started.


“No, Myungho, no teleporting for today.” Jisoo sternly said.


“Well what else are we going to do? How would anyone else get to the drugstore without leaving? Hansol’s dying, what choice do we have?”


Wonwoo cleared his throat. They all looked over to see him holding what looked like to be a single page of a book that had been torn out. “What if I try and use this to navigate my way to one of the books in a drug store?”


“It’s only a single page though…” Seokmin pointed out the obvious. “Wouldn’t it be dangerous? I thought if the book was damaged it was hard for you?”


“We have to do something. It’s either Myungho goes, which we all agree isn’t the best idea after earlier, or I go. I’m willing to risk this if it ensures we don’t lose another member.”


Wonwoo looked around, all of the members seeming to agree, even if they still weren’t fans of the idea. 


“Will you be able to take the tweezers in the book with you?” Jisoo asked.


“I guess we’ll find out.” Wonwoo just simply said before he just disappeared into the page.


Jisoo caught the page right before it landed in a puddle of water. “Okay guys, we need to make sure this page stays safe until Wonwoo gets back.


They all nodded in agreement. All of them were hoping Wonwoo would get back safely very quickly with the tweezers. The thought of possibly losing Hansol and Wonwoo was a horrible thought that none of them wanted to face.




After Soonyoung and Hansol had left the building, the men were quick to pick up Seungcheol. Two of the men were holding Seungcheol’s arms and were forcing him to stand up. The pain in his wounded leg becoming almost unbearable.


“Why are you even doing this?” Seungcheol demanded, trying to hide his pain and fear by being strong.


“Well, ya see, our boss needs you to change lives.” The head man said with an evil grin. “One day, she’ll be known throughout the world as the woman who reversed aging.”


Seungcheol rolled his eyes. “I’ve heard that spiel before. I want to know why you personally are doing this? Why are you hurting me and my friends? We never asked for any of this! We are just a normal k-pop group!”


“Were.” The man seemed to correct. When he was met with a look of confusion he elaborated further. “All thirteen of you were a normal k-pop group. Now, you are a k-pop group with powers. What would happen if the media were to find out? It would be some hell storm trying to clean that up.”


He turned around to face the wall before continuing. “Also, to answer your question. I’m a part of this because I think all you idol brats deserve to be gotten rid of. You’re all stuck up and rude. You think the whole world should bow to you.”


“What? That’s not us! In fact there are several groups who have worked hard to be where they are today. They definitely don’t take advantage of the spotlight. We don’t take advantage of the spotlight.” Seungcheol was getting very nervous as he could also feel the intense anger coming from the man.


“Well we’ll see about that. I give you guys a month before you’re blabbing to the press to get more coverage on your group. You’ll bask in the glory of your powers.” The man turned around fury on his face, his tone raising in volume. “The thought makes me so… MAD! You pretty little brats will get all the attention while Lady Hana gets none of it!!! How dare you!!!!” The man then kicked Seungcheol’s wounded leg as hard as he could.


The leader screamed in absolute pain, his fear spread throughout the room. Everyone in the room got scared for a brief moment as Seungcheol’s strong emotions were being projected as far as it could reach. They projected even stronger into the two men who had been holding him as they both dropped him and visibly started to shake. The rapper was unaware of the men though as he just began to beg “P...Please…”


“SHUT UP!” The man growled, “Stop using your power on us! I hate feeling scared and it’s making me more angry! Get your composure back!”


The two men who had originally been holding Seungcheol switched out with two others who had better control over their emotions, but could still sense the overwhelming fear radiating off of the empath. 


The head man then yelled, “Take him to the truck! Make sure his chains are on nice and tight! Lady Hana’s gonna be thrilled we got a catch. Maybe we can even use him as bait!”


The men were quick to do as they were told. They threw Seungcheol in the back of a truck and quickly put chains on his hands and knees as tight as they could go. Circulation quickly being cut off. Before they shut Seungcheol in the back of the truck one of the men growled at the leader mockingly. “Such a tough leader aren’t we?” He then spit at him before slamming the door putting the scared idol into pitch black. 


Seungcheol heard the truck start up, and he felt them start driving. As soon as he was sure they wouldn’t hear him, he burst into tears. He sobbed out loud a few times as the pain in his leg, and the pain from the chains was becoming unbearable. He silently prayed to any god that would listen that s would find him, or at the very least, he hoped they would never have to face this pain.


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^