Special: Minghao [M] 1

Adore U

Mute Minghao

High school mood

*Violence *Bully *Ra*pe



High school was a dark place for Minghao, being Mute with hearing problems didn't make his life at all any easier. He was bullied almost all the time and his parents were too busy to care.


In the middle of it all, bullied, scared and broken, he was saved by the Pledis high school boys that soon became his only true family.


It was a rainy and cold day when he met them, it was one of his worst bullied days running away from his own classmates who made his life a living hell for the past two years. He slips and fell on the floor and couldn't even hear them come closer, he couldn't scream for help and they continued to beat him up.

He can't hear them but he was sure they were saying all the bad words to him like "You don't deserve to live" and "Pathetic" and "Mute sick head" and many other hurtful things but a while later, the pain suddenly stopped.


Did he finally die?


He didn't know what was going on, Minghao can't hear anything and all he knew was that for some reason, the beating has stopped. He opened his eyes to find a stranger with a worried look hovering on top of him, he was saying something but Minghao can't hear him obviously.

The tears wouldn't stop and he expected to be kicked even harder but the blond haired boy picked him up. He simply stared at him not being able to communicate with him or any of the other boys around him.


They fetched his backpack that was previously stolen and thrown away by the bullies.

An obviously older and slender boy fixed his uniform for him (Jeonghan) Minghao was still scared and hid his face with his arms but soon was gently removed by the black haired boy (Seungcheol) He was simply staring at him with concern and he didn't understand what they wanted from him.

By their uniform, they were from another school he read the word Pledis on their jackets.


They didn't hurt him, they seemed worried about him and he was sure that they chased away the bullies for him.

He signed.

*I can't hear*

*I can't talk*

*But thank you*


His eyes teary and body almost broken, he started crying. He wasn't sure if they understood or not but he was glad that they helped him.

He tried to walk away but they didn't let him. They sat him down on a dry bench and one of them took his own jacket off to warm him up.

The name tag read "Mingyu"

They were trying to see if he was okay and he signed *I'm okay* but wasn't sure if they understood it as well until a pink haired guy pulled out a notebook and a pen (Woozi).

It was so unforgettable and unique as the notebook was nothing but an empty music sheet and he wrote


"What's your name? Are you okay and why are they chasing you?"


"Xu Minghao, I'm fine thanks to you and ... because they simply can"


His hands trembled as he wrote down those words. He expected them to feel pity for him and then go away but they didn't. They walked him home and made sure he arrived safely and the next day, when school was over, they were waiting for him right at the gate so when the bullies saw them with him they didn't dare to come near him.

And a couple of months later, Minghao transferred to Pledis as well. His parents didn't care anyways and simply agreed to whatever Minghao wanted only to get him off their backs.


He found his place again.

He was happy and his new friends were the best. They all were Popular, Handsome, athletic and talented and he loved spending time with them even if he couldn't say much. They made sure that every movie they watched had subtitles and passing around written notes when the teacher is not looking was so much fun.

He was healing with them and finally becoming happier.


As time went by, they learned sign language for him and it was the happiest most overwhelming thing he had ever experienced. He was surprised that day when they greeted him one after another using sign language, they took the time to learn it and just one, day out of nowhere they were all so fluent.


Going through high school was easier with them around definitely. He loved being at school more than going home and he had a lot of sleepovers especially at Hoshi's and sometimes at Jun's since his mother made the best Chinese food ever. Jun's mom had a soft spot for Minghao and invited him quite often. Minghao only wished she was his real mother instead of the cold hearted parents he got calling him a liability and not even responding to him when he wants to talk, saying that they don't understand or have no time for him and it hurt him deeply.


Time went by and he almost forgot about his old school and his old bullies until that night.


He doesn't remember much except that it was too dark that night.

A cold winter night, it was snowing outside and he was left alone in the house again. He texted the group chat and asked if anyone was available to come and spend the night with him as he was alone and for a while he got no response for a while but soon enough they replied. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Scoups were coming.

He smiled to his phone and quickly sat up to get ready for his friends to come and soon realized that he didn't have anything in the house to offer them.


He put on his coat and simply wanted to go to the grocery store near by and get some snacks before the others arrived.


He was walking casually and didn't realize the unusual sounds behind him. They were calling him and he didn't know he was being called on

"Come on pretty boy give us a glance"

"What's a good looking guy like you doing here at this time?"


It was a bit late and it was also so cold and no one was around. Minghao didn't even hear them, and they thought he was being arrogant and ignored them, they were super drunk and didn't even care so imagine his pure terror when he was suddenly pulled from behind.

He fell to the ground with a full blown gasp and a squeal escaped him only to be pushed down and pinned to the hard cold floor.


He was terrified.

He had no idea who they were or what they wanted.

Their mouths were moving but nothing reached Minghao's ears.

He tried to push them away, he tried to escape but it was harder and harder to move and he felt their weight above him, suffocating him.

Everything happened so quickly and yet so slow, he remembered the way he was struggling with his breaths, not being able to breathe properly and just a few minutes later, he simply blocked out.

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Chapter 10: I love this story so much😭❤️
Chapter 3: According to hoshi's live-streaming a few days ago, I start thinking that this story might be real... Hope all these guys be healthy forever.❤️
Chapter 1: Okay, Cheol is such an amazing boyfriend and Jeonghan deserves him! I love your writing so much