Meeting (Introduction)

How are you making me feel this way..?

I looked around the park. "Finally! I can practice in peace."

After stretching out my muscles as needed, I put on myheadphones, selected a song and listened for a moment. Then, feeling the rhythm of the song, Istarted practicing the choreography.

All too soon, I hear two guys shouting at each other. Ugh, it's too early in the morning for this... I sighed and took off my headphones and look up to see the two people who caused the noise. They look like they aren't much older than me. In fact, one of them looks younger than me.

"But hyung!" The younger one looked like he was complaining."

"Yah! I told you to stay there!" The one around my age looked mad at the other one.

And there goes another day to practice... I thought to myself. I shook my head. Seriously, I don't know when I'll be able to practice at this rate... I closed my eyes.

"What's your name?" the older one's voice was suddenly right in front of me.

"Bwo?!" I looked up at him, startled.

"I asked, what's your-"

"No, no you don't need repeat yourself. Sorry. My name is Mihee." I felt embarrassed and looked away. Why the heck did I even tell him my name for?

I quickly left the park and headed back to my home. "Ahh, seriously! I must've been crazy to tell him my name..."


Mihee huh? I watched her go off somewhere. Hopefully I see you again...


A/N: hello~ this is DawnBlade with my first official chapter! See you soon hopefully! ^^ (this was a horrible chapter but I needed to get something out there..... >.>)

(Jimin says peace out! haha XD)

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I'm so sorry guys! I'm so thankful to those who are so patient!!


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Chapter 4: Update soon!^^
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: Weird fact for chapter 2: I heard it takes 8.5 seconds for a guy to fall in love, and for the girl it takes 2 weeks and 1 day..... I find this true
Chapter 3: omg i swear to god xD #squeeledJUSTBECAUSEOFjungkooklol NOW IMMA READ THE LEO ONE U HAVE ~ *disappears* keke jimin's so confused xD~ poor bebeeee
Chapter 1: im dying xD i didnt expect that picture in the ending lol as your lovely unnie, im saying, i thought that I was referring to Jimin x'D wow i fail hehe i'm excited to read more! UPDATEEEE OR IMMA TEXTU NONSTOP TO BOTHER U XDDD mwuaha >3333 btw, imma start the KAvi story soon or VIXX scenarios and you're gna co-author ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
and first to comment lol
no M-- i will not comment..... mwuahahahahahha FIRST TO SUBSCRIBE >DDDD