Are You Crazy?

How are you making me feel this way..?

I've been practicing in a different room for now and I haven't seen any of the guys I'd met a few days ago. It's really nice to be finally alone. I wonder who all those guys were though...

Suddenly some music started blasting. I became quiet and tilted my head to the side as I tried to make out the words that were being sung.

The name is Jung Kook, my scale is nationwide
I pulled all-nighters at practice rooms instead of school, dancing and singing
When you guys partied, I gave up sleep for my dreams
I spent all night holding a pen, closing my eyes only after the morning sun rises
My limit was broken in the double standards and many oppositions
But I got lucky and was contacted by an agency
All you who are called rappers because you can’t sing, the rapper title is an extravagance for you

Everywhere I go, everything I do
I will show you, as much as I sharpened my sword
To all the people who looked down on me
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) hey shout it out

Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did
We go hard, we have no fear
(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like
(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like
Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did
We go hard, we have no fear
(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like
(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it

I somehow found myself just on the other side of the door. I peered into the room through the small window and my eyes widened. It was the boys I'd met not too long ago. One boy in particular caught my eye. That boy was the one who asked for my name at the park. That's odd... I thought he was just guy...

"Excuse me!!"

"Huh?" I turned around and saw another guy with...a fauxhawk? Or is that a mohawk? Anyway, I quickly stepped out of  the way and the guy opened the door and rushed inside. Once again, I peeked inside.

"Leader! Why are you so late?!"

"Ah, sorry guys, but someone here didn't wake me up!"

"Why're you looking at me for?! Just cuz I'm the oldest doesn't mean I have to baby you Namjoon!" He pouted and looked away.

Are they crazy? Why are they just fooling around now??? I turned away and headed back to the practice room I was using.


I glanced out of the window and noticed a girl's face. Wait a second...that's the girl from the park! Her name's....Mihee!

I rushed out of the practice room and noticed the end of a jacket disappearing behind a door. I heard my hyungs yell at me for ditching and such but like I care. I need to find her before she disappears again! I ran to the door I thought she went through and opened it. Thankfully, I was rewarded with the sight of a cute girl with a shocked expression on her face named Mihee.

"You...wait how'd you find me???"

I shrugged, "I saw you outside our room."

"And you just left your members? Are you crazy? You should give more thought to the others!"

I blinked. Ok...why is she like this? I've been working as hard as everyone else. I made a face. "You're more interesting than the choreo I've been practicing for about a month now."

She shook her head and said, "I hope you don't make any mistakes."

I grinned. "I won't."

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I'm so sorry guys! I'm so thankful to those who are so patient!!


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Chapter 4: Update soon!^^
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: Weird fact for chapter 2: I heard it takes 8.5 seconds for a guy to fall in love, and for the girl it takes 2 weeks and 1 day..... I find this true
Chapter 3: omg i swear to god xD #squeeledJUSTBECAUSEOFjungkooklol NOW IMMA READ THE LEO ONE U HAVE ~ *disappears* keke jimin's so confused xD~ poor bebeeee
Chapter 1: im dying xD i didnt expect that picture in the ending lol as your lovely unnie, im saying, i thought that I was referring to Jimin x'D wow i fail hehe i'm excited to read more! UPDATEEEE OR IMMA TEXTU NONSTOP TO BOTHER U XDDD mwuaha >3333 btw, imma start the KAvi story soon or VIXX scenarios and you're gna co-author ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
and first to comment lol
no M-- i will not comment..... mwuahahahahahha FIRST TO SUBSCRIBE >DDDD