
How are you making me feel this way..?

I'd hidden in another room and after a few minutes I opened the door. My eyes widened when I heard a thud. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay??"

"Yeah I'm fine..." He was rubbing his forehead. "Who could've guessed that a door could cause so much pain?" He chuckled softly then looked at me. And then he tilted his head.

"Have we met somewhere before? You look familiar."

I shook my head. "You must have me confused with someone else." I smiled gently at him. That's when it hit me. The park. He HAS seen me before.

No, no, no. freaking...aish!

"Well, my name is JungKook." he gave me a sweet smile.

I am starting to wonder why anyone would give their name to someone they don't even know. Ruffling my hair, I return the smile. "Nice to meet you. Actually, I have to get going. So, bye bye!" I waved and quickly left.

Aish, I really do have to be more careful...

Not too long after that thought left my mind I bumped into someone else. Ah, seriously!

"Ah mianhae!" I bowed and the person gently made me straighten. He looked somewhat more feminine than the others I've met so far.

"Don't worry about it. No one got hurt." He gave me a gentle smile and bowed his head. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Ah...I was in the dance room practicing but I had to leave just now." I slightly smiled.


I nodded then bowed. "So excuse me, but I really need to go now."

"Of course. What's your name by th-"

I was already gone by the time they started asking me their question. While I was passing by a couple of guys-seriously, where are they coming from??-one of them mentioned something.

"Hyung, I'm getting tired of Jimin going off about that girl he met a few days ago." He was kind of attractive and different from all the others because he had light brown hair rather than black or dark brown hair.

"Taehyung, then maybe you should try to help him find her, y'know?" He looked older and acted a bit like a umma from what I could tell.

Then I left. 'Jimin'? Is that his name?



in order of who appeared. ^_^


A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying this! ^_^ please do comment! Also, if you can tell me what I can do better that would be great! So, see you all next time! :D

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I'm so sorry guys! I'm so thankful to those who are so patient!!


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Chapter 4: Update soon!^^
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: Weird fact for chapter 2: I heard it takes 8.5 seconds for a guy to fall in love, and for the girl it takes 2 weeks and 1 day..... I find this true
Chapter 3: omg i swear to god xD #squeeledJUSTBECAUSEOFjungkooklol NOW IMMA READ THE LEO ONE U HAVE ~ *disappears* keke jimin's so confused xD~ poor bebeeee
Chapter 1: im dying xD i didnt expect that picture in the ending lol as your lovely unnie, im saying, i thought that I was referring to Jimin x'D wow i fail hehe i'm excited to read more! UPDATEEEE OR IMMA TEXTU NONSTOP TO BOTHER U XDDD mwuaha >3333 btw, imma start the KAvi story soon or VIXX scenarios and you're gna co-author ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
and first to comment lol
no M-- i will not comment..... mwuahahahahahha FIRST TO SUBSCRIBE >DDDD