A Night for Three ?

You're Different

My dad was having a special event for all the entertainments and groups. Not all of the groups were coming due to their busy schedules. 

I walked to my aunty who had three dresses for me to choose from. There was a full body black dress that had sparkles all over it, a teal low rise evening gown and a peach body tight dress. I chose the teal dress and wore black heels. She put a pearl necklace and bracelet on me which made the dress pop out.

"If only your mother could see how beautiful look," she said. I smiled at the compliment but then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it sweety," my aunty said and walked out my room.

I looked in the mirror and felt satisfied. Then my aunty came back.

"Your dad sent a driver to drive you to the event," she said. 

I nodded and looked back into the mirror. I took a couple seconds to look at myself one last time and left with the driver. I entered a limo and watched buildings stand in place while the limo passes by. When we got to the event, I walked out and a huge paparazzi crowd came up to me to take photos of me. My dad appeared and walked me through the crowd.

When we entered the building, it was really extravagant. We walked through fancy hallways and walked into a big ball room that had a lot of kpop groups and executives. BTS walked up to us first.

"Hello JYP sunbaenim," they said and bowed. 

My dad smiled, "Hello boys. How do you like the party?"

"I LOVE THE CHEESE PLATES!" Jimin said. A guy holding a plate of cheese and Jimin quickly snatched a hand full of them. "I've never tasted this kind of cheese before!"

"Yah! That's for everyone! Share!" Suga scolded him.

"Don't worry boys. We have plenty of cheese," my dad said. 

"YAY!" Jimin yelled and ran to go find the guy holding the cheese plate.

"Aish.... What will we do with that boy?" Jin asked and shook his head.

"Well I'm going to talk to YG and SM. Have fun tonight," my dad said and walked away. 

"Hey Minri!" Jimin said with cubed cheese in his mouth. I waved and looked away.

"Minri, let's walk around," Namjoom said. 

"Okay," I said. He held his arm out and I held it while we walked.

"I talked to that girl Taehyung got drunk with," he said.


"She said she was Taehyung's girlfriend, Lee Geeyin," he said. I looked at him.

"So they were dating when Jungkook and I was trying to not get him into trouble with my dad?" I asked.

"I don't know but she said it on the phone. She kept calling and calling Taehyung's phone and he told me to handle her. She wouldn't leave him alone. But after I talked to her, there was no more phone calls or texts."

"I guess he messed with the wrong girl that night," I said. Inside, I was in joy. He's getting karma for hurting me. But that girl I saw a couple days ago gave me the chills a bit. I've never seen that girl before but she glared at me for quite a while.

"Minri?" Namjoon asked. I looked at him. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing's wrong," I said. We walked to the table of finger food and I grabbed a plate. I put cubed cheese and triangle sandwiches on it.

"Taehyung has been crying every night," he said.


"When he sleeps, he yells your name right before waking up. Then he cries," he said and ate a sandwich. "Don't eat too much! There's going to be dinner! Fettuccine Alfredo with lobster!"

I sighed and shook what he said out of my mind. I was walking around and bumped into Jungkook. My plate of food dropped to the floor.

"Sorry," he said. 

I shook my head, "It was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." I bent down and cleaned the food up. 

"Let me get you another pla-"

"Everyone! Please sit down! Dinner is about to be served!" my dad said on the microphone.

"Let's go to our table," Jungkook said. I smiled and nodded. He guided me to our table which had all of BTS sitting there.

"Minri! You're sitting with us again!" Jin said.

"Yeah," I simply said with no emotion. I sat down in a chair that was facing the stage.

"As all of you know, my daughter is here tonight," my dad said. The spot light and shined on me. I stood up and bowed to everyone. "I have a little surprise for you after dinner, honey." My dad started to talk about business stuff which didn't interest me.

"I wonder what the surprise is," J-Hope said.

"Yeah. I wonder too," I said.

The servers were serving our dinner and we started eating. I looked up at Taehyung and noticed he was just playing with the food. I noticed he had eye bags but I can't see anything due to all the make up he was wearing. I felt bad but I ignored how I felt. He was the one who did me wrong.

"Minri, can you get me a glass of punch?" Namjoon asked. 

I stood up and headed for the punch bowl. While I was pouring punch into a cup, a girl started getting my attention. She was an outsider but wanted me to go to her. Then I realized it was the girl that glared at me the other day. I put the glass of punch down and walked to her.

(Jungkook's POV)

I was enjoying my dinner and looked up. Rap monster asked Minri to get him a glass of punch. I didn't mind that she said yes but something bothered me about it. 

"So V, what are you going to do to get Minri back?" Jimin asked. V was just twirling the noodles with his fork.

"I don't know anymore," he said.

"Aw don't be like that! There's got to be something for her to take you back," Suga said.

"But it depends if she WANTS to take me back. I don't even think that's possible for that thought at the moment," V said.

"Well let's just hope for the best and see what happens," J-Hope happily said before putting pasta in his mouth.

"Man, I'm thirsty," Rap Monster said. "Where is Minri with my punch?"

We all turned around to look at the bowl of punch and didn't see anyone there.

"More like where is Minri," Jin said. We were about to get up but JYP sunbaenim came to us.

"Hey boys. Where's my darling daughter?" he asked.

"Uh... I asked her to get me a glass of punch and she never came back," Rap Monster confessed.

"She must have went to the bathroom. I'll get a lady to go see," he said. He went to 2NE1's CL and asked if she can check if Minri was in there. She came back and told JYP that she wasn't in there.

"Where the hell could she have gone?" Suga asked. I looked at V and he looked very pale. I could see him shaking.

"V hyung. Do you know where Minri is?" I asked. The rest looked at him.

"No I don't know. But I wish she came back," he said and looked down. I felt like he was being honest.

JYP came back and was about to tell us something, but someone told us that she went out through the back door. 

"Let's go," Rap Monster said and we all walked fast out the back door. There we saw Minri laying on the ground unconscious.

"MINRI!" JYP and V yelled in sync.


Special thanks to Solstice Poster Shop for making me my first poster for this story.

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PennyB912 #1
Chapter 38: Cute story! Thank you for sharing!!
xoxo_devilia #2
Chapter 38: <3 Omo this was so goood!!! PLEASE UPDATE :D
btslover1111 #3
Chapter 38: OMG feelsss everywhere!!! Minri you betta say yes! Say yes Say yes cause I need to know! And please update soon!! Had a great time reading! ^_^
Chapter 38: Minri such a luck girl! Say yes please ... V damns so cool. Urghh..... melted.
but, how about nana? Hope you still update this ff. I took 7 hour and 30 minute to read this ...
Chapter 38: OH my Gosh V....Daebak! Happy Guy!
xiumin120801 #7
Chapter 38: So this is the end? Omgggg Minri you better marry him!!!!! Taehyung, you're the luckiest man in the world whoooooa