I Have a Crush on Him



“Okay class, let’s move on to page 29. Luhan at the back, can you read it to the class please?”


*Kim JinAh* Luhan thought to himself while his eyes fixed on the younger class doing PE on the field. He furrowed his eyebrows for the nth time in the day when he saw JinAh laughing because the strange guy said something to her. *Why would she even talking to a stranger? Where the heck is Kang Seri?!* Luhan let out a frustrated sigh as he found Seri and Chen talking to the teacher. 

"Luhan!" the teacher exclaimed. Luhan lifted his head and found all the class staring at him. He has always been this good student, never get dozen off in class, especially his favorite subject, Chinese Literature. 

"N-ne?" Luhan asked as he stood up from his chair before the teacher walked to him. *I'm dead meat* Luhan gulped as the teacher finally standing in front of him with a bamboo stick on his hand. The teacher cleared his throat. Luhan flinched when the teacher move his bamboo stick for only pointed it to Luhan's textbook. "Read page 29, you're pronunciation is good." The teacher explained before walking back to the front of the class.

Luhan cleared his throat and started reading.



"Really? My favorite song is Bonamana as well!" Baekhyun exclaimed with a wide smile on his face. "You really? Wow that's cool!" JinAh utter while looking at Baekhyun with 'I don't believe you' look. "Yeah~ Why would I lie to you~" He sang while crossing his arms which made JinAh laugh hard.

"Park JinAh! Byun Baekhyun!" Both JinAh an Baekhyun turned their head to find their classmate already gathered with their PE teacher looking unamused.

"Let's race, loser buy ice cream after school." Baekhyun grinned before started to run. "Ya! You're cheating!!" JinAh stomped her feet before running towards Baekhyun that's already standing beside Chen. 

"JinAh will treat us ice cream today~" Baekhyun announced to Chen and Seri which are already happy at the ice cream treat. "Yo.. you.. huff. ch..cheater.." JinAh said while grasping for air. Baekhyun only shrugged and winked towards the dying girl as the teacher started his class.



The four excited friends are now walking out the school toward the ice cream shop nearby. Baekhyun and Chen are walking at the front while talking about guy stuff where Seri and JinAh followed behind. "He looks like a nice person." Seri spoke. JinAh knew that person Seri meant is Baekhyun and she only smiled. "Yeah, of course he is." She nodded and they finally arrived on the shop.

"Hi. Can I have vanilla with chocolate please?" Baekhyun said to the lady before turning to JinAh. "What do you want?" "I'll get mint with chocolate." JinAh replied as she sat down on the long table near the window with 8 chairs. There aren't many people in the shop today. 

Seri walked over to Chen with her sweet smile on. "Just like usual?" Chen said before leaning over to peck Seri's lips and she nodded with a shy smile. "Ugh couples." Baekhyun said before walking towards JinAh with their ice cream.

"Here. Mint with chocolate." JinAh unconsciously her lips and let out a smile as her favorite ice cream is now in front of her. Baekhyun chuckled and sit between the window and JinAh. Seri and Chen came not too long after that and sit across Baekhyun and JinAh. 


The four of them were talking about math assessment when the door of the shop opened. JinAh turned her head around, her heart stopped beating.

The two guys walked to the counter. "Mint with chocolate and Blueberry please." One guy said where the other seems to look for seats. "Eo? Park JinAh?" He exclaimed before walking over to her table. JinAh quickly turned her head while stuffing with her ice cream. 

"Xiumin sunbaenim?" Chen stood from his seat to greet the senior. "Oh hi Chen~ Can I sit here?" He asked as he sat down beside Seri, across from JinAh. "Ne of course." Chen replied as he sat back down.

"Oh you're here Luhan?" Xiumin said as he stood up from his seat only to sit back down with his blueberry ice cream. Luhan automatically sat himself down across Xiumin, beside JinAh. "Annyeong, is it okay to sit here?" He asked and everyone said yes, except the overly shy JinAh.

"You don't like me to sit here?" Luhan asked politely which made JinAh's heart melt. "A-aniyo." She answered quietly before turning her head to the window and met Baekhyun's two eyes. He smiled a little before stuffing his mouth with ice cream. Baekhyun was really quiet after the two senior joined, JinAh only thought he was feeling a little bit awkward, but Baekhyun has a different story.


"PARK JINAH~~~" A voice boomed inside the empty store before JinAh felt a heavy weight behind her. She turned around which only made her checks attacked by big palms. "Ya Park Chanyeol it hurtss." JinAh squirmed in her brother's big palms. "Oh I'm sorry cutie~~" he let go of JinAh's face and plopped himself beside Luhan. "So embarassing." JinAh mumbled quietly and found Baekhyun looking at her with big eyes. "What's wrong baek?" She asked. "Your boyfriend?" Baekhyun carefully asked which made JinAh burst into laughter and accidently spilled her melting ice cream into her skirt.

Luhan saw what happened and quickly reached for tissues, but.. "Are you okay? What's wrong with you?" A hand reached down to JinAh to wipe the mess with his handkerchief. *What the heck is that guy?!* Luhan snorted while clenching his fist under the table. JinAh who still laughing hard only care less about her skirt. "You really think Park Chanyeol is my boyfriend? My style is not that low, you know." JinAh explained after hardly catching her breath.

"Excuse me woman I heard that! And you're not my style either!" Chanyeol complained. "Here, choco-orange." An ice cream cup placed in front of Chanyeol before a guy sat across him with a cup of green tea ice cream. "Oh? Kyunsoo oppa annyeong~~" JinAh greeted which only replied by a nod. 

Being the brightest among them, Chanyeol stood up and clapped his hands. "I don't think we know each other yet, so how about self introduction?" He grinned which replied by Xiumin as he stood up. "Okay, lets start with me. I'm Xiumin-" "Kim Minseok." Luhan cut in only to earn a glare from Xiumin. Everyone laughed and Xiumin can only sigh in surrender. "Fair enough, because you all look nice, I'll tell you all. I'm Kim Minseok, but please call me Xiumin." He explained before winking at Seri.

Chen quickly covered Seri's eyes "Hyuungg~~" he whined which makes everyone laugh again. Chen stood up after Xiumin sat down. "I'm Kim Jongdae, but like Minseok hyung said, call me Chen." He grinned and signaling Seri to stand up, which she did. "And this is MY girlfriend, Kang Seri." He continued which made Seri blushed madly. "Okay then it's my turn!~ I'm Park Chanyeol, and that's my sister, Park JinAh. Anyone messed with her, just be ready to face me." He declared as he pointed to JinAh.

She can only face palmed at her childish but overprotective brother. "I haven't seen you before, please introduce yourself." Chnyeol said to Baekhyun. He stood up and smiled politely. "I'm a new student, Byun Baekhyun. And thanks to JinAh I go new friend on my first day." He smiled sheepishly which made Luhan's blood boiling. He stood up right after Baekhyun sat down. "I'm Luhan. Nice to meet you all." He said shortly but succeed to made JinAhs inside to made a flip flop move.

She cleared her mind and turned her head to the quiet guy. "Kyunsoo oppa, your turn." JinAh said before the guy stood up from his chair. "I-I'm Do Kyunsoo from class 3-A." He said quietly and bowed 90 degrees. Chanyeol let out a chuckle and patted Kyungsoo's shoulder. "Relax Kyungsoo this is not some kind of conference."







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Please check out my new story <<SQUARE ONE>> with Chanyeol and Sehun! :D


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am_shy19 #1
Chapter 11: You're back authornim^_^
Deeexolover #2
Omg I love u
Vinich11 #3
Chapter 10: Update sooon... :(