Beach Day Part 1


     It was awkwardly silent even when everyone got off the boat. It was hard to look each other in the eye especially for Minyoung. In her mind, it was all her fault. What would have been fun and a success judging by how many fish they caught), turned into a horrible experience. The whole way through no one spoke and only the soft whine of the wind could be heard. Baekhyun had tried to lighten up the mood, but it ended up with him awkwardly laughing at them on his own. It became so unbearable that Chanyeol had to shut him up… you don’t really want to know how.

     Anyhow, the moment they reached the dock, Sehun left in a flash with Kai hot on his heels. Kai seemed a bit nervous to confront his steaming pal in front of him, but he was the only who seemed to be able to calm Sehun down. They were best friends after all. The rest of them trailed out of the boat too as they made their way to Uncle’s house. At that time, the only people happy were Dahee and Hana. Whether Uncle forgot about the punishment or he let them go because of Minyoung’s condition, they were officially not doing whatever Uncle had planned. The two gave a knowing look. Now that work was over, they wanted to have fun. The sun felt nice on their backs and hitting the beach seemed to be a nice idea. Dahee looked at the boys and her friends as they walked down back to the house. She cleared .

     “Hey guys?” she asked. It took a while before everyone looked at her. It was a bit out of the blue. Even Suho quirked an eyebrow wondering what his girlfriend was up to, judging by the smirk on her face.

     Smiling sweetly, she continued, “You guys all are tired of being quiet and want to have fun, right?” She looked around almost menacingly, sending them a message to respond the answer she wanted. Everyone was nodding yes, taken aback by the sudden mood swing. She beamed. She opened , but Hana put a hand over it.

     “Then let’s go to the ocean!!” Hana interrupted with sparkling eyes. Kris chuckled at her enthusiasm, and Baekhyun whooped, throwing a fist in the air. Dahee, on the other hand, was getting irritated by the hand over . She looked over at the others pleadingly, including Minyoung who was smiling weakly, but no one noticed her pain… Dahee made up her mind. She opened big and…


     “OWWW!” Hana cried out, holding her hand that was just assaulted by sharp pointy teeth. She glared at Dahee who had already started running. Hana, fuming, shouted while chasing after her, “You are SO dead Miss Dahee!!!!!” The others laughed following. They reached the house to hear Dahee’s last words.

     “Get dressed guys! And don’t worry about AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

1 hour later…

     They all took a long time preparing. The girls quickly changed and threw on some clothes over their bikinis. They scavenged the kitchen for food that they could eat for their campfire later. What they couldn’t find was written on a list and given to Suho who drove down to the nearest market. The boys were packing beach balls, volley balls, more balls, and even more balls. Their ball frenzy was put to a stop however by Hana who put most of them back. When they were all set, Kris took the driver’s seat of the van and drove down on the 2 minute trip to the beach. The moment the car door opened. Baekhyun sprung out.

     “The beach, the beach~” he sing-songed. The girls joined him running down into the waves that also came forward to greet them. They retreated back into the ocean after a friendly welcome. After the boys, had unloaded the car and set it under a tree, they began to play too. They swam in the ocean (those who could), jumped around in the waves, and lay on the wet sand. Then…

     “Hey Kris!” Hana called out. Her boyfriend looked up from the sandcastle he was building with Kyungsoo. The moment he did, salty water was splashed into his eye and he fell back shrieking. He held his burning eye as steam came out his ears. Hana’s evil cackle did not help either. He himself took a big scoop of water and threw it at her. She flinched from the cold stare he gave her but was able to dodge the water. However, it hit hot-tempered Dahee instead. She turned around.

     “…Who… threw that?” she asked with a deathly glare. Everyone grew silent. They did not want to be the victim of Dahee’s wrath. When she took a step towards the group, they all shuddered and stepped back. Step. Step step. Dahee soon took flight and screamed out a war cry, attacking all of the people in the way. Chanyeol took a watery slap to the face. Kyungsoo's already huge eyes became even bigger as she pounced on him and pushed him headfirst into the waves. Even Suho who held her back with a hug, or her tried to at least, was thrown aside, looking dazed. When there was finally only Minyoung, Hana, and Kris left, the betrayal began.

     "He did it!!!" Hana and Minyoung both cried out, terrified of their furious friend. She didn’t even appear to be the usual happy and bubbly Dahee, the girl who could put all insults aside with another insult or a sarcastic remark.  Kris, who was also a bit nervous, was surprised that he was given away as a sacrifice to the devil.

     "What? No! I-" he too fell into the ocean like the rest of the boys. Once Dahee's revenge plan succeeded, she smiled back to her hyper self.

     "That felt sooooooo good!" she exclaimed. She gave a hug to her two best friends. "Thanks guys!!" The girls cheered and spun in circles, laughing at what had just happened. The boys had pulled themselves off the ground and shook their heads at their immaturity.

     "Girls..." Baekhyun muttered. He scraped at his tongue that was coated in clumps of sand. Suho laughed as he squeezed the water out of his shirt.  Chanyeol suddenly came up with an idea.

     "Hey let's come with revenge number two for us!" he said excitedly. All of their ears immediately perked up except for Kyungsoo who was frowning.

     "What if we get punished again?" Kyungsoo tentatively asked. Chanyeol smirked evilly.

     "We just have to make sure they can't move, right?" he whispered. Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, but caught on. So did the others. They immediately set to work, finding a perfect place under the shade...

30 minutes later...

     "LET ME GO!!!" Hana screamed. The boys' miraculous plan of revenge was to bury the girls under mounds. Currently, Dahee and Minyoung were snugly placed under a large amount of sand. They had struggled for some time, but they could not get out no matter what. They kicked, screamed, and wriggled but nothing worked. Hana was harder to catch, being athletic, but when she was finally caught, there was nothing she could do against the five guys except yell at them. In the end, she too was plopped right into the ditch and sand was thrown over her. The boys now had three sand mummies who were shrieking and cursing at them. They laughed evilly at their work. What they didn’t realize was that when Minyoung had stopped squirming around in exhaustion, her hand came in contact with a stick. During this time, she had been slowly digging a way out for her arms. Hana had seen this and continued to distract them.

     “Kris! I’m going to whip you so bad, you won’t even be able to cry for your mom!!!” Hana screamed. Kris rolled his eyes, scoffing.

     “That’s like the most lamest joke I’ve ever heard!” Kris said. Hana stuck her tongue out.

     “Whatever! Anyways that wasn’t a joke and it’s most lame, not most lamest!!!” Hana retorted. “I thought you were from Canada and spoke English!” Kris’s ears turned bright red at that comment. The other boys were laughing too. She then turned to Suho. “And you!” she cried out. Suho looked alarmed and pointed to himself.

     “Me?” Suho asked in bewilderment. She nodded.

     “Yes you! You are the student body president and even though you are dating Dahee, you still wave to your fangirls!!!” she exclaimed. Everyone’s jaws dropped open. Even Minyoung who had just finished digging her way out. But she recovered quickly. Minyoung quickly handed Dahee the stick.

     “Wha-what?! That’s not true!” Suho protested, but he knew deep down the truth. He did that only to no be rude, and he liked the attention. But the fact that Dahee was hearing this made him nervous. Dahee was in fact fuming as she dug herself out.

     “Hey Suho is that true?!” Dahee half-threatened, half-asked. He gulped and meekly rotated his head to make it seem like a yes and no. By then, the boys had realized Dahee and Minyoung were out of their sand mounds…

     “Guys…” Baekhyun said in alarm. He backed away slowly. The boys were too interested in why Baekhyun was acting this way to realize that the girls were out. And they were ready… for revenge. This eyes were set a blaze and they all grabbed some sort of weapon (cough seaweed, sticks, blah blah cough) as they charged. Luckily for the boys, they turned their heads just in time to run after Baekhyun who already had a head-start.

30 minutes later…

     “Why did you have to give my beautiful face a bruise!?” Kris screamed. He clutched at a part of his cheek, whimpering pitifully. Right after the boys had started running, the girls had beat the boys down onto the sandy beach floor. Currently, they were sprawled out in front of the girls, tending their injuries.  Hana looked at him in disgust.

     “Oh be a man! That’s not even a scratch!” Hana reprimanded. Kris cowered and flinched when she waved a stick at him. In the end, she threw the stick at his head in which he yelped from the sharp pain, and she poured salt water over the minor cut on his face. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes shaking his head.

     “I told you guys this would happen,” Kyungsoo muttered to Suho, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol who all nodded sullenly. There was a moment of silence as they all sat there, becoming bored and wondering what to do next. Suddenly, being the happy virus he is, Chanyeol perked up and asked a question that seemed to excite the girls.

     “Hey guys? Do you want to play volleyball?” he suggested wriggling an eyebrow. Everyone looked at him. After glancing at the girls who seemed to be excited, the boys all shouted.

     “YES!!!!!” they all cried out. Soon after, they had scouted the beach for volleyball nets (which they successfully found) and were whooping as they picked out a volleyball from their basket of balls. It became time to pick the teams.

     “Sooooo… how are we going to play?” Kyungsoo asked. He looked around for suggestions. The girls looked at each other with giggles. Minyoung for the first time after the incident started to speak.

     “Well… I think we girls aren’t going to play,” Minyoung said. “We want you guys to have a full on battle! We’ll keep the score. But there’s something we came up with.” The boys all leaned in to hear it. Minyoung slyly smiled and continued. “The losing team has to do all the chores on this trip!!!” Every boys’ mouth dropped open in shock. But then they all had a competitive fire burning in their eyes.

     “You’re on!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

     “I’m pumped up!” Baekhyun yelled.

     “I don’t mind if I lose though,” mumbled Kyungsoo.

     “Ugh so not my style, but whatever,” Kris said as he checked his reflection in a mirror (everyone wondered where he even got it but decided to ignore it).

     “Ok then Kris and I will be team captains,” Suho declared. After picking teams for awhile, it ended up being Suho with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol while Kris had Baekhyun. Kris frowned.

     “Hey! That’s not fair! We have one less person than you!” Kris said, pointing a finger at Suho. Chanyeol butted in rolling his eyes.

     “Call your girlfriend into the game! From what I can tell she’s like three men combined!!!’ Chanyeol exclaimed, but he immediately shied away when Hana started to get at him. He would have been maimed if it wasn’t for Minyoung and Dahee who held him back. During this commotion, they didn’t notice a person that had walked up next to them. All of them turned to look at who it was. The person spoke.

     “Mind if I join?"


Ooooh who is that person~? Haha it's been awhile but I hope you continue to show your love for this story!!! I'm going to add a chapter soon about Kris and Hana & Dahee and Suho. Stay tuned~ <(^.^<)


Saaaaayyy... HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD "CALL ME BABY"?! It's amazing!!! If you haven't check it out!


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3