

     “No way…” Kris muttered before slowly closing his eyes shut, wishing it was just his imagination.

     “Please oh please oh puleeeeez let it not be him…” he muttered. But when he cautiously opened one eye to check if the boy was really there or not, he saw…

     Big. Black. Beady. Panda eyes staring back at him. Kris screamed and tried to push the boy away. The boy leapt back as Kris crashed onto the hard cement floor with a grin. He shook his head at Kris.

     “GeGe, you ought to know by now that you can never knock me over… I’m too good at wushu compared to you… Wait you don’t even know how to,” the mysterious boy said with a girly laugh. Hana raised an eyebrow at his joke. The then rushed to help Kris up. Kris groaned in pain, but was able to stand and he stared the boy up and down.

     “Well Tao… how’ve you been? You seem… different,” Kris stated, wondering why the boy was so unfamiliar. Tao giggled. Kris tried to remember what he used to look like.

     Tao used to have raven black hair, nerdy glasses, and a weird dressing style... But now, he had blonde strands of hair, contact lenses that seemed to glow, and… a chic dressing style. (Not as chic as me though, Kris thought).

     “Why GeGe? Like what you see?” Tao asked cutely. Kris gagged.

     “What are you talking about!” he exclaimed. Chanyeol and Hana (subconsciously) had taken a few steps back, trying to avoid the two. Especially since the boy named Tao who seemed to have flowers, cupcakes, and rainbows spouting out of him.

     But time was running out. Hana and Chanyeol looked at each other anxiously, waiting for the conversation to end. Finally, Hana cleared . Tao and Kris stopped arguing. Chanyeol walked up to Tao.

     “Hey! My name is Chanyeol!” he said. Tao nodded with a grin. Chanyeol winced when Tao’s face zoomed up close to take a good look at him. He became even more uncomfortable when he heard Tao say, hmmm not my type. Following Chanyeol, Hana came forward. She stuck out her hand.

     “Hi Tao!!! Nice to meet you! I’m Kris’s girlfriend, Hana!” she said cheerily. She thought she would get the same bubbly hi, but oh was she wrong. His smile froze and then he glared at her. He turned to Kris with a huff.

     “GEGE WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!? WHY ARE YOU DATING HER?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE WOULD GET TOGETHER THE NEXT TIME WE SAW EACH OTHER!!!!! THAT GIRL IS SUPPOSED TO BE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Tao shrieked. Hana’s mouth dropped wide open while Chanyeol squinted trying to see if he heard right. Kris rolled his eyes while letting out a sigh.

     He mouthed to the bewildered people, Tao is gay... I’ll tell you guys later. Hana just nodded uncertainly while Chanyeol shuffled his feet uncomfortably. He was gay too, but… Chanyeol never knew a guy could be THAT gay… Kris tried to think of something to calm Tao down. In desperation, he blurted out a random thing.

     “Tao I’m sorry… I’ll treat you ice cream, ok?” Kris said. Immediately, Tao smiled, forgetting what he was just mad about. He turned back to Chanyeol and Hana, rushing to hug both of them.

     “Hi I’m Tao the wushu panda who sparkles bbuing bbuing!” he exclaimed making a cutesy face at the end. They all inwardly gagged, awkwardly smiling at him. Tao didn’t seem to notice the difference.

     “Sooooooooo I heard myself being mentioned in being good at mending relationships… whose shall I make?” Tao asked. That brought Hana back to reality.

     “Ok, I’ll start from the beginning…” Hana said. She went on and on about Sehun and Minyoung’s usual relationship and talked about the tension between Sehun and Kyungsoo. It escalated quickly to how Kyungsoo confessed and Sehun got pissed and the situation they were in. Tao thought for a while.

     “Well… it won’t be a problem! I know what to do!!!” Tao exclaimed. Then his eyes widened. “Waaaaaaiit, you said Minyoung is outside alone right now, right?” Tao asked. Hana nodded slowly. Tao clasped his hands together in delight. “I think I saw her!!!”

     “Omg really?! Are you sure? She’s a petite girl with wavy auburn hair…” Hana described.

     “Yup! That’s her! She was sitting alone by the end of the harbor!” Tao said excitedly. Immediately, Hana ran. Kris worriedly followed, leaving Chanyeol and Tao. Tao turned to look at Chanyeol.

     “…Your friends… are not very bright, are they?” Tao questioned. Chanyeol looked at him confused. Tao explained. “Well I already know Kris is dumb. But, they don’t even know which end of the harbor it is… speaking of which they’re heading the wrong direction,” Tao muttered as the remaining two raced after them.

     Meanwhile, Minyoung was watching the waves absentmindedly. The calm fluid motion of the water eased her emotions. She let all of her sadness seep into the back of her mind as she focused on breathing in the salty sea air. A seagull flew past her, wailing. Her heart hurt as she pitied the distraught bird.

     “At least you can fly away from your problems,” she thought. She watched it with a smile as it joined a group of other birds and flew with them to their destiny… Minyoung snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head when she heard the heavy footsteps of multiple people. Her eyes widened when she saw Hana, Chanyeol, Kris… and a strange mutant panda. The alien creature stepped forward and pulled her up. Startled, Minyoung recoiled at his touch and hopped behind Hana’s back. Laughing Tao put a hand out.

      “Don’t be scared… I’m Tao the cutest wushu panda in the world bbuing bbuing! I will be the one to mend your relationship with Sehun!” he exclaimed. Minyoung and the others gagged at the aegyo but Minyoung was interested in the last portion of his greeting.

     “… You can fix my relationship with my boyfriend?” Minyoung hurriedly asked. Tao nodded.

     “Yes… Unless your boyfriend is hotter than Kris…” Tao mumbled. Minyoung cocked her head to the side. He dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand. “Never mind. Anyways, I think you should describe both of your friends’ personalities to me so I know how to handle the situation.”

     “O-oh ok… Let’s see…. Kyungsoo is a calm boy. He’s reasonable and logical, always considering the consequences. He always does things for a reason… He’s known for being super smart and he sticks up for other students. He’s loyal and easy to depend on. He hardly gets angry, but when he does, he tends to not talk and just sit alone trying to get all his frustrations out,” Minyoung said. Tao nodded.

     She continued. “As for Sehun… he is a fun and adventurous boyfriend. There’s not one thing we haven’t done together. He’s hot-tempered though and gets jealous easily. When he’s angry… well according to Kai, he runs off until he’s cooled down. So I guess you can say Kyungsoo and Sehun get rid of their anger the same way…” she concluded. Tao sighed.

     “Alrighty then…” Tao murmured. “We need to find those boys first. I’ll tell you what I think will work. First, we wi-.” He was interrupted by the buzzing of a cell phone. Hana apologetically smiled and fished for her phone in her pocket.

      Since she was having a hard time, Kris grabbed her jeans and pulled it out…. Sloooooooowly which made Hana turn around and give him a smack. Kris whined, but Hana gave him no attention. She answered to the phone.

     “Hello? ……………. You found? ……………..You found Kyungsoo!?!?!?! …………. Alright we’ll be there!” Click. Hana looked around at all of them. She hurriedly explained, “Guys! Suho, Baekhyun, Dahee found him without a problem! We have to meet them ASAP at the café!! Let’s go!” They all took off, anxious to see this cold war end.

     A while back…. (Author’s narration: You see Suho, Baekhyun, and Dahee did find him right away… But they didn’t find him without a problem as Hana stated….)

     “C’mooooooooon stop chattering back there… You’re making me look like a third-wheeler,” Baekhyun whined. Dahee and Suho were taking their time talking to one another and laughing. They knew they had to find Kyungsoo, but they were confident they would him easily. Dahee stuck her tongue out at him.

     “Well it’s not our fault you’re with us… Technically Chanyeol made the groups and didn’t put you in his group… He must be tired of you,” Dahee teased. Baekhyun gave a dramatic gasp, eye roll, and hair flip…

     “You crazy beeeeeech take that back!!!” Baekhyun screamed.

     “No,” Dahee responded flatly.






     “What’s going on here?” a voice came from behind them. The drama queens turned to see Kyungsoo with a What the F face. Suho beamed.

      “Boy am I glad to see you!” he exclaimed.

      (Author’s narration: And that concludes their encounter with Kyungsoo)

    Also during that time…

    Kai and Jiwoo had been running around, looking everywhere for Sehun. Calling his name, trying to contact him, asking around… they tried just about everything. They searched behind homes, the harbor, and even inside garbage cans. (“Why would he be in there?” Kai asked. Jiwoo shrugged and just closed the lid.”) They were reaching the edge of town when Jiwoo clapped her hands. Kai, startled, jumped.

     “What?” he asked.

     “Well… where is the one place that Sehun could possibly be that we didn’t check…” Jiwoo drawled. Kai thought hard, but couldn’t think of any place. Jiwoo rolled her eyes. She hinted a little more. “Well Minyoung once told the girls about a romantic kiss they had on the rooftop, another of him escaping to the rooftop, and yet another of them watching fireworks on the rooftop.



     “Soooo you’re saying you want to do all of those things later?”

     “Oh my gosh, you’re hopeless.”

     Once Jiwoo explained to him and Kai finally understood, they raced back to the house. They flung open the door and ran into a random room. With great effort, they heaved up the window so that they could fit through it. Jiwoo took a dainty step onto the window sill and hoisted herself onto the roof. Kai did the same but in a quicker motion. The roof was large and open.

     There were many pipes, chimney openings, and other things that blocked the person they were looking for from view. Jiwoo slowly tiptoed forward and peeked around the corner of the tall chimney. Sure enough Sehun was there, almost waiting for them. He smiled sadly as Kai came after Jiwoo and offered a hand. Sehun took it and bounced up onto his feet.

     “How are you feeling?” Kai asked. Sehun nodded.

     “Alright….” Sehun replied.

     “Uh.. are you less mad?” Jiwoo asked.

     “Of course,” he said, monotone. His words weren’t very convincing. Kai laughed awkwardly.

     “Haha… let’s head to the café and talk, alright?” Kai asked. Sehun nodded and followed their lead. Jiwoo called the others.



I am soooooo sorry for this y chapter... I had a writer's block for awhile... but don't worry! I know what to do now! LOL anyways thanks for waiting guys!!!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3