That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

Once Upon A Time…
Not So Long Ago….

“STOP!!!” Hyeyeon shot up from her sleep. Beads of cold sweat all over her face.
Again. She got the same dream again. It has been years she left the bullies in cold dust when she graduated as one of the top students in school. But why is she suddenly dreaming about them now? 

The same dream of the Hyuk Jae and Donghae tormenting her again and again every night.And for some weird reason, unlike in real life where she could talk back right in their face, her dream was more of a nightmare where she just had to succumb at their feet as they tormented her more and more. 
Hyeyeon was never the superstitious type,but somehow she did have that deep feeling like as if they will meet face to face again.

*yeah..and what? Now Hyuk Jae is some Janitor and Donghae is a security guard? yeah..that is probably the case wih their low IQ and trashy exam scores..* Hyeyeon thought to herself. Smiling abit to herself. From young till now, she would always have the status of the queen of having a sharp tounge.

After a hot shower and a scrumptous breakfast, a memory came up from the back of her mind as she poured her milk into the drinking glass…


“ just u watch, I am gonna be rich and powerful one day. Then u guys would be begging me for mercy.” Cried the 7 year old hwang hyeyeon with tears streaking down her cheeks. An obvious bruise on her arm.
Only receiving laughter and finger pointing from the latter.

“What? U gonna go crying to your mom ? oh wait…u don’t have one!”  Le Hyuk Jae, one of the bullies who has been bullying her since her first day in schools laughed in her face. 
“common hyung, we gotta leave her alone before she asks her dad to beat us up. Oh wait…she dosen’t have one too!” Lee Dong Hae, hyuk jae’s partner in crime laughed along at hyeyeon.

Sure, she was gonna shove in the bullies’ face her wealth and power one day , but ….
Well..something just doesn’t feel right….she shrugged.

That short flashback at the back of her mind just now  triggered a weird feeling at the corner of her heart. A tinge of anger…And a strong feeling of ..wanting revenge…?This is either another case of PMS or being bored with nothing to do for almost a few months has finally taken it's toll on her.

“Lee Hyuk Jae…Lee Dong Hae….” Those names was still etched deep in her heart.chained with hatred.
“I’ll show u guys…” she smirked.


“YOU WANT TO WHHAAAATTTT?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hyeyeon’s guardian,Eun Sang, shouted in shock before massaging her aching chest.Ignoring the passerbys’ judging glares.

“yes, unnie..i want to work….at SM entertainment.” Hyeyeon was currently at home, making herself a glass of milkshake while clutching her phone between her ear and shoulder. She chose to tell Eun Sang now cuz apparently Eun Sang was on a vacation in Paris at this moment. So even if her guardian wanted to stop her, then she would have to fly halfway acoross the globe. Mwahaha.

It won’t be fun to just simply ask her brother to give her a high paying job in their company. she wanted to start from scratch. To actually know the joy of success after hard work for once in her life.And have a real sense of success when she finally shoves it all in the bullies’ faces one day

“But why SMentertainment?!” Eun Sang unconciously raised her tone by an octave.
Eun Sang’s mother instincts (even though she is not married or even has a boyfriend currently) starts kicking in again. SMentertainment is one of the…hm..show shall I say this…? Like..urm…the ‘best friend’ of Hyeyeon’s family’s company. For some reason, EunSang just completely rejected Hyeyeon’s decision to work there.

“Cant’t u just work with your brother?”    
“SMentertainment is known for mistreating and overworking their staff.” Eun Sang’s attempt to lie failed worse than the worst attempt to be attempted in the history of attempts….FAIL!!!!
“Now that seems like an interesting place to work. Don’t cha think?”

Hyeyeon giggled for a while and said .  “ I was bulied for 10 years of my life already. I think I can add a couple more years.”

“Hwang Hye Yeon!!!!” Eun Sang yelled in anger into the phone, receiving a few weird glances from passerbys in the mall. She would kneel down to god with tears of joy if Hyeyeon wasn’t so stubborn for once in her life.

“Unnie, the CEO was good friends with mom and dad, and he is also fond of SeongJo oppa…I’m sure he won’t treat me that badly.Plus, he only met me once when I was a kid. I swear he won’t recognize me”

“Hwang Hye Yeon. No.” Eun Sang was dead serious now.

“Thanks for understanding me unnie. I love u so much~! I will start work right away.” Hyeyeon ignores Eun Sang’s serious aura and used as much aegyo in her voice as possible before abruptly ending the call.



Hwang Hye Yeon ..also known as...Stella Hwang or Hwang Stella..... A girl who had barely lived quarter of her life but already has enough money in her bank to last her a few lifetimes.

But…someone please explain why this millionaire young adult is working  in a company that owes half of their existance to her family?

“excuse me, are u miss Hwang Stella by any chance?” a girl with long black hair tied into a lose ponytail and a pretty smile approached Hyeyeon who was sitting awkwardly in the SM entertinment’s lobby.

“Ne, annyeonghaseyo.” Hyeyeon shot up from her seat and greeted the latter who seemed to be around the same age as her.

“ I am Lee...." The girl hesitated for a while before saying "  Call me sooyeon."
“ ne, annyeonghaseyo u can call me Stella.” Hyeyeon purposedly used her english name to sign up into the company so that the higher officials won’t smell a rat from her familiar name.
“ Hello Stella =) “ she gave Hyeyeon a warm hug.

“ Since it is your first day today, I was ordered to help u get familiar with the environment around here. Let’s go.” sooyeon started walking towards the elevator and hyeyeon followed suite.

“ Since u don’t have a specific job around the company, we will only call u when we have a task for u . So u r luckier than the rest of the staff here since your schedule is kind of flexible.” sooyeon started explaining.
“But don’t worry, all the people here are nice, Ignore what the rumours say, working here will be one of the best experience of your life!” sooyeon got a little bit too excited. Hyeyeon turned her face a way and secretly laughed at sooyeon's bodiness.

When the elevator finally ting-ed at the 7th level, the doors slowly open to reveal a very high class and nicely decorated hallway.Like as if it was a movie set or something. But not as awesome as her (specifically her family's) company’s building where the hallways and everything was specially overseas-imported-stuff.

“we r gonna meet the CEO first, then we can start your tour.”
“The CEO?”
“Yes, the CEO, he is also the founder of this company. Don’t worry, he is a very nice old man that treats all the staff here like his own famiy..since he dosen’t have one anymore.” sooyeon whispered her last sentence.

Hyeyeon suddenly really wanted to know what she meant. Was the CEO an orphan like her too?  But Hyeyeon had only opened halfway when sooyoen had already knocked on the door of an office room at the end of the hallway.

It was the CEO’s office. Decorated very modernly with 3 sofas surrounding a small coffee table at a corner, a huge desk and an office chair that almost looked like a modern throne located right in front of the main door and (definitely) imported furniture surrounding filled the room from corner to corner.
The brightly painted walls reflected the sunlight, letting the room possess a refreshing feel

“Sir, this is Hwang Hye Yeon..the new staff you wanted to meet.” sooyeon said politely to the man who was sitting at his desk, eyes still stuck on his pile of papers that he was busily sorting.
“thanks, u can leave now.” He said in a soft voice while still concentrating on his pile of papers.

“I’ll meet you outside later.” sooyeon whispered to Hyeyeon before heading out the door.

A few moments after the door was shut, Hyeyeon tried to strike a (an awkward )conversation.
“Nice to meet you sir, My name is Hwang Hyeyeon.” She greeted him.

The moment Soo Man heard her voice, He froze for 2 seconds.

*No way…* he slowly lifted up his head  and his eyes grew into two big ovals the moment he saw Hyeyeon’s face.

“Hwang Hye Yeon?!” He gasped.
“n-ne..” hyeyeon was taken aback y his shocked tone.
“Hwang Hyeon Hee’s daughter????!!!”
“Sir..please wait…I can explain…” Hyeyeon was flustered. She knew that she was gonna get caught one day or another, but not this early.

“wait.....” Lee Soo Man immediately pressed a few button on this device on his desk and walked past her to lock the door.

“What are u doing here? Why are u working? Why are u –“ Soo Man rained his questions down on her in a soft voice like as if someone would be eavesdropping on them.

“Sir…I am here for a job. My brother has no idea about it.Please don’t tell him.”
Hyeyeon pleaded with her eyes, but only to receive some incoherent muttering from the old man before being left alone to stand awkwardly there as the latter dashed outside with his phone.

Hyeyeon looked at the door slowly swinging to a close and lets a confused sigh escape her lips.
"Nice to meet you too Mr. CEO"

sorry for the crappy chapter >.<
It was kind of rushed....so...yeah...*90 degree bow*
Please give me a chance..i promise i will work harder to make this story better.




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i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2114 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members ..here's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..