
That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

''stella??'' hankyung slowly walked towards her.'' you're stella...aren't u?''

in a moment of fluster, hyeyeon her heels and sprinted for the door. But since she had already used her last speck of luck on opening  the door just now, she practically had no luck left to actually even go 5 steps towards the door as she accidentally she slips on the sticky dried blood on the floor and scraping her knee on the wooden pieces of the plank that was in pieces on the floor.

Only now, was she able to really see the condition of this room.just as expected from what se could sense in the darkness, the room was filthy. In fact, it was so dusty that she could see the footprints of where she had stepped when she entered the room. And near where she had landed, were wooden pieces of a plank that has been smashed and a trail of blood leading towards the exit.

''stella!!'' hankyung knelt down beside her and gasped to blood already oozing out of the cut . Without thinking twice, hankyung looks around the room in a fluster and scurried to the cabinet to take  out the first aid-kit box.
Hankyung may be an expert in the bad boy image to any outsiders, but i am sure that ELFs know well of hankyung's soft heart. No matter how much he hates a person, he never wants to see an anyone get hurt.  

if this was a coincident at a mall, hankyung would have either hated her for leaving or be begging her to come back. But right now he was too flustered with her injury to react properly to her current presence.and maybe he is feeling guilty since this is all KIND OF his fault. If only he hadn't smashed that board so passionately and cleaned up the trail of blood he left, then maybe-

''w-w-w-what should i do?!'' hankyung muttered in mandarin. He is so flustered that his brain can't properly register anything korean right now.

''Mian'' hyeyeon pushed him away and scurried for the door.she already went through so much trouble to scrape super junior out of her life so that her farewell in a few hours won't be so painful. She dosen't need or want to warm up to them again.

''stop ! '' hankyung stood up and yelled so loud, she could feel the floor vibrate a bit through the thin soles of her shoe.Hyeyeon's feet suddenly planted themselves onto the floor.
''if our friendship meant anything to you.....then  stay.....please'' he said sternly but whispered the last word.

Donghae who was on his way to the dance practice room to fetch his jacket heard hankyung's yelling and immediatly froze in his tracks.*is that hankyung i hear?our flight is in a few hours, what in the world would he be doing here?are there aliens? Is it a ghost?*donghae trembled.yes everybody, donghae is a grown man that still believes in aliens and is petrified of ghosts. Don't judge him.he already stopped believing that santa claus exists so let's take it one step at a time.

''h-h-hankyung hyung?''  he slowly walks down the corridor. Shifting his eyes left and right in case an alien or vampire might just appear out of nowhere and kidnap him.

'' why must u do this stella?'' he heard hankyng's voice again. * stella?!* he quickened his pace down the corridoor .*stella is here? Now? No way...* he stopped when he saw hankyung and stella in the practice room together through the 10 cm gap of the door since hankyung left it open.he wanted to just barge in, but he stopped himself and waited to see what would happen first. At least he would be able to catch her even if she tried to run outside or something.that 10cm gap was small, but it was just enough for him to peek and listen to what was going on in there.

''i know that u probably angry with me, i'm sorry. But don't worry. U won't see me least not after today.'' hyeyeon said in mandarin since she is more comfortable speaking with him in that language eversince they first met.

Thanks to donghae's experience of being a member of SJM for a couple of years, donghae had enough fluency in the language to kind of understand what hyeyeon was saying.okay tbh, technically, the only words he could understand was ' never see again' and 'tomorrow'.    

''i never said that i never wanted to see u.'' hankyung's lips trembled.'' u were one of my only friends...why must u go?'' his volume was so low that it was almost a whisper.and only because hankyung was afraid that his voice might break into sobs if her spoke any louder. True, his hatred for hyeyeon's 'betrayal' has been turning on and off from time to time.but well...he has been lonely lately due to everyone's busy schedule. So a times like those, does he stare into space and wonder stuff like ''sigh~if stella was here, it sure would be fun.'' eventually , he had to admit that he does need hyeyeon around. More than a colleague. More than just a friend.perhaps if heechul didn't exist, then hyeyeon would have replaced him in hankyung's life. *shrug*

''circumstances.'' hyeyeon turned her body around and gave him an apologetic look .''i'm sorry.''

''i don't need u to be sorry. I need u to stay.'' hankyung seemed to look all tough but the tone of his sentence clearly sounded like a beg.
Hyeyeon's gaze dropped to the floor as she sighed.though something interesting at the corner of her eyes did grab her suspicion.
She turned her head to look at hankyung's feet , then looks up to his face.

''those blood on the floor is yours isn't it? These wooden pieces are shards of the wooden plank u smahed right?'' hyeeon immediatly figured everything out when she saw the scars on hankyung's feet.he was only wearing plain shorts and slippers that day, so his scars were practically being showcased to the world.


(Start flashback)
''sure u r.'' she said with a roll of her eyes before standing up.'' where r u going?'' 
''call me again when u r brave enough to break that board.'' she giggled. ''i  thought u were better than sungmin, but i guess i was wrong. ''
''hey, what happens if i could break the board?''Hankyung felt challenged. 

''then i promise i will do anything u want. As long as it does not involve breaking the law or killing myself or anything that would make me lose my job"she placed the bet.

(end flashback)

''u owe me.'' he half-smirked.

stella sighed. Her flight is in less than 6 hours, she has no time for games. Eventhough she clearly  remembers that bet she made.
''i do.'' she said, but her tone of voice made it sound like as if it was no big deal and she never planned to do the bet in the first place anyway.she has always been a man..i mean, girl of her words. But everyone has a first for everything.hyeyeon didn't like breaking promises like this. So she swore to herself right that moment that this would be the first and last time.
''then i want you to-''

hyeyeon suddenly bends down,picks up the blue pouch which she had kept her precious bandage in and walked out the door.without turning back or another word said.the blood from the cut on her knee flowing down her calf and leaving a trail of blood right beside the one hankyung had left.

''what the...'' donghae quickly jumped behind a  5 foot potted plant nearby that was placed for decoration as soon as he saw hyeyeon walk towards the door..god knows why ppl would put such tall potted plants as decoration especially in offices,donghae used to be annoyed by those plants since he always bumps into them by accident,but today, he is grateful they exist.

He saw how she was limping abit cuz of her scrapped knee and sighed.his head knew that he could just run to her now and grab her before she leaves since she wont be able to run far with that scrapped knee anyway. But his heart did not want to get up and run after her. His heart didn't actually feel any excitement of her presence anymore.he simply watched her walk down the corridor and into the lift without even lifting a finger.

seongjo impatiently taps his foot on the ground while meddling with his phone in his hand and looking out around the area for any sign of his sister. She said that she would be home by 4 pm to go to the airport with him, and  seongjo has been waiting outside the house by his car for her for 30 mins now but for heaven's sake, that girl is no where to be seen and she is not picking up her calls.after a few more minutes, he his phone and impatiently typed in a message.

''hyeyeon!! Where r u?! We need to go to the airport now!!'' seongjo's finger was about to hit send when he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

''oppa..'' hyeyeon stood there. Knees bleeding, a pouch in her hand and her thoughts in a daze.
''hyeyeon! What happened to you?!'' seongjo runs towards her.without a word said,or even a short glance,she walked past her brother and got into the car.

''oh my gosh! It's super junior!!!!! Asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiopsdfghjkllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''  the fans screamed like there was no tomorrow as the smartists arrived at the airport one by one. As usual,they would have to get through the stupid sasaeng fans' pulling and screaming and annoying camera flashes just to get to the terminal and only to find out....

''delayed???!!!!''' heechul panted heavily as he loooked at the manager with burning eyes. He was in last in line just now cuz he had to find for his phone before he left the car and ran through the sasaeng fans' torture to the point he just got scratched across the bicep,kicked in the knee by accident and kicked in the wrist when he went down to pick up his bracelet that he dropped while rushing through the crowd of fangirls with ear-piercing screams so that he won't be late for the flight, only to find out that the flight has been delayed due to upcoming weather forecast that is predicting heavy rainfall and thunder clouds.

'' has been delayed. We don't know for how long. So i suggest u guys stay around this area while we wait.''Manager prince got a bit intimidaated by heechul's glare.

''can i go to that nearby shop to grab a small bite?'' donghae asked.
''ah...sure..sure..'' manager prince gave permission since the store wasn't that far anyway.

''strawberry? Chocolate?hm....maybe caramel...'' hyeyeon tapped her chin as she scanned through the selection of chocolates.Her brother got a last minute text about something at work, and so they had to reschedule their flight to tonight.Instead of going home, Hyeyeon decided to just wait at the airport and hang around for a few more hours till night.

''or should i just buy milkshake instead?'' she pulled out a carton from the shelf.''if i buy a milkshake, then maybe...DONGHAE????!!!!!!''' her heart skipped a beat when she saw donghae walking towards the store through the transparent doors of the store.

*what should i do?! whatshouldidowhatshouldidowhatshouldidowhatshouldido???!!!!sfhkkhfhkghkghjjfsbjjsgjhsgjjs* she looks around the small store in a fluster.there was definitely no place to hide since there were only a few sets of tables and chairs around and the shelves were too shallow to hide behind .Plus running outside through the main door and bumping into donghae was definitely not an option.

The least stupid idea she could think of right now is to-

''annyeonghaseyo.'' donghae greeeted the store workers as he entered.
''omo. It's super junior donghae.'' the middle aged lady smiled. '' my daughter really likes u.''
''ah, ne gamsahamnida,'' donghae bowed in gratitude. It is always nice to be recognized in public, this is the fun part of being a celebrity.

Donghae then proceeded to the shelves to grab something and go before the flight delay is over.
But just as he passed by the sets of tables to get to the shelf, he passed by a familiar looking girl that was resting her face onto her hands that were folded on top of the table. He had wanted to approach her, but decided to leave her alone since she seemed to be sleeping.

''should i get strawberry milk or chocolate milk?'' he ran his fingers through the collection like as if he was picking out a book from a library shelf.

hyeyeon swore that she would freeze to death if she stayed in that position anymore. She had no time to change into jeans after her encounter with hankyung and it's not like she can wear long pants anyway, since her cut is still not cleaned and covered up.the blood had dried up, but the blood stain is still there.well..since it dosen't hurt much, she guessed that she could clean up the wound in the airplane or something.

''omo.'' donghae accidentally drops a few other cartons of strawberry milk while he was picking one out.aha, donghae and his clumsy of the cartons dropped nearby hyeyeon's feet, and donghae did not dare go under the sleeping stranger's chair. Plus, since she was wearing shorts, it will seem quite inappropriate to ...well... u know what i mean.

Though as he tries to think of a way to get in between her legs and pick up that carton without looking dumb and erted, his eyes fell onto a familiar looking scar on that stranger lady's knee.



Sorry for the late update guys, i have a track and field competition soon, i have been very busy with training. I hope you guys can pray for me okay? Thanks!!!
I updated two chapter tonight cuz i felt bad for not updating for so long~ aahahhha, sorry again
p.s , the two chapters i updated tonight is seriously not editted. sorry again  * runs away aand hides in shame*

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i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2114 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..