Watch you sleep

That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

Waiting room…

Super Junior was done with their performance, and siwon was the first to enter the waiting room where Hyeyeon was sitting alone.

“oppa..” she was about to get up but Siwon quickly sunk her back in her seat.
“Sit..we need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Stella-ya..we know that u work hard for us, and u don’t complain no matter how hard it is.But…” He held her hands in his.” We r your friends Stella. I know that u didn’t get to have any proper friends due to getting bullied in school. But right now, you have the Super Junior members as your friends. Best Friends. So please come to us if u need strength, We will always be there for you.” 

Siwon’s words almost made Hyeyeon break down into tears, but she stayed strong cuz eventually she knew that the rest of the members might enter any time soon,. And if they see her cry, the there won’t be to any end of the question : “ Why Is Stella crying?” and “Stela, r u ok?”
Then she would be crying harder cuz Hyeyeon is one very emotional creature.

“Thank you siwon oppa, I will remember that.”
“Come here,” Got off his seat and enveloped Hyeyeon into a warm hug.

“WWOOOOHH!!! THAT WAS AN AWESOME PERFORMAN-“ Yesung and the others immediately stopped shouting in excitement to see Siwon and Hyeyeon in tight embrace.

“Oh, u guys are already finished? Go and change, I shall-“
“Ah~ no.” Kyuhyun stopped her from leaving the room.
“I will go and collect the performance clothes, u go sit at a corner and rest.” Kyuhyun offered. 
“Kyuhyun oppa….” Oh well, Kyuhyun’s evil image that he tried so hard to mould is definitely smashed now if he does this kind gesture for Hyeyeon. 
“ Don’t think of this as me being nice. I just want you to save your energy” Kyuhyun tried to pour as much sarcasm s he could in his sentence, but too bad Hyeyeon could see through his good intentions anyway.

“Gomawoyo Kyuhyun oppa.”  Hyeyeon’s tears threatened to spill.

So after changing out of his performance clothes, Kyuhyun stood  next to the door of the dressing room like a statue as everyone threw their performance clothes to him after changing.

Kyuhyun started to struggle with all the weight of clothes in his hands,  so Hyeyeon offered her help, but Kyuhyun shooed her away.
“Sit there and rest before I kill you.”

“I am watching you….”  He eyed her.

Hyeyeon sat on the couch with a pout. True, she wanted rest. She needed sleep. But she was scared that if she went to sleep , she would dream of the bullies again and wake up in shock from the nightmare. 

“, u can lean on me as you sleep.” Donghae squeezed in next to her on the couch and pats his shoulder.
“It’s okay, I don’t want to-“ Donghae simply pushed her head towards his shoulder and pats her like as if he was coaxing a baby to sleep. “ Sleep okay?”

“B-But oppa…I can’t..” Suddenly Donghae took her right hand and enveloped in warmly in his two warm hands.
“If the bullies come and get you in your dream again, I promise I will come and protect you. So go to sleep okay?”  Though what Donghae said was mainly to coax her to sleep, Hyeyeon took it almost so seriously. Donghae has a pure heart of a child, so most of the things he said always sound so pure and innocent but as well cute.

With a smile and a snuggle Hyeyeon fell asleep so comfortably , leaning on Donghae’ shoulder. Her cold hands wrapped warmly in his.

“Sleep Well, Stella..” 




This chapter wasn't supposed to exist. Hhaha, but i just had this urge to yeah~~~
Sorry if it seems too short~~~

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i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2114 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..