
That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

That awkward moment....with choi si won.

Hyeyeon gulped. She felt so small sitting across choi siwon right now in her own giant living room.
''stella -ya..no, i mean, hwang hye yeon..'' siwon started.
''why r u here?'' stella cut him off before he could say anymore. 
''i needed to see u. So i lied to your brother that i had an interest in u so that he would let me see u.'' siwon explained honestly. Though looking at how he was calmly sipping away at his drink totally shows how much he wasn't feeling guilty for what he did.

''siwon oppa,'' hyeyeon seriously had no idea how this scene would turn out.

She didn't know wether siwon is angry at her or not.
Wether he came to tell her that he doesn't want her to ever come back or to beg her to come back.
She didn't know what was going on in choi si won's complex mind.
She didn't know what she should be saying.So eventually she simply just sits there quietly.

''explain.'' was the only thing siwon said after the long and awkward silence between them.

''well...since u came all the way anyway.'' she got up.''even if i did stay longer with u guys, i would have to leave  after a month.and i definitely won't ever come back to u guys anymore. I wanted our farewell to be smooth.super junior oppa probably hates me now right? Good. At least u guys won't feel bad that i am gone.'' hyeyeon's explanation left siwon's mouth gaping wide.

''farewell? There was no farewell hyeyeon. All u did was disappear one day without a trace. U didn' leave a farewell. U abandoned us for no reason.''  siwon stood up as his breathing hitched in frustration.''u gonna leave? Where? ''
''and so u left us just like that so that we would hate u and not  feel bad when u leave??!!! Waee??!!!!!'' siwon yelled at her at the top of his lungs. He just couldn't grasp the stupidity of the situation.

''oppa, u need to understand me-''
''no, i don't need to understand anything!!!!'' he shouted. '' i just....why.....why r u so dumb?! '''

okay, this is bad.  she has never seen siwon so angry before. She knows that her plan is stupid, but it was the only plan she could think of.though, she dosen't regret her decission.her heart cracked to see siwon so upset, but to her, this was 'for the best'.

''i know u r angry oppa. And probably u will never be able to forgive me. But i hope u won't reveal this to the rest of the others. I beg of u.'' she turned her head away and lets a teardrop stream down her cheeks.. '' i don't mind u hating me. So if u wanna leave now, please leave.''

''hwang stella.'' siwon said through gritted teeth.''you're right...i won't and i can't forgive u.'' his eyes were already pinkish and drenched with tears. His lips quivering and his fist clenched tight.
''stella, u were my one ad only best friends.''
''u were mine too oppa. Which is why i am doing this for your good.''
''for my good?'' he scoffed.''everyone....everyone was cursing and swearing at u for betraying us. But i believed that u came back. I waited and waited to the point that my hope eventually went dry.'' siwon's statement made hyeyeon's expression stiffened.the look in siwon's eyes were somehow intimidating. Like as if he was tired of all this and just wanted nothing more but for all of this to end.siwon sinks back into his seat and pressed his palms against his eyes to stop his tears from flowing.

Ok great. This totally confirms that siwon hates her now. Hyeyeon really wanted to comfort him  with a hug, but her stupid pride won't let her do so.
''oppa i-''
''come back.''  siwon suddenly shot up from his seat and enveloped her in  a very tight hug. Too tight.Hyeyeon and his chest were pressed too hard against each other's that she had to abruptly stop breathing.
''oppa.'' she  squeezed a word from the remaining air in her lung.
''come back...stella..come back..'' he sobbed. ''i was just tired of waiting. I have never hated u hyeyeon. I missed u soooo so so much. I was just tired of waiting for u, that's why i made myself believe that u won't be back.but u r here now,pleasse come back stella.''
''oppa no, ''she pressed a fist against his shoulder and tried to push him away. Her tears already welling up.''i won't.''
''stella jebal!'' he hugged tighter.

Hyeyeon struggled and stuggled. But it was just her luck that choi si won had muscles twice the size of her fist.after a few moments, she finally stopped struggling and burried her face into his chest.
''oppa...let go.'' she whispered.not even having much  strength left  to raise her voice.
''mian.'' he immediatly let's go of her but yet his hands were still on her shoulders.
''this is why i had to leave u guys like this. '' she caresses his jaw and used her thumb to wipe away his tears . '' cuz if i didn't, you all wouldv''e been like this.''

''i'm sorry stella.'' siwon sobbed a few times before continuing his sentece. He seemed like a little kid begging his mom not to leave him alone in school on the first day of kindergarten.'' but can't u just come back? Some of them also lost hope like me, but i am sure that they would still want u back if u showed up. Kyuhyun believed that u would be back the most.Lee teuk and donghae is still fighting. They even had a fist figh-''

''wait. Lee teuk and donghae are fighting?! Why?!'' stella was shocked by the news. She knew better than anyone else how close they are. Donghae rely on lee teuk as much as he relied on his late father. And donghae is the person that lee teuk looks out for the most out of everyone in lee teuk's life.how in the world did they end up in a fist fight?!
''i can't remember why. But their fights is getting worse. We need u back. Maybe u can help.''
''no oppa, i CAN'T go back.''
''but stella...'' siwon whined.
''oppa, u need to go home now. U have a show tomorrow.'' she ushered him out. '' r u coming tomorrow?''
''no. I can't i almost got caught by lee teuk and donghae today. I am not taking the risk again.''
''...arasso....'' he sighed.''but stella....'' siwon gave her a soft look. Eyes still bloodshot from the crying.''is it okay if..we meet up again?''

''sure..where?'' hyeyeon agreed. It's not like she had anything better to do anyway. Plus, she really needed to know about this whole 'lee teuk and donghae fighting' situation. Though she did promise herself that she would make this the last time she would be in contact with anything Super Junior.

''i'll text u soon.''
''urgh!!'' hyeyeon tossed in bed for the thousandth time. The thought of Super Junior kept running in her mind. Especially about lee teuk and donghae. She knows well that lee teuk and donghae won't fight over petty stuff like chore work or too much teasing. Even when donghae embarrased lee teuk in front of worldwide tv , they would just end it with a shrug and a laugh. What amazingly stupid reason would there be for their fight?
Once again she closes her eyes, hoping that sleep would just take over her any moment now.

''oh no.'' hyeyeon threw herself into a nearby room ad locked the door the moment she saw hyuk jae and donghae walking in her direction.she had planned to just let them pass by and then make a run for it out of the room and into her next class.but thanks to her amaaaaaaaaaazing luck, the room was right next to eunhyuk's locker where the two guys frequently chat away like girls there.

''hey, have u seen hyeyeon today?''she heard hyuk jae say to donghae from the other side of the door.
She quickly presses both her hands over just in case she makes a noise.

''nope. Not yet.'' donghae's voice could be heard too.the chat with the guys went on 4eva, that hyeyeon ended up sleeping in the music room and missing the lessons for the rest of the day. When she woke up, she could see from the window that the sky was already orange. School ends at 3pm, and it looks roughly 7 pm according to the colour of the sky.

''oh great.'' she picked herself up and dusted off her skirt.she opened the door slightly to check if anyone was outiside but immediatly threw herself back into the room when she saw donghae walking towards the music room .'' it's almost night. What in the world is he doing here??!!'' she panicked. Trouble with donghae is the last thing she needs now.another scar is the second last thing.without proper thinking, she squeezed her tiny 12 year old body into the music cabinet.she tried to minimize her breathing as she heard donghae entering.

''weird...i was pretty sure that she was here..did she go home?'' donghae looked around.''wait.'' he spotted a familiar looking bag lying at a corner. It was hyeyeon's bag.

''oh no!'' hyeyeon slapped herself.
''ya hwang hye yeon, i know u r in here.'' he smirked.hyeyeon stated to tremble. Literally vibrating.in fact,she was vibrating to much, the whole cabinet vibrated too , causing the wooden furniture to literally choke her out.

''owwww..'' hyeyeon blew on her cut that grazed the floor.she had yet to put a bandage on it since she had only got it fresh from hyuk jae this morning.
''hyeyeon-ah,'' donghae wanted to help her up, but hyeyeon quickly crawled away from him.
''d-don't hurt me.'' she covered her face with her hands when she saw donghae reaching out her hand to her.
But instead of anything painful, she felt him slowly caressing the top of her head.slowly opening her tearful eyes due to the overwhelming fear, hyeyeon dared herself to look up at the older male. Instead of seeing the usual Lee Dong Hae that had an evil smirk on his face, she saw a Lee Dong Hae that actually looked at her with  worried and caring eyes.

''i..i won't hurt u. Don't be scared.'' he said,holding hyeyeon's small trembling hands in his. It was pretty ironic that he is the same guy that has been tormenting her since her first day in school. But something about the warmth in his eyes that somehow made hyeyeon believe him.just for that moment.

School ended 3 hours ago and donghae should be at home right now. Eating dinner with his family. He had already stayed two hours after school to finish a project , and went to a nearby ice-cream store to grab something to eat on his eat home.he actually didn't know that the place exist until last month when he saw hyeyeon buying ice cream from he shop everyday after school.he would always ask the ice-cream man what flavour  hyeyeon bought that day, then ask for the same flavour too. But when he asked the ice-cream man what flavour hyeyeon had bought today, the ice-cream man told him that hyeyeon didn't come. At that moment, donghae sensed something fishy and decided to make a u-turn back to school to search for her.

''i..i wanna go home.'' hyeyeon said to him.
''sure, i'll walk u home.the sky is getting dark, so let's rush.'' he smiled. The moment she saw that beautiful smile upon his lips, hyeyeon's heart fluttered. That was the first time she saw such a warm smile come from her tormentor.all the way that they walked home together, hyeyeon would stay at least 10 metres behind him. Just in case he does something stupid like throw her into a nearby trashcan. *shrug* he and hyuk jae ever locked her up in the science lab before, u should never underestimate what these bullies could do.

''yah, don't walk so far. What if u get kidnapped?'' upon hearing donghae say that, hyeyeon quickened her pace till she was walking right next to him, matching their steps.
Hyeyeon's heart flipped again when she realized that this is the first time someone actually cared enough to walk home with her from school. Especially since donghae would have waaaaayy better stuff to do right now.

''g-gomawoyo, d-donghae-shi.'' she stuttered. Donghae smiled to hear her say that.This was also the first time that his first love said something like that to her.
Just then, Donghae's phone rang. It was a message from his mom, telling him to come home.
''i can't walk u home any further than this. I'm sorry.i gotta go''
''no it's okay.'' hyeyeon was relieved. If he really did walk her home, then he would have figured that she was from a rich family when he sees her gigantic luxurious house later.Donghae gave her a final smile and went off first.
It turns out that even donghae has a good side too.after he was gone, hyeyeon's face blushed red. she was still too young to know what love is, so she didn't understand why she is reacting like this.


To donghae , that might have just been another day. But to hyeyeon, that day would forever be remembered in her heart as...the day she fell in love...with Lee Dong Hae.

Hyeyeon eventually woke up from her sleep. A smile still plastered onto her face. In the midst of her stressful life, a dream of her memory with her first love is definitely a stress reliever. Though her smile slowly faded down when reality struck her.

*Lee Dong Hae, where r u?* she sighed. Biting the corner of her lips, hyeyeon knew that there was only one way to find out.

super junior was having a serious meeting with the producers to discuss about their comeback.though siwon's thought was kind of more preoccupied with the thought of stella.and donghae was also preoccupied on the thought of choosing between stella and lee teuk-

ding dong! Ding dong!

''lee hyuk jae.'' lee teuk eyed him.everyone was familiar with eunhyuk's ringtone since he has been using the same ringtone since 8 months ago.plus, he is probably the only human on earth that uses the sound of a doorbell as their ringtone.
''joisonghamnida.'' he had wanted to just hang up the call on the spot. But he immediatly just ran out of the room as soon as he saw hyeyeon's name flashing on the screen.

''stella!!!!!!!''' hyukjae didn't give a chance for hyeyeon to say 'hello'. ''where r u? R u okay?''
''oppa, i need to meet up with u-''
''sure, when do u wanna meet up? Where?''
''your schedule-''
'' but stella, where r u? R u coming back?i am very worried for u.''
''Your schedule ends at 11pm after the radio show, i'll meet u up outside the broadcasting station.'' hyeyeon ignored eunhyuk's flustered questions.her tone was monotone had no emotion in them.like as if she was robot messenger.
''s-s-sure. I will wait for u.''
''and please don't tell the others about this okay?''
''sure. I won't.see u tomorrow.''
''okay bye.'' hyeyeon abruptly ends the call after that.she wanted to keep the call as short as possible in case anyone would catch eunhyuk talking on the phone with her.

 ''stella?stella!'' eunhyuk yelled into the phone when she suddenly ends the call.''stella...'' he sighed at his phone.*why would she need to meet up with me? Is it something important?*

after his final schedule the next day,eunhyuk didn't even say goodbye to the staff there like he usually do. He simply just ran off and headed outside to where stella had agreed to meet up with him. 
*hyeyeon!!!!!!!!!!!!* he immediatly recognized her despite the heavy crowd outside but of course he was not stupid enough to shout her name out in public.
''oh no.'' hyeyeon saw donghae exiting the building as well behind eunhyuk and immediatly ran into a nearby shop across the street.
''hey!'' eunhyuk ran after her and went into the shop too.

''stella!'' he saw her sitting alone at a table in a corner. It was night and the shop wasn't that crowded anyway.Even with her hoodie up and her back turned against him as she casts her view outside, he could recognize her.
''stella...'' he sank in a seat across her.

''oppa. Nice to see u again.''
''how have u been i missed u! I knew u would be back!' he pouted.
''i won't make this conversation long. So i'll just get to the point.'' she said, using the same tone as she did on the phone. Even her face had no expression on it.

''what happened between Lee Teuk and Donghae?'' she asked.
''haih...'' he sighed. '' it's all because of u. -.- ''
''me?'' hyeyeon raised her eyebrow. Her face showing a bit of expression.
''donghae likes u. He wants to confess but lee teuk won't let him.''
''lee teuk thinks that he is just using u to get over his first love that dumped him.''
''well...is he?''
''i dont know.''

* u idiot, have u still not known yet that Donghae's first love is you ??!! * eunhyuk sighed. Isn't it ironic if donghae uses stella to get over hyeyeon when hyeyeon and stella is the same person for heaven's sake.

''well...tell donghae that it is useless even if he confesses. Cuz i won't accept him.'' eunhyuk was shocked to hear hyeyeon's sentence. He has seen how much donghae has done for stella and vice versa. He wanted nothing more than to see them both together.

''i still .... Like donghae oppa. Not Super Junior Donghae. but the Donghae that walked me home 9 years ago after school.'' she said.

Eunhyuk's eyebrows twitched,
Seriously, at that moment , eunhyuk seriously wanted to just slap the life out of reality. Cuz right now, in front of him, is a girl that does not know that Lee Donghae of Super Junior and Lee Dong Hae aka Her First Crush IS THE SAME DAAAMMMNNN PERSOOONNN!!!!

and at the same time, there exists a guy who dosent know that hyeyeon, his first love, and stella, his 2nd crush, is the SAAMMMEE DDAAMMNN PERRSSOONN!!!

GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *screams in frustration*
If lee teuk also knew this, then maybe he would let donghae confess, then they both won't be having this stupid war anymore. Sfjkgdsdgjkgddgjkhfssfhkhfssgjkhdsgjfsfgj

''where is donghae oppa?'' she finally asked the question that is her main point of being here tonight. 
''stella-ya.'' eunhyuk couldn't take this complication anymore.'' actually, lee dong hae -''

''stella?''  they heard a familiar voice coming from behind stella. Eunhyuk cocked his head abit and his eyes widened in shock.


"d-d-d-" Eunhyuk stuttered.Immediatly standing up from his seat.

''donghae' hyeyeon dropped her head.

Sorry for any typo or grammar mistakes guys.i am just too busy today.>.<
I am very sorry.
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i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2114 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members ..here's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..