
Our Song

Kibum met Jonghyun at tender age of seven. His family just moved to Seoul from Daegu for his father’s work. He had difficulty blending in at the time, with his accent and all, not many people wanted to talk to him because he was different. Sad little Kibum decided he’d take a walk in a park and that was when he saw Jonghyun for the first time.

The boy was sitting on the swing with sun setting on his back. He was illuminated by the diffused, warm golden light. The shadow casted on him accentuated his details: the soft contour of his jaw, the way his lashes fluttered.  Kibum thought he saw an angel; a singing angel.

Their eyes met and Kibum was about to call Jonghyun, to praise his otherworldly singing when they boy’s already big, brown eyes suddenly got even bigger. He stopped singing, voice turning into a whimper as his whole body started to shake. The smaller (yet actually older) boy cowered, in what Kibum could only decipher as fear.

Kibum knew if the boy was not too paralyzed to move, he’d have jumped off from the swing and bolted away. But Jonghyun was conquered with fear that glued him to the swing. Confused and worried, small Kibum approached him.

“Hello, I’m Kibum, are you okay?” he asked tentatively.

It only scared the other boy further which scared Kibum back as well. Kibum reached out his small, stubby hands to rub a gentle circle on The Singing Angel’s hand, hoping to calm him down.

The effect is, sadly, the opposite. He flinched hard and started whimpering before breaking out into a full sob. Kibum flailed. He only wanted to talk to the boy, to praise his singing, how could it ended like this?

His mind was frantic. He tried again talking to the boy but he only cried harder. Kibum almost cried himself when he suddenly found himself singing. He didn’t exactly know why and how, but he remembered he was so entranced by the boy’s singing and thought maybe, maybe he could do the same. So, sing he did and it seemed to do the magic.

Watery brown eyes looked up at him, big, fat tears still rolling down here and there but they gradually stop as Kibum continued to sing. The boy eventually stop crying and listened to Kibum’s singing, sniffing occasionally.

When Kibum was finished, the boy had stopped crying altogether. His eyes were still glassy with tears but instead of in fear, now they’re shining in awe.

“I just wanted to say,” Kibum talked slowly, afraid of making the boy cry again.

The boy visibly flinched, the fear is slowly coming back to his brown eyes. Of course Kibum didn’t know what Jonghyun was thinking at the time; what does he want from me? Why is he talking to me? Why couldn’t he sing instead so I can just listen without talking to him?

If he wasn’t so terrified, he would look away from the other boy’s feline eyes but he couldn’t. Years later, Jonghyun would be thankful because in that moment that seemingly last forever,  he was given the chance, for the first time in his life, to gaze into someone else’s eyes.

And, God, were those pair of feline eyes beautiful.

“Your singing is beautiful, please don’t cry. You should sing more.” Kibum finally said, smiling.

That moment, nobody but Jonghyun know the wonder of a small, shy, and simple, yet very honest smile of Kibum. He thought it’s okay, because he didn’t think he’d like sharing that enchanting smile with anyone.

And Kibum, Kibum had seen beautiful people, beautiful things, before. His mother, his grandmother, daisies that bloomed on his grandmother’s backyard, frill dresses and ribbons his cousins wore on his aunt’s wedding party. But none of them came quite close to the new kind of beauty revealed in front of him right now.

Jonghyun smiled, the last drop of tears trickled down his cheek. His eyes shone, glimmered, flickering like stars in the dark and Kibum swore he forgot the concept of breathing altogether.

When Jonghyun spoke he made Kibum forgot his being, because that must have been the most beautiful sound ever graced Kibum’s ears (he had only been living for seven years but he knew nothing could be more beautiful than Jonghyun, his smile, his eyes, and his voice).

“Thank you, you also sing beautifully. Would you like to sing together with me?” Jonghyun asked timidly, still looking at Kibum’s eyes in rapture.

Kibum said yes. Three years later, he learnt Jonghyun is suffering from anxiety but it didn’t stop him to sing with Jonghyun, to songs they found beautiful, or the song Jonghyun wrote for them.

A/N: Hello! This is the first chapter of 'Your Song' and it's very short because this one serves to explain the background of their relationship, which will be the main focus of this story. The next chapter will be longer, about three times of this one.
Also, 13 subsribers (゚o゚;)/! I only expected 5-ish since this is my first story, thank you (o;TωT) I hope I can keep you entertained enough to follow this story until the end. I welcome all comments from feedback to critique, I'd love to hear what you think, especially if it can help improving this story. Until next time!

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Athira948 #1
I'm reading it again. It's so beautiful
Athira948 #2
Chapter 23: I read this fic today. It's really beautiful. I really loved it alot. Thank you so much. I loved their chemistry and how their relationship developed. It's so beautiful. Thanks alot
Taruna123 #3
Chapter 23: Best story line
Thank you for a beautiful and heartwarming masterpiece. I love this so much. More than a just beautiful jongkey fic. This fic is everything and i just wnna say how chapter 22 gives me a happiness. Jongkey is soo sweet..my forever soulmate babies ♡♡
21Ame-chan #5
Chapter 23: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 23: I feel like flying! `\_(^o^)_/`
Really great story. enjoyed it a lot. They being wefreaky other than part of SHINee is new and so cool! JongKey being ONE band! Awwwwww!
Thanks for writing this!
Ordinary32 #7
Chapter 23: Here I am after almost a year later, reread this story again and still loving it ><
jinki24 #8
Chapter 23: It's 2017 and i came back, i've been searching this for two days, i remeber the story and i want to read this again but i forgot the title. And here i am, just finished with wet pillow and puffy eyes waiting tomorrow. This is really great..

(I stayed longer at school to finish this omg-)
jinki24 #10
Chapter 23: You- thanks- im gonna have a puffy eyes when i wake up.. it's so beautiful.. i mean.. god how did you even manage to wrote this.. you're great.. and you've worked hard