
Will You Marry Me?



[Ji Young’s P.O.V]


I stare at the white house in front of me. I remember the difference between me and mom. Mom always like white, I only like black. Our personalities clash in many ways, that’s why it’s hard for us to get along. Onew grab my hand and lead to the front door.


A lady that doesn’t look like she’ll be in her 50’s great us with a smile on her face. It had been too long since we’d hug each other, she looks like she wants to hug me but she’s not doing it. I went to her and hug her tightly and my tears start to fall. I’m crying so hard and I keep on apologizing to her but because I’m sobbing, my words aren’t said clearly.


“Just sit down while I get some food and drinks ready. I was cooking a while ago.” My mom said. I really don’t want to let go of my hug but Onew pulled me away from mom and make me sit in the living room.


“Ji Young-ah, your mom is so happy to see you, stop crying.” Onew said rubbing my back trying to calm me down. I don’t know how his words sounds like magic and I instantly stop crying. I really want to go to the kitchen and help mom with whatever she’s doing, but I don’t want to cry again and make mom sad. It must be hard on my mom seeing me this weak.


Mom enters back the living room bringing some fruits and tea for the three of us. I think auntie and uncle had told mom everything that had happened, that’s the reason why she looks very happy today compared to other days.


“Junjin told me that you’d know everything. Had you regain your memory back?” Mom asks. Even though mom knows I know everything, she’s more concerned about me regaining my memory back. Dear God, please stop my tears from falling.  


“Omma, I remembered everything. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I’m so sorry!” I said and hug my mom tightly. I don’t want the tears to fall but it just does. I can’t seem to stop my tears from falling. My mom hugs me back and calms me down. This hug is not even enough for the years we’d spend being distant to one another.


“It’s a good thing that you do dear. I’m so happy for that. I know you will eventually regain your memory.” Mom said to me.


“Omma, I wish you’re mad at this time. Why weren’t you ever mad at me at all?” I ask wiping my tears off. Onew just sit quietly behind me and when I turn around to see him, he has his head down and he is smiling. He has some tears in his eyes as well; maybe he’s touched with our little reunion?


“Jinki, you said you’re here because of something?” Mom asks Onew. I thought he’s here just because he wants to meet mom and to help me?


“Well, the thing is Jungmin hyung give me a mission to meet you and ask you about this necklace in this picture. He’d ask everyone related to Jiyoung about it and no one seems to know about it. Even my mom doesn’t know the whereabouts of it. I wonder if you know anything about it.” Onew asks. My mom takes the picture from Onew’s hand and smile while looking at it.


“You remember all about Jinki as well?” Mom asks me. I shook my head. Truthfully, both of us don’t remember anything about us being friend. In my memory, there was a boy that I always follow everywhere I go, same goes to him but we don’t remember our names.


“What about you Jinki? Do you remember Jiyoung?” Mom asks Onew. Her question seems a bit strange though. Both our mom knows about us being arranged for a marriage but they’re telling us that we won’t remember each other. Onew’s mom too did ask me the same question. She told me that both of us surely don’t remember each other. But none of them really want to explain it.


“Why are you crunching your nose dear? Why are you thinking so hard?” My mom laugh at me. Yeah, I crunch my nose when I think too hard.


“No, it’s just weird. How can both our mom know that we don’t remember each other?” I asks mom.


“Because you don’t know each other by your real name. When you were still a baby, Onew is 2 years old. When you were 2 years old, he said he’s going to marry you. From that day onwords, then only both your father make a deal for an arranged marriage. You call each other as ‘shillang’ and ‘shinbu’, that’s why Jinki is teased a lot when he was young. No one teased you because Jinki is always with you.” Mom told us what happen. It’s funny to know how childish we were to call each other by ‘shillang’ and ‘shinbu’. I bet mom and dad force us to it since we might not even know the meaning of it at that age.


“Omonim, then, where is the necklace?” Onew ask again after his question left unanswered.


“Well, it’s with me.” Mom said.


“Why is it with you?” I ask curiously. If mine is with mom, then it’s normal, but if Onew’s necklace is with mom as well, it sounds totally weird.


“When Jinki’s father died, I went to meet his mother. The necklace was with her at that time. She told me that our arranged marriage won’t work out as they planned since you lost your memory and Jinki is debuting. She gave me the necklace since the ring was actually a present bought by your late father. No one really believe that Jinki will carry out with the arrange marriage.” Mom said. Wow, I think if my story will be written, it can be turn into a great drama, even greater than any other dramas ever being shown. Maybe?


“It was dad last wish; I should at least do something for him.” Onew said. I see the smile on his face, he’s proud that he finally did something for his dad. I’m proud of Onew too. If he didn’t decide to do it, maybe I won’t be here solving issues with my mom at all.


“Do you want the necklace?” Mom asks. I was going to say yes when suddenly everything went black. I don’t know what kind of feelings I had at that time, I feel the exact same thing when I first met Onew at the dark staircase. Oh wait, that means I faint?



This story is ending in 3 more chapters.

I'm sorry for the late update, I'd been very busy with my studies.

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Chapter 20: your trailer video is cute.. i like it..
Chapter 60: woahhh , , , , this story is great
love this
i like last chapter the most, it's really touching
Chapter 16: i also confused...may i know why onew qant to marry ji young on the first plce?its so sudden...

waiting for ur answer...tq...
Chapter 5: uhm I'm a new/late reader and uhmm this is just soooo random .jinki oppa proposed to a stranger and is taking really good care of her??what??is??happening here????
I finished it... again.
Ur welcome! I wanted to read it anyways ^^
@starzz aww thank you. so sweet of you to do so!!
I'm reading this again~~
Hey there!! Thank you new readers!! Thank you for liking my story!!

yes english is not my mother language, it's my second language
thank you
About MBLAQ, I read it back and I don't see any wrong with it
besides, it's just a story.
Author-ssi I really like your plot, it's interesting and realistic.
I am guessing English isn't your mother language.
You did really well, be proud of yourself^^
I stayed up reading it, keke^^
My only complaint us that when MBLAQ was introduced, you made Thunder open the door, and he was a complete jerk, don't do that author-ssi.
Mianhae, I'm a protective fan ~
Kamsahamnida for the story.