Ice Skating

Stay At My House


"N-no, I can't…"

I received a pushing nudge on my back.

"No! Don't! I can't or I'll die!" I yelped. If I took one little step… it could be the end of me.

"Aw man, Hye Sun, really. You agreed to ice skate happily so do it!" Cheondung nudged me again. 

I looked out to the ice from the entrance and gulped. It felt like I lost all my skills in ice skating. Another crowd behind Cheondung were yelling already.

"Hurry up, woman!" 

Cheondung groaned. "Ugh, come on Hye Sun…"

I looked at him once and turned to the ice. … it looked so slippery. The white surface looked endlessly long. The rest of MBLAQ, SHINee and Jae Mi were already on the ice, playing tips or racing. I wonder if one day I could be as fast as those olympic racers and then I'd beat everyone. That would be seriously coo--

Suddenly, I was lifted into a bridal position, cutting off my thoughts. I looked up and saw Cheondung's face. I looked down and saw the white ground zooming past. I immediately wrapped my arms around Cheondung's neck and pulled myself into his chest.

"Oh my god, SANGHYEON! PUT ME DOWN OR I'LL DIE!" He knew my seriousness if I called him by his realreal name and put me down on the spot, which to my luck was the utter center of the rink. I stood frozen for so long that the toddlers were staring at me.

"I'm embarrassed by you…" Cheondung joked, facepalming himself.

Key skated to us and looked my awkward position up and down. "Hye Sun, what happened to 'I wanna do that!'?" Key mockingly jumped up and down as he repeated my excited words from earlier. 

"Well… attitudes can change, can't they?!" 

He diva laughed and flicked his hair as I watched him skate away. I turned around to face Cheondung but he wasn't there. I looked around and I couldn't see him anywhere. Then someone bumped into me from the back. The impact was like running backwards into a stone statue.

"Eugh!" was all that came out of me before I fell face down on the ice. 

The figure bent down to help me. "Oh my! Miss, I'm so sor-- oh what, it's just Hye Sun."

"Ugh, Joon!" I growled. "Help me up…"

He pulled me up and straightened my posture. "Don't tell me the legendary Hye Sun can't ice skate," he smirked.

"I can!" 

"Let's see it then," he crossed his arms.

I tensed as he skated a metre backwards and sat down. I didn't budge. 

"Hye Sun, if you can't do this, you have to kiss me." He declared, tapping his lips.

I automatically freaked out and attempted to skate without delay. I was waiting for the falling feeling, but realised I was still propped up on my feet. WOO I WAS SKATING~

"Aw, am I really that ugly?" Joon called out jokingly, watching me as I skated off smoothly.

"Hye Sun! You're doing it!" Cheondung came to me. Key was following behind.

"Damn, I wanted to see you fall on your face," Key pouted.

Jae Mi came up and linked arms with me. "Haha, she already did! We were watching her." She was laughing at the memory from only a few minutes ago. Her face was almost an 'xD' face.

"Well… I can skate now, I won't be falling any time soon," I made a face at Jae Mi.

For about ten minutes we were just playing around. We played Tag and Marco Polo. Well, we tried Marco Polo-- Cheondung kept bumping into strangers whenever he was in.

In the middle of our third race, Key stopped when he noticed something. Everyone else realising he stopped gathered around him. 

"Hyeong! Get your here!" Key yelled to someone behind me. Before I could turn around, Key quickly grabbed me and covered my eyes with his hand. "Wait, you can't look just yet." 

I pouted, but waited patiently. 

"Ew, Hyeong, you're so slow…" Key complained.

"Do you really think I want to approach you with this?" I heard Jonghyun's voice.

Key swivelled me around but still held his hands over my eyes. I slumped as I continued to wait.

"Okay," Key said before dropping his hands.

"PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't stop myself when I saw Jonghyun.

"Shut up, Hye Sun," he said with a straight face.

Our crowd of people were roaring with laughter, and soon enough, most of the ice rink was too.

Jonghyun just stood there with his arms folded in his ensemble. He wore a white tank top with '79' in big font, and you could see the bottom half of his chest. At the bottom was black mini-skirt. I couldn't leave out the wig, it was the same one he wore when SHINee had to be schoolgirls for a play a few weeks back.

"Such a pretty skirt, hyeong!" Mir yelled. 

I skated over to Jonghyun. "Oppa, you're looking very pretty today!" I teased. He glared at me. "Oh okay, c'mon let's get you changed."

I pulled Jonghyun off the ice. "What happened?" I asked, putting an arm around him as we entered the empty locker room. It wasn't too much of a task because he was shorter than other guys.

"Ugh… Key and I made a bet. If you skated today, the loser would have to do this," he said, gesturing to his clothes. "I really thought you wouldn't be able to move…"

"Well, thank you for your confidence in me Jonghyun," I rolled my eyes. "Need any help with any of uh… this?" I asked, pointing at his clothes. He shook his head. 

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "Wait, let's take a picture," I grinned.


"Aw, please? …Oppa?" I added at the end with a cute smile.


I pouted at him and blew out my cheeks.


"It was a bet, you can't just go out there for a minute and then that's it," I kept pouting.

"Well I still went out there!" He defended himself. "But… fine. We'll take a picture."

My face lightened up and I pulled out my camera. 

"There's a condition," He said, putting up one finger. 


"You gotta give me a kiss right here," he said, tapping his cheek like Joon tapped his lip.

"No! How many times will I be told to kiss someone in condition for anything to get get done?!" I exploded.

"Then I guess you won't be getting that photo…" He smiled tauntingly.

"Ugh! Fine! But because of this I get to put the picture on me2day," I grinned what I hoped looked evilly.

He squinted his eyes at me. "Fine."

"Fine." I smiled.

Jonghyun POV

I tapped my cheek again and she slowly leaned in. Before her little pout could touch my cheek, I spun my head in time for her soft lips to touch mine. She must have thought she was kissing my cheek, because she didn't react as quickly as I expected. A few long seconds had passed, and god I was so tempted to pull her in for a real kiss, but I kept still until she opened her eyes and jumped back.

Cheondung POV

Key and I left the group to help Hye Sun and Jonghyun, plus I wanted to get a picture of Jonghyun before he turned back into a guy. But when I approached the door of the locker room, I wish I had just stayed. The lips of my crush and my best friend had touched the moment they came into my sight. With that, I left to storm out of the rink before I could even come up with an explanation why.

"Yah, hyeong, where are you going?" Key asked me, before getting a glimpse of what had just caused my heartbreak.


My eyes widened and I looked away. Jonghyun never told me he liked Hye Sun?! Hye Sun never told me she liked Jongyun?!?! Wait wait, Cheondung, I need to go to Cheondung.

I looked once more, they had already pulled away from the kiss. Psh. It wasn't even a kiss. No movement, that was not a kiss. I hit my head, trying to focus on the fact that I had to tend to Cheondung. I ran out of the rink and saw him stalking off somewhere.

"Hyeong!" I yelled, grabbing his shoulder. He stopped and turned his head to me slowly. His eyes were red. He nudged himself out of my grip and kept walking. 

Aish, Jonghyun hyeong, what have you done?

Hye Sun POV (few mins earlier)

Jonghyun tapped his cheek again, and I slowly leaned in. I let my lips touch his cheek awkwardly. It felt … different from what I imagined a cheek to feel like on the lips. I left my pout there as I contemplated why it was so different. I gave up and eventually opened my eyes.

I was taken aback when I saw that what I was looking at wasn't the side of Jonghyun's face, but a full front view of it. I jolted away and let out a tiny scream.

It hit me why his cheek felt so weird-- I KISSED HIM ON THE FREAKING LIPS.

I pulled my hand up to my mouth in shock, but dropped it after a few seconds and started slapping Jonghyun.


"I'm glad that I got it," He smirked. How could he joke about something like that?!

I realised how angry I was and I hit him once more before running out as fast as my brace let me.

Jonghyun POV

I smiled. And I kept smiling. 

I kissed Park Hye Sun.

Right now, she's probably mega pissed that I did that. She probably thinks I was joking about being glad.

One day, I hope she'll realise that I wasn't.


I'm sorry I didn't update soon like I told everyone I was going to, my computer stuffed up and was slow and my chapter almost got deleted and yeah everything screwed up D':

But to make up for it... KISS SCENE~ <3

/Sigh~ This fanfic is failing in my eyes ._. only 15 subs D; I'm scared of showing other friends or posting a link on fb, they might think my story is weird >< 

But I'm really happy because I get lots of feedback from my subbers ^^ 

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I know.. I am guilty D: I have abandoned this story... but I have returned! Chapter coming up... ^^ - shawolyssa


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Great story
woo...! i finally finished reading this story.
sorry for the late comment i was saving the best for last..
i like your story...
i know it's late but congrats...
Wait… what was the promise again? Or did you not write it?
Sorry I have such a bad memory!!!
Please update again soon though!!
Aww, it's ending so soon?
I can't wait for the next update!
Poor Jjongie :'(
Update soon ♥
oh yay :D i died of happiness when i saw you updated ^^
Yay you updated!
Naaaw, Jonghyun is heartbroken, i hope everything goes well an no big dramas happen (althought they're exiting to read)
hehe update soon <3
Bu-But WAE!? I am now shipping them, so hard<3
oh my. i have been so long for this chapter T^T
thank you (?) for updating! >< ><
i love this story <3
hyunnielover26 #10
misunderstang.. hmm.. i really wish jjong and hye sun can be together