- Jungkook - Party

BTS One Shots


      Your outfit:        

You curled your hair a bit then applied some lip gloss and blinked a few times and smiles sweetly before then going out the door and making your way to the party as you slipped on your black coat.


You walked into the house and walked through to bump into Rap Monster, "Heyy, you are here, want me to put your coat somewhere?" he asks politely, you oh then nod giving him it, he smiles and hangs it up then comes back, "Drinks and food is over there, see you a bit later, have fun" he says before going to the kitchen to say something to someone scolding them.


You smile gently then walked into the living room, which looked quite big as it had doors opening to the dining room where the buffet and drinks are, you looked around a bit to see people dancing happily, you then smile happily and walked to your your friend and sit with her, "Omo, _____, you look so nice~" she says looking at you happily, "So do you" you reply happily before then talking to each other about your weeks and catching up not knowing you are both being watched. 


You both laugh happily then suddenly 2 drinks appear inbetween you both, you both look at who is holding them to see someone you aren't familar with, "From a certain someone, an admirer" he says looking at you before you both take the drinks slowly, "Oh tell him thank you but I have a boyfriend" you say, "That's ok, he knows, he will want you to have them anyway" he says,"Ah ok...tell him um...thank you?" you ask slightly unsure before he nods and leaves you both. You sip your drink and continue talking happily.

"What did she say?" Someone says, "She says thank you but she has a boyfriend" The guy says, "Ok, um..thank you for doing that for me" he says before the guy nods and goes to enjoy himself as the someone then smirks happily and looks at his friend, "She told him she has a boyfriend" he says as his friend twitches his eyebrows and grins, "Well, she is loyal to her boyfriend~" his friend says happily before he nudges him, "Hajima~" he mumbles. He then sips his drink and watches you and your friend amused then mumbles, "Why is she provoking me so much...", "Why won't you just go over?" his friend says frowning a bit, "I don't want to...yet" he replies as quite a few people have left by now leaving 15 people.


You dance happily with your friend then she starts dancing with JHope as you turn then look around for the birthday boy, 'Where is he..' you think before then blinking and noticing him staring at you, Jimin smiles, "There you go,now you can go over" he says as Jungkook hums as you walk over to him and place his present beside him with the other few before looking at him, he smirks a bit then stands, you blush as he is so close, "Finally, you notice me" he says, "I'm sorry I am late" you say poutily before he smiles and tucks some hair behind your ear, "It's ok, you're here and that's all that matters" he says sweetly before taking your hand and leading you to dance.


He takes your hands placing them on his shoulders and then wraps his arms around your waist, you blush and look down for a moment before looking back at him, "So you turned away your secret admirer?" he asks, "Hm? Oh, oh yeah, how did you know?" you asked, "Because I was testing you, you said you had a boyfriend" he says then smiles happily, "Youuu, of course i said that, didn't think I would forget about you did you?" you ask looking at you sweetly, he hums then holds you close as you wrap your arms gently around his neck. 


Time passes and you are still dancing the same, at a nice speed and close as you feel the love you have for each other, all that is left is your friend and BTS who are sat down joking and chatting in the dining room, you dance close then Jingkook pulls his head away and looks at you, "Saranghae ______" he says quietly but meaningfully, you blush a bit and smile, "Nado saranghae oppa" you reply quietly and sweetly making him smile before looking you deeply in the eyes and slowly leaning in to kiss you lovingly as you kiss back melting as your hearts beat happily.


You pull away slowly then hum, "Happy birthday by the way" you mention sweetly as he chuckles a bit and nods as he sits down, "Thing is....I wanted a special gift this year...from you" he says looking at the table, "What is it?" you ask, suddenly he slowly looks up at you in a way your heart wasn't prepared for, he points at you and bites his lip in the iest way, you blink then smirk, "We'll see..." you say with a naughty tone and seductive look as he smirks and pulls you to sit with him.


"You have a bad habit of provoking me" He mumbles, "Who?" you ask innocently, "You" he says then suddenly with that J-Hope and V race in and in sync let out a "Youuuuuuuu" with the dance move then everyone laughs.


You smirk and whisper, "I know" before pecking the place below his ear that turns him on, "I....you are going to regret that very very soon" he mumbles as you smirk at him mischievously as he then smiles mischievously then stands up and pulls you up with him before going to the door, "See you guys tomorrow,thank you for the party" he says before hugging them all and taking your hand and leaving in a casual way then walking to his apartment...



Hope you enjoyed~

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Chapter 17: So sweet... ^.^
SakuraDyrah93 #2
Chapter 12: Awww..that so sweet of JHope oppa!! Wish it real! XD