- Suga - How To Say It

BTS One Shots


Suga smiles and walks with you then you sit on the bench together to look at the view, you smile sweetly then see a couple walk past looking so in love, "Do you love me?" the girl asks as the guy smiles, "Of course I do jagi" he replies then pecking her cheek, Suga watches them then looks somewhere else, 'Wonder what would happen if i ask that...' you think to yourself, 'Come to think of it....he's never told me that...'.


An hour later you were at your apartment and were watching a movie when suddenly you turn your head and look at him,"Suga...?" you mumble, "Yes?" he asks, "Do you love me?" you ask quietly, "Mm" he replies looking down, you ah silently then nod and watch the movie feeling a bit awkward.


 You and Suga have been dating for 5 months now and still hasn't told you he loves you or kissed you, you shared your issues with your friend while you are working then afterwards you walk home in deep thought. You enter your apartment then sigh and put the washing in the washing machine,after you'd done that Suga came in,"Hello" he greets you, you then go to the kitchen and start to make dinner, Suga grabs the juice bottle then starts to pour himself a drink the pauses as you suddenly say, "Do you love me?",  you could tell he had paused by what you had said, you turn to him, "Don't you love me?" you say then walk into the living room as he follows you,"You know i do" he says, "No,no I don't Suga" you say louder ashe then gets angry, "I shouldn't need to say it!" he says loudly,"I don't want too", "Then you don't love me then!" you shout, "Maybe I don't!" he yells back angrily, "Fine,it's over!" you shout angrily, "Fine!" he shouts then grabbing his coat and going out the door as you slam it behind him.


Suga looks at the door then frowns and huffs leaving as you bite your lip then lean your back on the door then burst into tears sliding down the door. Suga walked into the dorm and deathglared them all, "I'm going to bed" he says and goes to shower then go to bed. Your friend comes over then holds you and comforts you as you cry, "Right, come on, go shower, I'll break out the ice cream" she says pulling you up then pushing you into the bathroom,you shower then come out in your pajamas and see she is in her pajamas and has made the couch nice and cushy with delicious smelling food and nice drinks and ice cream for dessert and movies, "I have the best friend ever" you mumble then hugging her.


Next Day, 18:43pm
Suga walks in with a beer and goes in the shower as BTS then look at each other lost as to what has happened to him. Suga walks into the bedroom to see Jin and V waiting for him, Jin pulls him to sit inbetween them then he grabs his beer and sips it, "What?" he asks as Jin takes it from him, "Tell us what has happened, you have been cold and mean to all of us" Jin says seriously, "Nothing, give me it back" he says sharp toned, "Suga....you will tell us..now!" Jin says louder, Suga rolls his eyes, "Hyung...we are meant to talk to eachother...so talk to us" V says gently, "What am i meant to say, _______ broke up with me because I can't and won't tell her that I love her!?" he shouts angrily as a tear slips down his cheek along the side of his nose.

 Jin frowns and looks at V exchanging an 'Ah'  face expression as Suga then leans his elbows on his knees and places his head into his hands silently crying, "What happened, how?" Jin asks, "She...she asked me do I love her...I said...I said I shouldn't need to say it and that I didn't want too..., she then said that I don't love her and ended it...I should have said the truth..." Suga explains then mumbles as V gasps quietly, "Hyung....you didn't tell her you loved her after 5 months?" V asks shocked as Jin blinks then frowns a bit, "Pabo" Jin says to Suga, "Why didn't you, its so obviously you do, you are so happy to go before you go see her" Jin says gently, "Wait....were you not...expressing in any other way that you loved her?" Jin asked, "What do you mean?" Suga asks, "You know....did you ever hold her hand or..you know...any of that stuff to express your affection to her?" Jin asks, Suga blinks then the realisation hits him, "I....am such a bad boyfriend..." he admits then wiped his eyes a bit, V rubs his back, "Why haven't you told her you love her then?" V asks, "Because...I don't want to lose her....I'm scared that if i say it...she will break my heart...I didn't realise it didn't matter if I said it or not because my heart would break either way...and now it has..." he says quietly as Jin sighs, "Then go tell her...tell her how you feel and let yourself show her how much you love her for god sake!" Jin says ending loudly.


Suga looks at Jin and V then sniffles and wiped his tears away, "Thank you for helping me....but she won't have me back now...." he mumbles, "You never know if you don't try hyung" V says as Suga nods then stands and goes to change. Meanwhile your friend grabs her stuff, "I'll be back later ok?" She says then hugs you and leaves as you then shower and get out to get dressed into your baggy white long sleeved top and black plush pajama pants. 


Suga makes his way to your apartment, as he thinks, 'Why didn't I tell her that I do...or why I don't say it..., why didn't I just let my barrier down...show her or express that I love her so much...or that when she smiles all i want to do is kiss her...or even just tell her how pretty she is...why did I have to ruin everything...out of fear' he thinks as he now runs to your place.


You then blinked as the doorbell rang and went to answer it thinking itis your friend. You open the door to see Suga stood there panting a bit as his eyes are sparkling, seeing him made your heart thump,he then fell down onto his knees, "I'm so sorry...I do...I do love you...I was scared that if i said it you'd leave me...please...I'm sorry,I kept my barrier up and ruined everything, I stopped myself from telling you that I love you and that everytime you are cold at the bus stop all i want to do is hug you so you aren't cold anymore..or even that when you smile...my heart races....I'm sorry, I ruined everything out of fear.." he cries as you tear up and your tears escape your eyes. "I love you _____, I wanted to say it...I was just scared, please...have me back...I'm sorry..please...take me back.." he continues begging you, "Suga...get up" you say as he sniffles sit there on his knees crying knowing he has ruined everything and lost you, "Suga, get up" you say pulling him up and shutting the door, Suga's eyes are so red as his face is wet as is yours, "It's fine...I forgive you..., just...this is your last and only chance" you say as his eyes widen, "Really....you mean that?" he asks shocked, you nod, "Thank you, thank you, I will prove my love to you, thank you.." he says wiping his face quickly then blinks and slowly wipes your cheeks making you blush.


"I will let myself love you...the way I wanted too...I won't be scared this time...I promise.." He says gently then looking into your eyes as you nod a bit, Suga then slowly leans in and kisses you then slowly pulls away as you blush, Suga blinks at you as you then look down shyly. He then cups your cheeks making you look into his eyes, "My god..." he mumbles as you blink about to ask what as he then leans in again and kisses you deeply,you squeak then slowly kiss back in the most sweet way only making him want to kiss you more.       


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Chapter 17: So sweet... ^.^
SakuraDyrah93 #2
Chapter 12: Awww..that so sweet of JHope oppa!! Wish it real! XD