
All That's Meant To Be

I go out the next day with mom for shopping for Durga Puja.

There are lot of clothing stores near my home. I enter one of them and start looking in the dress section.

My eye catches a really gorgeous dress in black and red. I check the price. It's affordable... Thank god.
I take it with me and look for another dress. I select another one and take that as well with me.
I buy those.


"Do you have ripped jeans?" I ask the storekeeper.


"Yes." The storekeeper says.


"I mean the ones in which knees will be seen."


"Yes, we have that too."


"Priya! I am NOT letting you buy those kind of jeans! We are done shopping. Let's go." Mom yells at me while leaving the store.


Not having freedom to do what I love is not something new in my life. Like, right now.
This is not the first time that mom didn't let me have my heart's desire.
She doesn't even allow me to meet new Kpop friends in Kolkata, who reside bit far away from my place.

I follow her out of the store, disappointed and bit sad.

I love ripped jeans. I wish I'll have the freedom to wear them soon. 
Indian parents are bit conservative in matters like this. I also wanna try shorts. But that's out of India... Because India is not that much of a safe place to wear shorts, I feel.

I try the new dresses I bought after I come back home. Ooooo I am looking so smart and hot in these ommooo.....

I call Kari and tell her about it.
She gives very satisfying reactions, like always. I feel so happy.


"by the way, unnie, I am preparing your birthday gifts like how one prepares for Christmas. Woooo I'm so excited! I am also having the preparations recorded so that you can feel the joy too." She says.


"Aigoo... I feel bad that you are doing so much for me but I can't do anything for you." I say.


"Yahh boya... It's not like I will do something for you only if you do something for me in return.
It's one of my actions of loving you hehe." She says.


"Awwww Saranghae~ kumawo..."




We hang up after talking for an hour or so.

2 days pass.
I finish my college assignments that are to be submitted before Durga Puja vacations.
I check my social media feeds.
OMG BTS have released some concept photos for their upcoming album, Wings.



They look so beautiful OMG!

Now, I'm excited about the release of Wings album on my birthday! It's gonna release in just FIVE days! I'm so excited~!
Durga Puja starts from tomorrow.

I stay at home next day as it's the first day of Durga Puja and there are no important religious customs to perform, as for me.
Me and my friends from the gang in which Kush belongs to, plan to meet tomorrow and visit the porches. There are important religious customs to perform tomorrow, at the porch.

I wake up early the next day as the customs are supposed to be performed before noon with fasting.
I take out the saree that I like the most and wear it.

- Saree: An Indian traditional clothing for women. -

I take some selfies of me in Saree.
I wish Hobie would be eager to see me in Saree and would fine me beautiful in wearing one.

I send the selfies to Kari and then go out and meet my friends at the porch. Kush is there as well.
We finish performing all the customs and rituals and then spend the entire day having lots of fun. I wish Kari was here too...

(The entire deity of goddess Durga with her children, at a porch.)


I come back home and go to bed after getting refreshed as I'm really tired by all the enjoyment I had today.

I plan to meet Sree the next day. We had met on Facebook... She lives in the same city as me and we have met only once or twice. She's a really good friend. We plan to meet at the porch and then go to a mall and then fangirl on BTS.
So we meet and our day goes as we had planed. Aww man... I'm having the best time of the year!

I come back home and text Kari. She calls me and I share to her the happiness.


"I'm so excited! Tomorrow is a very big and important day!" She says.


"Nae~!" I say.


"I had given the parcel to them 4 days ago, so hopefully the gift should reach you by tomorrow."


"Ommooo~ So excited!"


Then we hang up after talking for some more time.

I have my dinner and go to bed. About an hour pass and I am turning to sides, not able to sleep out of excitement.
I spend some time thinking about tomorrow.... The gift from kari... what's gonna be in it and the release of BTS' new Album.

I open my eyes.
I get up and go to the washroom and get fresh.

I go to the hall and sit on the chair next to the dining table and wait for breakfast.


"Happy birthday, Priya." Says dad, sitting on the sofa with newspaper in his hands.


"Thanks, dad."


"Happy Birthday, sweetie..." Says mom, coming from the kitchen with my breakfast in her hand.


"Thanks, Ma."


I do pronaam to them and take their blessings. They touch my head, giving me blessings.


Pronaam: In Indian culture, bowing to elders and touching their feet with hands and then touching the hands to one's head and chest to show respect.-


Dad goes out for work after sometimes.

I go to my room and check my social media feeds. Ommoo... So many people have sent me birthday wishes. Kari has sent one too... But I'm gonna read hers at the last as its special. I read all of the wishes except hers and I feel happy and emotional. Most of them have sent me spam of J-Hope's pictures along with birthday wishes. Awww so sweet of them.
Then I read Kari's.
OMG she has sent me a huge collage of J-Hope's pictures.
Ommoooo its so beautiful~!

I hear the door bell ring from my room.


"Priya... See who's there." Mom says from the kitchen.


"Yes Ma."


I open the door and it's a postman.
"India Post delivery. Nikita Saha." The man says.


Oh my gaaawwwddd my gift has arrived successfully!!!!
I take the package and keep it on the sofa. Then I put my signature in the receiver's form. I close the door and I immediately shout out to mom.

"Ma, Ma! My gift from Kari has arrived!!! The delivery man had just come!"


She comes out of the kitchen.


"Oh my, that's great! Let me see..."


"Yes yes! Remember Kari had asked me to do a video recording while opening the gift? I will open the gift and you do the recording and see, okay? But don't see through the camera, I want you to experience the real joy, not the virtual one."


"Okay, sweetie..."


I take the package inside my room along with mom. 

"Alright alright!" I take my phone and give it to her. "Here, start the recording. See through your real vision but make sure everything is captured in the camera, okay Ma?"


"Okay, I'm so excited..." Mom says.


"Me too......... OMG"


I start opening the box.
Oh my god............a BTS Goodie bag! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I love it so much, I wanna shed tears of joy... Look at it! The graphics, the print, the colours... It's so beautiful... and so cool! I can't believe she designed it and made it herself. 

"Ma look! She made this herself... oh wait wait wait, let all of it be recorded first, I will show you everything after that."
I look inside the bag and OMG!!! She has wrapped the main gift in BTS themed gift wrapper! 
I slowly and carefully open the wrap. It's so precious, I can't just tear it away like any other gift wrap. I check inside the bag, there seem to be more things. BTS pen... BTS polaroids, cards, a BTS folder and a BTS envelope. She has sent me a set of BTS merchandise! 
My first BTS merchandise...

I take the envelope and turn it around, there is a BTS group picture at the back. Picture of all the 7 angels, posing towards the camera with different kinds of smile. The picture is in from my favourite era of BTS. I open it and she has sent me a Birthday card in it, which also she has made with her own hands.

After the recording is done, mom starts looking and touching all the things from the package and I watch the moment with so much of happiness. Because of her gift, even my mom is smiling. Thank you, Sagarika...

The heat of my excitement cools down and I start to get emotional and wonder... How did I get so lucky to have a sister like her? My eyes start to get teary.
Her love for me means so much to me... She has not just said about gifting me, she has literally done for me what she said she would do. That too, she made these gift items with her own hands... With love. I'm so very happy...
Oh god... What would I have done without Sagarika in my life and by my side?

No one ever has done something so beautiful for me before. I'm so blessed to have a sister like her...I'm truly blessed. She's truly my sister.

I text her to call me and she calls after few minutes.


"Happy Birthday, unnie!" She says as soon as I pick up the call.


"Thank you very much... sis. 
So I opened the gift.... and recorded everything. I am gonna send you the video after the call. I am literally speechless. I don't think, that... saying 'thank you' even a million times will be enough to show you my gratitude for this beautiful gift.
You know... no one ever has done something so beautiful for me..."


My eyes starts to get teary and my voice starts to crack.


"Thank you so much...
Oh god... I'm like a crybaby right now." I smile, with tears flowing down my cheek. 

"I wish you were here! I wish we lived together or... or atleast near to eachother. We could fangirl together and jam over BTS...
Oh I love you so much sis... Thank you." I continue.

"I really don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you and my other dear friends and most importantly BTS... I don't think I could have survived all these... eyes are getting teary again...

One day if I don't talk with any of you guys... especially you, I feel like my day went incomplete..."

A tear slides down my cheek.


"I gave up on my life and my dreams at some point. But you taught me to dream again...saying that 'No unnie you cant give up on Jeeju'.  Oh god... I don't know what to say anymore."


"Oh my god, you still remember that? I'm so glad..." She says.


"Life is hard... no, its a piece of . Yet I'm smiling... with all my heart and soul even if its a mild one but at least its not fake. My eyes are teary but at least its not because of pain... Because I'm happy." I say.


"I'm so sorry if I'm making you cringe... But I cant hold back anymore. 
After you and the others came into my life I changed again but this time its was a happy change... I didn't changed into a ...which other people had forced me to turn into!" I continue.


"'Oh I see, that's sad...'
'You have no choice' 
'bear the pain' 

Everyone said that.
But no one ever did anything for me... No one ever helped me or stayed by my side during my pain. But you did.   

Everyone left me alone when I needed them the most so started to think that yeah... I should start learning how to live alone, there isn't anyone for u Nikita Saha... Can't you put that in your ing fat brain...?! 
I said that to myself. But I was lucky enough that you didn't let me go... You were there whenever I needed someone... You pulled me out of that dark side of mine which I hated so much but I was stuck.

Thank You. That's all I can say."              


"You know... you helped me too.
I always helped people like I did to you... But they did not come out of their darkness and I thought that I'm the one who is wrong... I was about to give up helping like that but it finally worked on you and now I know the value of my kindness.
So thank you too. For coming out of the darkness along with my help and showing me the value of my kindness." Kari says.


"I will pray to the god with all my heart that someday you will meet Tae... and smile at him... and he will return that with another beautiful smile of his." I say to her sincerely, with all my heart.


"Awwwww thank you unnie! Thank you so much for your blessing... And I will pray for you too... Pray for that day which you always dream of : Me, you married with our biases and whole Bangtan with their ladies in a get-together." She says.


"Thank you... 
Okay okay, I will send you the video now, you see them and give me reactions." I say.


"Omo~ yes!!! Okay!"


Then we hang up and I send her the video.

She sends me a reaction video after about 10 minutes.
She has expressed her happiness about how it felt real while I was opening the gift, as if I was near to her... And how happy she is that I loved her gift.

She then sends me some videos. I start playing them and it's a recording of the preparations of the gift.
My eyes start to get teary once more and I watch them repeatedly for some more time.

I then check the BTS WhatsApp group chat.
They have shared a new MV of BTS that released today... OMG it's from the new album, Wings!!!! 
Oh my god..........!!! My final birthday present has arrived!!!!
It was released few minutes ago. I had forgotten about it really...
I check it out immediately.   

After I finish watching it, I sit in a corner of my bed, leaning to the wall. My vision gets blurry and tears slide down my cheek. I feel so emotionally overwhelmed about the thought that BTS released an album of theirs on my birthday. The feeling is so intense... it's hard to explain how much happy I feel.
I know that they didn't release it for me since they don't know I exist. But there sure is a connection that they have released it on this special day of mine as though it's meant for me. When I meet them, I wanna thank them wholeheartedly for this wonderful and special gift.





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Chapter 15: i love it!