#2 They arrived

By your side

~They Arrived~


footsteps and sound of armors were heard in the east. Eunbi and her legion tried to find the lady who fell according to the scouts. "Lieutenant! She's over there!"The scout leader said and pointed at the huge rock. Eunbi drew her sword for alertness as she approached the rock. She peeked behind the rock and saw the lady. She made sure the lady was unconscious and can't harm. She motioned the soldiers to get the lady. "What are we gonna do with her, lieutenant?"A soldier asked. "Bring her to the king"Eunbi answered her comrade. The soldier nodded. "Let's go back to the castle grounds!"Eunbi shouted to all of her legion. 




"Emperor.. "Sojung called out to the king who's panicking. "General! I'm glad you came, the.. the.. daughters of Apollo! They're.. They're here!"The king said nervously. "Emperor, please calm down"Sojung said to the king. The king took a big breathe and released it. "Good, now what's with Apollo's daughters?"Sojung asked. "I think you already read Yewon's prophecy right?"Sojung nodded. "Good, and about Yuna's prophecy, it said that Yuna will.. will.. kill the king who wronged her!"the king exclaimed. "But who is that king? And why are you so scared, Emperor?"Sojung asked. 


"The king who wronged her was the very first emperor who ruled Rome! And I'm next!!"The king grabbed Sojung's shoulders. "Every king who ruled Rome will be killed by Yuna"The king whispered. "So I want you to assign your greatest soldiers by side and all of the Rome while the festival is happening"The king said. Sojung nodded. Someone knocked. "Come in!"The king said, binding behind Sojung. Eunbi came in with the lady following her. The king looked at the lady with scared expression. "Is that.. "Sojung trailed off. 


"IT'S YEWON! APOLLO'S SECOND DAUGHTER AND YUNA'S SISTER!!"The king shouted pointing at Yewon. Yewon looked at the king. The king grabbed a nearest spear and pointed it at Yewon. Sojung and Eunbi tried to tell the king to put it down. "Yewon.. I beg of you.... Don't harm any of us...!!"The king said. "I.... Just want to find my sister"Yewon calmly said. "You're sister?! You're sister is about to kill me!"The king said and looked at Eunbi. "Eunbi! Lock her in the chambers and look after her! I don't want Yuna to find her"The king ordered. Eunbi nodded. She grabbed Yewon's arm. Then there was a thunder. The king dropped the spear. 


"Zeus! Zeus is angry!"Sojung said to the king. "Argh!"The king groaned. "Eunbi, tell Eunha she's her new helper!"The king said. The thundering stopped. Eunbi nodded and left with Yewon. "Emperor, the festival is starting"a soldier said. The king nodded. He and Sojung went to the festival with other soldiers. 




Eunbi knocked on Eunha's door. Eunha opened the door looking at both Eunbi and Yewon. "What's wrong?"Eunha asked. "The king said she's your new helper"Eunbi gestured at Yewon. Yewon looked at Eunha who smiled at her. "Alright, come in"Eunha opened the door widely letting Yewon in. "The king said I'm looking after her"Eunbi said to Eunha. Eunha nodded and let her in. "Wait, aren't we supposed to go to the festival?"Yerin asked already hugging Yewon. "Oh yeah, let's go"Eunbi escorted them to the festival. 


"Father!"Yerin called out. They approached the king. Yerin and Sowon made an eye contact for a second. The two princess sat down in their respective seats while Yewon and Eunbi stood beside each other. "What is she doing here?"The king asked Eunbi. "They brought her with them"Eunbi answered. The festival started. They watched as gladiators go for each others' head. Until one gladiator made the king scared. 


"EVERYONE!  THERE'S A NEW CONTENDER! YUNAAA!!"The host announced, the crowd went wild. Yuna appeared with a mask. Yewon quickly knew it was her sister by the hair. "THEN ON THE OTHER SIDE! REMUS AND REMULUS!!!"the host shouted as two gladiators appeared. The fight started when Remus and Remulus charged at Yuna. She dodged all the attacks and decided to slice Remus' hand and stabbed him right in the throat. Sojung and Eunbi watched her closely. Eunha looked at Yuna then to Yewon. it's them, Apollo's daughters! Eunha thought. 


She looked back at the fight and saw Yuna already defeated Remulus by stabbing him from behind. The crowd went wild again. "AND NOW FOR THE FINAL FIGHT! GO CHEER FOR OUR PRINCE NERO!!!"The king looked at his son in shocked. Eunha and Yerin stood up in worry. The king silently prayed that his son will win. The fight started with Nero already been beaten by Yuna but he got to slash his sword to her too. He knelt down in exhaustion. Yuna was about to finish him when he threw some powder to her eyes. The king was over joyed.  Yuna's eyesight has become dull. 


As Nero was about to slash his sword to Yuna, he's sword was blocked by Yuna's shield. Then they got into a heated fight where blood spilling everywhere. Yuna pushed Nero with her shield making him kneel. She kicked his sword out of his hand before beheading him making the crowd go silent. The king looked at her with scared expression. She grabbed Nero's head and looked at the king. Yuna pointed her sword to the king. "YOU'RE NEXT!!!"




THERE'S a possibility that two pairing will have a tragic ending ;-; but anyways thats just a possibility and not confirmed yet so I hope you enjoyed this!!  (Or badass Yuna will cut your head off XD) 




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genes_hong #1
Chapter 20: What its UmB M rated? Asfgjkll I will subscrib kekeke

But its sad to see sojung is dead… yerin ah must be really sad....:(
genes_hong #2
Chapter 19: Whoah its sweet Sojungxyerin
And YewonxSinB

Aww Its Yuna fall in love with Eunha?

Next Yuna or sowon will die?
genes_hong #3
Chapter 18: Sowon will die next :(
genes_hong #4
Chapter 17: Its yewon right? Kekeke
genes_hong #5
Chapter 17: Wah you post the same chapter 2 times

But Thank you very much for answering my question

Thank you that you make the three beast becomes friends :)
genes_hong #6
Chapter 15: Wah thanks for Sorin and 97line here

I have a question why Yuju restrain herself? She doesnt fight like a beast anymore like when she first introduced in the earlier chapter...
ScarletTulip #7
Chapter 14: Did you ever hear about nekomata? It's from japanese mithology, kind of a human that transforms itself in a huge, powerful, badass, terrifying cat. They're awesome. If you want to, search about it, it's a really interesting creature.

I love SoRin here :3
genes_hong #8
Chapter 13: What Eunha a mythical creature? Oh hope yuju will be the vampire or warewolf so a mythical creature fall in love with a vampire? Adfhjkl

Oh yes SoRin is sweet here! More authornim!
ScarletTulip #9
Chapter 12: My SoRin interactions are coming... :3
I think you should write both, but the Fantasy first (I'm kind of curious about this mythical creature thing)
efra_yosef #10
Chapter 11: Hey I want to know about the couple relationship more....