Chapter 6 - Reason Ⅰ

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN




"Want to go on a walk?" 






It was 11am - a Saturday morning. Chaeyeon wasn't expecting a visitor nor was she expecting a sudden invitation. Sakura showed up on her doorsteps, waved, and then gave a sudden request. 



"It's a nice day outside so I thought I'd go for a walk but I didn't want to go alone." 



"Unnie.. You don't really strike me as the outdoor type."



"My.. My mom told me I needed to exercise more..." answered Sakura with her voice growing quieter word by word. 



Chaeyeon couldn't stop herself from laughing at the older girl's reason. "It's because you play too much games, huh?"



"How do you even know that??"



"Your eyes back at the arcade told me everything I needed to know, Unnie. Not to mention how good you are at arcade games.. except Pump it up, apparently- HAHAHAHAHAHA-" 



"Yah! Don't mess with me~ Do you want to go on a walk or what??"



"Okay~ Okay~ I'll do your mom a favor~ Come in first. I'm going to get ready. I'm still wearing my pajamas, you know."



"Nice pants."



"Shut up."



"What? Leopard print.. it's.. weird. In a good way."



Chaeyeon glared.



"Tch~ Okay~" Sakura entered the room as Chaeyeon asked and walked over to Minjoo who was still asleep. "She's still asleep?"



"She usually wakes up earlier even on weekends but.. I don't know. She hasn't woken up yet." Chaeyeon answered while getting a change of clothes. After a minute or so, she went to the bathroom to change. 



Sakura just looked around the room, had staring contests with inanimate objects, and maybe admired Minjoo's beautiful sleeping face.. and eventually Chaeyeon finished changing. 



Sakura didn't notice that Chaeyeon had already left the bathroom and was focused on Minjoo. 






"She looks like she cried herself to sleep?" 



"What?" Chaeyeon rushed over to the side of Minjoo's bed and looked at her eyes. Like Sakura had said, it did seem like Minjoo has been crying with her eyes looking puffy. 



"Did something happen?" Sakura looked at Chaeyeon with concern. 



"Ah.. Guess you wouldn't know about that, huh?" 



"About what?"



"Well.. You know about Minjoo liking someone, right? I remember you teasing her a while back.. You know, when you about wanting to remain a Kim." 



"Yeah. It's not much of a secret. Minjoo isn't the greatest at not being obvious."



"Yeah.. About that.." Chaeyeon once again found herself willingly giving Sakura information that the older didn't need to know. 



She did think twice about it but she knew she could trust Sakura with it. Minjoo obviously trusted Sakura too, seeing as Minjoo took Sakura to their room and got their senior to talk to her a few days back. 



"So.. Remember when I told you.. I started noticing the way Eunbi looked at someone else? And how.. I saw them together once?"



"When we were at the arcade, right?"



"Yeah.. I was.. I was talking about Chaewon."



"I- What????" Sakura took the time to construct that in her head. 



Chaeyeon and Eunbi are in a complicated relationship.. because Eunbi developed feelings for someone else.. who is Chaewon.. who happens to be the person Chaeyeon's best friend, Minjoo, likes..



"Wow. That sounded complicated in my head... Oh my god.. I hope I stay out of that.."

(a/n: Sorry Kkura... You don't stay out of it.. uwu)



"So.. I guess I've been pretty selfish.. Just thinking about what I've been going through when... Well.. Minjoo is just as involved with it as I am."



"You just got carried away by your emotions. I think anyone in your position would have a hard time thinking straight.. Oh wait.. You're not straight."



"You-" Chaeyeon raised her hand, threatening to hit Sakura. "You really didn't have to attack me like that-" 



Sakura laughed softly, and honestly, Chaeyeon was relieved. She made the atmosphere around them all serious again and she was glad Sakura tried to lift up the mood. 



"Anyways~ You ready? Let's go~" 



"It's weird how you want to go out so much.."



"Look, Jjaeyeon.. Even I want some fresh air and sunlight sometimes."






"Yes. Jjaeyeon." Sakura giggled.




~ + ~










"I hope you don't mind me asking but.. Since you.. pretty much know a lot about my entire situation at this point.. I wanted to hear about you and Ssaem."



"Why are you suddenly acting all polite when you practically forced me to spill the first time?"



"I'm sorry about that~ I mean- She suddenly asked you to come to her house and that ignited my imagination a lot, you know."



"Well.. What do you want to know? Haven't I told you a lot about it already?"



"You told me about the past, Unnie. I want to know about now.. Have you been okay recently? You've been taking care of me and.. I feel like I haven't done enough for you."



"Don't worry about that. I helped you because I wanted to, alright? Anyways.. I... haven't talked to her at all recently."



"Did you visit her like she asked you to?"



"Of course not. I really couldn't find the will to do what she asked.. I tried to keep our conversations in class minimal too but.. seems like her professionalism leaves her from time to time.. Ugh.. It's now a running gag in my classroom that I'm her favorite student because she always asks me to answer in class." 



"She seems like she really wants to talk to you.."



"I mean.. It's not like I want to avoid her, Chaeyeon.. It's just that when she does things like this, I start hoping that maybe she's ready to face my feelings head on this time.. And then I start to think about how I might just get disappointed if I talk to her."



"I can't blame you for thinking that way.. I mean.. I'm pretty much the same with Eunbi. I've been ignoring her calls.. and whenever we pass each other in school.. I never turn around no matter how many times she calls me.."



"..This is what we call running away from the problem." Sakura laughed sadly. 



With perfect timing, Chaeyeon's phone begun to ring. Taking it out of her pocket, her already sad expression only got darker. 



"Aren't you going to answer it?" Sakura didn't mean to but she saw the caller id as well. 



"Should I?"



"I'm not a very good example and I sure as hell would sound like a hypocrite but.. You shouldn't keep running away. Actually, if you answer her call, I'll do my best to face Ssaem, too."



"Ugh.. Why did you have to put me on the spot.." Chaeyeon stared at her phone for a bit. The internal struggle was real with this one. In the end, she decided to answer the call.



Chaeyeon? Oh my god.. Thank god you finally answered my call.



"...Eunbi. Make it quick. I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."



Are you busy? What are you doing?



"I'm taking a walk."



By yourself?



"No. I'm with Sakura-unnie."



Sakura's eyes widened slightly when she was mentioned. While it was true that they were together, did Chaeyeon really have to tell Eunbi who she was with? So much for staying out of it.



Sakura..? Class 1-1.. Miyawaki Sakura? W-Why are you two together?



"That's none of your business. What exactly did you call me for?"



We really need to talk. Can we talk today?



"We're already talking though? And I already told you that I'm with someone."



Are you going to be together the whole day???



"What is it to you if we stay together the whole day?"



Y-Yah.. I'll have you know that I haven't agreed to end it between us! I'm still your girlfriend! Of course that will bother me-



"I can't talk to you today, okay? I.. give me some more time to breathe."



....I.. Alright. But.. Can you give me tomorrow?






I'll visit you tomorrow. Don't suddenly make plans, you hear me?



"Okay, okay.. I get it. Tomorrow."



Alright..See you then.



Chaeyeon hung up the call. She didn't even bother saying goodbye. When she did, she stopped walking and slid her phone back to her pocket. Sakura stopped shortly after she did, looking back at Chaeyeon. 



"I.. I'm sorry.  I think I might have dragged you into this.. She asked to meet me today.. and I.. I'm just not ready to face her yet so I.. I just used you as an excuse.."



"It's okay." Sakura sighed. She had just wished to stay out of it earlier at the dorms but she ended up being dragged into it. She just hoped things won't get complicated between her and Eunbi. 

(a/n: Sorry Kkura(2).. but it will get complicated.. uwu)



"Unnie.. Are you.. busy tomorrow?" 






"No! I'm not going to run away.. I just.. I guess I need some emotional support. You know, just in case things don't.. end too well."



"I'm a person who does nothing but play games all day so you could say I'm not busy."



"You wouldn't mind if I.. say.. suddenly called you over right?"



"HMMMM... It depends. Are you planning to call me over while the Pres. is there?"









"Hey! At least I agreed to meet her! What about you?? When are you sorting things out with Ssaem?"



"I- Chae- Y-You know it isn't that simple with us.." 



Chaeyeon suddenly felt guilt creep up on her. Sakura's situation was completely different. Her situation with Eunbi was pretty straightforward. 



With Sakura, however.. She was in a state of limbo.. Where she couldn't move on even if she wanted to. 10 years is no joke. 



"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to compare. I know what I'm going through is nowhere near what you've gone through for.. years."



"No, no. Don't say that. Whether it's 10 years or a few months, that doesn't matter. If it's a matter that's important to you, it's of utmost importance. I'll try.. maybe. If she doesn't piss me off."



"Unnie- I-"



"I'm kidding.. But.. 10 years is enough time to annoy someone so much they snap, don't you think? I always held back but.. I've snapped once.. Now there's nothing stopping me from doing it again."



"I'll stop you." Chaeyeon declared.



"You?" Sakura spoke in a teasing and challenging way. 



"You've done so much for me in the short time we've known each other. It's barely two weeks and I feel like I owe you so much."



"No.. You don't owe me anything. I should do.. at least this much."



"What do you mean by that..?"



"Who knows." Sakura started walking again. 



"What's with that.. You can't leave me hanging like that." Chaeyeon caught up to her but she didn't really push further. 



"Want to eat crepe?"






Sakura pointed at a shop just a few meters away. "Want to buy some then head back? We can also buy some for Minjoo."



"I've never been to that shop before.."



"No way?? You're missing out, Jjaeyeon!"



"Here you go calling me that again.."



"They have the best crepe!"



"Are you.. ignoring what I'm saying?"



"I promise you're gonna love the crepe there."



Seeing no point in further talking back, Chaeyeon just kept quiet and let Sakura lead her to the shop. Once they got there, Sakura immediately made eye contact with the person working there.  



"You're alone today, Hyewon?" Sakura asked. 



"Kkura-yah~" Hyewon walked to her from behind the counter and gave her a hug. "Nakko was supposed to be in with me today but she suddenly had an emergency so now I'm by myself.. What are you up to?"



"Ah~ I was just taking a walk with Chaeyeon." Sakura looked at Chaeyeon and then back at Hyewon. "Thought we'd buy some crepe before heading home."



"Ah.." Hyewon went back behind the counter, "Chaeyeon-ah~ What do you want?" 



"Hm.. I think I'm up for Choco-banana." Chaeyeon answered. 



"For Minjoo?" Sakura asked. 



"Well.. Maybe Cream and Strawberry?" 



"Alright. It will take around.. 25 minutes maybe?" Hyewon said as she started getting what she needed for their orders. 



"Does it really take that long to make crepes?" Chaeyeon looked confused. 



"Kkura likes Matcha Crepe Cake. It has 15 layers." Hyewon laughed. "That's what she always gets here."



"I don't even have to order when I come here." Sakura giggled. "They already know my order as soon as I walk in so I just have to sit down and wait."



Once Hyewon started working on the crepes, Sakura went to sit down and Chaeyeon followed her. 



"But.. It's weird seeing you out so early on a weekend, Kkura." Hyewon teased. "You don't even like going out."



"My mom suddenly messaged me.. to ask if I do nothing but plays games all day.." Sakura said followed by a sigh. "She said it's fine to loosen up and play games since I get high grades but I should hang out with friends too..."



"Pffft- HAHAHAHA-" Chaeyeon burst out laughing. There was no one else in the shop so they didn't need to worry about disturbing other people.



"Shut up- I have friends online too!" Sakura pouted. "I play games with my friends in Japan.." 



"Oh." Chaeyeon promptly stopped laughing when she heard Sakura's reason. That's right.. She left Japan behind to come here. 



"But you should go on a date with me sometimes~" Hyewon joked and when Sakura looked at her, she winked. 



"Yah~ You work on weekends, you know?" Sakura giggled. "You can also just come over to the dorms of you're bored."



"But you have roommates.. We wouldn't be alone."



"What do we need to be alone for, Hyewon?" Sakura raised a brow teasingly. 



"I don't know, Kkura~ What do you have in mind?" 



"I'm right here." Chaeyeon interrupted, causing the other two to laugh. 



"What? Do you want to go on a date with me too?" Sakura turned her attention to Chaeyeon. 



"I- Don't be full of yourself, Miss." 



"I currently have issues with the surname Lee but I wouldn't mind if I take it from you."



"I- Can you not-" Chaeyeon struggled to handle Sakura's playfulness and just buried her face in her hands. 



"Kkura-yah ~ It's bad playing with our junior's feelings~" Hyewon didn't really want to stop her but she had to at least act like it. 



"I'm just joking around~" Sakura smiled at Chaeyeon. 



"Just say you're interested in me instead of playing around." Chaeyeon recovered from Sakura's sudden attack and decided to strike back. 



"Sorry~ I like older people." Sakura shut it down quickly. 



"Tch." Chaeyeon grudgingly accepted her defeat. 



Time went by like that; The three would talk about random things and occasionally tease each other. Because they were occupied, the waiting time didn't feel long at all. 



"Here you go." Hyewon handed a paper bag to Sakura. 



"Thanks." Sakura stood up from her seat as she took the paper bag. "We'll be leaving now."



Hyewon nodded silently, escorting them to the door. "Take care."





~ + ~




"You're back?" Minjoo greeted as soon as Chaeyeon got home. "Where did you go?"



"I went on a walk with Sakura-unnie."



"Kkura-unnie?? She went on a walk??"



"See! It's weird for her to go out right?? She suddenly asked me to go on a walk with her."



"Heol.. What's that?" 



"This?" Chaeyeon walked to Minjoo and handed her the paper bag. "Unnie took me to a crepe shop her friend worked in. She got one for you too."



"Ahhh~ I haven't eaten yet~" 



"What time did you wake up anyways?"



"Uh.. I just woke up a few minutes ago."



"...It's 1pm.."



"I don't know why I didn't wake up sooner either.."









"Hm.. Ah! Are you going somewhere tomorrow?"



"Tomorrow? I am, yeah. We have an assignment in the theater club and my group is meeting tomorrow to discuss. Why?"



"No.. Tomorrow.. Eunbi's coming tomorrow." 



"What? You agreed to meet her?"



"I realized that I needed to stop running away." 



"...Well.. If you decided that, I won't stop you. Don't push yourself. If you need anyone, you could always get Kkura-unnie."



"You really trust her a lot, don't you?"



"When we first transferred, I was really awkward when I joined the theater club. Kkura-unnie was the one that guided me and she's been taking really good care of me since then."



Chaeyeon nodded along to every word Minjoo said. Sakura did strike her as a very reliable person and through the short time she's known the older girl, she's already grown to trust her.



But it's strange. 



It usually takes Chaeyeon much longer to open up to people. She remembered how she initially told Eunbi her thoughts because she was in the middle of a breakdown and pretty much wasn't in the right mind. She even avoided Eunbi for a while after before deciding to talk to her again. 



It was different with Sakura.. While she did meet Sakura while she was out of it, kind of like how she met Eunbi, Sakura had already calmed her down by the time she told Sakura everything. Was it Sakura's presence? Her aura? Chaeyeon didn't know what it was that made her feel like she could trust Sakura with everything. 






Chaeyeon knew this feeling.. 



...And she didn't like it. 



I can't be feeling like this.. not about her.



She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. She was already confused and tired enough with her complicated relationship with Eunbi pairing up with the past suddenly haunting her.. And now.. there's another thing that's going to plague her mind? 



Chaeyeon flopped down her bed, earning a concerned look from Minjoo. 










"I'm just tired.. I think I'll take a nap."





~ + ~



||a/n: What another eventful day~

So here we have the day the relationship chart became a hexagon~ First it was a square: Chaeyeon, Eunbi, Chaewon, and Minjoo. But then Sakura ended up getting involved.. and with her comes Gaeun. So now we have six people tangled up.. Things are about to get complicated~

While Sakura doesn't show any obvious signs, Chaeyeon seems to be showing a lot of signs to show that she's begun to take interest in Sakura.. Maybe a lot more interest than she should. Chaeyeon seems very aware of her developing feelings and she's more than conflicted about it. 

See you again next time~||


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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1760 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1760 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm