Chapter 7 - Reason Ⅱ

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN
















"Did you come here to sit down and stare at random things?" Chaeyeon broke the silence that engulfed the room. 



Like they agreed on, Eunbi showed up at their dorms and the two of them were just sitting down on Chaeyeon's bed. 



Eunbi hasn't spoken a word. She looked like she had trouble sorting out her thoughts and Chaeyeon really didn't have the patience for it. 




She didn't gather all her courage and will to agree only for Eunbi to waste her time. "Can you go straight to the point?"



"I don't want to end it between us, Chaeyeon."






That was the one thing Chaeyeon was so conflicted about. Was she happy when she heard Eunbi say that.. or did it only make things harder for her? Did she like hearing those words or did it feel like a big lie? 



"Do you.. still love me?" It was a simple question. It should've been simple. Eunbi would've answered a quick yes to this question if Chaeyeon had asked this before everything got complicated. 



Now.. Eunbi didn't know how to answer.



"If I said yes.. Would you still believe me?" Eunbi asked back. 






"Then why did you ask?"



"To see if you would tell me the truth."



"You... Why are you being like this?" 



"Eunbi.. I.. I don't think.. I can take this anymore. I.. I loved you more than anything.. You mean so much more to me than you think. Even if you ask me.. if we could try to fix things between us.. You just.. don't feel the same anymore."


"Chaeyeon.. please.. I came here to explain mys-"



"-What else is there to explain? You.. Your eyes can't lie, Eunbi. The way you look at her.. the tone of your voice.. It's impossible for me not to notice. I can't push for a relationship knowing that it's only me that truly loves now. You're torn, aren't you?"



"Look! I'm trying my hardest to fix things between us- Why won't you listen to me for a second??"



"I'm telling you to save your breath..! I'm telling you that I'm wiling to let you go! That you don't need to feel responsible for me anymore!" 



"Why?!" Eunbi stood up, raising her voice. "Because you don't need me anymore..?? Because you've found someone else to fill my place..?! Is that it?! Am I.. Am I just another person to you now?"



"W-What are you talking about..? You were the one that went and liked someone else! Why is this suddenly about me?!"



"You.. You think I didn't notice?" Eunbi's eyes showed so much more emotions than Chaeyeon could process. "You too.. You're torn too." 






"Chaeyeon.. Did you think you were the only one who could see through me? I can see right through you too. I'm.. not your priority anymore." 



"What are you saying... I.. I love you so much it hurts me just thinking of you..!"



"You have Sakura now, don't you?!"



That sentence made Chaeyeon's body freeze, an uncomfortable chill creeping up her back. 



"I.. I saw." Eunbi's eyes were already filled with tears, may it be out of sadness or frustration. "You remember.. when we bumped into each other after school? I couldn't leave you alone."



"You.. followed me?"



"That's not important. You.. You told her everything that day. Even though you always told me that you'd never open up to anyone aside from me.. You even told her bits and pieces that you've never told me."



"Eunbi.. I wasn't myself at that time. I.. I just saw something more horrific than anything I'd ever seen before. If you were there.. you should've seen Yuri."



"That's not what we're talking about right now. I'm talking about how easily you opened up to her.. when it took me a while to prove myself to you."



"So are you turning things against me now?"



"Let's be honest to each other." 






Chaeyeon shook her head and sighed. She should've known. If she could see right through Eunbi.. then it worked the other way around too. Of course.. If anyone were to notice the feelings she's starting to develop.. Of course it would be Eunbi. 



"...Leave." Chaeyeon didn't look at Eunbi. "I don't think I can take seeing you for any longer. I've had enough for today."



"Lee Chaeyeon. We're not done yet."



"I said.. Leave." 



Eunbi hesitated but she knew better than to push it too far. She wasn't going to give up but she knew to give Chaeyeon some space. Nothing can be done in just a day. She decided to leave as she was asked and in a matter of seconds, Chaeyeon was left alone in her room again. 



Minjoo said she was going to come home a bit later than expected. She should have gotten home.. say, around halfway through Chaeyeon and Eunbi's argument but due to some shifts in plans, Minjoo stayed out longer.



...So that leaves one other person. 



Miyawaki Sakura. 



While she did intend to call Sakura after, it got difficult real quick after Eunbi decided to bring her up in their argument. 



Chaeyeon wasn't stupid. She knew why she was so trusting and weak when it came to Sakura. Even though she kept asking in her head, she already knew the reason. Feelings were starting to grow in her. She knew that much. She hasn't completely fallen but she knows.. it will only take a bit more before she does. 



"...I just told myself that I shouldn't feel anything for her yesterday.. yet here I am." 



Even if she tried to convince herself that she can't, feelings don't work that way. In the first place.. when did her feelings ever go the way she wanted? If anything, it always seemed to go against her. 



"...Should I.. call her?"






"No.. I.. probably shouldn't. Not after what just happened.."












"I suddenly want to see her."



The calming effect Sakura had on her was no joke. Sakura could soothe her with just a look, a simple "It's okay", and everything felt so much better. 



But that effect did a complete 180. 



"...Oh my god.. No way.. I can't call her here.. Not now.."



...She's suddenly conscious about the thought of being alone with Sakura. 





~ + ~




"AAAAGH- Why is this so difficult???" 



Angry keyboard noises and intense clicking sounded in the room. Sakura was a good student and maybe she had the image of hanging out in the library.. But she was a gamer to the core.



She was a model student five days a week and a total nerd in the weekends. She really lets herself go when it comes to games. 



Typically, Sakura doesn't pay attention to anything else when she's playing games but she had her phone on the table right next to her keyboard which she would look at from time to time. 



She was VERY worried about Chaeyeon. Maybe that's the reason she's been so out of focus while playing. 



She leaned back on her chair, taking her hands off the mouse and keyboard to look at her phone. She had exchanged messages with Chaeyeon a few hours back and the younger said she would message Sakura if she needed anything. 



"Maybe things went well?" 



She really wasn't sure. Sitting around wasn't helping her calm down. 



"I'll go check on her." She got up from her seat, wore the jacket that was hanging from the side of her bed, and walked out of the room. Just as she was going to turn to go to the staircase, a very familiar figure made her way downstairs, making eye-contact with her. 



It wasn't a very nice one. Even with the distance.. it wasn't difficult to tell that she was being glared at. 



"Miyawaki Sakura." 



"...Kwon Eunbi."



"Where are you going?" 






"Visiting Chaeyeon? I'm right, aren't I?"



"...I'm not liking your tone, Kwon."



"Maybe if you didn't mess around with someone else's girlfriend."



"Excuse me?"



"Walk me to the stop." 



"Why should I..?"



"Just go." Eunbi started walking ahead and reluctantly, Sakura followed her. 



"When did you start talking to Chaeyeon?"



"Am I required to answer that?"



"Just answer me." Eunbi's aura of superiority always seemed to surround her. Despite not being in school, Sakura really felt the President aura in her tone of voice. Of course, that wouldn't actually scare Sakura but she also has her model student role to fulfill. 



"It's been around.. two weeks?" Sakura answered obediently, not wanting any trouble. Aside from Jiyoung, Eunbi was another person you shouldn't get in trouble with. 



"Two weeks..? When exactly did you meet?"



Oh you know.. I kinda just picked her up after overhearing you two fighting by your doorstep. 



"Getting specific, huh?" Of course Sakura wouldn't answer that. She didn't know what Eunbi would do to her if she found out. 



"Answer me, Miyawaki."



"Call me Kkura." With a tone just as serious as Eunbi's, Sakura gave one request. "I don't mind you speaking to me with that tone but don't use it on my last name."



It reminded her of the way a certain someone called her whenever they argued. 



"You've got issues.." Eunbi rolled her eyes. "But sure.. Kkura. When did you first meet her?"



"Why should that matter?"



"I'm her girlfriend- Just answer me!"



"Being her girlfriend doesn't mean you need to know every single person she makes friends with and meets, does it?"



"But you're dangerous."



Sakura furrowed her brows, narrowing her eyes as she stared at Eunbi. "Excuse me?" 



"You're dangerous. I said what I said." Eunbi didn't explain and just walked off. "This is as far as you have to take me. Go home." 



"Why did you ask me to walk you to the stop in the first place? It's not like you need to ride a bus."



"I just wanted to check something."



"And that is?" 



Eunbi turned around, looking Sakura in the eye. "Do you.. have feelings for Chaeyeon?"



"....Huh?" Confusion spread all over Sakura's face. 



Eunbi could tell that Sakura's reaction was genuine and sighed. "I guess not. But that doesn't make you any less dangerous." 



"Again.. What does that mean?" 



"If you don't get it, nevermind." Eunbi turned away and begun to walk home. 



Sakura watched her back for a few seconds... before she decided to head back to the dorm. 



She thinks I like Chaeyeon? 



That was the only reason Sakura could think of to explain why Eunbi kept calling her "dangerous". But even when she said she didn't like Chaeyeon that way, Eunbi still called her dangerous.



"What's up with that.." Sakura furrowed her brows, lips forming into a pout as she thought deeply about it. Did Eunbi think it was still possible for her to like Chaeyeon? Or.. Did Eunbi think about the possibility that Chaeyeon might like her?



But that shouldn't be an issue, right? Chaeyeon didn't seem like the type to like someone in such a short time. It's true that Chaeyeon's very reliant on her but Sakura was aware that she has a reliable aura surrounding her. Her juniors in the theater club told her about it all the time. It didn't mean that Chaeyeon liked her that way. 



It's just her relying on an older friend. 



That's all.






"Kkura-unnie? Where did you go?" 



Sakura looked ahead and saw Minjoo walking across her. Seems like she just got home. "You just got back?"



"Mhm." Minjoo nodded, the two of them entering the dorm together. "What were you doing outside?"



"I walked with Eunbi up til the stop."



"You what-" 



"Don't ask. I also don't know why."



Minjoo's eyes were burning with curiosity but she knew Sakura wasn't going to give in even if she forced her. "Wait.. When did you run into Eunbi? Wait- Sunbae. Eunbi-sunbae."



Sakura giggled at the late honorifics before replying, "I was getting worried so I wanted to check on Chaeyeon. As soon as I walked out of the room, I saw Eunbi heading down and she just asked me to go with her."



"What is she up to...? Ugh.. that person aside, want to come up and check on Chaeyeon now?"



"Hey.. isn't it a bit rude to call her "that person"??" Sakura laughed before nodding. 



She went up with Minjoo and as soon as she opened the door, Sakura made eye contact with Chaeyeon. 



The younger quickly looked away, gaining a suspicious stare from Sakura. 



"Minjoo.. she's being weird.." Sakura pulled on Minjoo's sleeve. "She usually has a confident look on her face whenever she's looking at me.. You know.. That smug look."



Minjoo looked at Sakura.. and then at Chaeyeon.. and she did notice something weird. Chaeyeon was being.. surprisingly meek. Quirky and energetic Chaeyeon.. being meek. 



Of course, it could be about Eunbi again.. but Chaeyeon didn't exactly look depressed. It was a different expression. 



"Uh.. Unnie.. could you.. maybe.. leave us? I need to talk to Minjoo about something." 



"What? But I just got here.."



"P-please??" Chaeyeon pleaded, not looking at Sakura as she spoke. 



"What's going on with you?" Minjoo was also getting suspicious of the girl's behavior. "Did something happen? What did Eunbi say? Did she do something?"



A lot of questions followed after, Minjoo checking everywhere around the room as well as checking on Chaeyeon to see if anything was out of place.



"Tch.. I get it. I'll leave you two alone." Sakura sighed, disappointed that she had to leave despite being so worried. "One question."






"Did you two manage to talk?"



"...Well.. It was mostly silence at the start but.. yeah.. We talked.. somehow."



Sakura took a moment to stare at Chaeyeon.. and didn't pry any further. "I'll get going then."









Now they were alone.



"So? What happened?" Minjoo sat next to Chaeyeon and waited for what the other had to say. Minjoo already had a hunch, of course. They aren't best friends for nothing.



"Eunbi and I.. got into an argument."



"Not surprised."



"And.. she told me.. that she wasn't the only one torn about her feelings.. and that I was torn too."



"....Is this about Kkura-unnie?"



"Is it obvious..?"



"...Well.. I don't know. What I do know is that Eunbi talked with Kkura-unnie."



"Wait.. Min.. What do you mean by that?"



"I ran into unnie outside. Apparently she ran into Eunbi as she was leaving and they went on a walk or something."



"D-Did unnie say anything else?"



"No.. She just said she walked Eunbi up to the stop."



Chaeyeon took a deep breath. She was hoping Eunbi didn't say anything to Sakura. 









"Minjoo.. I.. I think.. I'm starting to develop feelings for unnie."












A little sound was all Minjoo could reply with. She did think that it was possible - Chaeyeon falling for Sakura. If you got yourself broken by a difficult person like Eunbi and then become friends with someone like Sakura who was pretty much your saving grace, why wouldn't you like her? 



"What.. do I do?" Chaeyeon's eyes softened, her lips trembling as she looked to Minjoo for an answer. 











Unfortunately for her, Minjoo didn't have an answer to her question. 




~ + ~


||a/n: Aaaand.. it's 100% confirmed! Chaeyeon has begun developing feelings for Sakura.

Eunbi could see right through Chaeyeon the same way Chaeyeon saw through her.. I guess their feelings are all the more mutual now, huh? While their conversation didn't exactly fix anything, it did help Chaeyeon come to a realization.

The irony of Eunbi wanting to fix their relationship yet being the reason why Chaeyeon becomes conscious around Sakura.. Man, it's getting complicated and this is just Chaeyeon's side of this mess. We haven't even gone through Sakura's side yet. 

Anyways, hope you liked the chapter~ The next chapter gets quite an escalation~||


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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1760 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1760 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm