Broken Fever


EXO goes through their daily routines everyday without miss or any rest days, well, they're called daily for a reason right? Okay so here’s how they do it- wake up early in the morning, go straight to SM Entertainment's studio, practice hard for any upcoming performances or comebacks, go back to the dorms late at night, sleep, and well, repeat.


Seems simple enough right? Well it's a fun fact that they're all humans, despite the concept of their debut being supernatural powers, they are all still humans, and humans have limits. Now when a person reaches their limit, normally.. things just go haywire don't they? So it's not much of a surprise to hear that one of the EXO members have reached their limit...



"Are you okay Baek?" asked Junmyeon, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's get back to practice," answered Baekhyun, panting heavily.

The members were starting to get concerned. They just started practice and the fact that Baekhyun was already out of breath worried them a lot.

"MAMA Awards is in less than two weeks and we- ,"

"Baek, you're not yourself today and we're worried, so please tell us honestly- are you okay?"

I realised this story doesn’t make sense at all now.. thank you to whoever that has read it but i promise the next time i write another story it isn’t gonna be this horrible :/


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Chapter 6: Oh.. it's the last chapter... thankyou for writing this story
Chapter 6: amazed baekhyun can perform at such temperature. He's so stuborn.. Gald the members with him. Hope he feels better
961 streak #3
Chapter 6: I was amazed that Baekhyun was able to perform even at 40 plus fever. I wouldn't be able to stand at that rate. It must be the adrenaline that sustained him through two songs.
MI hope it was really just a case of flu and nothing life threatening.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 5: Pleaseee continueee
bonlady #5
I'm excited for this