Chapter 1

Broken Fever
 The EXO members were practicing for the upcoming MAMA Awards performance that was in two days and without a doubt, just by looking at the practices, it won't be a disappointing one- a usual for EXO. Though, Jongdae could see that there was something off about Baekhyun that day. His eyes had purple bruises around them, his skin was paler than usual and his bright personality was just not the same.

They were going through the choreography of their latest comeback song, 'Monster', as well as the song that made them become international stars in the first place, 'Growl'- their bodies moving gracefully with the dance floor as if they were programmed like robots. Baekhyun, however, had stiff movements and the members finally started to realise that something might be wrong with one of their beagles when Baekhyun had sluggish movements for his dance solo in 'Monster'.

Jongdae stopped the music. Baekhyun asked why but instead got the members surrounding him as a response.

"Are you okay Baek?" asked Junmyeon, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's get back to practice," answered Baekhyun, panting heavily.

The members were starting to get concerned. They just started practice and the fact that Baekhyun was already out of breath worried them a lot.

"MAMA Awards is in less than two weeks and we- ,"

"Baek, you're not yourself today and we're worried, so please tell us honestly- are you okay?" pushed Chanyeol, who cut Baekhyun mid-sentence.

"I'm fine guys, seriously, I'm just a bit tired because I couldn't get any sleep last night," answered Baekhyun truthfully.

The other members were still concerned but let it slide first. Though, they were still giving quiet glances towards Baekhyun who, as time went by and practices continued, seemed to be getting more and more exhausted.

While the members were having a break in between the songs, Baekhyun could be seen cross-legged on the studio floor holding his head in his hands. The members just thought that he was sleeping because he did say that he didn't get sleep. The beagles however, excluding Baekhyun, were more worried than ever and knew that something was wrong because they knew he wasn't just 'sleeping'.

"Hey Baek, you sure you're okay?" asked Jongdae, patting the older's shoulder.

Baekhyun looked up towards his two best friends, meaning to smile and tell them that he was fine, but all that came out from his effort was a grimace and a few wet coughs.

Now, not only did Jongdae and Chanyeol hear the coughs, but all the members heard it as well and it was as clear as day that Baekhyun was not okay. Everyone looked towards the leader for a decision seeing as though Baekhyun was back to holding his head, seemingly having a headache.

"Okay guys, let's end practice for today and head back to the dorms," announced Junmyeon.

Everyone looked towards Baekhyun, who didn't even fight back. He stood up and walked out of the studio, holding his head, with the help of the other two beagles once in a while when they saw him about to fall.

Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol were at the back of the group walking out of the building, with Jongdae and Chanyeol supporting the member that concerned the others. They were almost out of the building when suddenly they heard a shout from the back of the group. Everyone in the front turned around to see an unconscious Baekhyun, limp against the struggles of the other two members who were trying hard to help their dear friend.

Everyone was surprised and became more alarm than ever.

"Alright everyone relax.. Chan, can you help carry him to the car? I want him to be on his bed as soon as possible," said Junmyeon, seemingly calm but actually panicking on the inside as well, maybe more than the others.

"But hyung, he needs medical attention, why can't we bring him to the hospital?" asked Sehun.

"Let him rest first, if his condition gets worst, then we'll bring him to the hospital, okay?" explained Junmyeon, hoping s understood.

It was good that they all understood the situation and quickly got Baekhyun into the car.

It was a big car- it had three rows of seats behind the passenger and drivers seat. Well, it should be huge to fit all nine members in it, right? Their seating inside the car was usually the same- Junmyeon in the passenger seat next to the driver, the two maknaes, Sehun and Jongin in the row behind them, Yixing, Minseok and Kyungsoo behind the maknaes and lastly the three beagles, Jongdae, Chanyeol and Baekhyun in the last row of seats. The members never bothered to separate these three and always had to endure the chaos that they made in the back seat, they were just that loud.

But that day specifically was, different.. too different an atmosphere to comprehend. With Baekhyun unconscious, the members decided to let him lie down on Chanyeol's lap and make them swap seats with Jongin and Sehun in the front so that it'll be easier for them to get Baek out of the car. Nobody complained and so, the maknaes sat in the back with Jongdae, everyone in the car, including the driver surprisingly, was worried about the unconscious person in the car.

Baekhyun's face was scrunched up in pain and he was sweating profusely. Even his breathing was a bit ragged and the members were starting to get even more worried when he started whimpering in pain. Baekhyun gained consciousness even before they reached the dorms.

"Are we back in the dorms already?" asked Baekhyun groggily, his voice a little hoarse, holding his head and squinting his eyes, trying to sit up as best as he can. With a bit of help from Chanyeol and much effort from himself, he

managed to sit up in the car.

"Not yet Baekhyun, almost there though," answered Junmyeon with a frown on his face.

"You should go back to sleep hyung," suggest Jongin.

"But we're almost there, it's fine-"

"Come on Baek, just lean on me and go to sleep, we'll wake you up when we get there," said Chanyeol cutting in Baekhyun's sentence while pulling him slowly to lean on his arm.

"But I'm fine guys, really, you don't have to worry," said Baekhyun trying to smile, instead, a grimace came out and his hand immediately went towards his head, clutching it tightly and he groaned in pain.


"We're here!" announced Junmyeon who quickly got out of the car to help Baekhyun out.

Baekhyun was supported by Chanyeol and Junmyeon, one arm over each of their shoulders. Slowly, they helped him walk into the house, Baekhyun holding his head all the way. The other members were ahead of them, going into the house first to help out with whatever they can. Some were getting the medicine, Kyungsoo was ready to cook something for Baekhyun and the rest just busied themselves with anything they could find, all of them very concerned for their sick friend.

Baekhyun on the other hand, felt as if a screwdriver was being pushed and drilled into his head. The headache that he was having was the worst he has ever had in his entire life.

When Junmyeon and Chanyeol managed to get Baekhyun to his room and into his bed, they couldn't get him to lie down. Baekhyun just sat on the bed, legs pulled up to his chest, head in between his legs and his palms pressing into his temples, groaning at how much his head was in pain.

"Chan, I'll go get some medicine for his headache, can you try to get him to lie down?" said Junmyeon going towards the door.

"Sure," answered Chanyeol still looking at Baekhyun worriedly while rubbing his back.

Once Junmyeon was out of the room, Chanyeol didn't try to make Baekhyun lie down, instead, he just tried to massage his temples with hopes that it'll lessen his headache.

"Baek, since when have you had this headache?" Chanyeol asked, trying to massage Baekhyun's temples. What shocked Chanyeol though, was the fact that the moment he touched Baekhyun's forehead, it was burning hot.

"Holy, Baek, you're burning up!"

Looking back at Baekhyun's prone form, he was slightly shivering and the layers of sweat covering his body gave away everything but none of them noticed anything.

'Why didn't I notice anything,' thought Chanyeol.

"Umm okay wait here a sec," Chanyeol ran out of the room to the kitJongdae where everyone was seated.

"Guys! Baek has a fever! He's burning up!" Chanyeol shouted while running towards the cabinet that held all the medicine and pills to get the thermometer.

Immediately, all of the other members- all 7 of them including Junmyeon, ran towards Baekhyun's room. They all got there and barged in- they didn’t even bother knocking, they were worried after all. When all of them were in the room, they expected to see Baekhyun, but instead got an empty bed for an answer.


“Guys, he’s over here!” shouted Chanyeol from across the hall.

They all ran towards the said voice, which was at the bathroom. Baekhyun was crouched at the toilet bowl, throwing up all the contents left in his stomach, eyes teary and face scrunched up in pain. Chanyeol was rubbing his back and Jongdae ran up to them to support Baekhyun, while all the other members stood still for a moment to give Baekhyun some space to breathe.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, felt as if everything was burning. His throat hurt, his head felt like a million needles were being pushed into it, he couldn’t think straight because his head hurts so much, he feels like his body had been run over by a truck, all in all, he was not okay at all.

During practice, he started to feel dizzy and he had a terrible headache which soon after progressed to become a horrible migraine. He fell into abyss once and found light again and realised he was in the car. Next thing he knew, was that he was back in his room and there, he suddenly felt both cold and hot at the same time. That was also when he felt like his stomach was in another place in his body, the nausea building up and thus, he ran to the bathroom, throwing up all the contents of his stomach.

He couldn’t really tell if people saw or even came, but right after he finished expelling the mere contents of his stomach, most of it being bile, he felt the darkness surround him and embracing him into its arms. Right before he could enter the beautiful black hole, he could hear people at the back shouting his name and strong arms surrounding him. Soon after, he welcomed the dark paradise and went along with it.

All the members were shocked, nevertheless- they still helped to get Baekhyun out of the bathroom and back into the room that he shared with Chanyeol. They cleaned him up, changed him into a clean t-shirt and laid him down on the bed, tucking him in.

After everything was calm, all the members were surrounding Baekhyun in the room, who was sleeping. Although it didn’t look like a peaceful sleep, the members were at least glad that he was finally in bed.

“Can someone go get the thermometer, please,” said Junmyeon, in a tone that was more like an instruction than a question.

“Oh, it’s with me,” Chanyeol passed the item to the leader who was the closest to Baekhyun.

Junmyeon placed the thermometer under Baekhyun’s tongue and they all waited for the device to make a beep sound, to indicate that the temperature has been taken.

“How did this progress so rapidly?” asked Minseok, sadly.

Everyone was silent, they didn’t know what to say about the things that have happened- all of them worried about the pale member on the bed. Just about then, the thermometer made a beeping sound- indicating that the temperature has been taken. Junmyeon took the thermometer, read the reading and gasped loudly.

“What’s wrong hyung?” asked Jongdae worriedly.

“What’s his temperature hyung?” asked Jongin, who was right behind Jongdae.

Everyone had very worried looks on their faces.

“He has a temperature of 39.2 degrees.”

“WHAT?!” everyone shouted.

Wrong move though, because when they shouted, Baekhyun started waking up slowly with a pained groan.

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I realised this story doesn’t make sense at all now.. thank you to whoever that has read it but i promise the next time i write another story it isn’t gonna be this horrible :/


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Chapter 6: Oh.. it's the last chapter... thankyou for writing this story
Chapter 6: amazed baekhyun can perform at such temperature. He's so stuborn.. Gald the members with him. Hope he feels better
961 streak #3
Chapter 6: I was amazed that Baekhyun was able to perform even at 40 plus fever. I wouldn't be able to stand at that rate. It must be the adrenaline that sustained him through two songs.
MI hope it was really just a case of flu and nothing life threatening.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 5: Pleaseee continueee
bonlady #5
I'm excited for this