Chapter 4

Broken Fever

The following morning, Baekhyun was woken up by the angry hushed voices around him, his headache playing a big role in waking him up in the process as well. He slowly let his eyes flutter open and tried to sit up in vain but failed to do so because he still felt as if his body was on fire, the heat emitting from his body did not even change the slightest bit overnight and not to mention that he ached from the inside out. Don’t even start about his shivering, it did die down a tiny bit but if he was observed really closely, one could still see the slight shivers.


At that moment, Sehun realised that he was awake. “How are you feeling hyung?” Sehun asked while helping Baekhyun to sit up and adjusting the hospital bed, making sure that it was in a comfortable enough position for the older.


“Thanks Sehunnie, I’m fine, though,” he cleared his throat, “I think my sore throats gone.”


“You’re far from fine hyung,” Jongin came round the bed and felt his forehead, “you’re practically still an oven, I can even feel the heat radiating from a foot away,” he gave the older a pointed look.


Baekhyun could only manage a small sigh, unable to deny Jongin’s words. He looked over to the couch in the room to see their manager looking distressed and focused on his phone. Sehun was about to press the call button for Nana to come when Baekhyun spoke up first.


“Seunghwan hyung, what’s wrong?” sitting up more, coughing in the process, only to be pushed back by Sehun with a short and stern ‘relax’ by the younger. He complied to the younger’s request but he was still worried about what their manager was going to say because he knew very well that it would be involving him.


Manager Seunghwan just gave a sigh in response.


“How do you actually feel right now Baekhyun? Answer truthfully please.” All eyes in the room were looking at him now.


“Oh umm, well,” as if on cue, Doctor Kim and Nana came into the room.


“Good morning everyone! Oh and I see that you’re awake Baekhyun. How do you feel?” Doctor Kim asks in a very cheerful tone.


“Umm, well I think my sore throat is gone but the headache is still as bad as yesterday,” answered a sweaty Baekhyun, wincing when his headache gave a particularly bad throb. His hands went up to massage his temples while all the other eyes in the room looked at him in pure concern.


“Yea your sore throat should be gone, you sound better as well. I’m just going to do your daily check-up right now okay.” Doctor Kim got his stethoscope out and started the check-up on Baekhyun.


While that was going on, manager Seunghwan and Junmyeon were in a heated discussion about how the upper authorities still wanted Baekhyun to perform and that he has to go to practice today because the performance would be tomorrow.




“I know Junmyeon, but what can we do. I think they’ll even go against the doctor’s orders if Doctor Kim doesn’t allow him to leave.”


“Can’t we just go against their orders for once hyung? I mean, look at Baek,” the two of them looked to the said member, whose eyes were half open when Nana was taking his temperature. He turned his head away, making Nana unable to finish taking his temperature, to cough into the bedsheets. It took about a good one minute for him to stop, with the help of Chanyeol who was rubbing his back, and for Nana to continue what she was doing.


All the other members either overheard the manager and their leader’s conversation and kept quiet or were near Baekhyun, comforting him in any way possible. Once the check-up was done, Doctor Kim quickly wrote down something in the clipboard near Baekhyun’s bed. Without taking his eyes away from the clipboard-


“Well, you still have a fever of 40 degrees and your throat is still raw, even if your voice isn’t hoarse anymore,” he looked up to the occupants of the room, “He still needs his rest. Though, I’m guessing by the look on your manager’s face, something is not really in your favour. What is it?” Doctor Kim asked, looking at the occupants of the couch specifically.


“The upper authorities still want him to perform tomorrow and that he has to go for practice later,” Seunghwan said in a distressed tone.


“I really don’t suggest he do that with his fever still this high-“


“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll do it,” Baekhyun cut in, completely ignoring the doctor’s words just a moment ago.

“Baek, what the-“ Chanyeol wanted to deny his friend but Baekhyun cut him and spoke again. “Seriously, I’ll be fine. It’s not like we can do anything about it, plus, I want to do it.”


“Yea we can’t do anything about it but the doctor can,”


“I want to do it,” Baekhyun said firmly, sitting up even more as if to prove his point.


Before a fight could even be initiated, Doctor Kim cut in, “Okay okay, if Baekhyun really wants to do it and the upper authorities wouldn’t care about whatever I say, then yes, he can even get discharged right now, but only if nurse Nana follows you guys to the practice later and to the award show tomorrow to make sure nothing bad happens and for her to put up the iv drip whenever he’s at his worst, how does that sound?”


The members, especially Baekhyun, looked towards their manager with very hopeful eyes and with that, Seunghwan just couldn’t disagree with the doctor’s idea.


“Okay, okay. Well, can we get the discharge papers doc?”


“I’ll be right back,” Doctor Kim left with a nod.


Nana went over to Baekhyun to unhook him from the machines while the other members watched in pure concern. Once she was done, they got Baekhyun to stand up with the support of Jongdae and Kyungsoo and headed out of the room, discharged from the hospital and off to the practice building.


They got to the SM Ent. building in one piece, Baekhyun sleeping in the car the whole way there. Nana was in the car with them, watching over her patient.


The practice room that they usually used was at the end of the corridor and it was oddly quiet at the other practice rooms. They were all walking in a group, Jongin and Sehun leading the way while the rest followed behind them, Baekhyun at the most far back being supported by Jongdae because for dear sakes his high fever is still there and he feels wobbly on his own two feet, like he could collapse in any second. Nana was right behind them, a bag full of equipment and medicine in her right hand.


“It’s seems too quiet to be true. Where is everyone else?” asked a very curious Chanyeol.


His question was just followed by a few murmurs of agreement. When they finally reached the end of the corridor and into their practice room-




All the members of Super Junior, SNSD, Red Velvet and NCT were there in EXO’s practice room, various types of food on tables and a big banner saying ‘We’re glad you’re okay Baekhyun!’


The EXO members were in shock and speechless. For one, Baekhyun wasn’t okay yet and they didn’t know how to tell the family. Second, they had no idea how the SM Family found out that they were coming back from the hospital today.


Baekhyun, at the back of the group, was sweating profusely and his headache just got worse as soon as the surprise shout came. His temples were throbbing and he couldn’t hold in a groan anymore. His eyes were shut tight and he was breathing quite raggedly. It all happened too fast-


“I think I’m going to be sick.” His hand flying over his mouth.


Jongdae pulled him to lean on the wall opposite to the practice room door while Nana hurriedly rummaged through the doctor’s bag to find at least a plastic bag for Baekhyun to throw up in. She found a paper bag and tossed it over to Chanyeol who held it open right in front of the sick boy.


Baekhyun slid down the wall into a crouching position and threw his guts out into the paper bag, wondering to himself how his stomach still had anything to throw up. He ended with a coughing fit, forehead glistening with sweat and body shivering too much for everyone’s liking. Throughout the whole thing, Jongdae and Chanyeol kept on rubbing Baekhyun’s back in hopes to give some comfort to the sick boy.


All the other SM artists gave them a look of sympathy.


“Okay, well umm, how about we bring Baek inside first, it’s warmer in here,” said a concerned Heechul.


The other two beagles hauled their friend up after disposing the paper bag and each had an arm around his waist just in case he collapsed again. They brought him over to the couch in the practice room and got him to lie down.


“How did you guys know we were coming here today,” Junmyeon asked while eyeing the sick member in concern.


“Our manager got a text from yours saying that you guys have to rehearse for your performance tomorrow and Baekhyun was getting discharged from the hospital,” Donghae answered his question.


Heechul continued, “We all thought that he was better already seeing that he was getting discharged but…”


“Yea, his fever is still high, the only thing that improved overnight was that his voice doesn’t sound strained anymore,” Junmyeon only manages a sigh.


Meanwhile, Nana took out a thermometer, placed it under Baekhyun’s tongue and proceeded to take out a cloth from her bag. “Can someone please wet this under cold water please, thank you.”


Sehun to the piece of cloth and disappeared to the bathroom. Baekhyun’s eyes were closed, in hopes that the dizziness he was feeling would surpass. He couldn’t tell how many people were surrounding him at that moment, his thoughts were solely focused on his massive headache.

All the members of SNSD, Red Velvet, NCT and Super Junior surrounded the couch occupied by the sick member, all of them not knowing what to do. Only Heechul and Taeyeon were sitting at the edge of the couch, both of them being the closest to Baekhyun, looking at him with concern and worry.


Nana checked the temperature on the thermometer and gave out a loud sigh.


“What’s his temperature Noona?” Jongin piped in.


“It’s 40.1 and that’s very very high. It’s a wonder how he’s not delirious.”


Everyone was blank and didn’t know what to do. He was still asked to perform at the MAMA Awards tomorrow. With Baekhyun’s condition like this, he wouldn’t even last the first minute of the routine.


Taeyeon spoke up, “Just go to sleep and rest Baekhyunee, we’ll be here when you wake up.”

“Okay noona,” Baekhyun managed to say before he let out a few coughs, fell quiet and tried to sleep.


“I’m just going to put him under the IV drip again,” Nana was already cleaning the needle and getting out the equipment.


Heechul and Taeyeon ushered everyone away from the sick boy and closer to all the food. Only the other two beagles in EXO stayed behind to keep an eye on their friend.


“Okay everyone, we don’t want all this food to go to waste, so let’s eat it to celebrate all the nominations that all of us have gotten okay,” Heechul said in a hushed voice.


Taeyeon continued, “But keep it quiet okay,” putting a finger over her lips.


The other EXO members bowed to the two of them-


“Thank you so much hyung, noona.”


“Don’t worry about it, all of you must be tired, go ahead and have some food or get some rest.”


“We’ll take care of Baekhyunee over there,” Taeyeon looked at the sick boy on the couch longingly.


The EXO members nodded and left the two senior artists’. Taeyeon sighed loudly, “Poor Kungie…” Recognising the nickname, Heechul spoke up, “You miss him, don’t you Tae?” He was only answered with a very small nod from the vocalist.


The two walked over to where the beagles of EXO were to see Jongdae combing his fingers through Baekhyun’s hair while Chanyeol was talking to the Nana.


“How is he?” Heechul eyed the boy on the couch who seemed like he was sleeping, his eyes scrunched up and breathing ragged. The IV drip was already connected to the needle in the crook of his arm.

“I’m hoping that with the IV fluids, his fever will cool down at least a bit,” Nana paused as if forgetting something, “Oh I forgot, my name is Nana and I’m Baekhyun’s nurse, nice to meet you,” she gave the two a deep bow.


“How old are you Nana?” Taeyeon asked with sincere eyes. “I’m actually still very young, I’m 17.” Taeyeon gave her a curt nod which meant as an understanding and a thank you at the same time.


Just about then, Baekhyun woke up with a gasp, sitting up and breathing heavily, which surprised the few people around him. “Breathe Baekhyunee, calm down,” Heechul said rubbing his arm. Jongdae and Chanyeol rubbed his back in a protective manner while Taeyeon took the liberty of combing her fingers through his hair.


Slowly but surely, Baekhyun’s breathing went back to normal and he was looking at his surroundings. “Why aren’t you guys joining them?” he asked the four surrounding him while looking at everyone else in the practice room eating and having fun.

“Worry about yourself first man,” Jongdae gave him a playful nudge from the back that made Baek smile back in return. Nana spoke up, “Baekhyun oppa, you haven’t eaten anything yet today, I can go get some food for you from the party?” Nana looked at the small party and looked back to her patient on the couch with an eyebrow raised as if to make her point.


“Ah, it’s okay, I’ll just go get the food myself. I’m starving actually.”


“You sure Baek?”


“I’ll be fine Chanyeol,” he gave them his signature rectangle smile and proceeded to stand up. He struggled at first but with the help of the IV pole and his friends, he managed to get up and walk over to the small party, hands tightly holding the IV pole as if his life depended on it. Chanyeol and Jongdae stood very closely to their friend just in case he collapsed again.


Everyone else cheered once they saw the supposed celebrated member walk in, albeit still weak and feverish. They spent the next hour eating and having fun, all of them still looked out for the sick EXO member who was sitting on one of the chairs. He couldn’t sit on the floor because then the IV needle would put pressure on his arm which threatened to just rip out of his arm.


Everything seemed fine and all was going well, until someone knocked on the door and the person that came in surprised all of them.

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I realised this story doesn’t make sense at all now.. thank you to whoever that has read it but i promise the next time i write another story it isn’t gonna be this horrible :/


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Chapter 6: Oh.. it's the last chapter... thankyou for writing this story
Chapter 6: amazed baekhyun can perform at such temperature. He's so stuborn.. Gald the members with him. Hope he feels better
969 streak #3
Chapter 6: I was amazed that Baekhyun was able to perform even at 40 plus fever. I wouldn't be able to stand at that rate. It must be the adrenaline that sustained him through two songs.
MI hope it was really just a case of flu and nothing life threatening.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 5: Pleaseee continueee
bonlady #5
I'm excited for this