Trip #5


In Amber's head

I was aware that Krystal was trying to avoid me. She would either take Luna or Sulli with her. It killed me because I missed her. In the end I hang out with guys though there was always something missing. Maybe this was how she felt everyday... This is completely unbearable. I was depressed all the time; I'd rather be alone. I sulked in the corner of my bedroom.

"Amber, wake up. You promised me something didn't you."

"Ski?" My eyes were half opened.

"Yes." She pulled me to make me stand. "It's not good to be always depressed."


"No but. Come on, let's go."

In a blink of an eye, I was already prepared. My skis we fixed tightly; my sticks in both hands. I wear those sunglasses that made me look like a fly. Despite that I kinda like it. It hid my tired eyes.

"Let's ride that thing." Actually she meant a cable car. Those things hanging in a cable, carrying you to a higher level.

We went up slowly. The view was perfect, I was glad that I didn't have any fear of height. Claustrophobic and height-phobic might already die of fear. The landscape was mostly pure white. It was said that the snow on the top are more longlasting than those in a lower ground. I didn't know why but I called them faithful snow. They hardly vanish to keep the mountain company. Yeah no. It's a weird perception. We arrived at the last stop. The door slowly opened.

"Finally finally." Luna became more excited.

"Yeah. Let's get this done." I wanted to go back to the inn. We took the black piste, the hardest one and the most nature-like track. There were reliefs and trees too. I regretted taking this path. The snow above us looked too fragile, a loud noise might cause an avalanche. From afar I saw two people, judging from their silhouette they were Sulli and Krystal. Sulli was leaning on a tree while Krystal was digging in the middle of the track. They must've lost something.

"Krystal! Sulli!!!" Luna yelled. I had a terrible feeling about this. The ground trembled lightly. I looked back to realise that an avalanche was coming towards Krystal. Luna, Sulli and I was in a safe spot near trees. I figured out what the monk had previously said. I couldn't choose both love and life. This time I chose love, which is Krystal. I went skiing the fastest as I could, hoping that the avalanche reached Krystal after me. Questioning my sudden movement, Krystal turned around. She realised what was happening.


"Hold onto me now!!" She pulled my waist. I noticed that she wasn't wearing her skis. I moved foward, pushing with my sticks to add more speed. It wasn't enough. I suddenly turned right. there was a big rock that could be used as a shelter.

"Krystal. You have to jump next to that rock. You'll jump when I said so."

"O-okay Amber, what about y..."

"Now!" She jumped to land safely behind the rock. Before I knew it the avalanche already caught me. The wave of snow was already up to my knees until I was totally covered. I struggled to breath. It felt like inside a washing machine. Then something hit my head. I lost it.

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Chapter 30: Amber advantage of the sleeping princess
Chapter 28: Jessica always want to control all
Chapter 26: Krystal finally confesses his love
Chapter 25: Amber just hope his body again soon, because it is very boring to is not going to improve with soosica.
Chapter 24: This is boring
Chapter 23: I can not imagine, Krystal selling donuts.
Chapter 22: This story is getting very unreal, I do not like
Chapter 21: The girl Amber will Hyuna, Ailee or Min
Chapter 20: I wonder, what kind of work get Krystal? To pay the hospital.
Chapter 18: Poor Amber