Trip #2


In krystal's head

I was so tired from playing last night that I slept very deeply. Besides it was cold so having a warm blanket, made my sleep much easier. I didn't have any dream that night. I just couldn"t stop thinking back about Amber; about everything that happened to us. We kissed yes, but we always acted like nothing happened; more than friends less than a lover. Wait, do I really want to be hers? I don't know that yet.

I sat down to force my eyes to open up. The room's empty, they were already gone. Well then the shower's must've been empty too. I took my bathing stuff before showering myself quickly. Looking at the overall mirror, I seemed to lose some weight. It's not healthy at all. Probably because of stress...Changing clothes calmly, I searched for any human sign in this dorm. I heard some noises from the living room of the inn. I approached the source of noises to find out that everybody's there clapping their hands and singing a happy birthday to Amber. Oh my god it's September 18th. Completely forgotten. 

"Happy birthday Amber!"

"Take her hands and feet!!" Screamed Luna. All the guys obeyed her. What were they going to do to Amber? I looked around. Oh my, cruel stuff... The inn possessed some wrist chains suspended from the ceiling. The innkeeper didn't get rid of it, to keep the autenticity and to make it a decorative object. Long ago, the villagers tied their intruders wrist with the help of those chains until they confessed their crime. I wondered if those chains were still usable. They would probably tie Amber with those.

"Hey guys. Please." Pleaded Amber. "No not that!" Apparently, they had obtained the chains' key. They inserted Amber's wrist without hesitating though Amber was fighting back.

"Happy birthday Amber! We all love you!" Said Sulli and Luna in unity

"Funny way to express love. Get me out of here!"

"She's too damn noisy. We should shut her up with a piece of clothe." Sulli's advice made an awe reaction.

"I beg you. It's my freakin birthday for god sake."

"Exactly. Adding more reason to it." Luna's evil laugh was spectacular. She should dub a cartoon or something. 

"Mmmm mmmm!" Amber mumbled loudly. was covered like one of those kidnapping victim that you must see in action movies. Simply ridiculous. She moved her arms around even though they were sustained by the chains until she stopped persisting.

"What? Oh, we'll leave you there of course." Sulli replied.

The crowd rapidly vanished. In the end, there were only the three of us: Amber certainly, Luna and I.

"Krystal, we're preparing a surprise party in the cafeteria." Luna whispered in my ear.

"Oh, do I have to help out?"

"No there're already too many people but you can still come." Indeed, Amber was loved by everyone. It would make sense that lots of people were willing to make her a surprise party.

"Kay then. I'll catch you later." Luna left the room after winking at me.

I stood there with only Amber in the room. Her arms were hanging in the air; the chains supported them, the kind of position highly exposed to tortures. She looked like a prisoner of Lord of the Rings. Her friends were all evil though they seemed to have a good intention afterwards. What about me? I prepared nothing for her. I really had nothing to give. I'm the forget-today's-date kinda girl... So remembering a particular event or birthdays takes a lot of sacrifice. 

"Sorry, Amber. I forgot your birthday." She looked at me powerlessly. "You're comfortable?" Passing both of my hand around her neck, I untied coverage that was tied in the back for her head. I could feel her breath on my cheek.

"It's alright no need to bother yourself."

"Would you accept a present from me anyway."

"I would, certainly."

It took everyone 20 seconds of insane courage to kiss her. No need to speak a word. Our movement were gentle and sure. Adding more passion as seconds pass by. I always wondered why does her lips always tasted sweet. I paused to look at her in the eyes. Moving her face towards me, she wanted more but she couldn't reach me at her own freedom. I granted her wish to lose ourselves in that moment.

"That's the only thing I can give." I said it breathlessly. She smiled but I wasn't sure what it meant. I retied the clothe onto . I could feel the relief of her lips underneath that piece of handkerchief. She mumbled something I couldn't understand. I waved at her and left her alone.

"Krystal! you decided to join us?" Luna asked me as she was positioning the birthday cake on the table.

"Yeah, I'm bored."

"So, please? Gather those candles for me" I gave her what she wanted.

A half of hour later, Amber was free again. She entered the cafeteria blindfolded with Sulli guiding her. The moment she opened her eyes everybody yelled:


Luna started to sing a birthday song with her beautiful voice. She didn't need a mike as far as I was concerned, her voice was always hearable in a radius of a kilometer.

You know what happen next. A typical birthday party where Amber was the center of the attention. Somehow I managed to make eye-contact with her throughout the party. She seemed happy especially after she blow all her candles in one powerful blow. I hoped that whatever she was wishing for come true...

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Chapter 30: Amber advantage of the sleeping princess
Chapter 28: Jessica always want to control all
Chapter 26: Krystal finally confesses his love
Chapter 25: Amber just hope his body again soon, because it is very boring to is not going to improve with soosica.
Chapter 24: This is boring
Chapter 23: I can not imagine, Krystal selling donuts.
Chapter 22: This story is getting very unreal, I do not like
Chapter 21: The girl Amber will Hyuna, Ailee or Min
Chapter 20: I wonder, what kind of work get Krystal? To pay the hospital.
Chapter 18: Poor Amber