Meet O N E W

12 Force Legend And The Angel


"Wait ... wait a minute. First described to us what happened exactly. "Suho said, confused.

"I'll explain later. But now we must go back ". She said as she pulled Chanyoel  hand away. But Chanyoel hold.

"No, we can not go". Chanyoel said.

"Why ... why do not you go? ". She asked.

"What will we do if we go back there. After all these days a lot of schedules that we have to do ". Sehun said.

"We have to pick the book it up. and we'll know who it was. Oh come on this is very important. Can you leave the schedule of the moment ". Said the girl pleaded.

"Are you crazy. Imposible we leave that ". Kai said with disbelief.

"Wait, you said what? book? what book? ".  D.O asked.

"I do not know. I had not seen before. therefore we must go back and see what it was exactly. And we will also know exactly who the man is. "Said the girl explained.

"So, then you want to take a Mr.Lee So Man book? ". D.O asked again. she just nodded.

"But you said you knew who the real Mr.Lee So Man is? ". This time it was Baekhyun who asked.

"But I'm not sure. Anyway I'll explain later. Now the most important thing we have to go back and pick it up ". Take the girl again.

"But we really can not right now. Today we are shooting up at 3 pm, then we have to practice, prepare and perform at M! Countdown may be until 8 pm and ah I forget we also have to interview there. So we really do not have time right now ". Suho said while mentioning the schedule they will do today.

"Show ...? show for what? ". She asked confused.

"Of course show to sing". said Sehun.

"So you're a singer? ". She said surprised. she did not think that they are a singer.

"So you do not know if we are a singer. What was that, while we are the famous singer ". Sehun word was as surprised as the girl. while the girl was just shook her head.

"You idiot, of course she did not know. She had met us yesterday. "Baekhyun said with hitting Sehun head.

"Ouch .. sick ". Sehun said, rubbing his head.

"Whoa I do not think that you are a singer. I really love to sing. I so want to see you sing ". She said. suddenly she turned happy after hearing that they are a singer.

"Then look at when we show later. I guarantee you'll like it ". Kai said. he is like a sales promotion.

"Of course". Said the girl was happy, but a second later she remembered about the book. "And what about the book. I really have to take it ". She said sadly.

"Why do not you take the book own course". Chanyoel proposal.

"I can not, I need you. In times like this I really need the power of Time control ". She said. she knew that the other half of the power is not here.

"Why do not we just pick it up later tonight. If we take it now would be difficult, because Mr.Lee So Man would still be there in his office, but that night he must have gone home and we're done performing, so we can freely take it ". Suho proposal. He had no idea that he was a talent to be a thief too.

"That's a good idea. Hyung you have the talent to be a thief too ". Kai says that soon approve the proposal from Suho. Suho just smiled proudly.

"That sounds good. This is the first time I was planning a burglary. God please forgive me ". said D.O

"But if it's okay we get it. if Mr.Lee So Man knew about this can finish out our history ". Sehun said, he thought of what will be done by Mr.Lee So Man if he knew they were stolen goods. Sehun thinking about it makes goosebumps.

"He would not know, take it easy. Looks like it will be interesting ". Chanyoel said with enthusiasm.

"Of course interesting. We'll break in and take it. I like in the movies ". Baekhyun said also to the spirit.

"All right already decided we're going to steal the book tonight. But anyway what is stealing? ". She asked with a grin.

"I think you already know. Stealing is taking people's stuff without permission ". Suho clear.

"Oooh ... ". The girl nodded in understanding, then suddenly she felt someone coming weather. "Someone's coming". She said, she spoke not long ago the manager suddenly appeared.

"Why are you here, I'm looking for you everywhere. Come on let's go to the shooting. You've been waiting for ". Said the manager, then he walked away again before the other replied.

"Let's go". Invite Suho on the other.

"I don’t go". Said the girl suddenly makes it all confused.

"Why you don’t come? ".  D.O asked.

"I want to see this building. seems like a lot of interesting things ". She said.

"Okay, but don’t do weird things. Do you understand ". D.O word again.

"I understand". She said, nodding.

"Then we'll meet at 3 pm in workout room. We will go home and prepare to perform later. You can find us right? ". Suho asked, he worried she could not find them.

"Calm down, I could feel you guys". She said.

"Well, then we go first". Kai said as he waved his hand. She also waved the hand Kai.

"Whoa this place is huge. I'm so confused about where to start. "She said to herself. She turned right and left, she finally decided to walk to right. Just one step walking, she suddenly stopped. As she remembers something.

"I'd rather just show me, all I want to ask someone about him". The girl was immediately closed her eyes and suddenly the light began to emerge from her body. But the light did not last long. After the light was gone, she opened her eyes again. This time everyone can see it. she kept running back to continue her walk. She regardless of amazed stares from people who saw it. The girl was so amazed by the building to the point that she did not pay attention to the course. All of a sudden ...

Bukk ...!

"Ouch ..". said the two person together. The two person looked at each other. The man was a little shocked to see it.

"Sorry". They said the same again, then they laugh. The girl looked at the man. a man who was tall, his eyes narrow, the man looks very handsome when he smiles. But she sensed something else from him. but she did not know what it is.

"I'm sorry I hit you". The man said, his cute voice that makes her little smile.

"I should apologize. I'm sorry I was not paying attention. "Said the girl as she bent over.

"It's okay". The man said with a smile. "Oh yes who are you? I've never seen before. Are you a disciple of the new trainee? ". The man asked.

"Trainee What is it? uh .. not I'm just waiting for someone ". She said again. she was confused about what to give reasons for the man. "Then who are you? ". Asked the girl behind.

"You do not know who I am? I'm Lee JinKi or you can call me Onew ". Onew said as he shook her hand. But soon she pulled her hand back. She's afraid Onew can feel the air negative. Although it has been turned into a human, but adverse weather can still be issued.

"What’s wrong? ". Onew asked surprised because she suddenly withdrew her hand.

"No. .. it's okay. Eee hand .. my hand is sick ". Said the girl was sober.

"Oh sorry I do not know. I'm really sorry. "Onew said while bending down repeatedly.

"Oh it's okay. I'm fine ". She said again.

"As an apology, how about I buy you a drink". Invite Onew. The girl thought for a moment. It's still at 12 pm, while she promised to meet with a member EXO-K at 3 pm. There are still plenty of time, rather than waiting alone I'd better go with it. Said the girl in her heart.

"Let me go". She said with a smile. Finally they both went to the canteen is not far away.

"What are you drinking? ". Onew asked.

"Whatever you say." She said with a grimace. in fact she did not know the kinds of drinks in the human world. Onew finally ordered two cups of Bubble Tea, and 2 pieces of cake.

"You wait for whom? ". Onew asked another broach. Onew order soon come. Onew not forget to thank the waiter politely deliveries.

"I'm waiting for EXO-K member to go home". She said as she drank her Bubble Tea. " This drink is delicious." Said the girl again after drinking it.

“ Oh so you're waiting for EXO-K member home. So what is your relationship with them? ".Onew asked again. she was a little surprised to hear the words of Onew. She is probably telling the truth on Onew.

"Eee .. I .. I .. I'm their friend." Said the girl was sober. She did not know what else to say.

"Oh really. Well you must be very close to them. to the extent that you wait for them to go home ". Onew said a little incredulously.

"Eee ... yes it is. Are you also a singer? ". Asked the girl, she tried to change the subject.

"Yes I am a singer. I'm from the group Shinee, I'm the leader ". Onew replied as he drank his Bubble Tea.

"Oh so you're a singer, too. I love to sing ". She said with a smile happy. For some reason when she met a singer she was very pleased.

"Then you want to see me perform today? ". Onew asked.

"Of course I want to. Are you going to perform with EXO member? ". Asked the girl again.

"Yes I will perform with EXO. You would also see them right? ". Onew would know that she would watch the EXO later.

"Yes, if it happened once. I just can not see the EXO but I can see you. Your voice must be very good until you become a singer ". Praise her. Onew amused to hear that.

"Ah no, there are still a better voice than me. his name Jonghyun he was also part of Shinee. If we meet again I'll introduce you to him ". Onew said promised.

"Oh really. Thank you, oh by the way I should ask you something ". Asked the girl, she decided to ask about him at Onew .

"Okay what do you want to ask me? ". Onew said beginning to wonder.

"Do you know a man named ...." she paused to remember'd read "Ah Lee So Man. Actually who is he? ". She asked finally.

"Mr. Lee So Man? he is the owner of this entertainment, he also people who select us as we audition ". Onew replied with a bit confused. the girl nodded understanding.

"Is not there another. Or you've seen strange things from him? ". Asked the girl again. she is still not satisfied with the answer of Onew.

"The strange thing? never. He is a disciplined and assertive. So he never did anything unusual. What's wrong with Mr.Lee So Man? ". Onew asked who was beginning to wonder.

"Ah nothing. I just want to know who he really is ". She said thoughtfully. Looks like there's no point asking in humans. Said the girl herself.

"I see. Oh what foods do you like best ". Onew said subject. They both eventually dissolve in the talks. They do not even realize that they had talked for hours. The girl looked at the clock hanging in the cafeteria. Hours of 15:30 pm, she's surprised. She did not think that they both had been talking for three hours more.

"Oh I gotta go". She said as she got up.

"Hey wait .. why do you hurry so ". Prevent Onew.

"I'm late. I must go now. Good-bye ". Said the girl as she ran.

"Come to the M! Countdown later ". Onew yelled, she turned briefly to nod and smile and then she ran back. The girl was looking for a quiet place to transform herself back into an angel. After she turned into her angel to fly and find the air of EXO member. It did not take long to find it. One minute she was in the weight room EXO.

"Where have you. We've been waiting you nearly half an hour more ". Chanyoel said grumpily.

"Sorry I was talking to someone". She said, looking down.

"Talking to someone? ". All member asked, confused.

"Talking with whom? ". Suho asked.

"What was his name .. Ah Onew ". She said. she had almost forgotten the name of the man.

"Onew hyung". Said all the members by surprise

"So Onew hyung can see you? ". Asked Kai, he is still puzzled by what she said.

"No. I just show myself". She said quietly.

"So you can show yourself in humans? ". Asked all the members together again. She just nodded.


Enjoy with chapter 13

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I'm sorry if this very looooooonggg chapter

Gamsahamnida,,, :D

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i will continue my story at weekend because i have final exam so please waiting and please dont unsub thank you :D


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ais202 #1
Chapter 2: The story is really good and it caught my need to fix your grammar and few spelling after that youre fine
callmedongsaeng #2
Wait? Callmedongsaeng?
Liilly #3
Chapter 20: Can u update soon ^~^ ur story is really good
Aegyo_Me #4
Chapter 20: It's good but I'm little confused^_^;
JungDahye #5
Chapter 8: I suggest Jiyeon for the name
Hiilovekpop #6
Chapter 20: Wonderful story :3 pls update soon! :)
aurora-star137 #7
Chapter 19: Really good story but could fix your english? Sorry if it sounds harsh.
sparkling1 #8
The best♥♥ Update soon~
Your is awesome and you'll update a.s.a.p