Chapter 1

Love is..


'It has been so long since the last time I came here.. Several things changed.. But the others still the same..' 

Ryeowook was walking around Seoul, his hometown that has been left for 6 years.. Not much thing that he can remember.. He’s still young when his parents bring him to live in Canada.. Actually, he kinda regretted when he agreed to come back to Korea.. He’s quite shy, and can’t going along with other people easily.. He sighed, maybe this is bad idea.. He shouldn’t leave Canada, where his life already good enough.. But he can’t reject his feeling.. He always want to see the world.. Learn to live alone.. To prove that he already independent.. Prove that he is now ‘a man that can live by himself’.. And moreover, he missed his old friends, whom he haven’t seen in this 6 years.. Will they be able to recognize him when they met? Will they be friends again? Have they changed? What will they think about him?

He’s too caught up in his own thought, doesn’t realized when someone called his name..

“Ryeowook? Wookie? Is it you?”

Ryeowook turned his head, and see the owner of the voices.. A cute young boy, with pink shirt.. It takes a few seconds until he realized who he is..

“Sungmin.. hyung??”

“Yaaa!! You little brat!! Why did it takes some time for you to recognized me? Are you already forget about me?? And why you didn’t tell me about your departure? You should at least call me or text me..” complained Sungming, pouted his mouth..

Ryeowook laugh seeing his hyung’s behavior.. He haven’t changed a bit.. “Not that Sungmin-hyung.. I just didn’t expect to meet you here.. I just want to give you a surprise, that’s why I didn’t tell you about my departure.. It’s because I’m planning to going to your house tomorrow morning..”

“But still.. Come here, Wookie.. You don’t know how much I miss you..” said Sungmin, pulling Ryeowook into his hug..

‘I haven’t been forgotten’ Ryeowook thought.. It makes him feel more relaxed, knowing that his friends still able to recognized him after this 4 years..

“How’s the others, Hyung? How about Donghae-hyung? And also Eunhyuk hyung.. Are they still dating?” asked Ryeowook, smiling to his hyung..

“They are fine.. And they are closer to each other now.. It’s already 2 years since they started dating.. What about you, Wookie?” asked Sungmin..

“Of course, I’m fine.. And I can’t wait to see them..” answered Ryeowook, still smiling happily..

“They must be really happy to see you!! Do you have time today, Wookie? If you want, we can meet tonight..” offered Sungmin, seeing Ryeowook with his ‘puppy eyes’.

“Ahh,… Sorry, hyung.. I’m still a little bit tired because of jetlag.. So, I guess I’ll meet you tomorrow at school.. I also don’t want to ruin the surprise for them,” he giggled..

“Too bad,” said Sungmin. He really hope that they can met up tonight, to remember the old time, their old memories when there are only 4 of them.. But something come up in his mind.. “Wait, Wookie.. Do you say to meet you tomorrow at school? Does it mean?”

“Yeah, hyung.. I’m transferring to your school.. And I’ll be starting tomorrow,” Ryeowook said, can’t hide his happiness..

“That’s great!! It will be really great.. I can’t wait to tell Donghae and Eunhyuk about this,” said Sungming.. His hand reaching into his pocket to pick his phone.. But stopped by Ryeowook..

“ No, hyung.. You can’t do that.. I just want to give them a surprise.. So, please can you keep it a secret until tomorrow morning?” pleaded Ryeowook, seeing his hyung with his brown eyes..

“Okay okay.. you have my words.. But aishhhh.. How can you do this to your friend.. You should’ve tell it before.. And now that I already know you’re coming back.. I just can’t keep myself from telling them the truth,” said Sungmin, looking at the younger boy in front of him.. Hoping that the younger one will change his mind..

“No, hyung,, You already promised me..” said Ryeowook, still smiling..



This one is my first fanfic.. So, please please please tell me what do you guys think.. Hope you guys like it.. :D

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only 5 more chapters to go~~


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Chapter 26: good story
SenpaiJecho #2
beautiful! perfect!! :'DD
beautiful ending TT___________TT really beautiful ending wow! asdfgdsfg
chiibiiluna #4
Thank you for this wonderful story! This made me cry and all but in the end its just PERFECT!! :DD
Great story, wokkie you the one only for kyu. Ho..ho please update another story. Hwaiting!
AWWW! This story was really good! Thank you for writing it!
*sniff sniff* Love the touching Kyuwook ending!
finally ... they got back together .. i was worried at first cause both of them tend to be stubborn... when one of them give in, the other wont.. but om so happy that they didnt give up on each other .. after all the things they've been through and how deep their love for each other, it worth the wait (:

one of my most fav kyuwook story ..

ur story is .....

wow .. the last 2 chapters made me on the verge of crying.. it seems so real !

anyway, kyu , go and find wookie before its too late ! its obvious that he's still waiting for u ..

sungmin, thank you (: