Extra Story

Love is..


To                   : Lee Donghae

From              : Kim Ryeowook

Subject          : How are you?

Hyung!! It has been a looonnggg time since I saw you.. I don’t dare to mention how much I missed you.. In case there’s Eunhyuk-hyung besides you.. I still want to live longer~~ ^^

How are you, hyung? How are the things going on there?


To                   : Kim Ryeowook

From              : Lee Donghae

Subject          : Re : How are you?

Wookie-ah!! It’s nice to hear some news from you finally.. No need to be afraid of Hyukjae.. He’s sleeping right now.. So, you can tell me clearly how much you missed me.. Kekekeke..

I’m fine, of course.. The same things also goes for the others.. How about you?

By the way.. I haven’t had a chance to apologize for you.. I know that it was my mistake to gave that box to Kyu earlier than you asked.. But it was worth it, right? >:3


To                   : Lee Donghae

From              : Kim Ryeowook

Subject          : Re: How are you?

I’m fine also.. I kinda like my life here.. Well.. It seems that I am more suited to be in Canada than Korea.. ;p School was tough, of course.. And fortunately, I can still catch up.. I was just happy that I can write more and more songs here.. Since I have nothing else to do.. XD

About that box.. I can’t even imagine that you would give that box to Kyuhyun that fast.. But I realized that I have to thank you.. You’re giving me the second chance, hyung..


To                   : Kim Ryeowook

From              : Lee Donghae

Subject          : Re : How are you?

I know that you must be thankful to me.. I need to do that because both of you and Kyuhyun are too stupid to realized your own feelings.. Instead of fighting for it, both of you are giving it up.. That was not a nice things to do.. Love is like a war, you know.. You have to fight for it..

But.. You have to tell me about that second chance!!! What I know is just Kyuhyun come to your apartment after that and no one tell me the whole story!!


To                   : Lee Donghae

From              : Kim Ryeowook

Subject          : Re : How are you?

It will be too long is I explain the whole story, hyung.. I will just say the results, okay? Please bear with it.. ^^

So, Kyuhyun asked me to wait for him..


To                   : Kim Ryeowook

From              : Lee Donghae

Subject          : Re : How are you?

That was so sweet of him!!! I’ve never thought that evil guy will say something like that.. Is that mean.. You two are getting back?


To                   : Lee Donghae

From              : Kim Ryeowook

Subject          : Re : How are you?

I don’t know hyung.. It’s kinda complicated.. I don’t even know if I should wait for him as he asked or not.. What do you think, hyung?


To                   : Kim Ryeowook

From              : Lee Donghae

Subject          : Re : How are you?

Hmmm.. I understand your situation, Wookie-ah.. But I can’t answer your question.. That answer is lied deep in your heart.. What do you really feel about it, Wook?



Ryeowook just stared blankly at the computer.. What he really felt about that? He has been thinking about it for a long time.. Will it worth to wait for Kyuhyun?

He closed his eyes once more.. Trying to figure out the answer.. And without wanting it, his brain starts to replay every memories that they had shared..

The first time he met Kyuhyun.. He knew that Kyuhyun is meant to be there, in his life.. And he’s right.. Because of Kyuhyun, he learned about love.. Love is sweet and beautiful.. It opened his eyes and his heart, to the thing that he would have never seen or felt without them.. Kyuhyun makes his life complete..

And then the problems come and come.. They are starting to keeping secrets, hiding their own feeling.. Which resulted in hurting both of them.. And at that time he knew.. Love is not as sweet as he thought.. There’s always a tinge of bitterness in its sweetness.. Loving a person is easy, but how to keep the love is the hardest part..

All the doubts and assumptions breaking their relationship.. Kyuhyun told him that his feeling also growing for another person.. Ryeowook realized.. That love can’t be force.. It came unexpectedly and without any warning.. And they will never be able to control it.. And as Yesung said, when that time comes, it’s better to find your own happiness rather than thinking or regretting of what happened..

They tried to move on.. Choosing a different path.. But no matter how much different the decision that they have made, their feeling for each other isn’t changed a bit.. Is it what they called true love?

Ryeowook sighed and took a deep breath.. Kyuhyun has taught him a lot.. He taught him how to love.. He taught him how to forgive.. He taught him about trust.. And the importance if being cautious to whom he open his heart.. His heart has broken once.. And if he decided to wait for Kyuhyun, there’s no guarantee that his heart won’t be broken anymore.. Will he take the risk?


To                   : Lee Donghae

From              : Kim Ryeowook

Subject          : Re : How are you?

Well.. I guess it won’t hurt me if I wait for him another years.. Besides I owed him a lot.. He’s already taught me about love.. How it feels to love somebody and how it hurts to lose somebody..

Maybe for some people love is beautiful.. The others says that love is bitter.. But for me, love is….

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only 5 more chapters to go~~


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Chapter 26: good story
SenpaiJecho #2
beautiful! perfect!! :'DD
beautiful ending TT___________TT really beautiful ending wow! asdfgdsfg
chiibiiluna #4
Thank you for this wonderful story! This made me cry and all but in the end its just PERFECT!! :DD
Great story, wokkie you the one only for kyu. Ho..ho please update another story. Hwaiting!
AWWW! This story was really good! Thank you for writing it!
*sniff sniff* Love the touching Kyuwook ending!
finally ... they got back together .. i was worried at first cause both of them tend to be stubborn... when one of them give in, the other wont.. but om so happy that they didnt give up on each other .. after all the things they've been through and how deep their love for each other, it worth the wait (:

one of my most fav kyuwook story ..

ur story is .....

wow .. the last 2 chapters made me on the verge of crying.. it seems so real !

anyway, kyu , go and find wookie before its too late ! its obvious that he's still waiting for u ..

sungmin, thank you (: