Mr. Park's Approval

My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

Chan Yeol came home at his usual time from school but was surprised to find Ri Ah still not back.

“Hey Mom, where’s Ri Ah?” he asked Mrs. Park who was in the kitchen.

“Oh, Ri Ah called earlier saying she was having dinner with friends.”

“Oh, really?” Chan Yeol was disappointed to hear that. He sighed as he lay on his stomach on the couch. Well, at least she’s not with that Tae Sung jerk. He smiled to himself as he recalled their conversation in the car from yesterday. “Chan Yeol-ah,” he said to himself with a grin. He pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and opened it to find the note Ri Ah had written back when she made breakfast for him [Note: See chapter 6 if you don't remember]. Maybe I should ask her to cook for me again. He put the note back in his wallet and turned over to lay on his back. His mother came in to the living room and noticed him blankly staring at the ceiling.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked as she kneeled on the floor and started cleaning the coffee table.

“I’m worried about Ri Ah. I think there’s someone that’s interested in her, but I don’t think he’s an appropriate person for him,” he told his mom.

“Does Ri Ah like him too?” his mom asked, interested in the gossip.

“I don’t know. I don’t think she likes him like that, but I get a weird feeling from him. I mean he’s her teacher yet the way he treats her seems like it’s overstepping his role.”

Mrs. Park suddenly became concerned when she heard it was her teacher. “Chan Yeol-ah, you said it was her teacher?”

“Well, teacher’s assistant to be exact.”

Mrs. Park felt a little more relieved. “So then he must also be a student.”

“Yeah, but still. I mean, he’s a grad student and at least 5 years older than her,” he argued.

“Your grandfather is 10 years older than your grandmother,” she defended.

“That’s beside the point. I’m just saying that Ri Ah is too innocent and naïve to understand when a guy’s intentions are good or bad. She probably has never had a boyfriend.”

“Well, actually, I think I remember her mother mentioning she had a boyfriend once when we visited a few years ago,” Mrs. Park said as she tried to recall from her memory.

“What?!” Chan Yeol asked as he sat up on the couch. The picture on Ri Ah’s nightstand quickly flashed in his head. It couldn’t be him…could it?

“Yes, but it doesn’t seem like they’re together anymore. She’s never mentioned him once.”

That’s true. I would know by now if she was already with someone. And it wouldn’t be that guy in the picture, right? If they broke up, she wouldn’t want to keep his picture.

The front door opened then and Mr. Park came in and noticed his son and wife in the living room.

“Honey, you’re back,” Mrs. Park said with a smile.

“Yes, and what are you two doing? Where’s Ri Ah?”

“Ri Ah is eating out with friends, but Chan Yeol was telling me that there’s a possible guy in the picture for Ri Ah.”

“What?” Mr. Park asked in surprise.

“Hey dad, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about Ri Ah’s previous boyfriend, would you?”

“Hmm, well I know she has had one, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t together anymore. I mean that first day when we ate at the noodle shop she told us she was going to focus on school before she started dating. Now who is this guy she’s seeing?” he asked in concern.

“A teacher,” Chan Yeol responded.

“A teacher’s assistant who is also a student,” Mrs. Park corrected before Mr. Park could get upset.

“Hmm, well he’ll have to get my seal of approval before I let him near our Ri Ah,” he said with slightly narrowed eyes.

Chan Yeol smiled to himself. That’s right Lee Tae Sung. Good luck trying to get past my dad.

The Park family ate dinner and convened back in the living room to watch TV and eat fruit. They were taken by surprise when they heard a motorcycle outside. Chan Yeol got up and looked out the window and saw the bike outside their house with two people getting off. His eyes widened when he recognized Ri Ah and Tae Sung walking towards the house and he immediately grew angry and ran to the front door to open it.

“Thank you for the dinner and the ride, Sunbae,” Ri Ah said as they walked towards the house.

“It was no problem, Ri Ah-ssi,” Tae Sung answered.

The front door quickly flew open and Chan Yeol stood there looking furious. ”Yah, Lee Ri Ah! What do you think you’re doing coming back on a motorcycle with him?!” he asked angrily as he pointed towards Tae Sung. Ri Ah looked at him in shock and Tae Sung raised his eyebrow as he looked at Chan Yeol.

Mr. Park also got up from his recliner and came to the front door when he heard Ri Ah’s name. “Ri Ah, who is this?” he asked sternly as he looked Tae Sung up and down.

“Oh ahjussi, hello. This is Lee Tae Sung Sunbae,” she quickly answered, noticing Mr. Park’s sternness.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” Tae Sung said with his usual charming smile as he held out his hand.

Mr. Park looked at him with narrow eyes before shaking his hand. “I’m Park Su Ho, Ri Ah’s guardian.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that Ri Ah is staying with you while going to college.”

“Hmm, why don’t you join us Mr. Tae Sung. We were just eating some fruit,” Mr. Park asked, wanting to interrogate this guy who dared to drive with Ri Ah on a motorcycle.

“Actually Sunbae was just dropping me off and was about to leave,” Ri Ah quickly interjected, not wanting Tae Sung to feel uncomfortable.

“Oh no, I have time,” Tae Sung said with a smile as he came in.

Chan Yeol had been glaring at Tae Sung the entire time and although he didn’t like the idea of him being in his house, he couldn’t help but smirk to himself at the thought of Tae Sung squirming under his father’s scrutiny.

Ri Ah also reluctantly followed in. Oh no, I hope Tae Sung Sunbae doesn’t feel awkward. But before she could enter the living room, Chan Yeol grabbed her elbow and pulled her to the kitchen.

“Yah, Lee Ri Ah,” he started in anger, “you promised me just yesterday that you wouldn’t go anywhere with that Tae Sung.”

“I said I wouldn’t go anywhere alone with him. Hye Ri-ssi was with us when we ate dinner,” she argued back.

Chan Yeol balled his hands into fists as he tried to control his anger. “Then what about riding on his motorcycle with him? You think that’s safe? Why didn’t you just call me to pick you up instead of risking your life like that?”

Ri Ah was getting irritated at his interrogation. “He offered to take me home and I’ve ridden on his motorcycle before. He’s a safe driver.”

Chan Yeol couldn’t comprehend what Ri Ah was saying. He looked away and let out an angry sigh.

“I’m going to go back,” she said before turning to leave, but Chan Yeol grabbed her wrist and she turned back around.

“We’re not done talking,” he said sternly.

“And I can’t keep my guest waiting,” she answered in the same stern voice before pulling her wrist back from his grasp and turning to leave.

Lee Tae Sung you jerk, ever since you came into the picture, Ri Ah has been slowly getting farther away from me.

Back in the living room, Mr. Park had been asking Tae Sung what he studied and his ambitions in life. He was surprisingly pleased with Tae Sung’s ambitious goals and was slowly warming up to him. They were talking about Tae Sung’s semester of study abroad in Australia when Ri Ah finally came in with Chan Yeol right behind her.

“Oh Ri Ah, Tae Sung here was just telling us about studying in Australia,” Mr. Park excitedly called to her. Chan Yeol’s eyes widened at his smiling father. He was expecting there to be tension and Tae Sung to be sweating under his father’s questioning.

Crap, this isn’t what was supposed to happen. Chan Yeol started to get worried. With his father’s approval, and the way Ri Ah had been spending more time with Tae Sung, the two might actually start dating.

As Mr. Park, Mrs. Park, Tae Sung and Ri Ah continued chatting happily about Tae Sung and his exciting travels abroad, Chan Yeol sat quietly with his arms crossed, glaring at Tae Sung the whole time.

“I think I should probably leave now. As much fun as I’m having right now, I still have some work left and I’m sure Ri Ah and Chan Yeol still have homework as well,” Tae Sung said after an hour of talking with the Park family and Ri Ah.

“Oh yes, it is getting late. Well it was very nice meeting you Tae Sung-ssi. I really hope you come by again,” Mr. Park said as he shook his hand once again.

“I would love to Mr. Park. And it was very nice meeting you too, Mrs. Park.”

“Yes, Tae Sung-ssi. I hope you can join us for dinner next time you come,” she said to him with a smile.

“Of course, I’d like to try your cooking, Mrs. Park.”

Chan Yeol scoffed at Tae Sung’s overflowing cheesiness.

“Have a good night, Chan Yeol-ssi,” Tae Sung said with a smile to Chan Yeol.

Chan Yeol simply nodded towards him and then looked away.

“I’ll see you out,” Ri Ah offered.

“Thank you again for inviting me in. Take care,” Tae Sung said before leaving the house.

“Well he seems like a respectable young man,” Mr. Park remarked.

“You made him sound like he was someone we should be worried about,” Mrs. Park said to Chan Yeol.

“He is!” Chan Yeol argued. “He’s her teacher yet they’re getting coffee together and eating dinner together!”

“Teacher’s assistant,” Mr. Park corrected him. “And I think he’s very mature and responsible.”

“What about that motorcycle he drives?” Chan Yeol continued to find faults with Tae Sung.

“Yes, that is a problem,” Mr. Park said as he nodded in agreement. Chan Yeol’s lips slightly curved into a smile. “I admit that makes me worried, but I’ll make it clear that I don’t want Ri Ah riding on a motorcycle in the future,” Mr. Park finished. Chan Yeol’s smile immediately vanished.

Outside, Ri Ah walked Tae Sung to his motorcycle. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Sunbae,” she said with an apologetic expression.

“What do you mean? I enjoyed talking with Mr. and Mrs. Park. And they seemed to really like me” he said with a smirk.

Ri Ah laughed. “Yes, you did leave a good impression.”

“Well I didn’t want you to get in trouble either. I could tell Mr. Park wasn’t exactly elated with me when he first saw me.”

“Thank you, Sunbae,” Ri Ah said with sincere eyes.

Tae Sung stared at her for a while. He was about to say something to her but he changed his mind and turned towards the front of his bike to put on his helmet. “I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow, Ri Ah-ssi.”

“Yes, drive safely,” she said and Tae Sung drove away.

Ri Ah walked back towards the house and went inside.

“Oh, Ri Ah. I wanted to let you know that I approve,” Mr. Park said to her as she came in.

“Approve?” Ri Ah asked confused.

“Yes, of Tae Sung.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, ahjussi.”

“I mean it’s okay if you two date.”

“What?!” Ri Ah exclaimed with wide eyes. “Ahjussi, I think you misunderstood. Tae Sung Sunbae and I aren’t like that. We just have a sunbae/hoobae relationship. We don’t like each other like that,” she quickly tried to explain.

“Oh really? Well, in case you change your mind then you know I approve. Ah, but no more riding on that motorcycle in the future. Well, Mrs. Park and I are going to go upstairs now. Goodnight Ri Ah.”

“G-goodnight ahjumma, ahjussi,” she stuttered, embarrassed that Mr. Park had thought she liked Tae Sung like that.

Mr. and Mrs. Park went upstairs and she turned to Chan Yeol who had been staring at her unamused with his arms crossed.

“Take a walk with me. 10,000 won and I won’t take no for an answer.”

Ri Ah sighed. “Fine, let’s go.”

They walked in silence for a while before Chan Yeol finally spoke, “Do you really not like Tae Sung?”

“Not as anything more than a friend.”

“What if he liked you?”

“He doesn’t like me as more than a friend either.”

“But what if?”

“Then I would make it clear to him that I don’t like him like that.”

“I think you need to make that clear to him now. In fact, it would be better if you didn’t hang out with him anymore.”

“Why do you dislike him so much?”

Chan Yeol was silent for a while. “Because…I’m afraid you won’t have time for me if you get closer with him,” he pouted.

Ri Ah stopped and looked at him, surprised. Chan Yeol also stopped walking and turned to face her, his eyes looking down. Ri Ah’s gaze softened and she softly smiled.

“Chan Yeol-ah,” she called to him. He shifted his eyes up and looked at her. “I’m sorry. I know that I’ve been on edge with you these past couple of days. I was just upset that you didn’t like Tae Sung Sunbae. But I know that you were just looking out for me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.”

Why does it hurt to be called a friend by her? She’s apologizing to me yet I’m getting angrier.

“Why don’t we do something this weekend to make up for my lack of attention towards my pet?”

Chan Yeol sighed. “I would like that,” he said with a small smile.

Ri Ah beamed at him. “Great. I can’t wait for this weekend, Chan Yeol-ah!”

Chan Yeol couldn’t help but grin widely at her. He put his arm around her shoulder and they started heading back home. “So what should we do?”

“Mmm, well we could watch a movie, or go to the park, or go sight-seeing,” Ri Ah started listing as they walked.

Chan Yeol smiled at her excitement. I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve bonded, but it was just this past weekend that we went to the amusement park. Being with you like this, I feel happy and comfortable.

They arrived back home and Ri Ah was about to go into her room when she suddenly turned back around.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I was wondering, do your friends already have girlfriends?” she asked him.

“Girlfriends? No,” he answered cautiously.

Ri Ah grinned widely. Maybe Hye Ri-ssi still has a chance with D.O.-ssi.

“Why do you ask?” he asked when he saw her smile.

“No reason. Good night Chan Yeol-ah!” she said before going into her room and closing the door behind her.

Chan Yeol stared at her door, his mouth wide open. He walked up to his room and closed the door behind him. Then he turned towards his door and started hitting his head against it. I was worried about the wrong guy! Baek Hyun you liar! You said she wasn’t interested in you!

​Author's Note

Lol Chan Yeol stop banging your head like that! You’re going to bruise your pretty forehead!

I thought many of you would think Ri Ah is too naïve, innocent, oblivious, etc. But there is actually a reason she is the way she is. I just haven’t gotten to that part yet. Hopefully when it comes things will make more sense, although I might have to explicitly state it since sometimes what I’m thinking when I’m writing doesn’t actually come through to you guys when you read it. Haha, the limitations of my writing. Well hopefully I improve as I continue.

So I bet this chapter brought some mixed emotions. What do you mean Mr. Park approves? How can he approve someone that’s not his son for Ri Ah? Lol, well he is trying to be practical. I mean if you recall from chapter 5, Mr. Park did want Ri Ah as his daughter-in-law, but he knew that Chan Yeol wasn’t mature enough for her…or at least not yet (wink wink). Well I hope that got you hooked. I was afraid I might lose some of my subscribers with all the Tae Sung love. - 7/2/12 2:55 AM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here