
My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

It was Monday afternoon and Hye Ri was over at the Park house for the first time.

"Wow, their house is so big," Hye Ri commented as Ri Ah finished giving her the tour and were now heading inside Ri Ah's room. "But aren't you scared of sleeping by yourself on the first floor?"

"No, I'm fine with it," Ri Ah shrugged as she sat down at her desk and faced Hye Ri who took a seat on her bed.

"Well, I guess this is better since you get your own bathroom," Hye Ri said with a nod. "I hate having to share a bathroom with my brother," she said as she scrunched her nose in distaste, "so I imagine it would be the same if you had to share with Chan Yeol." Hye Ri paused before continuing. "Speaking of him, where is he?" she asked.

"He has late classes, but I think he should be back soon," Ri Ah answered.

"I see," Hye Ri answered with a nod. "I'm going to use the bathroom real quickly. I'll be back," she said before leaving Ri Ah's room.

As Hye Ri came out after using the bathroom, the front door opened and Chan Yeol came in.

"Oh Hi Hye Ri," he greeted her. "I didn't know you were coming over. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Yeah, I am," she answered.

"Ok, cool," he replied before going off into the kitchen.

Hye Ri stared at his retreating back and then followed him into the kitchen where he was drinking a glass of water.

"You…like Ri Ah, don't you?" she asked him with accusing eyes.

Chan Yeol choked on his water. After wiping his chin he looked at Hye Ri with wide eyes. "W-what? N-no, of course not!" he stuttered.

Hye Ri eyed him suspiciously. "Then what did you mean by putting three spoons of chili sauce in her lettuce wrap?"

Chan Yeol gulped guiltily, "T-that…" His eyes shifted nervously as he tried to come up with an explanation. "I was trying to show her that I think of her as a very close friend," he adamantly stated.

"Really?" she asked skeptically.

"Of course!" he argued.

Hye Ri shook his head at him, not believing his words. "If you say so," she said before turning to go back to Ri Ah's room.

Chan Yeol hit his head with his knuckles, "You pabo. What were you thinking putting so much chili sauce? Not only did Ri Ah not get the message, but everyone is starting to get suspicious now." He sighed in frustration as he rubbed the back of his head.

Hye Ri returned to Ri Ah's room and sat down on her bed while Ri Ah was at her desk doing work.

"Ri Ah," Hye Ri called to her.

"Yes?" she answered, turning to her.

"What's your relationship with Chan Yeol?"

"We're friends, of course," she answered as if it was the obvious answer.

"Just friends? You don't have…other feelings for him?" she asked interrogatively.

"Other feelings?" Ri Ah asked in confusion before she understood what Hye Ri was talking about and her eyes widened. "Oh no! Of course not!" she quickly stated. "Chan Yeol and I are just friends. Good friends," she clarified.

"Really?" she muttered. Guess I was just over thinking things. I need to stop doing that. That's what got my hopes up about D.O. Oppa in the first place. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Anyways, I was going to ask if you're free tomorrow afternoon."

Ri Ah though about it, "I am. Why?"

"Well my brother has a dance competition at the park and my parents can't go so they asked me to go and support him. I don't want to go by myself so I was wondering if you would come too."

"Of course, I'd love to come," she answered excitedly.

"Great! Thanks so much!" Hye Ri answered in relief.

"It's no problem. Your brother must really be working hard if he's doing a competition," Ri Ah commented.

"I guess," Hye Ri shrugged. "He's been taking dance classes recently. It seems that he's more into it now."

"I'm glad he's enjoying it. I can't wait to see how far he's gotten."

"So then do you want to go together after you're done with classes tomorrow?" Hye Ri asked.

"Sure, that works."

The next day, Su Ho, D.O., Baek Hyun, and Chan Yeol were all at a park where a dance competition was taking place. Su Ho's cousin was one of the contestants and so he came to support him while his friends tagged along for fun.

"Hyung! You came!" a tall boy with dark brown hair waved to him as he ran over to Su Ho and the boys.

"Jong In-ah! Of course I came. I said I would," he answered with a smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I go by Kai," he whined, which was very unlike the cold façade he had when he danced.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," he said as he sheepishly grinned. Kai rolled his eyes at his forgetful Hyung. "Anyways, guys, this is my cousin, Kim Jong In," Su Ho said, turning to the guys.

"But I go by Kai," he corrected Su Ho.

"Uh yeah, Kai. And this is Baek Hyun, D.O., and Chan Yeol," he said as he pointed to each of his friends.

"Nice to meet you," they all said with a nod and wave at him.

"Kai!" another tall boy with light brown hair and a bowl cut called. He walked over to him and the boys.

"Oh hey Se Hun. Meet my cousin and his friends," he said as he introduced each of them. "This is Oh Se Hun, my best friend and dance partner," he said, introducing Se Hun.

"Nice to meet you all," Se Hun shyly greeted them. "Kai, we need to get ready and change before the competition starts," he said turning to Kai.

"Okay, we can go," Kai answered him. "I'll see you all after the competition then," Kai said to Su Ho and his friends before leaving with Se Hun.

"I wonder what happened to your side of the family," Chan Yeol said to Su Ho after they left.

"What do you mean?" Su Ho asked.

"Your cousin is pretty tall, but you…" Chan Yeol didn't finish his sentence as he looked Su Ho up and down.

"Hey, just because you're a giant that towers over the rest of us, doesn't mean you have the right to make fun of us shorter people," Su Ho pouted.

"Yeah, Hyung is right," Baek Hyun said with a smirk as he put an arm around Su Ho's shoulder. Su Ho looked at Baek Hyun, touched that he was defending him. "It's not his fault he's short. It has to do with your genes and the environment. But seeing how his cousin is tall, it's probably more environment related. Which means," Baek Hyun turned to look at Su Ho. "You should have eaten your vegetables and drank more milk when you were a kid," he mockingly scolded him.

Su Ho's grateful expression turned immediately turned into a frown. "I thought it was strange that you were sticking up for me. I should have known better," he said with narrow eyes. Baek Hyun smiled widely at him.

"Hey, isn't that Ri Ah and Hye Ri over there?" D.O. pointed out.

"Where?" Chan Yeol asked looking in the direction D.O. was pointing in. "Oh, it is. What are they doing here?"

"Let's go over and find out," Baek Hyun said, leading the way as the rest followed him.

Ri Ah and Hye Ri arrived at the park to watch Kang San compete.

"Noona!" Kang San waved to Hye Ri when he found her. His eyes widened at the sight of Ri Ah. "Ri Ah Noona, I didn't know you were coming."

"I hope it's okay. I'm excited to see you dance," Ri Ah said with a smile.

"O-of course it's okay," Kang San answered with a slight blush.

"But you've grown taller since the last time I saw you. And you're voice has changed too," Ri Ah pointed out.

"He finally went through puberty," Hye Ri answered for him.

"Noona," he hissed at her.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Hye Ri asked him.

"Kang San is starting to become a man," Ri Ah said with a chuckle. Kang San smiled proudly.

"Oh he's still got a long way to go before he becomes a man. He checks his face every day for nonexistent facial hair," Hye Ri said with a laugh.

"Ah Noona!" Kang San whined. "Stop making fun of me! I'm 15, I'm not a kid anymore!"

An announcement interrupted the siblings' banter asking for all the contestants to get ready.

"I have to go now," Kang San said.

"Good luck squirt," Hye Ri said, ruffling his hair.

"Yes, break a leg Kang San," Ri Ah cheered.

"Thanks," Kang San said before heading towards a building behind the stage.

"Ri Ah! Hye Ri!" a familiar voice called to them. They turned to see Baek Hyun waving at them as he approached the two with the other boys behind him.

"Baek Hyun Sunbae!" Ri Ah greeted in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Su Ho Hyung's cousin is in the competition and the rest of us were dragged here by him," he answered.

"What do you mean dragged?" Su Ho asked.

Baek Hyun ignored his question. "What are you two doing here?" he asked them.

"My little brother is also competing," Hye Ri answered. "We're here to support him."

"Kang San is competing?" D.O. asked.

"Yeah, he's been taking classes recently and has gotten a lot better," Hye Ri answered.

"Good for him" D.O. said with a smile. His smile still made Hye Ri's heart flutter.

"Well since we're all here, might as well watch and support together," Baek Hyun suggested.

Backstage, Kang San went to the changing room and changed into his outfit: a white button up shirt, a sleek black suit jacket, black pants and a skinny tie. He also had white gloves and a top hat, giving him a Michael Jackson feel.

"Kang San!" a voice called to him. Kang San turned around and smiled at seeing the two familiar faces.

"Kai Hyung! Se Hyun Hyung!" he greeted them. The two had already changed into their outfits. Se Hun was wearing white pants with a flashy gold jacket and undershirt. Kai was wearing flashy gold pants that matched Se Hun's jacket and a white jacket that was partly ed, revealing his tan chest.

"How do you feel?" Se Hun asked him.

"I was feeling confident until I found out Ri Ah Noona was here," he said with a sigh.

"Ah, your crush," Kai said with a knowing smile.

"Now I'm really nervous about messing up in front of her," Kang San confessed.

"Why? You've got the routine down perfect. I've watched you do it," Kai said. "Plus, with my help in the choreography, you're sure to grab the Noona hearts," he said with a smirk.

"But Ri Ah Noona is different. I don't think dancing y will work on her," Kang San replied with a frown.

"Then how about you add something cute to your routine?" Se Hun proposed. "I think girls like cute guys more than y guys anyways."

"Is that why you don't have a girlfriend?" Kai sarcastically asked him.

"You don't have one either," Se Hun shot back.

"I can't change the routine now," Kang San complained.

"No, but you can add something small. How about you make a heart sign at her in the crowd in the middle of the dance? Girls love it when you do a special mission for them," Se Hun suggested.

Kang San nodded at the idea and a smile started creeping up his face. "Okay, I'll do that! Thanks Se Hun Hyung!"

"Hey, aren't you going to thank your Hyung that taught you to dance and helped choreograph your routine?" Kai cutely complained.

"Thanks to you too Kai Hyung! I'm going to go listen to my song and figure out where I should make a heart. Good luck in the competition Hyungs!" he said before leaving them to listen to his iPod.

"He must really like her to be nervous about dancing in front of her," Se Hun commented.

"It's his first crush, and it's someone older than him. Of course he's going to go all out and try to impress her," Kai shrugged.

The dance competition was divided into four parts: high school division and college division. Each division had a solo competition and a group/partner competition. Kang San was competing in the solo high school division while Kai and Se Hun were in the partner college division.

The high school division went first and after a few solo performances, it was Kang San's turn. He found his sister and Ri Ah in the crowd and took a deep breath before signaling the appropriate person to start the music. [The performance I'm imagining is similar to what Jong Up from B.A.P did here, except he doesn't take his shirt off, lol]. He performed a portion of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" dance earning him screams from the girls with his hip s. The music changed to Chris Brown's "Turn Up the Music" and his dancing became more rigorous and fast-paced. The crowd cheered louder. At the of his performance, he stood up from doing multiple leg lifts and made a heart with his hands. He kissed it and then pushed it forward in the direction of Ri Ah with a cute wink. The girls and Noona fans in the audience all screamed wildly at the cute gesture and Kang San left the stage feeling happy and confident.

"Good job kiddo!" Kai said as he high-fived Kang San.

"That was a very cute ending," Se Hun said as he also high-fived him. "The Noonas were all screaming wildly."

"Thanks to your suggestion," he said with a grin.

"See, told you being cute is more effective," Se Hun muttered to Kai as he elbowed him. Kai rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm going to go change and meet up with my sister. Good luck to you guys!" Kang San said before running off.

Kang San changed and went out into the crowd to where Ri Ah and Hye Ri were with the boys.

"Hey Kang San!" D.O. greeted him. "You were really cool up there!"

"Yeah, you had all the girls screaming for you," Chan Yeol said with a big smile.

"Thanks D.O. Hyung and Chan Yeol Hyung," Kang San answered.

"We haven't met," Baek Hyun interjected. "I'm Baek Hyun," he introduced himself as he held his hand out. Kang San shook it.

"And I'm Su Ho," Su Ho introduced himself, also shaking Kang San's hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Kang San, Hye Ri's brother," he greeted them before finally heading towards Ri Ah and his sister.

"I hate to admit it squirt, but you were actually good up there," Hye Ri complimented him.

"Yes, that heart you made at the end was very cute," Ri Ah said with a big smile.

"Ah, thanks Ri Ah Noona," he answered with a shy smile as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "I'm glad you thought so."

Baek Hyun blinked at the scene and a devilish smile formed on his lips as he turned to Chan Yeol.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Chan Yeol asked him with suspicious eyes.

"You have competition," he answered.

Chan Yeol furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"He's got a Noona crush on Ri Ah," Baek Hyun answered, pointing towards Kang San.

Chan Yeol's head turned towards Kang San where he saw Kang San staring at Ri Ah with a big grin. His eyes widened as realization hit him. That's why he acted like that when we were at the movies. Aish, this twerp. Who does he think he is to have a crush on Ri Ah?

"From the looks of it, Ri Ah seems to really adore him," Baek Hyun said with a smirk. Chan Yeol glared at Kang San. "If I were you, I would make a move before this kid does."

Chan Yeol cleared his throat and turned to look away. "I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I make a move on Ri Ah?"

Baek Hyun rolled his eyes at him. "Denying isn't going to help you," he muttered. Baek Hyun turned his attention back to the performances while Chan Yeol made sure to keep an eye on Kang San through the corner of his eye.

After the rest of the high school performances, the college performances started and Kai and Se Hun were soon up.

"Hey my cousin's up next," Su Ho pointed out as Kai and Se Hun took stage.

"Which one is he?" Ri Ah asked him.

"He's the one on the right," he answered.

"Wow, he's really good-looking," Hye Ri commented. D.O.'s head immediately jerked towards Hye Ri and he stared at her in shock. "His partner is cute too." D.O.'s mouth fell open at hearing Hye Ri compliment another guy's looks so casually. Baek Hyun held back a snicker as he witnessed the sight.

Kai and Se Hun soon started their routine [Here] and girls screamed as they saw the two very good-looking boys perform technical moves in perfect synchronization. They screamed even louder when Kai's jacket rode up as he lifted his arms, revealing his toned abs.

"Pssh, there's barely anything to see," D.O. muttered to himself with a scowl as he noticed Hye Ri's gaze fixated on Kai.

At the end of their performance, Kai and Se Hun went back stage to change and went out to meet up with Su Ho.

"You two were great!" Su Ho complimented them.

"Thanks Hyung," Kai answered with a grin.

"Kai Hyung! Se Hun Hyung!" Kang San called to them. "That was awesome! You two are definitely going to win!"

"Thanks kiddo," Kai said with a smile.

"You know them?" Hye Ri whispered to Kang San.

"Yeah, Kai Hyung teaches the dance class I attend and Se Hun Hyung sometimes helps," Kang San whispered back.

"I don't think we've ever met," Kai said as he went up to Ri Ah and Hye Ri. "I'm Kai."

"And I'm The-Hun," Se Hun answered with a lisp. He blushed in embarrassment. "I mean Se Hun," he corrected himself.

"Sorry about that. Se Hun gets really nervous around pretty girls," Kai said with a charming smile. Hye Ri giggled at his compliment while Ri Ah smiled at Se Hun's adorableness.

D.O. gaped at Hye Ri's flirtatious attitude.

"I'm Ri Ah," Ri Ah introduced herself. Kai looked at Kang San with a knowing smile making Kang San look away in embarrassment.

And I'm Hye Ri, Kang San's older sister," Hye Ri introduced herself.

Before they could continue talking, the announcer came up to the stage to read out the results. For the high school solo competition, Kang San won second place. The audience clapped loudly as he went up stage to accept his trophy. For the college group competition, Kai and Se Hun won first place and girls screamed loudly as the two went up to accept their trophy.

"Congrats you three!" Su Ho beamed as Kai, Se Hun, and Kang San returned from the stage holding their trophies.

The nine headed towards a nearby ice cream parlor to celebrate the wins.

"Are you guys doing anything on Thursday?" Kai asked the group.

"That's White Day," Su Ho pointed out.

"Yeah, there's a special White Day event at the park," Kai continued. "If you're free, you should go," he said looking straight at Hye Ri. D.O. caught his pointed gaze and fumed at Kai's forwardness when he had just met them today.

"Um, I think I'm free," Hye Ri shyly answered.

"Me too," D.O. immediately added making everyone stare at him. He quickly went back to eating his ice cream.

"Are you going Ri Ah Noona?" Kang San asked. Chan Yeol's ears perked up at Kang San's question.

"Sure, it sounds fun," she said with a smile.

"I'm going too!" Chan Yeol interjected. This time the table all looked at Chan Yeol. "What?" he asked innocently as he looked around at all the eyes on him.

"It sounds interesting. I think we should all go," Baek Hyun suggested with an amused smile as his eyes darted between D.O. and Chan Yeol.

"But," Su Ho started with a sad sigh and all eyes went to him, "none of us are dating anyone. It's so sad for a bunch of singles to be going to an event where we'll probably be surrounded by couples."

"Maybe some of us won't be single anymore after the event," Kai said with a smirk as he eyed Hye Ri through the corner of his eye.

Author's Note

I came back with a long update! I thought it was a good time to add in more characters and who better than the remaining EXO-K members Kai and Se Hun, although Se Hun didn't have much of a presence in this chapter (he's meant to be a shy person who doesn't talk much except when around people he knows well). Anyways, now that we have some competition will D.O. and Chan Yeol finally step up their game and confess to the girls they like? Guess we'll find out soon :) - 8/26/12 9:38 PM

Edited - 9/19/12 12:19 AM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here