
My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

May approached quickly and with that, the end of the school year was just a few finals away. But unlike the previous semester, these midterms seemed more daunting. Maybe it was the prospect of the three month summer break that loomed just ahead, but having to take exams till they could taste that freedom put many students on edge, especially when they were experiencing laziness that came from the warm weather of the not so distant summer season. However, despite what seemed like countless hours of studying, the day did finally come, when all exams were done. For underclassmen, this meant either three months of vacationing and emptying their minds, or for the unfortunate few, summer school. And for the seniors, this was the end of their undergraduate career.

Baek Hyun happened to fall in the latter category, but his graduation only marked the end of four difficult years of college and the beginning of four even more difficult years of medical school. But medicine was his passion, so he looked forward to the challenge that awaited him.

It was Baek Hyun's graduation day and the Byun family, which consisted of Baek Hyun's mother, father, and older sister, came over to check on him before the ceremony started.

"Are you nervous? Excited? Relieved?...Thirsty? It's a really hot day, so you should drink a lot of water and keep hydrated," Jung Mi Young (Mrs. Byun), Baek Hyun's mother worriedly asked.

"Mom, I'm fine," Baek Hyun assured her. "I feel okay," he shrugged. "I mean, I technically don't have to be here since they mail your diploma anyways."

"Nonsense, you shouldn't miss your graduation," Byun Tae Joon (Mr. Byun), Baek Hyun's father argued. "I remember when I graduated from S University years ago. Things sure have changed around here since then," he reminisced with a chuckle.

"But Noona," Baek Hyun started, turning towards his sister, "are you sure it's okay for you to be here? Some people might recognize you."

Byun Ji Min, Baek Hyun's sister, was a news anchorwoman and though she wasn't an idol, she did have a fan club that was mostly populated by males drooling over her pretty face which came on the evening news.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone will recognize me with these sunglasses," Ji Min assured, pointing at her shades. "Plus, you know I wouldn't miss my baby brother's graduation."

"Your mother and I are going to go to our seats. We'll see you after the ceremony," Mr. Byun explained before he and his wife walked off, leaving Baek Hyun and Ji Min.

"Ji Min Noona!" An all too familiar, deep voice suddenly called out her name.

Being an announcer, Ji Min was usually good at containing her expressions and keeping a professional smile. But that particular voice always made her cringe and her eye twitch in irritation. The voice belonged to no other than her brother's best friend, Chan Yeol, who came walking towards her with a group of friends she didn't recognize, Su Ho, D.O., Ri Ah, and Hye Ri.

"Ji Min Noona! You're actually here," Chan Yeol said with a grin.

"Chan Yeol, I would appreciate it if you didn't yell out my name so loudly," Ji Min said with a forced smile.

"Oh, sorry Noona. It's just that it's been a while since I've seen you," he sheepishly explained.

"Not long enough," Ji Min muttered to herself under her breath.

"We finally get to meet your sister, Baek Hyun," Su Ho remarked in slight awe at seeing the celebrity. Su Ho and D.O. had heard of Baek Hyun's sister, but never had the chance of actually meeting her.

"Hello, I'm Byun Ji Min," Ji Min introduced herself with a polite bow of her head.

"Kim Joon Myun," Su Ho greeted with his signature, charming eye smile. D.O. simply stared with large round eyes and mouth agape. "This is Do Kyung Soo," Su Ho introduced for him.

"My name is Lee Hye Ri. Wow, you're even prettier in person," Hye Ri complimented.

"Thank you," Ji Min said. She turned to Ri Ah, the only one who hadn't introduced herself. "And you are?"

"Lee Ri Ah," she answered before giving a deep bow of respect, surprising Ji Min by her gesture. "It's nice to meet you," she continued after resuming her standing position.

"Even my juniors don't bow that low to me," Ji Min commented with a chuckle at Ri Ah's odd manners.

"That's Ri Ah for you," Chan Yeol answered with a grin, placing an arm around her shoulder.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, Ri Ah-ssi," Ji Min answered. "I hope your good manners will brush off on Chan Yeol too."

"You're starting to sound like my mother," Chan Yeol scoffed.

"Chan Yeol, you shouldn't be rude to your Noona. She's a respected figure in this country," Ri Ah softly chided him.

"Psh, I knew Ji Min Noona before she was a respected figure…back when her face was as round as a cherry and she still had her baby fat," he said with a laugh.

Ji Min glared at him behind her sunglasses. Her lips were pursed into a tight line, trying to hold back her tongue before she caused a scene in the public place and ruined her graceful image. "Why are you still friends with him?" she muttered through her teeth at Baek Hyun.

"I like to keep him around just to see you get irritated," Baek Hyun answered with a teasing smile.

Ji Min rolled her eyes. "You may be graduating, baby brother, but you're still as conniving and childish as when you were 10 years old." Ji Min's phone rang in her purse and she took it out to check who was calling. She heaved an irritated sigh at the name. "Why is he still trying to call me?"

"Who?" Baek Hyun asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Boom," she answered. "I don't even know how he got my number after I changed it."

Baek Hyun nervously looked away and cleared his throat. "You know, I think the ceremony is starting soon. You all should probably go take your seats."

Ji Min narrowed her eyes at his brother, a suspicious frown forming on her face. "You wouldn't have any idea, would you?" she pointedly asked Baek Hyun.

"This is Boom Hyung we're talking about. He has his ways," Baek Hyun answered with a nervous smile.

[Note: In chapter 55, Baek Hyun gave Boom his sister's phone number so that D.O. and Hye Ri would get paired up for the Valentine's Day event.]

Ji Min wasn't completely convinced, but she didn't question him further. "Well I just wanted to tell you that I won't be able to see you after the ceremony because I have to go to the news station, but congratulations, Baeky Baby," she mockingly said, pinching his cheeks.

"Aw Noona, how could you bring that name up?" Baek Hyun whined, pushing her hands off of him.

Ji Min gave him a triumphant smile. She knew he must have had a hand in Boom getting her number, so she decided to pay him back the favor. "It was nice meeting you all," she bade the group before leaving to join her parents.

Baek Hyun turned to look at his friends. Chan Yeol, Su Ho, and D.O. were all smiling mischievously at him while Hye Ri and Ri Ah were biting their lips to hold back their laughter.

"Baeky Baby?" D.O. repeated.

Baek Hyun groaned to himself and the five friends finally let out their laughter that they had been holding back.

"Yah, how come I've never heard that name before?" Chan Yeol asked through his laughs.

"You know, I think it fits you," Su Ho commented with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let it all out," Baek Hyun sarcastically said, his arms crossed as he looked at his sister's retreating back in contempt.

"Aigoo, I think our Baeky Baby is upset," Su Ho teased. "Don't worry, today is your special day. We'll try to be on our best behavior."

"Key word, try," D.O. added with a grin.

Baek Hyun was the smart alec member in their group who always seemed to be the last one laughing, so when a rare opportunity like this came, the three friends weren't going to let it go that easily.

"Come on guys, we should probably go take our seats. The ceremony looks like it's starting soon," Chan Yeol suggested, trying to usher his friends away from Baek Hyun.

Baek Hyun softly smiled. I knew I befriended this dork for a reason.

Chan Yeol turned back to look at Baek Hyun as the group made their way to their seats. "See you after the ceremony…Baeky Baby," he said with a wink before following after his friends.

Baek Hyun's smile immediately turned into a frown. "I'm starting to question why I'm friends with him too," he said to himself.

After the ceremony, Baek Hyun met with his parents and after some commemorative pictures, went to hang out with his friends to celebrate. They treated him to dinner and they all went to a park afterwards to sit on the grass and reflect on memories of the year that had just passed.

Hye Ri sat with her legs outstretched, allowing D.O. to lay his head on her lap. Chan Yeol lay on the grass on one side of the couple while Ri Ah and Baek Hyun sat on the other side. Su Ho left to buy something form a nearby convenience store.

"Wow, I can't believe I survived my first year of college," Ri Ah remarked.

"I think the more unbelievable thing is Chan Yeol surviving his first year," D.O. teased. Chan Yeol scowled and kicked D.O.'s leg. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Sorry, I was trying to get into a more comfortable position and accidentally hit your leg in the process," Chan Yeol shrugged.

"Accident my foot," D.O. muttered, rubbing his shin before returning a kick back at Chan Yeol and triggering a kicking fight between the two. Hye Ri sighed to herself. It was hard to believe these two were grown adults in college.

Baek Hyun rolled his eyes at the two and Ri Ah chuckled to herself. "What was the most memorable thing for you during college, Sunbae?" she curiously asked Baek Hyun.

"You know, it's funny, but every memorable moment I can remember is from this past year," Baek Hyun answered.

"Really? Why?" Ri Ah asked.

"I think it's because I met some very interesting people that really made my senior year entertaining," he vaguely answered. Ri Ah waited for him to continue, but when he didn't she faced forward to look at the stars again.

"What about you, Ri Ah? What was the most memorable thing for you?" Baek Hyun asked.

Ri Ah didn't answer for a while as she thought about his question. "I don't know, there are a lot of moments that come up. I guess like you, it's the people that I've met that have made this year enjoyable."

"Any person in particular?" Baek Hyun continued, hoping to get a more satisfying answer from her, possibly the person who might have given her the ring.

Ri Ah smiled to herself as she realized that there was one person that seemed to be in many of her memories of the past year. "There is one faithful and loyal puppy."

Baek Hyun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "A puppy?" Ri Ah nodded and Baek Hyun only frowned, even more confused.

Their conversation was interrupted by Su Ho, who returned from the convenience store with a plastic bag in his hand. "Look what I got!" he exclaimed, pulling out a package of sparklers. "I thought it would be fun way to commemorate the end of another school year."

The group huddled around Su Ho and each took a sparkler. Su Ho passed around a lighter for each to light up their stick before the group excitedly watched the sparks fly from the tips.

"This is to our Baeky Baby for graduating college!" Su Ho exclaimed above the noise of the sparklers.

"Yah! Are you congratulating me or making fun of me?!" Baek Hyun complained.

"Both!" Su Ho answered, making everyone break out in laughter. Even Baek Hyun who tried to stay mad couldn't help but crack a smile at the infectiously cheerful atmosphere.

After their sparklers died down, it was late and the six had to get back home.

"I'm glad we were able to do this," Ri Ah said with a sad smile. "I'm going to miss you guys over the summer." Ri Ah was the only one that didn't live in Seoul among the group and thus would be returning to her hometown, Ansan, for the three months of break.

"Hey, who knows? Maybe we'll surprise you randomly," Baek Hyun shrugged with a knowing smile. Chan Yeol elbowed him and gave him a warning look to keep his mouth shut.

"You know, I feel like I've been harassed today, on my day of graduation, more than any other day," Baek Hyun protested, rubbing the side of his stomach where he was punched. "This is why I wanted to just stay home and wait for that diploma to come in the mail."

"Oh come on, Baeky Baby, you don't mean that," Su Ho teased.

"Aish, when are you guys going to let that go?!" Baek Hyun complained. The five shared one more laugh before going their separate ways.

"Are you really that upset about going home?" Chan Yeol asked on the drive home.

Ri Ah had been quiet with a nostalgic gaze as she looked out the window. "Of course I miss my mom and my town, but it's going to be a long three months until I get to see everyone here again."

"I'm sure that when you actually get into your summer schedule, you're going to dread coming back to Seoul for school."

"That's the thing though, my summer schedule and school schedule are pretty much the same," Ri Ah answered with a sad smile.

"Ah, right, I almost forgot you like waking up before the birds are even chirping outside," Chan Yeol teased.

"Well you know what they say, early bird gets the worm."

"Hm, it sounds like the worms are getting the short end of the stick here. Maybe they should just stay underground and sleep in," he joked.

Ri Ah laughed at his deduction. "Is that your reasoning for why you wake up so late? You're a worm that doesn't want to get eaten by the birds?"

"It's pretty smart when you think about it, don't you think?" he responded.

Ri Ah didn't have a comeback and could only agree. "Yes, you are one smart worm."

Chan Yeol suddenly grimaced. "On second thought, I don't like being called a worm. I'll just stick with a lazy puppy."

Ri Ah smiled back at him. "I like that better too." She continued to stare at him as he drove.

"Is there something on my face?" Chan Yeol asked.

"No," she answered, shaking her head.

She averted her gaze back to look out the window. Baek Hyun's question from earlier really made her reflect on the year so far. Always watching out for her, making her smile, comforting her, Chan Yeol had really made her first year of college memorable. She only wished she could have done more for him and for that, she felt a little regretful.

"We're here," Chan Yeol said after pulling up in the driveway of his house.

Ri Ah was interrupted from her thoughts and looked around to see that they had in fact arrived back home. She got out of the car and followed after Chan Yeol.

"Thank you," she suddenly said, making Chan Yeol turn around to look at her.

"For what?"

"For lending me money for my books. For taking me to Lotte World when I got a bad grade on my paper. For putting up with my crazy plan at the Han River to get D.O.-ssi and Hye Ri together. For coming to Ansan and bringing me back to Seoul. For carrying me when my heel broke after the night before winter break. For giving me Yeollie. For taking me to the zoo. For…saving me from almost getting into a car accident," her voice quivered slightly as her eyes started tearing. She looked down as feelings of gratitude, nostalgia, and regret mixed together to produce overwhelming emotions and the tears that she tried to hold back started falling.

Chan Yeol stared, stunned by her sudden speech. "Hey," he softly called to her, tilting his head down to look at her face. "Why are you crying? You should be smiling when you thank someone."

"I'm sorry. I'm not really sure why I'm crying either," she said with a small laugh as she wiped her tears.

"But you know, I have some things to thank you for too."

Ri Ah looked up to see him gently smiling at her. "Thank me?"

Chan Yeol nodded. "For making me breakfast that first morning after you came. For showing me around your town when I visited. For tutoring me in Biology 101 and probably saving me from failing that class all together. For taking me to the movies when I passed your Biology retest. For giving me drumsticks and baking me a cake I could actually eat for my birthday. For the special Valentine's Day chocolate you made. For not hating me after…the kiwi incident." Chan Yeol's smile momentarily faltered at the memory of seeing Ri Ah's limp body at the hospital. "For humoring me on the boat ride and the tandem bike. For taking care of me when I was sick."

Ri Ah stared at the ground with a sad smile. "I feel like you've done more for me though."

"There's one more thing. Thank you, for being the best owner this puppy could ever have."

Ri Ah looked up to see him giving his signature, toothy grin that was so contagious that she couldn't help but mirror his smile.

Chan Yeol placed an arm around her shoulder and led her towards the house. "I don't know why you're getting all sentimental when we still have three more years ahead of us. I'm sure you'll have loads more to thank me for in that time."

Ri Ah smiled up at him. "And hopefully I'll be able to show enough gratitude to you as well."

Chan Yeol gazed down at her tenderly. Just seeing you smile is enough gratitude. But… His gaze shifted to the ring on her left hand. If there was one thing I wish you would do, it's that you'll be able to finally let go of him.

They finally entered the house which was dark and quiet. It was late so Mr. and Mrs. Park were already asleep. Ri Ah still had to pack her things for her trip home for the summer. She wasn't going to be taking much back except her clothes and a few other things as the rest would just stay here until she returned for the following school year.

"Good night," Ri Ah bade Chan Yeol.

"Good night."

Ri Ah entered her room and closed the door behind her.

He stared at the closed bedroom door with a soft smile. "Thank you for a memorable year. I hope the next three with you will be even more unforgettable…and maybe…the years after that too."

Author's Note

So, kind of a boring chapter, but I felt like it was necessary to end the school year. However, it's not exactly the end of "Year 1" because there are still one or two more chapters till we start on Year 2, which will DEFINITELY NOT be as long as Year 1. Not only because I don't have as many events planned, but I'm slowly losing my energy to continue with this story. So maybe if I speed things up, I will be more motivated to write? I don't know, but I can promise that Year 2 will show some major character developments and I don't think there will be any heartbreaking scenes, though I reserve the right to change that if I feel like it…Lol, well until the next update!

And Happy Halloween :)

10/31/12 5:50 PM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here