Just a Sunbae/Hoobae Relationship

My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

It was Monday afternoon and Ri Ah and Hye Ri were together for their Biology study session.

“So it sounds like things went well Saturday night,” Ri Ah remarked after Hye Ri told her how D.O. dropped her off and even greeted her parents.

“Yep, my parents were really pleased with him. Even my younger brother took to him well,” Hye Ri said with a chuckle. “Although we aren’t an official couple or anything yet, I think we might be something in the future.” She blushed slightly at the thought of it.

“I’m glad it all worked out,” she said with a smile.

“Thanks, Ri Ah,” Hye Ri looked at her with sincere eyes.

“Huh? What for?”

“I know you invited me along so you could get me and D.O. together. You didn’t have to do all that just for me.”

“Was it that obvious?” she replied with an embarrassed laugh.

“Well, a little bit,” Hye Ri grinned.

“I guess I need to work on being more covert. You’re not the only one that noticed,” Ri Ah sighed.

“What about you? What’s going on between you and Lee Tae Sung?” Hye Ri asked with a mischievous smile.

“Tae Sung Sunbae? Nothing. We’re just friends,” Ri Ah answered matter-of-factly.

“Really?” Hye Ri furrowed her eyebrows in thought. “I really thought you two liked each other with the way you interacted at dinner last week.”

Ri Ah’s eyes widened. “No, we really are just a sunbae and hoobae!” she said while shaking her hands back and forth, stressing that they weren’t in any inappropriate relationship. “Why does everyone think we’re more than that?” she asked with a worried expression.

Hye Ri smiled at her naive friend. You may have noticed how I like D.O., but you’re completely oblivious when it comes to the people that like you.

“Let’s get back to studying. We have another test next Friday,” Ri Ah finally said after she shook off her worries.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I won’t be here next Friday. Professor Kim said I’ll have to take it next Thursday, before everyone else.”

“Where are you going?”

“It’s my aunt’s wedding. So my family and I are leaving Thursday afternoon for the wedding on Friday.”

“Oh, congratulations to your aunt! You must be excited!”

“Yeah, but I have to get through this test first,” Hye Ri said with a laugh.

The next day, Ri Ah’s paper for Korean Myth and Folklore class was finally due.

“Are you feeling confident about your paper?” Tae Sung asked her after class as she walked to her next class.

“Yes, thanks to you Sunbae,” Ri Ah said with a big smile.

“I was wondering if you had some time this week.”

“Time? For what?”

“I wanted to run my research proposal by you. My presentation is coming up and I wanted to make sure everything made sense.”

“Will I really be of any help? I don’t really know much about your research,” she asked with a skeptical look.

“You’ll be perfect. The people I’m presenting to aren’t just those that work in my department. There are sponsors that know less than you about my research. You can let me know what doesn’t make sense to you and what I have to explain more.”

“Well…okay. I guess I can do that,” Ri Ah nodded in agreement.

“Great. How about Thursday afternoon? We can go to my coffee shop.”

“But I can’t ride on your motorcycle anymore, remember?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been bringing my car. I told you there would be a next time,” he said with a smirk. “I’ll see you Thursday then, Ri Ah-ssi.” He turned to leave.

Ri Ah stared at his retreating back. It’s not weird for me to be meeting him about his research proposal, right? I’m helping him as a friend. She didn’t have time to think on it any further when she realized she was running late for her next class.

Thursday came and Ri Ah met Tae Sung in his office when she was done with class. They drove to Java Lava and sat at a table. Tae Sung ordered coffee for himself and tea for Ri Ah.

“Okay, so here’s my presentation,” he said as he brought out his laptop and pulled up a PowerPoint. “And here’s a handout that you can follow along with,” he said as he handed Ri Ah a packet of papers.

Tae Sung went through his presentation, explaining his purpose and objective, the funds he would need, all the research that had already been done on the topic and how his was different from it, and the benefits of his research proposal. He was a charismatic speaker and Ri Ah was immersed in his presentation the whole time he spoke.

“So, what did you think?” he asked after he was done.

“Wow, that was great!” Ri Ah said as she clapped. “There were a couple of things I didn’t understand,” she said as she pointed out where she thought he would need to clarify for those that didn’t know the terminology he was using.

Tae Sung noted her comments down. “Thanks, Ri Ah-ssi. Your feedback is really helpful.”

“I’m glad I could help,” she answered with a smile. She looked at her watch for the time and gasped. “This much time has already passed? I need to get back home.”

“Oh really? Alright, I’ll take you home,” Tae Sung said, a little disappointed that she had to go already.

“That’s okay. I can take the bus back.”

“You’re going to take the bus when I’ve been bringing my car especially for you?” he asked with a hurt expression.

“Eh?” Ri Ah said with a surprised expression.

“Ri Ah-ssi. I gave up bringing my prized motorcycle to school for you, and instead of showing your appreciation, you reject my offer to take you home to take a bus instead,” he continued with his guilt trip.

“I’m sorry Sunbae. I didn’t mean to be ungrateful,” Ri Ah said while bowing multiple times in apology.

Tae Sung laughed and Ri Ah looked up shocked.

“You make it so easy,” he said while laughing.

Ri Ah glared at him and crossed her arms in anger. “If you’re done making fun of me, then I’m going to go home now.” She turned to leave.

“Wait, I’m sorry. I really will take you home,” he said as he grabbed Ri Ah’s elbow and turned her around, still grinning widely.

Tae Sung stopped in front of her house. “Thanks again for helping me with my presentation,” he said as Ri Ah unbuckled her seat belt.

“It was no problem. I hope everything goes well and your proposal gets passed. Thanks for the ride, Sunbae,” she said before getting out of the car.

Tae Sung smiled as he watched Ri Ah walk towards her house. He drove off after he saw her go in.

“I’m back,” Ri Ah said as she entered the house and took off her shoes.

“Ri Ah, where have you been?” Chan Yeol pouted from the living room where he was watching TV.

“I was helping Tae Sung Sunbae with his research proposal,” she said as she walked over to him and joined him on the couch.

“Tae Sung?” Chan Yeol’s face immediately became worried. “You two are still close?”

“Well, as close as a sunbae and hoobae can be. What are you watching?” she said as she diverted her attention to the TV and started getting interested in the program that was playing

Chan Yeol stared at her with concern. You said you don’t like him as more than a friend. You won’t change your mind, right?

Author's Note

If you’re so worried Chan Yeol, why don’t you confess already? Well, he just realized his feelings a few days ago. The poor guy needs to prepare his heart for the big confession. But you better hurry Chan Yeol-ah. I can’t guarantee that someone else won’t take Ri Ah away before you…hehehe.

We’re getting close to the part that I’ve been waiting for forever. In a couple of chapters, things are going to get more complicated as someone new comes into the story. Who could it be? – 7/4/12 3:33 PM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here