Hello, I Need a Girl

My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

On White Day, everyone met up at the park where a carnival style event had been set up. There were various booths selling couple items, flowers, candy, and other gifts for a guy to give when confessing to or expressing their feelings for a girl. Other booths had carnival-style games with various prizes. The nearby lake even had swan boats for couples to ride in. At the center, the stage that was used for the dance competition just two days earlier was still there with a large banner at the top that read "White Day Confession Stand". Guys went up to confess to the girl they liked and they held a white rose out to them. If she accepted his confession, she would take the rose from him. The same MC (Boom) from the Valentine's Day event at the mall was there mediating the confessions.

The group entered the park together and looked around eagerly at all the activities offered and the crowds of couples and groups of friends happily talking and laughing together. They arrived at the lake and watched as couples got in boats and pedaled around.

"Noona, will you ride one with me?" Kang San asked Ri Ah.

"You want to go with me?" Ri Ah asked incredulously.

Kang San nodded his head. "I've never been on one but I've always wanted to try…and I don't want to go with my sister," he said glancing at Hye Ri as he made a face.

Ri Ah giggled. "Sure, I'll go with you." Ri Ah and Kang San headed toward the lake together.

Chan Yeol watched them go, mouth agape. What the heck?! How can this twerp just outright ask her to ride with him when I haven't even ridden with Ri Ah yet.

"Do you want to ride one too?" Kai asked Hye Ri.

Hye Ri looked out at the lake at the couples riding together and sighed. The last time I rode a boat was with D.O. But we weren't a couple then..and we aren't a couple now. Nor will we ever be now that I know he only sees me as a friend.

She turned back to Kai and with a smile said, "Sure, I'd love too."

Kai gave her a heart-throbbing crooked smile and grabbed her hand before leading her down to the lake.

This time D.O.'s expression mirrored Chan Yeol's. But that's our ride. How can she go on it with someone she barely even knows?

Chan Yeol and D.O. watched the four get on boats and start pedaling away.

"H-hey, who else wants to go on the boat ride?" D.O. asked the remaining guys.

"Are you asking us guys?" Se Hun asked in confusion, not seeing any other girl around.

"I'll go with you," Chan Yeol answered, his eyes on Kang San while he grabbed D.O.'s arm and pulled him towards the lake.

"What are those two doing?" Se Hun asked the other two. Su Ho shook his head, not wanting to explain their childish tactics while Baek Hyun just snickered to himself.

Chan Yeol and D.O. trailed behind the other two boats. Kai and Hye Ri talked started veering towards the left as the two talked while Ri Ah and Kang San started veering towards the right as he made jokes that Ri Ah laughed at.

"Hey, we have to go right," Chan Yeol said with his eyes on Ri Ah and Kang San as he repeatedly hit D.O.'s leg to make him stop pedaling.

"No, we have to go left," D.O. responded, his eyes on Kai and Hye Ri.

"Yah, stop pedaling!" Chan Yeol yelled at D.O.

"You stop pedaling!" D.O. yelled back.

The two glared at each other and continued to pedal, making them continue on straight, away from both the other boats.

"Your friends are really weird. If they continue going straight, they're going to end up on the other side of the lake," Se Hun pointed out from the shore. Su Ho sighed and turned around from the embarrassing sight to watch normal people play games and talk.

"Believe it or not, it would be weirder if they weren't acting like this," Baek Hyun replied. But Se Hun could only scratch his head at his confusing answer.

Due to their arguing, Chan Yeol and D.O. lost track of their targets and didn't get back until much after the other two "couples".

"Hey, where did the others go?" Chan Yeol asked Su Ho who was the only one waiting for them.

"Baek Hyun got hungry waiting for you guys so he, Se Hun, Ri Ah, and Kang San decided to get something to eat, but Kai and Hye Ri decided to go play some of the games as soon as they came back from the boat rides," Su Ho answered.

"What?! You left them alone together?!" D.O. exclaimed, referring to Kai and Hye Ri. "You should have gone with them!"

"I was trying to be nice and wait for you two," Su Ho answered, a little hurt by D.O.'s outrage.

"I'm hungry. Where did the rest go to eat?" Chan Yeol asked.

"They went to that burger place nearby. I'll show you," Su Ho answered as he started leading the way.

"Hyung, let's go try some of the games," D.O. urged as he pulled on Su Ho's arm and tried to lead him towards the game booths.

"What? But I have to show Chan Yeol where the others are," Su Ho blinked, resisting D.O.'s pull.

"It's okay, Hyung. I know where the place is," Chan Yeol answered before heading towards the restaurant.

"See, he knows where it is. Come on," D.O. said, pulling on Su Ho's arm.

"But I'm hungry too!" Su Ho whined as he was pulled away.

Kai and Hye Ri had just finished eating some funnel cake and were now walking around the park.

"Wow, that looks like fun!" Hye Ri exclaimed, pointing towards the balloon darts game.

"You want to try?" Kai asked her. He went over and laid down some bills on the counter before they were handed some darts. "Here you go," he said, handing the darts to her.

Hye Ri took one and tried aiming. She threw, but missed.

"This is harder than I thought," she said in embarrassment.

"Do you want me to help?" he asked with a smirk.

"Sure," she answered, holding a dart out for him to take. Instead of taking it from her, he went behind her and placed his left hand on her waist and his right hand firmly gripped her right hand that was still holding the dart. Hye Ri gulped at the close contact and her face started feeling hot as her heart pounded against her chest.

Kai guided her hand back behind them and then forward as she released the dart from her hand. It was met with a loud "pop" sound as the metal hit the latex and punctured the balloon.

"Wah! We got one!" Hye Ri squealed.

"How about we get more than one?" Kai suggested as he placed another dart in her hand and proceeded to guide her again. With his help, the two were able to successfully pop the balloons with the remaining darts.

"What prize would you like?" the game worker asked as he pointed towards the stuffed animals on the top.

"What do you want?" Kai asked, turning to Hye Ri.

"Mmm," Hye Ri contemplated as she looked at all the stuffed animals. A cute owl with big eyes caught her attention. "That one," she said, pointing to it.

"Here you go, miss," the worker said as he handed it to her.

"You like owls?" Kai asked in amusement.

"Well, not particularly, but for some reason, I thought the big eyes on this were really cute," Hye Ri answered.

"So what do you want to do next?" he asked.

Before Hye Ri could answer, their attention turned towards the stage where Boom's voice could be heard through a microphone announcing a student who wanted to confess to a girl.

"That looks interesting! Let's go watch," Hye Ri suggested pointing towards the stage. Kai and Hye Ri walked over to get a better view.

"What is your name young man?" Boom asked the guy on stage.

"Joo Tae Nam," he shyly answered.

"And who is the girl you are confessing to?"

"Y-Yoo Chae Ri," he stuttered.

"Yoo Chae Ri, a pretty name like that must belong to a pretty girl," Boom complimented. "Miss Chae Ri, if you're out there, please come up to the stage and listen to this young man's confession to you."

Among the crowd, there was a group of girls who were giggling and trying to push someone up the stage.

"Is that you, Chae Ri?" Boom asked the girl who had now been pushed to the stairs leading up to the stage. "It seems I was wrong, you're prettier than your name lets on," he said with a smile. "Please, come up here." Without much of a choice, Chae Ri reluctantly went up to the stage. Boom placed his hand on her shoulder and gently guided her so that she was standing a few feet from Tae Nam.

"When you're ready Tae Nam-ssi, please go ahead and confess your feelings," Boom instructed.

Tae Nam took a deep breath before starting, "Chae Ri-ah, we've been in the same class for 3 years and from the moment I first saw you, I fell for you. I know that I'm not the best looking guy, or the smartest guy, or even the most athletic guy, but I'm honest and funny and I would never hurt you. So will you please give me a chance?" He held out a white rose to her and looked down, closing his eyes and waiting for her answer.

"What a sweet confession. What do you say Chae Ri-ssi? Do you accept this honest and funny man's feelings?" Boom asked the girl.

Chae Ri stared at the boy in front of him, clutching the white rose with his slightly shaky arms as he held it out to her. A smile started to form on her face as she reached out and took the flower from him. Tae Nam's head quickly jerked up to reveal a shocked face. But his shock was quickly replaced by a grin as he realized that Chae Ri had accepted his confession. The crowd cheered and applauded for the newly formed couple.

"It looks like we have another success!" Boom yelled into his microphone. "I hope you two have a happy and long relationship," he called to the couple that now left the stage hand-in-hand.

"Wow, that was so romantic," Hye Ri commented after watching the confession. "She's so lucky to have a guy go up and confess his feelings to her in front of everyone."

Kai glanced at Hye Ri to see her staring longingly at the stage. He grabbed her hand. Hye Ri looked down at her hand in his and then up at Kai to see him giving her a heart-stopping crooked smile. Before she could ask what he was doing, he pulled her along towards the stage.

Su Ho and D.O. had been walking through the park with no luck at finding Kai or Hye Ri.

"I'm tired of walking around, and I'm hungry!" Su Ho complained.

D.O. sighed in defeat. "Fine, let's go get something to eat."

They started making their way towards the burger place where the rest were.

"Step up! Step up! Knock down all the pins using these softballs and you could win any of these large stuffed animals!" one of the men working at the game booths called to the people passing by. D.O. absentmindedly looked towards the booth and was about to look away when something caught his attention.

"Hyung, you go ahead without me," he said to Su Ho before heading to the booth.

Su Ho didn't give him a second glance as he continued to follow his stomach towards food.

At the booth, D.O. asked for a chance, laying some money down on the counter. Taking one of the balls, he shook out his shoulders and arms. He pulled his arm back and then threw the ball as hard as he could towards the pins, knocking them all down in his first try. People nearby clapped at his win.

"Wow, that's a first for today," the worker said with mouth agape at the fallen pins. He turned towards D.O., "Which stuffed animal do you want?" he asked pointing to the big toys hanging at the top.

"Rather than the stuffed animals, can I have those two hats?" he asked pointing to a pair of Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse couple hats in the back.

"Really? But those are the medium prizes. You won a large prize. Don't you want a stuffed animal?" the worker asked incredulously.

"No, I'll just take the hats," D.O. stated. The worker cocked his head in confusion but obliged to his request. D.O. smiled at the prizes in his hand, but his smile disappeared when he heard familiar names being called through a microphone from the stage.

When Su Ho had finally arrived at the restaurant, Baek Hyun, Se Hun, Chan Yeol, Ri Ah, and Kang San were already done and were coming out.

"You guys are done eating?" Su Ho asked with a crestfallen look.

"Yeah, we've been done for a while," Baek Hyun answered. "We were waiting for you and D.O. but you never came so we finally decided to leave. We're going to look around the park and try some of the games."

Su Ho stared at him with a blank face. Baek Hyun didn't notice his expression and put his arm around Su Ho's shoulder as he walked with the rest of the group towards the park. As the six walked around, their attention turned towards the stage where they saw familiar faces.

"Hey, isn't that your cousin up there?" Baek Hyun asked Su Ho.

"Yeah, it is," he answered with a confused look. "And he's with Hye Ri."

"And who do we have here?" Boom asked Kai.

"Kai," he answered.

"Kai?" Boom repeated as if he had misheard the name. "Okay, Kai," he said again. "And who is this pretty lady here?" Boom asked turning to Hye Ri.

"Uh, Lee Hye Ri," Hye Ri shyly answered, still unable to believe that she was on the confession stage with Kai.

"Okay, then Hye Ri-ssi, I hope you'll listen to Kai's confession to you."

"Actually," Kai interjected. "I would like to ask for a favor," he said, looking at Boom.

"What favor?" Boom blinked.

Kai went up and spoke to him in a low voice. Boom nodded his head and gave him an okay sign before heading off stage and towards the sound booth on the side where he spoke with the technician. Hye Ri's attention was on Boom while the audience broke out in chatter, wondering what was going on. Their attention quickly turned back to the stage when Tae Yang's "I Need a Girl" started playing and Kai started to dance to it around Hye Ri [Imagine Kai dancing like JB here in Dream High 2 except Hye Ri doesn't awkwardly bop up and down like Kang So Ra :) ]

Girls in the crowd ogled at Kai and whined that they wished someone would confess to them like he was doing to Hye Ri. They screamed in envy when he spun Hye Ri around and put his arms around her. Hye Ri meanwhile had been blushing the whole time and she bit her lip to prevent her smile from getting any bigger at Kai's close contact. When Kai ended, he had taken a white rose from the table on the side and held it out to her. The crowd cheered at his performance.

"Wow, that is a first. Confessing through dance," Boom applauded. "What do you say Hye Ri-ssi? Will you be Kai's girl?"

"Wait!" a voice in the crowd called. Heads turned towards the source who turned out to be no other than D.O. He made his way to the stage. "Before you make your decision, I want to make a confession too," he stated.

Hye Ri blinked in surprise while Kai frowned at him.

"Oh, this just gets better and better," Boom excitingly commented. "What's your name young man?"

"Do Kyung Soo," he answered.

"Okay, Mr. Kyung Soo, what do you have to say to Hye Ri-ssi?"

"I'm…really bad at expressing myself through words. So, I'm going to sing instead" he answered. He walked off stage and spoke to the sound technician who nodded at his request. D.O. came back up on stage with a microphone. A song started to play. It was SHINee's "Hello". When D.O. started singing, the crowd all went in a buzz at his melodic voice. He walked towards Hye Ri and smiled as he sang the cute song, grabbing her hand when the lyrics talked about holding hands and doing other gestures along with the lyrics. Near the end of the song, he pulled out the Mickey Mouse hat from his pocket and put it on his head.

"Hye Ri-ah, will you be my Minnie Mouse?" D.O. asked at the end of the song as he pulled out the Minnie Mouse hat and held it out to her.

"Wow, you are one lucky girl, Hye Ri-ssi," Boom commented. "You have two guys chasing for your heart. Which one are you going to accept? The dancer's white rose or the singer's Minnie Mouse hat?"

Both Kai and D.O. stood with their items held out. Hye Ri stared agape at the two, still trying to process what had happened.

"Please make your decision, Miss Hye Ri. Who was able to win your heart?" Boom asked.

Hye Ri slowly walked towards the two but veered towards Kai. D.O.'s heart sank and he looked down, dejected. However as Hye Ri approached him, Kai noticed the contrite look on her face and already knew what she was going to say.

"I'm sorry Kai," Hye Ri said apologetically.

"The owl," he said pointing at the stuffed animal still in her hand, "I can see the resemblance," he said with a smile.

Hye Ri also looked at the owl and chuckled. "You're right."

"Well, I guess you shouldn't keep Mickey Mouse over there waiting," he said as he nodded towards D.O. who was turning to walk off stage.

Hye Ri smiled at him, thankful that he was understanding and ran after D.O. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around, looking dejected.

"I choose the singer," she said with a grin as she took the Minnie Mouse hat from him and put it on. D.O. blinked, his expression slightly stupefied, before he realized what happened and a wide smile formed on his face.

"It looks like the singer won! Congratulations to the new couple!" Boom exclaimed as he and the audience clapped for D.O. and Hye Ri.

"I thought you only saw me as a friend," Hye Ri said once they were off stage.

"What made you think that?" D.O. asked.

"You only put one spoon of fish sauce in my lettuce wrap," she answered with a pout.

D.O. laughed at her. "It's because you told me you don't like fish sauce that I didn't want to put too much. Otherwise I would have just dumped the whole bowl in."

Hye Ri looked at with adoration, "Aww. Oppa, this might sound weird, but that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked her.

"Anything. What do you want to do?," she asked, holding onto his arm.

"Well, do you mind going on the boat ride again? I want to go on it with you," he asked with his cute puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, D.O. Oppa" Hye Ri answered with a smile.

"By the way, what's with the owl?" he asked, pointing to the stuffed animal that was in her other hand.

"Oh this? Kai won it for me," she answered with a smile.

D.O. instantly made a face. "I don't like it."

Hye Ri giggled at his jealousy. "But I do. It has big eyes that remind me of you."

"Really?" he asked with a grin. "So even when you were with him, you were thinking about me?" he asked with a smirk.

Hye Ri shook her head at him but smiled as the two continued walking towards the lake.

Kai and Se Hun left for their dance class, leaving the five to continue walking around the park, listening to more confessions, and snacking on various foods. Kang San noticed a table selling accessories and pulled Ri Ah over to make her try on some of the hats and sunglasses. Chan Yeol also made a suggestion and soon it became an unofficial competition between him and Kang San to choose items that Ri Ah would pick to try on.

"You'd think Chan Yeol was the same age as Kang San from the way he's acting," Baek Hyun remarked disapprovingly as he shook his head at the scene in front of him.

Su Ho on the other hand watched with a fatherly smile. "But it's cute, don't you think? He feels threatened by a kid."

"Hmm…" Gears were turning in Baek Hyun's head and a devilish smile formed on his face. "Hyung, you just gave me an idea."

Su Ho's forehead crinkled in worry and he worriedly stared at Baek Hyun. "You're scaring me, I don't like that look on your face. What are you planning now?"

"Don't worry Hyung, I know what I'm doing," he answered with a smirk before walking ahead to join Ri Ah, Kang San, and Chan Yeol.

"I really need to make some new friends," Su Ho said with a grim expression. "My stress lately has been off the charts. I think I've lost 10 years of my life in the last month alone." With a heavy sigh, he followed after Baek Hyun and joined the rest of the group.

Author's Note

Writing this chapter was both fun and painful. I giggled when I imagined D.O. singing "Hello" with a Mickey Mouse hat and I swooned at the idea of Kai dancing to "I Need a Girl". But making Kai get rejected…and the fact that this was one of many…it was like a knife through the heart. I'm seriously debating whether I should make Kai (and Se Hun who wasn't really here much) more prominent characters rather than just cameo appearances. Argh, this is so frustrating! Kai! I'm really sorry for making you into a loser :( - 9/1/12 10:11 PM

Okay, rewrote it with a less pathetic ending for Kai since I failed at writing his story arc. Hope this left my readers a little more satisfied. - 9/19/12 12:20 AM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here