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Operation: Melt The Ice Princess


Third Chapter
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Jonghyun's POV

I finally did it. For so long I tried to make you notice me, I finally did it. And when she took my rose, my heart jumped out of my chest and I felt like there were only happy endings in this cruel world. When I grabbed her wrist saying that we should go eat lunch together, she didn't say anything. I guess she was surprised. I took her to the cafeteria smiling like an idiot. Everyone turned their attention to us, almost everyone were smiling, but few of my fangirls looked grumpy. I didn't even care. I just went to the counter with her.

"Oh, annyeong haseyo! What can I get you today?", she asked and turned her attention to the girl behind me and her eyes widened.

"Ah, isn't it Heeyoung? Annyeong my darling, shall I get the usual for you?", she said casually. I guess she knew too how sad and broken she was. Heeyoung nodded with a calm face. She came closer to me.

"Can you get me the dish A too?", I asked and the woman smiled at me nodding. I turned my attention to Heeyoung who gulped. Cute.

"Where do you usually sit?", I asked. Heeyoung looked at me with those beautiful eyes. They weren't so sad as before. I smiled when she pointed the corner-table.

"Ah, okay!", I said and like from a demand our dishes appeared. Heeyoung were opening her wallet.

"Ani, I'm paying!", I told and paid our dishes. Then we took our trays and walked to the corner-table she pointed. Heeyoung sat down and I sat next to her. I took my chopsticks and started eating, when I noticed she weren't. I looked at her, worried.

"Go on, eat!", I said. She lifted her head to me and looked at me.

"Why are you like this?", she asked. Huh?

"Babo! That's because I really really like you!", I told her truthfully.

"This isn't a bet?", she asked. The sadness in her eyes came back.

"Yah! Babo, babo, baaboo~!" I yelled.

"You want to know if this is a bet or not, right?", I asked. Heeyoung nodded gulping.

"Well, I wouldn't do this if this would be a bet", I said and leaned towards her. Quickly I kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes widened and her beautiful hand touched her soft cheek. She blinked a few times. I thought she would yell, but instead she just started eating, puzzled. I smirked to myself and continued to eat too. When the lunch was over I asked what's her next class.

"Singing-practice", she told, more calmed now.

"Aish, I have guitar lessons now, well see you after class! Ah, wait for me in front of your classroom", I told and she nodded. For a second I thought she was smiling, but when I looked at her again, she were back to her cold self. I walked her to her class and she went in as I waved for her. I sighed and went to the class.

Heeyoung's (Your) POV

I stepped inside the class and felt really bothered. My heart started to calm down, but I felt sad seeing him go away. I wondered what were wrong with me. I felt happy too, because I could be myself with him. I sat on a chair next to some girl.

"Annyeong", she said. For the first time in life, someone were nice to me. I looked at her.

"A-annyeong", I said and turned my look quickly away. I saw the girl smiling when she turned her attention back to her friend. Phew! Soon the teacher walked in smiling.

"So, the showcase is coming. This class is all about showing me what you can do. After this class ends, you'll be able to know if you'll be joining to the showcase, or not. So, fighting!", she told and everyone smiled at her. She was the best teacher I knew.

"Ah, let's start from Heeyoung's rap. You're going to rap right?" I nodded and walked in front. Someone played some melody I didn't know, so I started improvising. I rapped and after that I heard everyone clapping.

"Woah, those weren't the real words but still they went to the melody perfectly! You sure have skills", teacher said still clapping. I nodded and walked to my seat.

"You're so going to be in the showcase!", the girl next to me said and smiled at me. I nodded back. What the hell is that guy doing to me?

I waited for him to come, like he told me to do. Soon he came carrying his guitar-case. He smiled at me and I bit my lip.

"Kaja, we have the same class next right? After that I'm going to walk you home.", he told and I smiled. He stopped. I looked at him puzzled.

"Did you just... smile?", he asked like it was once in a lifetime-experience. I took his hand and rolled my eyes.

"Aish, I like your smile", he told when I looked grumpy again.

"Really?", I asked. He nodded. Cute~. What? WHAT DID YOU JUST THINK?! Aish, after chopping my hand I'm going to rip my brains out. Yeah, sounds like a good plan. I took a deep breath and smiled again. His eyes widened and his mouth opened up for a beautiful smile. My heart went thump thump thump and my eyes literally sparkled. I never thought there's this kind of a feeling. I felt safe, like I felt with Roxy.

We walked together to class and sat next to each other. I sighed and looked out of the window when the teacher started talking about the showcase. I knew all those stuff already so I didn't bother to listen. Suddenly Jonghyun's head lowered in front of the window and without thinking I smiled. He looked at you with beautiful eyes and his smile lightened up my world. I wanted to know what was the feeling you felt.

"Heeyoung!" I heard the teacher yell. I woke up from my dreams and lifted my head.

"Daydreaming?", she asked. I looked down. Then the teacher continued with her talk. This time I paid attention. I felt how my leg touched some other guy's leg again and again. I figured out it was Jonghyun, so I you looked at him and he smirked. You're way too cute. And again in my mind I killed my brains. Then class ended.

"Kaja!", Jonghyun said when we finished packing our stuff. I swang my bag to my right shoulder and started walking at the floor. He followed smiling. Suddenly CNBLUE appeared from out of nowhere. I gulped when they smiled at me. Jonghyun took my hand and I shot him a short glare. He didn't notice so I sighed and started walking to the bus-stop. He talked with his friends and they laughed. I wanted to be like that too.

At the bus I sat at the first free seat. He sat next to you. Jonghyun looked at me and started playing with my hair. I didn't care, but secretly I were smiling. Suddenly the bus stopped and I looked at the driver.

"Sorry, we got a flat tire, please wait for a while until I get it changed.", he told and bowed 90 degrees. I sighed and then I noticed how Jonghyun turned to me. I turned to him looking puzzled. He smiled and caressed my cheek.

"I never thought I could do this to you", he said.

"You've been dreaming about this?", I asked rising my another eyebrow. He blushed. I laughed. His eyes were sparkling and his smile was so wide that I thought it hurt. He just stared at me. I turned my stare away and sighed. He took my hand between his owns and looked at them carefully. When he wasn't looking I turned my head a little to the right and smiled. Ok, what the hell?


So what did you think? :3 Sweet, eh?
Sorry for the cursing ... >:D
Please comment ! It would make my nearly ended day :D
saranghae - burninggurll ~ :3


TAEMIN -  Danciing ~~

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Sorry for the lazy updates!! Chapter 9 now posteddd :))


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Chapter 19: Wahhh! I love this fic so much!
This is so sweet!
I wish it will have a sequel~
Chapter 18: lol, i didn't think you were updating this still. O_O

YAYYYY~!!! :D <333

update soon? eh? maybe? OMG HAVE YOU HEARD THE JAPANESE VERSION OF TVXQ'S/DBSK'S MIROTIC?!?!?! i'm going crazy, lol.


amazing story, author-nim!! I will continue to support you!! <333

please update soon author unnie~! <3<3<3
lol, Roxy's cute.:D
defuq? Hyunseung? :/
oooohhh, gee. I hope she doesn't fall for Hyunseung! TT TT

[secretly does...loves duh drama] kekeke~ ;)

UPDATE SOON!!! <3<3<3
Urgh! Why CAN'T Heeyoung just run away with him??? :/
Update soon, please!! <3
cute! ^^
please update soon! Hwaiting~!

i don't want heeyoung to go to Paris! ;A;
update soon!
lol Heeyoung was argueing with herself wether to go in or not? idk I wanna know what happens next!
update very soon please!
OMG! poor Jonghyun! I thought something had happened to Heeyoung.Why didn't she get in??what will happen next? please update soon!! *O*